33 research outputs found


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    This work reveals the essence of urban agglomeration as one of the forms of territorial organization of settlements. Urban agglomerations are characterized by such properties as the integrity of markets (labor, real estate, land). Creation of agglomeration should meet the conditions of optimal resource supply of life of the population. This requires the establishment of a clear regulatory system based on the program-target approach and the socio-economic concept of agglomeration development. Such a tool is a strategy for socio-economic development. The article also analyzes the prospects of the Odessa agglomeration (Ukraine) in the context of strategic guidelines

    Suburbanisation as a factor in increasing life expectancy

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    The range of various options for the development of the suburban territory in the area of agglomeration is extremely wide. It covers both traditional forms of inclusion of suburban space in the city’s sphere of life, as well as new ways of interaction between the city and the suburbs. In this paper, we consider a specific form of spatial organisation — suburbia and its impact on the quality of life and, as a result, on the life expectancy of the population.The purpose of the article is to study the modem process of suburbanisation, as a phenomenon and its impact on increasing the life expectancy of the population, analyse the conceptual apparatus in the concept of lifestyle, and consider a complex of problematic issues of the urban environment that pose a risk to public health. We research the positive and negative effects of suburbanisation and identify the main factors influencing the suburbanisation process.To solve the problems, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematisation, comparison, rating.It is shown that the management of the processes of the formation of human habitat is now the most important, and perhaps the main task, without the solution of which it is impossible to effectively ensure optimal conditions for a person.The range of various options for the development of the suburban territory in the area of agglomeration is extremely wide. It covers both traditional forms of inclusion of suburban space in the city’s sphere of life, as well as new ways of interaction between the city and the suburbs. In this paper, we consider a specific form of spatial organisation — suburbia and its impact on the quality of life and, as a result, on the life expectancy of the population.The purpose of the article is to study the modem process of suburbanisation, as a phenomenon and its impact on increasing the life expectancy of the population, analyse the conceptual apparatus in the concept of lifestyle, and consider a complex of problematic issues of the urban environment that pose a risk to public health. We research the positive and negative effects of suburbanisation and identify the main factors influencing the suburbanisation process.To solve the problems, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematisation, comparison, rating.It is shown that the management of the processes of the formation of human habitat is now the most important, and perhaps the main task, without the solution of which it is impossible to effectively ensure optimal conditions for a person

    Projecting the Spatial and Socio-Economic Development of Large City

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    The article proves that managerial impact in the form of socio-economic projecting in the best way suits the task of integrated solutions to the problems of socio-economic development of a large city in the situation where it is supported by implementing differentiation of urban areas by the preparedness of city people to innovation in the social sphere, carried out by municipal administration. For social projecting in terms of a large city, distances within the level of well-being of social groups should be linked to the division of city on a territorial basis (into urban areas). It is displayed that socio-economic development of a large city can be achieved with a combination of programtarget approach to developing a strategy for such development together with the principles and technologies for socio-economic projecting. Optimization of administrative activity, based on the projecting socio-economic development of city, leads to a gradual increase in the volume and quality of social participation of city people in the implementation of city-wide strategic development programs

    pandas-dev/pandas: Pandas

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    Pandas is a powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics.If you use this software, please cite it as below

    Using digital tools in the context of female dominance in the real estate market

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    For society, women’s work is an important reserve necessary for the effective development of production. Negative trends related to female employment have a detrimental effect on the country’s demographic situation, as well as on social relations. Statistics show that it is women who experience the most problems in terms of career growth and professional development. The volume of job offers for women is characterized by a much narrower professional range, and the average salary level is lower. In addition, a woman’s chances of losing her job are always higher than those of men. However, the digital economy provides new employment opportunities for women. Working in real estate combined with digital tools increases female employment and equalizes income levels between men and women. The purpose of the article is to study the state of use of digital tools in the field of real estate, as an important component of increasing the efficiency of the work of real estate agency personnel.For society, women’s work is an important reserve necessary for the effective development of production. Negative trends related to female employment have a detrimental effect on the country’s demographic situation, as well as on social relations. Statistics show that it is women who experience the most problems in terms of career growth and professional development. The volume of job offers for women is characterized by a much narrower professional range, and the average salary level is lower. In addition, a woman’s chances of losing her job are always higher than those of men. However, the digital economy provides new employment opportunities for women. Working in real estate combined with digital tools increases female employment and equalizes income levels between men and women. The purpose of the article is to study the state of use of digital tools in the field of real estate, as an important component of increasing the efficiency of the work of real estate agency personnel

    Python Battery Mathematical Modelling (PyBaMM)

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    Andromeda and the Milky Way: Twin sisters, distant relations, or strangers in the night?

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    I summarize some recent key results from the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS), in particular showing how recent discoveries in and around M31 compare to the known structure of the Milky Way and its satellite population

    Features of urban agglomerations formation in the system of the Black Sea region

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    Research background: The structure of the urban agglomeration is quite dynamic and requires comprehensive consideration and research. Despite the initial stage - formation, urban agglomerations in the system of the Black Sea region have the characteristics of developed systems. The paper evaluates the starting position of urban agglomerations of the Black Sea region, based on the coefficient of development, coefficient and index of agglomeration. Emphasis is placed on the consideration of urban agglomerations in the context of the recreational component. The vector of development changes from the central areas to the suburban area with the active transformation of the spatial structure. A system of integrated territorial development of urban agglomerations is needed, taking into account their specific spatial components. Purpose of the article: Research of modern processes that form urban agglomerations. Study of positive and negative effects of agglomeration. Identification of the main factors influencing the agglomeration process of the Black Sea region. Methods: The following methods were used to solve the problems: analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, rating. Findings & Value added: Development of urban agglomerations of the Black Sea region is planning and coordination of further sustainable development of agglomeration space, including development of plan for construction, planning and coordination of infrastructure construction, search for funding sources. This will intensified investment, give impetus to the development infrastructure, economic environment and recreational component