563 research outputs found


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    Training devices for developing specific strength qualities to diagnose special working capaciity need to mimic the conditions of the competitive activity. This study developed devices for training swimmers and water-polo players

    Hysteresis and Anchoring Energy in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals

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    The frequency dispersion of the coercive force of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC) cells has been detected and examined in the range of infralow (lower than 0.1 Hz) frequencies. To clarify the low-frequency dispersion, the model has been suggested, based on the arrangement of free charges and well describing the experimental curves. The method for determination of the energy of FLC anchoring at the surface, developed on the basis of the static hysteresis loop, has been proposed. The dependence of bistability and the anchoring energy upon the orientant layer thickness has experimentally been investigated


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    The aim of the investigation is to elaborate the trainer complexes which would help to develop specific strength qualities of swimmers. The trainer apparatus (patent N 1614819 A 63B 69/10) consists of: frame fastened to the board of the swimming-pool vertically where carriages with shovels are located and can be rotated around the axis. The carriages are tied by the ropes with handles. The swimmer is on the board of the swimming-pool and grips the handles; he performs a rowing movement as if he were swimming. The shovels are in water in the low initial position and are turned and fixed in rest in a horizontal plane during the period of the rowing movement; they move up, creating resistance to the movement. In the upper position the carriages engage with shock-absorbers which accelerate the return of the carriage to the low initial position after finishing the rowing movement. The shovels turn the spin at that moment, fold up and create resistance to the downward carriage movement. The construction (patent N 1273130 A63B 69/12) includes a belt for the swimmer linked with a hindrance device attached to a directing rope, fastened above the water surface on the boards of the swimming-pool. The swimmer, moving from one board to another in the water, overcomes the given resistance of the hindrance device which moves after it. The power of the work done is determined according to the formula: N=L*P/t, where: L= length of the distance, P= value of the resistance, t= time. The construction (patent N 1621983 A63B 69/12), the prototype of which is the device "Swim-On" (USA), includes: handles for the hands linked by non-elastic cords to the swimming-pool boards, a loading device for different kinds of loads which is located on the post on the opposite board of the swimming-pool and linked by means of blocks and a cable with the belt of the swimmer. The swimmer is in the water in a stretching initial position, leaning on the handles during his performance, the rowing movement moves forward, overcoming the resistance of lifting the load. After finishing the rowing movement, the load lowers, creating the strength of the traction which is put on the belt, and as a result the swimmer returns to the initial position. The power of the work done is determined according to the formula: N=P*h*n, where: P= weight of the load, h= height of the lifting of the load, n= tempo of the movements. The constructions are being applied in the training process of the Lviv Physical Culture Institute and region team. The parametres of the loading: the size of the resistence (loading), the length of the distance, the time are given with the account of the fulfillment of the work at a certain level of power in accordance with the planned sports results

    Logs Mining Based Approach to eCommerce Customer Classification

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    Fits.me ettevõte on arendanud veebipõhise rakenduse, mis aitab veebipoodide külastajatel valida õiget suurust riideid. Virtuaalse Proovikabiini rakendus logib kasutajate tegevusi ja salvestab sisestatud kehamõõdud andmebaasi. Lisaks kasutatakse Google Analytics andmeid, mis annab andmeid veebipoe külastuste sessioonidest ja sellistest kasutajate omadustest, nagu asukoht, kasutatud tarkvara ja riistvara. Käesoleva lõputöö põhiline ülesanne on analüüsida andmed ja õppida eraldama logidest kasulikku informatsiooni. Täpsemalt, me tahame leida meetodi veebipoe kasutajate grupeerimiseks.\n\rEsimesel etapil me leiame viisi erinevatest allikatest andmete kokkupanemiseks. Me agregeerime andmeid kasutajate- ja sessioonipõhisteks profiilideks. Andmed on puhastatud. Nende vorm on informatiivsem, ning andmed on valmis edaspidiseks analüüsiks. Andmete puhastamine ja eeltöötlus moodustavad lõputöös tähtsa osa.\n\rAnalüüsietapil me kasutame kahte andmete klassifitseerimismeetodit. Need on Otsustuspuud ja Naive Bayes. Me otsustame grupeerida kasutajaid e-kaubanduse jaoks ühe tähtsa tunnuse järgi: me klassifitseerime kasutajaid selle järgi, kas nad on teinud ostu või mitte, kas nad on tagastanud ostetud toodet või mitte. Klassifitseerimispuu ega Naive Bayes ei tuvastanud olulisi seoseid uuritud atribuutide ja ostukäitumise vahel. Kuid regressioonipuu osutus kasulikuks sarnase käitumisega kasutajate gruppide leidmises. See näitab, millise käitumismustri korral on ostu tegemise tõenäosus suurem ning millise käitumise korral väiksem.Fits.me Company has developed a web-tool which helps online shoppers to choose the right size of clothes. The application of Virtual Fitting Room logs users’ actions and saves values of entered body measurements into database. Additionally, Google Analytics is used to get data of online shops’ website visiting sessions, users’ characteristics like location, software and hardware. The main goal of the thesis is to analyse the data, learn to extract useful information. More precisely, we want to develop a method of grouping web-shop customers.\n\rAt the first stage we find a way to combine data from different sources. We aggregate the data into user- and session-based profiles. The data is cleaned. It has more informative form, and is ready for further analysis. Data cleaning and pre-processing form a significant part of the thesis.\n\rOn the analysis stage we use two methods for the data classification. These are Decision trees and Naïve Bayes. We decide to group customers by one of the important features for eCommerce: we classify user whether he/she makes a purchase or not, whether a user returns purchased item or not. Both, classification tree and Naïve Bayes did not find significant relationship between studied attributes and shopping behaviour. However, regression tree turned to be useful for finding the groups of users with similar behaviour. It shows patterns of behaviour which leads to higher probability of making purchase

