64 research outputs found

    Evaluación del estado actual de la circulación de mercancías en la federación de Rusia

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio del estado actual de la esfera de la circulación de mercancías en la Federación Rusa como parte de la economía de mercado y las relaciones económicas que tienen lugar en ella. Se aplicaron los métodos de análisis de procesos, sistemas y situaciones, que permitieron identificar los elementos principales de la esfera de la circulación de mercancías (movimiento de mercancías en forma de ventas directas o comercio al por mayor, circulación de mercancías realizada por empresas y organizaciones minoristas, actividades cooperativas para la compra y venta de productos), problemas de desarrollo de la esfera de circulación, incluido el desarrollo desigual de la red de transporte (especialmente a nivel de regiones como el Lejano Oriente, la región del Volga), el subdesarrollo del mercado de centros de distribución mayorista y la falta de plataformas federales para la redistribución efectiva de productos entre regiones, su embalaje, almacenamiento y transporte, servicios aduaneros, falta de coordinación de acciones y capacidades adaptativas entre las entidades económicas en el ámbito de la circulación de mercancías. Los autores han identificado áreas para mejorar la competitividad de las organizaciones en el ámbito de la circulación de mercancías, incluido el desarrollo del mercado logístico de centros de distribución y venta al por mayor

    Mecanismos de desarrollo de empresas de comercio electrónico en el contexto de la digitalización

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    El artículo trata sobre el desarrollo de un mecanismo de extensión de las empresas de comercio electrónico en el contexto de la digitalización. Se establece que las empresas de comercio electrónico deben implementar activamente la posibilidad de combinar canales fuera de línea y en línea y considerar formas de mejorar la eficiencia operativa de la realización de actividades a través de la automatización de la contabilidad de productos básicos y los sistemas de contabilidad analítica, el desarrollo de programas de lealtad y la adquisición de mediante el uso de tecnología de pago sin contacto. Está demostrado que las empresas de comercio digital necesitan implementar activamente cajas registradoras de autoservicio y desarrollar sus propias aplicaciones móviles. Se revela que las empresas de comercio electrónico deben acumular la información disponible, analizar la frecuencia, el lugar, el tiempo y el canal preferido de compras y formar una oferta personalizada basada en puntos. Se determina que la transformación digital conlleva no solo la inversión en nuevas tecnologías y su posterior implementación, sino también la transformación del producto que ofrece la empresa en el mercad


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    Objective: The study aims at classifying and supplementing general and special methods for managing intangible assets and eCommerce resources. The present stage of management science is characterized by an insufficient number and incomplete nature of the existing studies on the structure of methods for managing intangible assets and eCommerce resources, which is mainly due to the relative novelty of the Internet environment and its management. The challenge of solving this issue is the intangibility of the management object under study (intangible assets and resources) and the intangibility of the management environment (Internet environment), which makes management in such conditions more difficult. Methods: When preparing this article, we used qualitative research methods, including grouping sets of homogeneous management methods, systematizing such methods according to homogeneous features, comparing different methods with each other, and generalizing the obtained groups of methods to draw conclusions and recommendations. When grouping methods for managing intangible assets and eCommerce resources, we took the classification according to a functional attribute as the basis. Results: As a result of the study, the authors have revealed that the management of intangible assets and eCommerce resources requires the full range of general management methods (planning, organizational, evaluation, accounting, analytical, motivational, control, and coordination methods), special methods for managing intangible assets and resources (identification, visualization, and security methods), as well as specific methods for managing intangible assets and resources in the Internet environment (online methods). Conclusion: Based on the study results, it has been concluded that online management methods are most actively developing in the modern market, and in the near future the importance of these methods will increase. The novelty of the study is to determine the presence and composition of previously unexplored groups of management methods applied to intangible assets and eCommerce resources

    Estudio de la actividad innovadora de las industrias distributivas de la Federación Rusa en el contexto de la economía mundial digitalización y globalización

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    El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio de actividad innovadora de empresas del sector comercial. Está comprobado que las empresas rusas muestran poca actividad innovadora en el área comercial. Los autores concluyen que la implementación de actividades innovadoras en el contexto de la globalización de los mercados, el desarrollo de la economía digital y la revolución industrial 4.0 es una condición necesaria para el funcionamiento de las empresas del sector comercial. Las cadenas minoristas rusas están entrando en una etapa de desarrollo de crisis y una mayor competencia de las cadenas minoristas globales. Solo aquellas empresas que sean rápidamente conscientes de la necesidad de una actividad innovadora podrán salir de la crisi

    Mecanismos de desarrollo de empresas de comercio electrónico en el contexto de la digitalización

