14 research outputs found

    Physical activity in adolescent girls at risk of developing an eating disorder

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    La literatura ha manifestado que la actividad física puede actuar como un factor de riesgo y/o un factor mantenedor en los trastornos alimentario (TA). El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre la práctica de actividad física con el riesgo de desarrollar un TA, analizando la frecuencia, intensidad y duración, el tipo de actividad y los motivos de realización de esa actividad. Método: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 1130 chicas adolescentes entre 11 y 19 años (M = 13.94; DT = 1.35); cumplimentaron el Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40), la subescala de insatisfacción corporal del Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) y el Inventario de Conductas de Salud en Escolares. Resultados: Las adolescentes con menor riesgo de desarrollar un TA presentaron puntuaciones medias superiores en la realización de actividad con el motivo de divertirse, estar en buena forma y ver amigos que las adolescentes con riesgo de desarrollar un TA, que presentaron puntuaciones superiores en la práctica de actividad física para perder peso y quemar calorías. Conclusiones: conocer las características de la práctica de actividad física relacionada con los TA, permite generar propuestas preventivas eficaces, impedir que estos trastornos se mantengan e incluso se cronifiquen.The literature has shown that physical activity can be a risk factor and / or a maintenance factor in eating disorders (ED). The objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between the practice of physical activity and the risk of developing an ED; Analyzing the frequency, intensity and duration, the type of activity and the reasons for carrying out that activity. Method: the sample consisted of 1130 adolescent girls between 11 and 19 years old (M = 13.94, SD = 1.35); They completed the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40), the body dissatisfaction subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) and the School Health Behavior Inventory. Results: The adolescents with lower risk of developing an ED had higher average scores in the performance of activity with the motive of having fun, being in good shape and seeing friends that the adolescents with risk of developing an ED, who had higher scores in practice of physical activity to lose weight and burn calories. Conclusions: knowing the characteristics of the practice of physical activity related to ED, allows to generate effective preventive proposals, prevent these disorders from being maintained and even become chronic

    Psychosocial profile related to disordered eating attitudes in Spanish adolescents

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    Different psychosocial variables are related to disordered eating attitudes in adolescents, especially in girls. But some studies show that the variables involved in eating disorders may be different in boys and girls. The aim of this study was to analyse the psychosocial profile related to disordered eating attitudes in adolescents of both sexes, separately. Method: a crosssectional study was conducted in 1630 Spanish adolescents, 890 of whom were girls with an average age of 14 (SD = 1.34) selected from secondary schools in the province of Alicante through random sampling stratified by school year. Results: The cluster analysis showed two profiles in both sexes. One profile presents high disordered eating attitudes, where the highest scores were in body dissatisfaction, perfectionism, pressure to lose weight and social comparison, and the lowest scores were for self-esteem. This contrasts with the other profile that presents low disordered eating attitudes. The logistic regression model showed that girls were 3.8 times more likely to have disordered eating attitudes if they dieted, experienced body dissatisfaction and compared themselves socially with their peers. Disordered eating attitudes in boys was 3.3 times greater when they experienced body dissatisfaction and pressure to lose weight. Conclusion: These results showed that both sexes present similar profiles. Girls and boys present disordered eating attitudes when they have low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism, comparison with peers, pressure to lose weight, or are on a diet. In future studies, it will be necessary to develop further longitudinal studies which could help to shed light on the risks and protective factors of eating disorders

    Predicting Abusive Behaviours in Spanish Adolescents’ Relationships: Insights from the Reasoned Action Approach