    Pure Non-Blocking LC Based Matrix Optical Switch for All-Optical Fibre Networks

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    New pure non-blocking matrix optical switch scheme for fiber networks is presented. The optical switch is based on conventional LCD technology, where the each pixel controls the polarization state of the light beam. The suggested switch offers several advantages over the conventional cross-point architecture such as: cost; complexity; size; adjustment; and optical performanc

    Economic factors of political stability

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    Проблематика політичної стабільності є однією з найважливіших дослідницьких проблем сучасної політичної науки. Питання політичної стабільності не виникає саме по собі – тиск середовища, як внутрішнього, так і зовнішнього, на політичну систему є тією умовою, що примушує існуючу владу шукати нові способи та джерела стабілізації системи. Одним із найважливіших аспектів дослідження даної проблеми є визначення факторів та формування системи індикаторів, які впливають на формування політичної стабільності та дадуть змогу дати приблизну оцінку її стану. В даному дослідженні на підставі аналізу напрацювань західних учених та політичної практики зроблено спробу визначити особливості впливу соціально-економічних факторів (рівня економічного розвитку, динаміки росту ВВП, соціально-економічної нерівності) на політичну стабільність.The issue of political stability is one of the most important research problems of modern political science. The issue of political stability does not occur by itself – pressure of an internal and external environment on the political system is the condition, that makes the existing power to find new ways and sources of stabilization the system. One of the most important aspects of this problem is to determine the factors and the formation of a system of indicators, that influence the formation of political stability and will make it possible to give a rough estimate of its condition. In this study, based on analysis of reseaches of Western scholars and political practice, it was attempted to identify the peculiarities of the social and economic factors (level of economic development, the dynamics of GDP growth, socio-economic inequality) on political stability.Проблематика политической стабильности является одной из важнейших исследовательских проблем современной политической науки. Вопрос политической стабильности не возникает сам по себе – давление среды, как внутренней так и внешней, на политическую систему является тем условием, которое заставляет существующую власть искать новые способы и источники стабилизации системы. Одним из важнейших аспектов исследования данной проблемы является определение факторов и формирование системы индикаторов, которые влияют на формирование политической стабильности и позволят дать приблизительную оценку ее состояния. В данной работе на основании анализа исследований западных ученых и политической практики сделана попытка определить особенности влияния социальных и экономических факторов (уровня экономического развития, динамики роста ВВП, социально-економического неравенства) на политическую стабильность

    Experimental Study for the Conditions of Analog Switching in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells

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    The authors study the effect of the spontaneous polarization (PS) of a ferroelectric liquid crystal mixture with compensated helix and of the thickness of the alignment layer (da) on the analog switching in a cell. The quality of analog switching is established in terms of its contrast ratio, texture in the dark state, and the electrostatic energy. The latter approximates to PS 2da for d

    The Dynamic Properties of Confined Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Investigated by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy

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    Dynamic light scattering was used to examine ferrielectric liquid crystalline phases in porous media. Whereas in larger pores (200 Å) ferrielectric phases were observed, they were not found in the smallest pores (200 Å). Additionally, the temperatures of SmC - SmA phase transition were found to be suppressed in the pores relative to bulk, while SmCA - SmCγ phase transition is not affected by the confinement. These observations have been explained by the structural aspects of antiferroelectric liquid crystalline materials in a confined geometry and show the importance of long range electrostatic interaction for existence of ferrielectric phases

    The Role of Spontaneous Polarization and the Thickness of Alignment Layers on the V-Shaped Switching in FLC Cells

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    Ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures with the various values of spontaneous polarizations were prepared, and the substrates were coated with different thicknesses of aligning agent. The frequency dependence of the electrooptic response of these materials in cells with various thickness of alignment layers has been measured. The coercive voltage as well as the contrast ratios are calculated. Our results support the ‘‘electrostatic model’’, according to which both the value of spontaneous polarization and the thickness of the alignment layer play important roles in the V-shaped switching

    The Investigation of the Relaxation Process in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals by Electro-Optic Spectroscopy

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    Electrooptic spectroscopy of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal is carried out over a range of frequencies from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. In the antiferroelectric SmCA phase two relaxation processes are found, one at the fundamental frequency of a mode and the second at twice the frequency of a different mode. A comparison of the results of the electro-optic spectroscopy with a theoretical study of the motion of the director of an antiferroelectric helix subject to a weak alternating field enables a determination of the origin of the relaxation processes in antiferroelectric phases. © 1998 American Institute of Physics