14 research outputs found

    Study on prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in labour

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    Background: In the developing world Nutritional deficiency anaemia is the commonest finding in pregnant women. Lack of balanced diet, poor socio-economic status, repeated pregnancies and illiteracy are seen associated with Anaemia commonly. Anaemia itself results in maternal morbidities and poor pregnancy outcomes. Neonatal morbidities also have a direct equation with anaemia. It is a study done on pregnant women in labour with the sole objective to estimate the prevalence of anaemia amongst them and associated fetomaternal morbidities.Methods: It is a prospective observational study done on 300 pregnant women presenting in labour from October 2019-Decemebr 2019, in Government Doon Medical College, Dehradun. These women belonged to Dehradun and surrounding hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Their haemoglobin levels (complete blood count) were assessed at the time of admission along with other routine investigations. They were also assessed for associated pre and post-delivery morbidities and mortality.Results: In this study, out of 300 pregnant women presenting in labour from October 2019 to December 2019, in Government Doon Medical College Dehradun, the incidence of anaemia was found to be very high (70%). Severely anaemic patient group was found to have maximum number of fetomaternal complications and blood transfusion requirements.Conclusions: Despite all the maternal welfare programmes being run at National levels, it is being observed that there is a high unacceptable prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women. This increases their morbidity and mortality. It is a huge burden on hospital finances and blood bank for blood transfusions which are preventable. There is need to strengthen our health care system at primary level for pregnant women and teenage girls

    Changing trends of indication of caesarean section

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    Background: Percentage of previous C-section undergoing repeat section is close to 90%-92%, morbidity associated with repeat surgery is bringing an altogether new set of challenges for the upcoming future obstetricians. Object of this study is to highlight high incidence of repeat section required and also growing new indications of C-section due to advanced availability of investigative tools.Methods: Retrospective study of 500 patients who underwent C-section and their indications from April 2019 to July 2019 in Govt Doon Medical college, Dehra Dun.Results: Out of total 500 C-sections carried from April 2019 to July 2019, patients with previous section were found to undergo a repeat C-section in 95% of the cases. Another common indication being oligohydramnios followed by cephalopelvic disproportion and failed induction.Conclusions: After assessing the results it is hereby concluded that the commonest indication of C-section in present time is having a previous C-section, which alarms us to take careful judicious decision in performing primi C-sections in order to prevent patients into entering a vicious cycle of repeat surgeries

    Understanding King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ) in assessment of female urinary incontinence

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    Urinary incontinence has emerged as one of the leading medical problems for the geriatric population worldwide. Women are affected physically, mentally and socially and face embarrassment, depression and isolation. Increased life expectancy further adds to the prevalence of the condition and social, economic and health care burden. Although not sinister by itself, urinary incontinence has a profound impact on a woman’s quality of life and warrants appropriate management. The efficacy of interventional procedures is measured by the caregiver mainly by improvement in urodynamic parameters. However, these gadgets do not assess the individual's satisfaction and feeling of wellbeing following the therapeutic intervention. Several generic QoL tools have been developed in an attempt to quantify these changes. But ironically, generic QoL questionnaires lack precision when applied to subjects with specific disease condition. In the context of female urinary problems, various QoL tools have been designed and investigated. King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), which was formulated as early as 1997 by the group of researchers from King’s College Hospital London still enjoys popularity till today, because of its strong psychometric properties, ease of administration and it adds objectivity to patient’s subjective symptoms. However, the available information about KHQ is somewhat inadequate for the novice research scholar. The following brief essay aims at easy understanding of implementation, documentation, analysis and interpretation of King’s Health Questionnaire in research settings.

    Biodiversity of Woody Species in Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical & Social Sciences, Sultanpur U.P. India

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    A study was conducted to explore the woody species diversity of Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical & Social Sciences (KNIPSS) main campus spreading over approx. 45 acre of land area. Data was derived from extensive field survey. Identification of the woody species was done using local floras and various external resources. A total of 43 woody species belonging to 24 families is represented in study area. The 39 species were represented as angiosperm and 04 species as represented as gymnosperm respectably. Result showed that 17 families consists of only 1 species each, 2 families have 2 species each respectively. Of the total species, available in campus 30 are native and 13 are exotic.  The Apocynaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Moraceae were the dominant families of the woody species on the KNIPSS main campus

    Herbosome an approach to deliver Aegle marmelos extract: Formulation, characterization and stability study

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    Aegle marmelos fruit has tremendous potential to treat the various ailments for instance; diabetes, microbial diseases and many more. Despite, having abundant therapeutic activity poor lipid solubility and gastric instability limits the efficacy of Aegle marmelos extract (AME). With an idea to overcome these hurdles, AME was formulated as Herbosome in this study. The concept of Herbosome is gaining popularity, as it provides a sheet of lipid on the outer part of drug or extract, which helps in the bioavailability enhancement. In the present work, AME was prepared by cold extraction method and percentage yield was found to be 20% w/w. Here, Marmelosin one of the major phytoconstituent in Aegle marmelos, was used as a marker for standardization of the prepared extract. Further, preliminary phytochemical screening and thin layer chromatography (TLC) was carried out. Whereas, quantitative estimation of Marmelosin in AME by High-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) was conducted. In further steps, pre-formulation parameters (effect of several processes and formulation parameters) were studied and Herbosome loaded AME was formulated by conventional technique i.e. thin film method and soyalecithin were used as phospholipids. Several parameters including, percent entrant efficiency (%EE), particle size, polydispersity index (PDI) and zeta-potential were taken into consideration for the evaluation of AME Herbosome. Later on, followed by, In vitro release of optimized formulation was studied and the formulation was able to release up to 92% even after 12 hours. After developing successful AME Herbosome, stability study was performed as per the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines up to the period of a month. Herbosome was found to be stable at room temperature, even between 2-4ÂșC. Henceforth, to confirm the efficacy of optimized formulation, In vitro studies (antidiabetic) are going on in the laboratory. Keywords: Aegle marmelos, Aegle marmelos extract, Herbosome, In vitro release, Marmelosin, Thin film method, soyalecithin, and stability stud