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    The article deals with the development of a mechanism for the e-commerce enterprises' extension in the context of digitalization. It is established that e-commerce enterprises should actively implement the possibility of combining offline and online channels and consider ways to improve the operational efficiency of conducting activities through the automation of commodity accounting and analytical accounting systems, the development of loyalty programs, and acquiring including through the use of contactless payment technology. It is proved that digital trade enterprises need to actively implement self-service cash registers and develop their own mobile applications. It is revealed that e-commerce enterprises should accumulate available information, analyze the frequency, place, time, and preferred channel of purchases, and form a point-based personalized offer. It is determined that digital transformation entails not only investment in new technologies and their subsequent implementation, but also the transformation of the product offered by the company in the market.El artículo trata sobre el desarrollo de un mecanismo de extensión de las empresas de comercio electrónico en el contexto de la digitalización. Se establece que las empresas de comercio electrónico deben implementar activamente la posibilidad de combinar canales fuera de línea y en línea y considerar formas de mejorar la eficiencia operativa de la realización de actividades a través de la automatización de la contabilidad de productos básicos y los sistemas de contabilidad analítica, el desarrollo de programas de lealtad y la adquisición de mediante el uso de tecnología de pago sin contacto. Está demostrado que las empresas de comercio digital necesitan implementar activamente cajas registradoras de autoservicio y desarrollar sus propias aplicaciones móviles. Se revela que las empresas de comercio electrónico deben acumular la información disponible, analizar la frecuencia, el lugar, el tiempo y el canal preferido de compras y formar una oferta personalizada basada en puntos. Se determina que la transformación digital conlleva no solo la inversión en nuevas tecnologías y su posterior implementación, sino también la transformación del producto que ofrece la empresa en el mercado

    Sustainable Raw Material Base as a Factor of Competitiveness of Cheese-Making Enterprises

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    Russian cheese producers strive to increase their production. A sustainable best-experience raw material base can solve this problem. The authors analyzed the raw material supply in the leading cheese-producing countries in order to develop a system of new targets for Russian cheesemakers. The study featured the performance indicators of the world's leading cheese producers in terms of raw material supply. It relied on scientific, regulatory, and legislative documents. The study also included databases (2017–2022) published by the Federal State Statistics Service, the dairy economic consulting firm CLAL, and the Atlas Big site of international and regional data statistics. The data were processed by statistical methods, e.g., generalization, systematization, distribution, etc., and econometrics, e.g., correlation, regression analysis, etc. The authors calculated the statistical characteristics of raw material supply indicators, assessed the interfactorial relationships, and obtained regression equations to describe these relationships in quantitative terms. The calculations involved the volumes of total and per capita cheese production in various regions of the world. The group of leaders included twenty countries with an average production per capita of 26.5 kg. The key indicators of raw material supply included milk production per capita, livestock, structure, and milk cattle productivity. The research revealed some raw material problems in the domestic cheese industry. For instance, domestic milk production per capita (206.3 kg) is below the average for the leading countries (489.4 kg). This issue is associated with the low milk cattle productivity, which is 4492 kg in the Russian Federation and 7061 kg in the leading cheese-producing countries. The regression equations used determination coefficients of ≥ 0.8 to calculate the main parameters of the domestic cheese-making base that would meet dairy food security criteria. A milk production of 388 kg per capita proved to be the minimal amount that would guarantee food security in the domestic cheese sector. However, the existing number of cows (7.9 million) means that the milk productivity cannot fall below 7146 kg. The required value can be obtained by improving diets and selection. The analytical methods developed in this research provided highly reliable results. These results can solve the problems of providing Russian cheesemakers with a sustainable raw material base, as well as set new targets for agro-industrial dairy enterprises

    Retail Transformation under the Influence of Digitalisation and Technology Development in the Context of Globalisation

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    The study aims to identify the main factors and determine the most probable directions of the transformation of the circulation sphere of the Russian Federation in the context of globalisation and the development of digital technologies. The methods of factor analysis, comparative analysis, correlation analysis, and dynamic series analysis are used in the study. It has been found that there is a close relationship between the processes of information and sociocultural globalisation. The presence of pronounced close direct or reverse connection between the development indicators of the information and communications environment, on the one hand, and the dynamics of the involvement of the Russian Federation in the process of globalisation, on the other hand, has been established. It has been found that the process of cultural globalisation in the Russian Federation proceeds at a higher rate than in other developing countries and is significantly synchronous with the countries of Europe and North America. A significantly high level of realization of the potential attractiveness of the development of retail chains and the penetration of global multinational companies into the Russian sphere of circulation has been revealed. It has been established that the level of information globalisation closely approaches the average European level and develops more synchronously with Europe and Central Asia and North America. The results of the study allow drawing the following main conclusions. In the Russian Federation, socioeconomic, sociocultural, information and communications, as well as global integration processes are observed, which are accompanied by the formation of a unified consumption and buying behaviour according to the Euro-Atlantic type

    A review on the commonly used methods for analysis of physical properties of food materials

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    The chemical composition of any food material can be analyzed well by employing various analytical techniques. The physical properties of food are no less important than chemical composition as results obtained from authentic measurement data are able to provide detailed information about the food. Several techniques have been used for years for this purpose but most of them are destructive in nature. The aim of this present study is to identify the emerging techniques that have been used by different researchers for the analysis of the physical characteristics of food. It is highly recommended to practice novel methods as these are non-destructive, extremely sophisticated, and provide results closer to true quantitative values. The physical properties are classified into different groups based on their characteristics. The concise view of conventional techniques mostly used to analyze food material are documented in this work.Axencia Galega de Innovación | Ref. IN607A2019/0