9 research outputs found

    Some Biochemical Responses in Cigarette Addicts who Receive Royal Jelly Supplement

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in the levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartateaminotransferase, urea and creatine kinase in cigarette addicts of Royal Jelly supplementatio.Methods: Cigarette addict control group (n=10) and cigarette addict supplement group (n=10) were divided into twogroups. The supplementation group was given liquid royal jelly (n=10/1000 mg/day), which was at the same time everymorning for three weeks. In order to determine AST, ALT, urea and creatine kinase levels in both groups, blood sampleswere analyzed. SPSS 22.0 package program was used for statistical analysis. Paired Sample t-Test was used for the comparisonof the pre and post tests of the groups and Independent t-test was used for the comparison of the two groups.Results: In the analysis of AST, ALT and urea levels between the pre-test and post-test of the experimental group receivingroyal jelly supplementation and the control group, no statistical significance was found (p>0.05); creatine kinaselevel was found statistically significant in favor of posttest in experimental group (p<0.05).Conclusion: As a result of this study, royal jelly supplementation at a dose of 1000 mg/day for three weeks did not affectAST, ALT and urea levels in cigarette addicts; creatine kinase level positively

    The effect of short-term royal jelly supplement on testosterone levels in sedentary and healthy individuals

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    This study with a placebo-controlled experimental design intends to investigate the effect of shortterm Royal Jelly (RJ) on the testosterone levels in sedentary men at a dose of 1000 mg/day. For this purpose, a total of 20 adult sedentary men aged 21 to 23 were included in this study. The subjects visited the laboratory every day for 15 days between 08:00 and 10:00 to get their portion of royal jelly. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups, namely the experimental group (n = 10 individuals, 1000 mg/day of Royal Jelly) and the placebo group (n = 10 individuals, corn starch mixed with 1000 mg/day of water) and they took royal jelly in glass vials at the same time. Blood samples were taken from both groups of subjects one day before and one day after the study and analyzed to determine their testosterone levels. 2x2 mixed factor ANOVA and LSD tests were used to analyze data obtained from the experimental and the placebo group. A sharp increase in the testosterone levels of the experimental group that took RJ for a short time was found to be statistically significant (p0.05). The study shows that a short-term 1000 mg/day dose of RJ supplements was effective in increasing testosterone levels in sedentary, healthy men. © Mattioli 1885

    Characterizations of Rad-supplemented modules

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    Effect of royal jelly supplementation on aerobic power output and anaerobic power output

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    This study with a placebo-controlled experimental design intends to investigate the effect of Royal Jelly (RJ) on the aerobic and anaerobic power output of sedentary men at a dose of 1000 mg/day. For this purpose, a total of 20 adult sedentary men aged 21 to 23 years were included in this study. The subjects visited the laboratory every day for 15 days between 08:00 and 10:00 to get their portion of royal jelly. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups, namely the experimental group (n = 10 individuals, 1000 mg/day Royal Jelly) and the placebo (n = 10 individuals, corn starch mixed with 1000 mg/day water) group and they took royal jelly in glass bottles at the same hour during these visits. In both groups, aerobic and anaerobic power measurements were performed in the laboratory one day before and after the 15-day period. 2×2 mixed factor ANOVA and LSD tests were used to analyze data obtained from the experimental and the placebo group. No significant difference was found in the analysis performed between the pre- and post tests for anaerobic power outputs of the placebo group (p > 0.05). Concerning the anaerobic power output of the experimental group, there was a significant difference in the fatigue index value in favor of the post-test (p 0.05). A significant difference was found in the pre- and post-test analysis of the experimental group in favor of the post-test in terms of aerobic power output (p < 0.05). The intergroup analysis of the difference between pre- and post-test showed a significant difference in favor of the experimental group in terms of aerobic power outputs (p< 0.05). Consequently, it can be argued that royal jelly supplementation taken daily for 15 days at 1000 mg has a positive effect on the aerobic capacity of sedentary men. © Mattioli 1885