    A Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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    Introduction The diagnosis of rhinosinusitis is based on clinical grounds having characteristic symptoms, combined with objective evidence of mucosal inflammation. We studied the corelation between the symptoms of the patients, clinical and endoscopic findings with CT scan findings in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Materials and Methods Patients above the age of 15yrs fulfilling the criteria of Chronic sinusitis laid by European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps (EPOS) 2012 were prospectively studied. Demographic and clinical profile were noted. Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy was done and findings were recorded. Patients were undergone CT evaluation after giving appropriate medical management. Clinical, endoscopic and radiological findings were compared with similar studies. Data was analysed using IBM SPSS software version 20. Results This study included 118 patients of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Patients commonly male between the age group of 21-30 years presented with nasal obstruction, headache and nasal discharge in order of presentation. Diagnostic Nasal endoscopy revealed Septal deviation in 64.4% and medialize uncinate process in 15.2% of cases. Nasal discharge (48.3%) was commonest finding. CT scan suggested deviated nasal septum (70.4%), concha bullosa (30.5%), blocked osteo-meatal complex (68.6%) in patients of CRS. Presence of Agger Nasi cell (49.2%), Haller cell (12.7%) and Onodi cell (15.7%) seen in these patients. Conclusion CT scan and diagnostic endoscopy along with detailed clinical examination are essential component for assessment of a patient with chronic rhinosinusitis. CT scan is considered as gold standard but endoscopy is also a valuable tool for diagnostic evaluation of patients with CRS

    Role of Probiotics in Health Improvement: Adaptations, Advantages and their Uses

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    The probiotics especially lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are usually found in human mucous layers, dairy items and on some plant surfaces. These are assumed to be a basic part for nourishment generation and welfare conservation for human beings. There is an expanding fervor for these species to uncover the numerous possible medical advantages related with them. The activities of LAB’s are depend on species or strain particular, and rely upon the measure of the number of beneficial microscopic organisms accessible in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics are having beneficial effect on human health therefore, with this paper, probiotics are acknowledged as characteristic way to safeguard nourishment and advance welfare. The paper present to survey the brief and current information regarding probiotics in the safeguarding of nourishments, their role in the gastrointestinal tract, and its medical advantages

    Clarifying the Dominant Role of Crystallinity and Molecular Orientation in Differently Processed Thin Films of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene)

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    Conjugated polymers (CPs) offer the potential for sustainable semiconductor devices due to their low cost and inherent molecular self-assembly. Enhanced crystallinity and molecular orientation in thin films of solution-processable CPs have significantly improved organic electronic device performance. In this work, three methods, namely spin coating, dip coating, and unidirectional floating-film transfer method (UFTM), were utilized with their parametric optimization for fabricating RR-P3HT films. These films were then utilized for their characterization via optical and microstructural analysis to elucidate dominant roles of molecular orientation and crystallinity in controlling charge transport in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). OFETs fabricated by RR-P3HT thin films using spin coating and dip coating displayed field-effect mobility (ÎŒ) of 8.0 × 10−4 cm2V−1s−1 and 1.3 × 10−3 cm2V−1s−1, respectively. This two-time enhancement in ” for dip-coated films was attributed to its enhanced crystallinity. Interestingly, UFTM film-based OFETs demonstrated ÎŒ of 7.0 × 10−2 cm2V−1s−1, >100 times increment as compared to its spin-coated counterpart. This superior device performance is attributed to the synergistic influence of higher crystallinity and molecular orientation. Since the crystallinity of dip-coated and UFTM-thin films are similar, ~50 times improved ” of UFTM thin films, this suggests a dominant role of molecular orientation as compared to crystallinity in controlling the charge transport

    Role and Recent Advancements of Ionic Liquids in Drug Delivery Systems

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    Advancements in the fields of ionic liquids (ILs) broaden its applications not only in traditional use but also in different pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. Ionic liquids “Solutions for Your Success” have received a lot of interest from scientists due to a myriad of applications in the pharmaceutical industry for drug delivery systems as well as targeting different diseases. Solubility is a critical physicochemical property that determines the drug’s fate at the target site. Many promising drug candidates fail in various phases of drug research due to poor solubility. In this context, ionic liquids are regarded as effective drug delivery systems for poorly soluble medicines. ILs are also able to combine different anions/cations with other cations/anions to produce salts that satisfy the concept behind the ILs. The important characteristics of ionic liquids are the modularity of their physicochemical properties depending on the application. The review highlights the recent advancement and further applications of ionic liquids to deliver drugs in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields