1,887 research outputs found

    Feature Based Multi View Image Registration by Detecting the Feature with Fuzzy Logic for Corner Detection

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    This paper aim to Present accurate feature base registration by detecting the feature with Fuzzy logic for corner detection. Image registration is process used to match two or more partially overlapping image taken for example at different times ,from different sensors, or from different viewpoints and stitch these image into one panoramic image comprising whole scene. It is a fundamental image processing technique very useful in integrating information from different sensors, finding changes in image taken at different time, inferring three-dimensional information from stereo images and recognizing model-based objects. The paper presents a corner detection algorithm for feature detection which employs such fuzzy reasoning. The robustness of the proposed algorithm is compared to well-known conventional Harris corner detectors and its performance is also tested over a noise image. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150616

    Reduction of cogging torque of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor by magnet shifting technique

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      Introduction. In spite of many advantages of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motors it suffers from the distinct disadvantage of high cogging torque. The designer must emphasize to reduce the cogging torque during the design stage. This paper introduces magnet shifting technique to mitigate cogging torque of surface mounted radial flux brushless DC motor. Methodology. Initially 200 W, 1000 rpm surface mounted radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor is designed with symmetrical placement of permanent magnets with respect to each other on rotor core. Cogging torque profile of this initial motor is obtained by performing finite element modelling and analysis. Originality. This design has been improved by shifting the position of permanent magnets with respect to adjacent permanent magnets. The effect of magnet shifting on cogging torque has been analyzed by performing finite element analysis. Results. It has been examined that the peak to peak cogging torque is decreased from 1.1 N×m to 0.6 N×m with shifting of permanent magnets respectively.Вступ. Незважаючи на багато переваг безщіткових двигунів постійного струму з радіальним магнітним потоком, вони мають явний недолік, що полягає у високому крутному моменті зубчатої передачі. Проектувальник повинен зосередитись на зниженні крутного моменту зубчатої передачі на етапі проектування. У цій статті представлена методика зсуву магніту для зменшення крутного моменту зубчатої передачі безщіткового двигуна постійного струму з радіальним потоком, встановленого на поверхні. Методологія. Спочатку безщітковий двигун постійного струму з радіальним магнітним потоком потужністю 200 Вт, 1000 об/хв спроектований із симетричним розміщенням постійних магнітів відносно один одного на сердечнику ротора. Розподіл крутного моменту зубчатої передачі цього початкового двигуна отриманий шляхом аналізу методом скінчених елементів (МСЕ). Оригінальність. Ця конструкція була вдосконалена за рахунок зсуву положення постійних магнітів по відношенню до сусідніх постійних магнітів. Вплив зсуву магніту на крутний момент зубчатої передачі було проаналізовано за допомогою аналізу МСЕ. Результати. Досліджено, що піковий крутний  момент зубчатої передачі зменшився з 1,1 Н×м до 0,6 Н×м, відповідно, при зсуві постійних магнітів

    Human Rights Judges as Individuals

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    International courts have been industrious over the past couple of decades. International courts such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (ICC) have become the hot spot for settling jurisdiction of many sorts across borders. Regional human rights courts in Europe, Latin America, and Africa have sought to protect the rights of individuals against government intrusion. As individuals and states increasingly turn to the international judicial system, the risk of “tribunal fatigue” emerges (Alford 2000 p. 160). This has led to “backlash” against these legal bodies and state exit, resulting in growing scholarly attention (Madsen et al. 2018; Voeten 2019) . This research explains the role, agenda, and framework of international courts as unitary entities, but an understanding of international judges with separate individual behaviors and voices has been overlooked.This research was supported by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).Panchal, Shailja T. (2021). Human Rights Judges as Individuals. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/223247

    Proceedings from the OMS Resurgence Conference for resuming clinical practice after COVID-19 in the USA

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has altered and reshaped the delivery of oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) over the past few months. As the USA gradually lifts restrictions and re-opens, surgeons must adjust accordingly. Therefore, the OMS Resurgence Conference: Safely Resuming Practice with a New Normal was organized for 11 May 2020 to gather and disseminate expert opinions and recommendations for OMSs to thoughtfully resume work with efficiency and safety. This manuscript offers a summary of the highlights from the conference discussion. © 202


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    Main protease (Mpro) and Spike (S) proteins are said potential drug targets of COVID-19. Pneumonia like respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 is spreading rapidly due to its replication and transmission rate. Protease is the protein that is involved in both replication and transcription. Since CoV-2 shares, genomic similarity with CoV and MERS-CoV, drugs from previous outbreaks are used as primary treatment of the disease. In-silico drug development strategies are said to be faster and effective than in-vitro with a lesser amount of risk factors. Fragment Based Drug Designing (FBDD), also known as rational drug design in which a potential target protein is selected and docked with a lead-like molecule that eventually leads to drug development. Nine (9) drugs that are currently being used to treat patients of coronavirus were selected in this study from the latest literature review and fragmented as per rules followed by crosslinking of drug fragments using editor tools. These native drugs and synthesized drugs were then docked against the main protease. Results of the study revealed that one of the crosslinked lead-like compounds showed a higher binding affinity (∆G) more than any of the native compounds. Further, the results of this study suggested that the combination of potential drugs can be an effective way to develop new drugs to treat a deadly disease

