29 research outputs found

    Zagreb - Koncert i predstavljanje nosača zvuka "O, mila Majko Nebeska"

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    TesisEl presente trabajo de investigación cuantitativa, tuvo por objetivo general: identificar la relación que existe entre las actitudes y estado emocional que tienen los docentes frente a la evaluación de ingreso al primer nivel de la carrera pública magisterial de la provincia de Satipo. El método empleado fue el científico, el específico el descriptivo, porque pretende describir tal y como son las dos variables de investigación y conocer la relación que existe entre estas en un contexto particular. Para medir la variable X, actitudes frente a la evaluación de ingreso al primer nivel de la carrera pública magisterial, se elaboró y se aplicó la técnica de encuesta, cuyo instrumento fue un cuestionario dicotómico. Para medir la variable Y, estado emocional se contextualizo el inventario de BAR-ON ICE a 25 ítems, se aplicó, para medir el estado emocional de los docentes calidad contratados. Se hizo la prueba de hipótesis y se arribó al siguiente resultado: al 95% de confianza, se acepta que existe relación significativa entre el nivel de la actitud y el nivel del estado emocional de los docentes frente a la evaluación de ingreso a la carrera pública magisterial de la provincia de Satipo; lo que verifica la hipótesis general de investigación. Finalmente las actitudes y el estado emocional de los docentes frente a la evaluación de ingreso al primer nivel de la carrera pública magisterial son buenas


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    Most climate models anticipate a surface air temperature rise of several degrees Celsius during the next century supposing carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere is going to double. As a consequence of the Earth\u27s surface warming, a sea level rise of several tens of centimeters can be expected in the same period. These changes will not have the same intensity during the whole year, they will depend on the season and the different parts of the world. In this paper, the influence of these changes on the islands of Cres and Lošinj is considered. A higher increase in annual temperature could be expected (up to 5°C) at the end of the 21th century. A significant change in annual precipitation is not very probable. However, a decrease in precipitation during summer and autumn and an increase during winter and spring has been established. A change in other climatic elements can also be expected


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    U radu se razmatra manjak vode u tlu za područje Zagreba za obradiva tla (tipa: aluvij i semiglej) te za najčešće uzgajane poljoprivredne kulture (silažni kukuruz, kupus, paprika, salata, rajčica, kukuruz, jabuka itd.). Pogodnost tala je određena FAO metodom. Klimatološke karakteristike područja s aspekta navodnjavanja određene su uporabom 20-godišnjih nizova meteoroloških podataka i pedoloških podataka te indeksa faza razvoja biljaka. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) izračunata je prema metodi Penman-Montheitha. Efektivne oborine izračunate su metodom USBR iz vrijednosti srednjih mjesečnih prosječnih oborina kao i iz količine mjesečnih oborina koje su razgraničene donjim kvartilom. Bilanca vode u tlu za svaku kulturu izračunata je prema metodi Palmera. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su potrebe kultura za vodom različite, a ukupni nedostatak vode ovisi o količini i sezonskom rasporedu oborina i hidropedološkim značajkama tala. Za svaku kulturu izračunat je manjak vode za višegodišnji prosjek oborina i za sušne mjesece, koji su razgraničeni donjim kvartilom količine oborine. Može se zaključiti da je navodnjavanje potrebna mjera u uzgoju navedenih kultura na navedenim tipovima tala na području Zagreba.The paper deals with water a deficit in arable soils of the Zagreb region (types: calacaric fluvisol and semigley) and for the most common agricultural crops grown (silage maize, cabbage, bell pepper, lettuce, tomato, maize, apple, etc.). Soil suitability was assessed by the FAO method. Climatological characteristics of the region, from the aspect of irrigation, were assessed using 20-year series of meteorological and pedological data, and indices of plant development stages. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method. Effective precipitation was calculated by the USBR method from the values of mean monthly average precipitation as well as from the amounts of monthly precipitation, separated by the lower quartile. Palmer’s method was used to calculate soil water balance for each crop. The results show that different crops have different water requirements, the total water deficit depending on the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation and on the soil hydropedological characteristics. The water deficit was calculated for each crop with respect to the long-term precipitation average as well as for droughty months, separated by the lower quartile of the precipitation amount. It is concluded that irrigation is a necessary measure for the production of the studied crops on the said soil types in the Zagreb region

    From Brussels to Belgrade: Challenges in Conducting Research and Constructing Explanations of the Collapse of Yugoslavia

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    While acknowledging that it is important to examine events within their appropriate context, this article is interested in the capacity of qualitative research methods to assist us so that we can get a more accurate picture of European Community involvement in the Yugoslav federation and the decisions that terminated its existence. More precisely, the article is concerned with the extent to which archival collections and interviews with state as well as nonstate actors can shape our ideas and consequent explanations of the Yugoslav state crisis. In addition, the last section elaborates on a number of challenges one may encounter while being on such a demanding research journey. As suggested by the concluding remarks, new interpretations, apart from managing to satisfy the researcher’s own ambition to complement the existing scholarship, should also serve to encourage fresh questions and answers