    A folk remedy: Royal jelly improves lung capacity in smokers

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    Background and Aim: Royal jelly (RJ) is one of the natural, valuable curative bee productdue to its promising health-beneficial and nutritional properties. This healthy diet possesses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidants, antitumor, and immunomodulatory functions which benefit in humans health and welfare,resulting in its widespread medical use. The aim of this randomized case controlled study was to determine the effect of royal jelly on the lung capacity of sedentary male smokers. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the ethics committee of the university and consisted of 83 sedentary male and single participants aged 25-30 years without any health problems. Participation was voluntary. This case controlled design study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles outlined by the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from participants. The sample was divided into four groups: smoker experimental (Group I: 22), non-smoker experimental (Group II: 21), smoker control (Group III: 20), and non-smoker control (Group IV: 20). The experimental groups consumed 1000 mg/day pure royal jelly between 08.00 and 10.00 am for 21 days. The control groups consumed a placebo liquid between 08.00 and 10.00 am for 21 days. Pre- and post-pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were performed. Results: Group I had significantly higher mean posttestforced expiratory volume in one second(FEV1) (1.86±0.19 L) than mean pretest FEV1 (1.76±0.05 L) while Group II had significantly higher mean posttest FEV1 (2.25±0.27 L) than mean pretest FEV1 (2.18±0.17 L) (p < 0.000). No statistically significant difference was observed in the control groups. Conclusion: PFT results before and after 1000mg/day royal jelly supplement revealed positive and significant differences. © Mattioli 1885


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    The aim of this study was to examine to acute effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercises on oxygen saturation. Twenty three sedentary male subjects were voluntarily participated in the study. Oxygen saturation was measured with four different trials such as before warming up, after warming up, after anaerobic exercise, and after aerobic exercise, acutely. Repeated measures one way ANOVA and LSD correction tests were used for statistical analysis. According to obtained data, oxygen saturation parameter showed statistically changes between trials (p&lt;0.05). Especially, after anaerobic trial, oxygen saturation showed significant changes. In conclusion, it could be considered that warm-up, and aerobic exercise does not affect oxygen saturation, however anaerobic exercise has significant effect on it.  Article visualizations

    Generalized Sopplemented Lattices

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    Comparison of muscle activation during push-ups exercise on stable and unstable surfaces

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    Bu çalışmada, instabilite cihazlarında ve sabit zeminde yapılan şınav egzersizi sırasında Pectoralis Majör (PM), Antreior Deltoid (AD) ve Triceps Brachii (TB) kaslarının elektromiyografik aktivasyonlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. 18-25 yaş aralığında 25 katılımcı, sabit bir yüzey, her iki taraf da kullanılan top (BOSU), Pilates topu ve Fonksiyonel egzersiz bandı (TRX) üzerinde çapraz geçişli deney tasarımında şınav egzersizi uyguladı. Katılımcılar 2 saniye iniş, 2 saniye çıkış fazı olmak üzere 3 tekrardan oluşan şınav hareketini sırasıyla 4 zeminde uyguladı. Egzersiz sırasında PM, AD ve TB kaslarının amplitüdünü belirlemek için yüzey elektromiyografisi (sEMG) kullanıldı. sEMG genliği, kasların izometrik kasılmaları sırasında en yüksek tepe tork değerini veren maksimum istemli kasılma (MİK) yöntemi kullanılarak normalleştirildi. PM kasında TRX’te sabit zemin ve BOSU’ya göre önemli ölçüde daha yüksek normalize sEMG amplitüdü (%MİK) değerleri tespit edildi. AD kasında Pilates topunda diğer zeminlere göre önemli ölçüde daha düşük %MİK değerleri tespit edildi. TB kasında sabit yüzey ve BOSU’ya kıyasla TRX ve Pilates topunda önemli ölçüde daha yüksek %MİK değerleri tespit edilirken BOSU’da sabit zemine göre daha yüksek değerler tespit edildi. TRX’te şınav PM, AD, TB kasları için daha fazla zorluk isteyen antrenörler için iyi bir seçenek olabilirken; AD kası için şınav egzersizinde pilates topunu tercih etmek doğru olmayabilir.In this study, it was aimed to determine the electromyographic activations of Pectoralis Major (PM), Anterior Deltoid (AD), and Triceps Brachii (TB) muscles during push-up exercises performed on instability devices and a stable surface. Twenty-five participants aged 18-25 performed push-ups in an experimental crossover design on a stable surface, both sides utilized ball (BOSU), Pilates ball, and TRX Suspension Trainer (TRX). Participants completed the push-up exercise consisting of 3 repetitions, 2 seconds of descent, and 2 seconds of ascent, on four floors, respectively. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to determine the amplitude of the PM, AD, and TB muscles during exercise. The sEMG amplitude was normalized using the maximum voluntary contraction (MİK) method, which gives the highest peak torque value during isometric contractions of the muscles. Significantly higher normalized sEMG amplitude (%MİK) values were detected in the PM muscle compared to the stable surface and BOSU in TRX. In the AD muscle, significantly lower %MİK values were detected on the Swiss Ball compared to the other surfaces. Compared to the stable surface and BOSU in the TB muscle, significantly higher %MİK values were detected in the TRX and Swiss Ball, while higher values were detected in the BOSU than in the stable surface. While TRX can be a good option for trainers who want more challenge for the PM, AD, and TB muscles, It may not be suitable to prefer the Swiss Ball in push-up exercise for AD muscle