    Proceedings of the OMS COVID-19 Response Conference

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the world in unprecedented ways. It is clear that this pandemic, unlike any public health challenge in recent memory, has the potential to fundamentally alter the delivery of many healthcare services, including the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery. In response to this global health crisis, the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) COVID-19 Response Conference was held virtually on April 9, 2020, organized by oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMSs) and administrators from multiple institutions to provide a forum for OMSs to discuss how COVID-19 has affected the specialty. As evidence-based information on COVID-19 continues to emerge, the present report serves as a method to disseminate the current opinions and management strategies from a variety of experts in OMS. © 202

    Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens Using Nanozyme Technology

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    The recurrent outbreak of E. coli necessitates the need of rapid and sensitive technology to detect bacteria in the food samples. E. coli O157:H7 is infectious at very low CFU counts (10-100 viable cells). Herein, we report a unique combination of magnetic and plasmonic properties in a single nanoplatform, which have superior peroxidase-like activity. This new nanosensor platform, magneto-plasmonic nanosensor (MPnS), is composed of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) and gold nanoparticles (GNPs) and stabilized with polyacrylic acid polymer, providing surface -COOH functional groups. By using EDC/NHS bioconjugation chemistry, the surface of MPnS is decorated with E. coli O157:H7-specific antibodies. We compared the catalytic activities of MPnS with that of GNPs, IONPs and traditional HRP and calculated Michaelis-Menten kinetics, which showed highest catalytic activity for MPnS. The ELISA-like experiments were performed using MPnS to detect E. coli within 30 min with higher sensitivity. We extended this detection study using milk and spinach samples. Various spectrophotometric and colorimetric experimental results in the specific detection of E. coli will be detailed in this presentation

    Optimization of cogging torque in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor using optimum magnet v-angle

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    Introduction. At present, the most important requirement in the field of electrical engineering is the better utilization of electrical power, due to its increasing demand and not-so-increasing availability. A permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is increasingly gaining popularity in various household and industrial applications because of its superior performance compared to conventional electrical motors. Purpose. PMSM is designed based on the selection of various design variables and optimized to fulfill the same. Being superiorly advantageous over other motors, PMSM has the major disadvantage of higher cogging torque. Higher cogging torque generates torque ripple in the PMSM motor leading to various problems like vibration, rotor stress, and noisy operation during starting and steady state. The designer should aim to reduce the cogging torque at the design stage itself for overall better performance. Methods. An interior rotor v-shaped web-type PMSM is designed and its performance analysis is carried out using finite element analysis (FEA). Magnet v-angle is optimized with the objective of cogging torque reduction. Performance comparison is carried out between the optimized motor and the initially designed motor with FEA. Novelty. Magnet v-angle analysis is performed on the same keeping all other parameters constant, to obtain minimum cogging torque. The proposed method is practically viable as it does not incur extra costs and manufacturing complexity. Practical value. It is observed that the magnet v-angle is an effective technique in the reduction of cogging torque. Cogging torque is reduced from 0.554 N×m to 0.452 N×m with the application of the magnet v-angle optimization technique.Вступ. В даний час найважливішою вимогою в галузі електротехніки є найкраще використання електроенергії через зростаючу потребу в ній і не настільки зростаючу доступність. Синхронний двигун з постійними магнітами (СДПМ) набуває все більшої популярності в різних побутових та промислових застосуваннях завдяки своїм чудовим характеристикам у порівнянні зі звичайними електродвигунами. Мета. СДПМ, спроєктований на основі вибору різних конструктивних змінних та оптимізований для їх виконання. Будучи чудовим у порівнянні з іншими двигунами, СДПМ має головний недолік: вищий крутний момент. Вищий крутний момент викликає пульсації крутного моменту в двигуні з постійними магнітами, що призводить до різних проблем, таких як вібрація, напруга ротора і шумна робота під час запуску і режиму. Проєктувальник повинен прагнути зменшити крутний момент зубчастого колеса на стадії проєктування для підвищення загальної продуктивності. Методи. Розроблено СДПМ з внутрішнім ротором v-подібної форми та стрижневого типу, та аналіз його характеристик виконаний з використанням аналізу методом скінченних елементів (FEA). Кут v-подібного магніту оптимізовано з метою зниження зубчастого моменту. Порівняння продуктивності здійснюється між оптимізованим двигуном та двигуном, спочатку спроєктованим за допомогою FEA. Новизна. Аналіз кута v-подібного магніту виконується таким же чином, зберігаючи решту всіх параметрів постійними, щоб отримати мінімальний зубчастий крутний момент. Запропонований спосіб практично життєздатний, оскільки не вимагає додаткових витрат та складності виготовлення. Практична цінність. Помічено, що v-подібний кут магніту є ефективним способом зниження зубчастого моменту. Зубчастий крутний момент зменшений з 0,554 Н×м до 0,452 Н×м за рахунок застосування методу оптимізації v-подібного кута магніту