872 research outputs found

    Tadeusz Kotarbiński – a Philosopher and a Teacher

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    Człowiek wobec przyrody

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    An Icon from the Orthodox Church in Tatаurоvо (Eastern Siberia)

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    An Icon from the Orthodox Church in Tatаurоvо (Eastern Siberia) In the Orthodox church in Tataurovo (Татаỳрово), a settlement in Eastern Siberia, consecrated in 2013, there is a noncanonical old icon with features of eastern and western painting.   Ikona z cerkwi prawosławnej z Tataurowa (wschodnia Syberia) W miejscowości Tataurowo (Татаỳрово), znajdującej się we wschodniej Syberii, w prawosławnej cerkwi konsekrowanej w 2013 roku znajduje się niekanoniczna stara ikona nosząca cechy zarówno wschodniego, jak i zachodniego malarstwa

    Assessment of the level of the marketing orientation of touroperators on the European market

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    The paper will discuss the implementation of the marketing concept for the activities of touroperators. The issues of the essence of marketing orientation and the phase of its development will be presented. Next, the place of touroperators on the tourist market and issues related to the shaping of marketing orientation by tour operators will be indicated. The links of entities in the system of creating marketing orientation on the touroperator market and factors that determine it will be discussed. The methodology and results of research on the level of marketing orientation of touroperators operating in Poland and selected countries of the European Union will be presented. The research was conducted in the second half of 2016 through questionnaire surveys. The research covered 204 touroperators from Poland and 176 from selected European countries. The objective of this study is to present the concept of the marketing orientation of touroperators as well as indicate elements determining the level of market orientation which stem from relationships of a touroperator with other participants of this market

    Tourism management by public administration institution

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    The work addresses the issue of implementing the function of the state in the tourism economy by government and self-government administration institutions. Attention is paid to the scope of the functions of the state carried out in the tourism economy and the multiplicity of entities involved in achieving the objectives in this field. A multi-level and extensive tourism management system as well as the dysfunctionality of the existing structure is presented. The public tourism management system has limited effectiveness and it also carries a risk resulting from the duplication of competencies. On the other hand, despite the high share of the tourism economy in creating economic values, tourism is not sufficiently acknowledged by state authorities that implement tasks in the field of tourism policy. Sources of budget subsidies for tasks in the tourism sphere are very limited. The aim of the study is to identify the current system of managing the tourism economy by public entities in Poland and to indicate the areas that should be subject to improvement

    Analysis of costs for resignation or limitation of water intake from Water Treatment Plant Goczałkowice

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    Regional Upper Silesia Waterworks (GPW S.A.) are the biggest water supply system in Poland with 11 water treatment plants and 3 million of consumers. However this system is gradually disassembled. Local water and sewage utilities develop separate water intakes or import water from Czechia with using of GPW S.A. system only as reserve source. It is effect of increasing unit costs of water delivered by GPW S.A. These costs are partly associated with maintenance of flood control reservoirs and additional taxes. Water treatment plant Goczałkowice is main, most modern and cheaper water producer in GPW S.A. system. Thus full resignation of water intake from this source is unlikely. However limitation of water intake by Goczałkowice plant could reduce competitiveness of this WTP by increase of average fixed costs. Limitation of production by other water treatment plants should be more rational. Additionally in result of gravity flow intake of water by Goczałkowice plant from Soła river is more profitable than intake from other sources.Górnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów (GPW S.A.) jest największym systemem zaopatrzenia w wodę w Polsce z 11 stacjami uzdatniania wody i 3 mln konsumentów. Jednak system ten jest stopniowo rozmontowywany. Lokalne przedsiębiorstwa wodno-kanalizacyjne rozbudowują własne ujęcia wody lub importują wodę z Czech, traktując system GPW S.A. tylko jako źródło rezerwowe. Jest to efekt wzrastających kosztów jednostkowych wody dostarczanej przez GPW S.A.Koszty te cześciowo są związane z utrzymywaniem zbiorników przeciwpowodziowych oraz dodatkowymipodatkami. Zakład Uzdatniania Wody Goczałkowice jest głównym, najnowocześniejszym i najtańszym producentem wody w systemie GPW S.A. Wobec tego całkowita rezygnacja z poboru wody z tego źródła jest mało realna. Jednakże ograniczenie poboru wody z zakładu Goczałkowice zmniejszyłoby konkurencyjność tej stacji w wyniku wzrostu średnich kosztów stałych. Bardziej racjonalne byłoby ograniczenie produkcji w innych stacjach uzdatniania wody. Ponadto, ze względu na spływ grawitacyjny, pobór wody z Soły przez zakład Goczałkowice jest bardziej opłacalny niż pobór z innych źródeł

    Theoretical aspects of innovation in health tourism

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    The health tourism market has high susceptibility to innovation. This is due to the functioning of not only tourism enterprises on this market, but above all the providers of medical services. This market is characterized by high development dynamics. The services are provided at all market levels from local, through regional, national to global. The objective of this study is to identify the entities of the health tourism market which are responsible for introducing innovative offers on that market. Firstly, the theoretical issues are described concerning tourism market innovations and the structure of the health tourism market. This enabled the identification of the areas of innovation on the health tourism market. The conducted research is conceptual

    Policy of sustainable development of urban tourism

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    Introduction. City tourism is one of the most frequently chosen forms of tourism consisting of many motives for doing it. On the modern tourist market, there are many negative phenomena that significantly affect the functioning of urban tourist destinations but primarily have an impact on the decisions of potential tourists about choosing cities as a tourist destination. These phenomena pose a threat to the development of both cities and tourism. They are conditioned by endogenous factors, which result from the functioning of the city, and exogenous ones, i.e. those related to socio-economic relations of the city with the environment, including tourist traffic. Cities, as a destination or transit tourist destination, are characterized by high concentration of tourist traffic; hence, the negative phenomena often affect urban tourist space with great intensity. The aim of the study is to present the author’s concept of sustainable urban tourism policy assumptions. After presenting the concept of sustainable urban tourism development policy, the following issues will be discussed: basics of tourism policy, urban tourism, sustainable tourism, classification of threats related to the sustainable development of urban tourism. Material and methods. The study is of theoretical and conceptual nature. The following research methods will be used: critical analysis of the literature and methods of logical operations. Results. The effect of the considerations is to propose the assumptions of the concept of sustainable urban tourism development policy. Conclusions. The most important problems related to the functioning of sustainable tourism were indicated, taking into account the impact of tourism on the natural environment and on overtourism