7 research outputs found

    Explaining Full-disk Deep Learning Model for Solar Flare Prediction using Attribution Methods

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    This paper contributes to the growing body of research on deep learning methods for solar flare prediction, primarily focusing on highly overlooked near-limb flares and utilizing the attribution methods to provide a post hoc qualitative explanation of the model's predictions. We present a solar flare prediction model, which is trained using hourly full-disk line-of-sight magnetogram images and employs a binary prediction mode to forecast ≥\geqM-class flares that may occur within the following 24-hour period. To address the class imbalance, we employ a fusion of data augmentation and class weighting techniques; and evaluate the overall performance of our model using the true skill statistic (TSS) and Heidke skill score (HSS). Moreover, we applied three attribution methods, namely Guided Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping, Integrated Gradients, and Deep Shapley Additive Explanations, to interpret and cross-validate our model's predictions with the explanations. Our analysis revealed that full-disk prediction of solar flares aligns with characteristics related to active regions (ARs). In particular, the key findings of this study are: (1) our deep learning models achieved an average TSS=0.51 and HSS=0.35, and the results further demonstrate a competent capability to predict near-limb solar flares and (2) the qualitative analysis of the model explanation indicates that our model identifies and uses features associated with ARs in central and near-limb locations from full-disk magnetograms to make corresponding predictions. In other words, our models learn the shape and texture-based characteristics of flaring ARs even at near-limb areas, which is a novel and critical capability with significant implications for operational forecasting.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, Preprint accepted at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) 202

    Unveiling the Potential of Deep Learning Models for Solar Flare Prediction in Near-Limb Regions

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    This study aims to evaluate the performance of deep learning models in predicting ≥\geqM-class solar flares with a prediction window of 24 hours, using hourly sampled full-disk line-of-sight (LoS) magnetogram images, particularly focusing on the often overlooked flare events corresponding to the near-limb regions (beyond ±\pm70∘^{\circ} of the solar disk). We trained three well-known deep learning architectures--AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet34 using transfer learning and compared and evaluated the overall performance of our models using true skill statistics (TSS) and Heidke skill score (HSS) and computed recall scores to understand the prediction sensitivity in central and near-limb regions for both X- and M-class flares. The following points summarize the key findings of our study: (1) The highest overall performance was observed with the AlexNet-based model, which achieved an average TSS∼\sim0.53 and HSS∼\sim0.37; (2) Further, a spatial analysis of recall scores disclosed that for the near-limb events, the VGG16- and ResNet34-based models exhibited superior prediction sensitivity. The best results, however, were seen with the ResNet34-based model for the near-limb flares, where the average recall was approximately 0.59 (the recall for X- and M-class was 0.81 and 0.56 respectively) and (3) Our research findings demonstrate that our models are capable of discerning complex spatial patterns from full-disk magnetograms and exhibit skill in predicting solar flares, even in the vicinity of near-limb regions. This ability holds substantial importance for operational flare forecasting systems.Comment: This is a preprint accepted at the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2023. 7 Pages, 6 Figure

    Towards Interpretable Solar Flare Prediction with Attention-based Deep Neural Networks

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    Solar flare prediction is a central problem in space weather forecasting and recent developments in machine learning and deep learning accelerated the adoption of complex models for data-driven solar flare forecasting. In this work, we developed an attention-based deep learning model as an improvement over the standard convolutional neural network (CNN) pipeline to perform full-disk binary flare predictions for the occurrence of ≥\geqM1.0-class flares within the next 24 hours. For this task, we collected compressed images created from full-disk line-of-sight (LoS) magnetograms. We used data-augmented oversampling to address the class imbalance issue and used true skill statistic (TSS) and Heidke skill score (HSS) as the evaluation metrics. Furthermore, we interpreted our model by overlaying attention maps on input magnetograms and visualized the important regions focused on by the model that led to the eventual decision. The significant findings of this study are: (i) We successfully implemented an attention-based full-disk flare predictor ready for operational forecasting where the candidate model achieves an average TSS=0.54±\pm0.03 and HSS=0.37±\pm0.07. (ii) we demonstrated that our full-disk model can learn conspicuous features corresponding to active regions from full-disk magnetogram images, and (iii) our experimental evaluation suggests that our model can predict near-limb flares with adept skill and the predictions are based on relevant active regions (ARs) or AR characteristics from full-disk magnetograms.Comment: This is a preprint accepted at the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE), 2023. 8 pages, 6 figure

    Explainable Deep Learning-based Solar Flare Prediction with post hoc Attention for Operational Forecasting

