12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the resistance of medicago breeding samples to the action of abiotic stressors at the early stages of ontogenesis

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    New knowledge was obtained about the relationship between the parameters of photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration in alfalfa varieties of various ecological and geographical origin at the early stages of ontogenesis, depending on the intensity of abiotic stressors: salinity conditions (0.3 M NaCl) and various intensity of photosynthetically active radiation (from 0 to 1500 mol*m−2 s−1). Purpose of the work: assessment of the potential resistance of alfalfa varieties and breeding samples to abiotic stressors for breeding for adaptability. To determine the parameters of gas exchange of cotyledon leaves of alfalfa varieties, a portable system for measuring plant gas exchange LI-6800, LI-COR, USA was used. The results of a two-way ANOVA analysis of the influence of the salinity factor and illumination conditions on the resulting signs of gas exchange parameters showed that the proportion of the influence of the genotype of breeding samples on the studied effective signs associated with the operation of the photosynthetic apparatus (the intensity of CO2 assimilation and the intercellular concentration of CO2) ranged from 7.25 to 21.35%; associated with water exchange parameters (transpiration and stomatal conductivity for H2O) varied from 18.80 to 19.84%. Selected breeding samples of alfalfa with high resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus to abiotic stressors


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    The paper considers the implementation of the principle of assistance of the parties in the termination of obligations and after their termination. It is concluded that the legal imperatives of the principle of assistance are used in the implementation of any grounds for termination of obligations. In cases provided for by law or agreement of the parties, the principle of assistance in business relations applies not only upon termination of the obligation, but also after the termination of the binding relationship between the parties.В работе рассмотрена реализация принципа содействия сторон при прекращении обязательств и после их прекращения. Делается вывод о том, что юридические императивы принципа содействия используются при реализации любых оснований прекращения обязательств. В случаях, предусмотренных законом или соглашением сторон, принцип содействия в предпринимательских отношениях применяется не только при прекращении обязательства, но и после прекращения обязательственно-правовой связи между сторонами


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    The paper considers the implementation of the principle of assistance of the parties in the termination of obligations and after their termination. It is concluded that the legal imperatives of the principle of assistance are used in the implementation of any grounds for termination of obligations. In cases provided for by law or agreement of the parties, the principle of assistance in business relations applies not only upon termination of the obligation, but also after the termination of the binding relationship between the parties.В работе рассмотрена реализация принципа содействия сторон при прекращении обязательств и после их прекращения. Делается вывод о том, что юридические императивы принципа содействия используются при реализации любых оснований прекращения обязательств. В случаях, предусмотренных законом или соглашением сторон, принцип содействия в предпринимательских отношениях применяется не только при прекращении обязательства, но и после прекращения обязательственно-правовой связи между сторонами

    Evaluation of the resistance of medicago breeding samples to the action of abiotic stressors at the early stages of ontogenesis

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    New knowledge was obtained about the relationship between the parameters of photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration in alfalfa varieties of various ecological and geographical origin at the early stages of ontogenesis, depending on the intensity of abiotic stressors: salinity conditions (0.3 M NaCl) and various intensity of photosynthetically active radiation (from 0 to 1500 mol*m−2 s−1). Purpose of the work: assessment of the potential resistance of alfalfa varieties and breeding samples to abiotic stressors for breeding for adaptability. To determine the parameters of gas exchange of cotyledon leaves of alfalfa varieties, a portable system for measuring plant gas exchange LI-6800, LI-COR, USA was used. The results of a two-way ANOVA analysis of the influence of the salinity factor and illumination conditions on the resulting signs of gas exchange parameters showed that the proportion of the influence of the genotype of breeding samples on the studied effective signs associated with the operation of the photosynthetic apparatus (the intensity of CO2 assimilation and the intercellular concentration of CO2) ranged from 7.25 to 21.35%; associated with water exchange parameters (transpiration and stomatal conductivity for H2O) varied from 18.80 to 19.84%. Selected breeding samples of alfalfa with high resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus to abiotic stressors

    The methods of insulating action of interior troops and their classification

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    Розглядаються способи ізоляційних дій підрозділів внутрішніх військ в ході виконання службовобойових завдань та проводиться їх класифікація.Рассматриваются способы изоляционных действий подразделений внутренних войск в ходе выполнения служебнобоевых задач и проводится их классификация.The methods of insulating action units of Interior Troops in the course of service and combat missions, and conducted their classification.