    Large-scale unit commitment under uncertainty: an updated literature survey

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    The Unit Commitment problem in energy management aims at finding the optimal production schedule of a set of generation units, while meeting various system-wide constraints. It has always been a large-scale, non-convex, difficult problem, especially in view of the fact that, due to operational requirements, it has to be solved in an unreasonably small time for its size. Recently, growing renewable energy shares have strongly increased the level of uncertainty in the system, making the (ideal) Unit Commitment model a large-scale, non-convex and uncertain (stochastic, robust, chance-constrained) program. We provide a survey of the literature on methods for the Uncertain Unit Commitment problem, in all its variants. We start with a review of the main contributions on solution methods for the deterministic versions of the problem, focussing on those based on mathematical programming techniques that are more relevant for the uncertain versions of the problem. We then present and categorize the approaches to the latter, while providing entry points to the relevant literature on optimization under uncertainty. This is an updated version of the paper "Large-scale Unit Commitment under uncertainty: a literature survey" that appeared in 4OR 13(2), 115--171 (2015); this version has over 170 more citations, most of which appeared in the last three years, proving how fast the literature on uncertain Unit Commitment evolves, and therefore the interest in this subject


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    U radu se razmatra manjak vode u tlu za područje Zagreba za obradiva tla (tipa: aluvij i semiglej) te za najčešće uzgajane poljoprivredne kulture (silažni kukuruz, kupus, paprika, salata, rajčica, kukuruz, jabuka itd.). Pogodnost tala je određena FAO metodom. Klimatološke karakteristike područja s aspekta navodnjavanja određene su uporabom 20-godišnjih nizova meteoroloških podataka i pedoloških podataka te indeksa faza razvoja biljaka. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) izračunata je prema metodi Penman-Montheitha. Efektivne oborine izračunate su metodom USBR iz vrijednosti srednjih mjesečnih prosječnih oborina kao i iz količine mjesečnih oborina koje su razgraničene donjim kvartilom. Bilanca vode u tlu za svaku kulturu izračunata je prema metodi Palmera. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su potrebe kultura za vodom različite, a ukupni nedostatak vode ovisi o količini i sezonskom rasporedu oborina i hidropedološkim značajkama tala. Za svaku kulturu izračunat je manjak vode za višegodišnji prosjek oborina i za sušne mjesece, koji su razgraničeni donjim kvartilom količine oborine. Može se zaključiti da je navodnjavanje potrebna mjera u uzgoju navedenih kultura na navedenim tipovima tala na području Zagreba.The paper deals with water a deficit in arable soils of the Zagreb region (types: calacaric fluvisol and semigley) and for the most common agricultural crops grown (silage maize, cabbage, bell pepper, lettuce, tomato, maize, apple, etc.). Soil suitability was assessed by the FAO method. Climatological characteristics of the region, from the aspect of irrigation, were assessed using 20-year series of meteorological and pedological data, and indices of plant development stages. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method. Effective precipitation was calculated by the USBR method from the values of mean monthly average precipitation as well as from the amounts of monthly precipitation, separated by the lower quartile. Palmer’s method was used to calculate soil water balance for each crop. The results show that different crops have different water requirements, the total water deficit depending on the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation and on the soil hydropedological characteristics. The water deficit was calculated for each crop with respect to the long-term precipitation average as well as for droughty months, separated by the lower quartile of the precipitation amount. It is concluded that irrigation is a necessary measure for the production of the studied crops on the said soil types in the Zagreb region


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    Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging is usually acquired by satellite and aircraft platforms. Recently, miniaturized hyperspectral 2D frame cameras have showed great potential to precise agriculture estimations and they are feasible to combine with lightweight platforms, such as drones. Drone platform is a flexible tool for remote sensing applications with environment and agriculture. The assessment and comparison of different platforms such as satellite, aircraft and drones with different sensors, such as hyperspectral and RGB cameras is an important task in order to understand the potential of the data provided by these equipment and to select the most appropriate according to the user applications and requirements. In this context, open and permanent test fields are very significant and helpful experimental environment, since they provide a comparative data for different platforms, sensors and users, allowing multi-temporal analyses as well. Objective of this work was to investigate the feasibility of an open permanent test field in context of precision agriculture. Satellite (Sentinel-2), aircraft and drones with hyperspectral and RGB cameras were assessed in this study to estimate biomass, using linear regression models and in-situ samples. Spectral data and 3D information were used and compared in different combinations to investigate the quality of the models. The biomass estimation accuracies using linear regression models were better than 90 % for the drone based datasets. The results showed that the use of spectral and 3D features together improved the estimation model. However, estimation of nitrogen content was less accurate with the evaluated remote sensing sensors. The open and permanent test field showed to be suitable to provide an accurate and reliable reference data for the commercial users and farmers