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    This paper presents a post hoc analysis of a deep learning-based full-disk solar flare prediction model. We used hourly full-disk line-of-sight magnetogram images and selected binary prediction mode to predict the occurrence of ≥\geqM1.0-class flares within 24 hours. We leveraged custom data augmentation and sample weighting to counter the inherent class-imbalance problem and used true skill statistic and Heidke skill score as evaluation metrics. Recent advancements in gradient-based attention methods allow us to interpret models by sending gradient signals to assign the burden of the decision on the input features. We interpret our model using three post hoc attention methods: (i) Guided Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping, (ii) Deep Shapley Additive Explanations, and (iii) Integrated Gradients. Our analysis shows that full-disk predictions of solar flares align with characteristics related to the active regions. The key findings of this study are: (1) We demonstrate that our full disk model can tangibly locate and predict near-limb solar flares, which is a critical feature for operational flare forecasting, (2) Our candidate model achieves an average TSS=0.51±\pm0.05 and HSS=0.38±\pm0.08, and (3) Our evaluation suggests that these models can learn conspicuous features corresponding to active regions from full-disk magnetograms.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. This is a preprint accepted at the 26th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2023). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.1587

    Towards Coupling Full-disk and Active Region-based Flare Prediction for Operational Space Weather Forecasting

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    Solar flare prediction is a central problem in space weather forecasting and has captivated the attention of a wide spectrum of researchers due to recent advances in both remote sensing as well as machine learning and deep learning approaches. The experimental findings based on both machine and deep learning models reveal significant performance improvements for task specific datasets. Along with building models, the practice of deploying such models to production environments under operational settings is a more complex and often time-consuming process which is often not addressed directly in research settings. We present a set of new heuristic approaches to train and deploy an operational solar flare prediction system for ≥\geqM1.0-class flares with two prediction modes: full-disk and active region-based. In full-disk mode, predictions are performed on full-disk line-of-sight magnetograms using deep learning models whereas in active region-based models, predictions are issued for each active region individually using multivariate time series data instances. The outputs from individual active region forecasts and full-disk predictors are combined to a final full-disk prediction result with a meta-model. We utilized an equal weighted average ensemble of two base learners' flare probabilities as our baseline meta learner and improved the capabilities of our two base learners by training a logistic regression model. The major findings of this study are: (i) We successfully coupled two heterogeneous flare prediction models trained with different datasets and model architecture to predict a full-disk flare probability for next 24 hours, (ii) Our proposed ensembling model, i.e., logistic regression, improves on the predictive performance of two base learners and the baseline meta learner measured in terms of two widely used metrics True Skill Statistic (TSS) and Heidke Skill core (HSS), and (iii) Our result analysis suggests that the logistic regression-based ensemble (Meta-FP) improves on the full-disk model (base learner) by ∼9%\sim9\% in terms TSS and ∼10%\sim10\% in terms of HSS. Similarly, it improves on the AR-based model (base learner) by ∼17%\sim17\% and ∼20%\sim20\% in terms of TSS and HSS respectively. Finally, when compared to the baseline meta model, it improves on TSS by ∼10%\sim10\% and HSS by ∼15%\sim15\%

    Review of solar energetic particle models

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    Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events are interesting from a scientific perspective as they are the product of a broad set of physical processes from the corona out through the extent of the heliosphere, and provide insight into processes of particle acceleration and transport that are widely applicable in astrophysics. From the operations perspective, SEP events pose a radiation hazard for aviation, electronics in space, and human space exploration, in particular for missions outside of the Earth’s protective magnetosphere including to the Moon and Mars. Thus, it is critical to improve the scientific understanding of SEP events and use this understanding to develop and improve SEP forecasting capabilities to support operations. Many SEP models exist or are in development using a wide variety of approaches and with differing goals. These include computationally intensive physics-based models, fast and light empirical models, machine learning-based models, and mixed-model approaches. The aim of this paper is to summarize all of the SEP models currently developed in the scientific community, including a description of model approach, inputs and outputs, free parameters, and any published validations or comparisons with data.</p

    Review of Solar Energetic Particle Models

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    Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) events are interesting from a scientific perspective as they are the product of a broad set of physical processes from the corona out through the extent of the heliosphere, and provide insight into processes of particle acceleration and transport that are widely applicable in astrophysics. From the operations perspective, SEP events pose a radiation hazard for aviation, electronics in space, and human space exploration, in particular for missions outside of the Earth’s protective magnetosphere including to the Moon and Mars. Thus, it is critical to imific understanding of SEP events and use this understanding to develop and improve SEP forecasting capabilities to support operations. Many SEP models exist or are in development using a wide variety of approaches and with differing goals. These include computationally intensive physics-based models, fast and light empirical models, machine learning-based models, and mixed-model approaches. The aim of this paper is to summarize all of the SEP models currently developed in the scientific community, including a description of model approach, inputs and outputs, free parameters, and any published validations or comparisons with data