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    (1) Background: Partner violence prevention programmes do not produce the expected behavioural changes. Accordingly, experts suggest applying evidence-based behavioural models to identify the determinants of abusive behaviours. In this research, we applied the reasoned action approach (RAA) to predict the performance (boys) and acceptance (girls) of abusive behaviours in adolescents. (2) Method: We designed a questionnaire based on the RAA and performed a crosssectional study. We analysed the predictive capacity of the RAA constructs on intentions with the sample of single adolescents (n = 1112). We replicated the analysis only with those who were in a relationship (n = 587) and in addition analysed the predictive capacity of intention on future behaviour (3 months later). (3) Results: The hierarchical regression analysis performed with the sample of single adolescents showed that the model explained 56% and 47% of the variance of boys’ intentions to perform the controlling and devaluing behaviours, respectively; and 62% and 33% of girls’ intention to accept them. With those in a relationship, the model explained 60% and 53% of the variance of boys’ intentions to perform the controlling and devaluating behaviour, respectively, and 70% and 38% of girls’ intention to accept them. Intention exerted direct effects on boys’ performance of controlling and devaluing behaviours (31% and 34% of explained variance, respectively) and on girls’ acceptance (30% and 7%, respectively). (4) Conclusions: The RAA seems useful to identify the motivational determinants of abusive behaviours, regardless of adolescents´ relationship status, and for their prediction. Perceived social norms emerge as a relevant predictor on which to intervene to produce behavioural changes with both sexe

    Psychological State after an Acute Coronary Syndrome: Impact of Physical Limitations

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    The aim of this study was to investigate how physical limitations after ACS influence patients’ quality of life and health perception. This was a longitudinal clinical study. We recruited 146 patients diagnosed with ACS. The patients performed a stress test (Bruce’s protocol) for the evaluation of physical limitations and were classified according to the test result: without physical limitations (more than 10 METS), with some physical limitations (7 to 9 METS), and with high physical limitations (less than 6 METS). Significant differences were found between the three groups immediately after the diagnosis of ACS and after a period of three months, regarding health perception, anxiety, depression, sexual relationships, distress, and adjustment to disease. These differences resulted larger between the group with less limitations and the group with higher limitations. After 3 months, however, there was an overall improvement in all variables. In conclusion, physical limitations after ACS seem to influence perceived quality of life determined by measuring general health, vitality, total adaptation, emotional role, social adaptation, depression, and anxiety. Therefore, the highest the physical limitations, the poorer the psychological conditions and vice versa, even 3 months after ACS diagnosis

    Actividad física en chicas adolescentes con riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno alimentario

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    The literature has shown that physical activity can be a risk factor and / or a maintenance factor in eating disorders (ED). The objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between the practice of physical activity and the risk of developing an ED; Analyzing the frequency, intensity and duration, the type of activity and the reasons for carrying out that activity. Method: the sample consisted of 1130 adolescent girls between 11 and 19 years old (M = 13.94, SD = 1.35); They completed the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40), the body dissatisfaction subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) and the School Health Behavior Inventory. Results: The adolescents with lower risk of developing an ED had higher average scores in the performance of activity with the motive of having fun, being in good shape and seeing friends that the adolescents with risk of developing an ED, who had higher scores in practice of physical activity to lose weight and burn calories. Conclusions: knowing the characteristics of the practice of physical activity related to ED, allows to generate effective preventive proposals, prevent these disorders from being maintained and even become chronic.La literatura ha manifestado que la actividad física puede actuar como un factor de riesgo y/o un factor mantenedor en los trastornos alimentario (TA). El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre la práctica de actividad física con el riesgo de desarrollar un TA, analizando la frecuencia, intensidad y duración, el tipo de actividad y los motivos de realización de esa actividad. Método: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 1130 chicas adolescentes entre 11 y 19 años (M = 13.94; DT = 1.35); cumplimentaron el Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40), la subescala de insatisfacción corporal del Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) y el Inventario de Conductas de Salud en Escolares. Resultados: Las adolescentes con menor riesgo de desarrollar un TA presentaron puntuaciones medias superiores en la realización de actividad con el motivo de divertirse, estar en buena forma y ver amigos que las adolescentes con riesgo de desarrollar un TA, que presentaron puntuaciones superiores en la práctica de actividad física para perder peso y quemar calorías. Conclusiones: conocer las características de la práctica de actividad física relacionada con los TA, permite generar propuestas preventivas eficaces, impedir que estos trastornos se mantengan e incluso se cronifique


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las diferencias en el estilo y estrategias de afrontamiento, en los adolescentes españoles de ambos géneros, con mayor y menor riesgo de desarrollar un Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA). Y en segundo lugar, estudiar la relación entre los diferentes estilos y estrategias de afrontamiento con el riesgo de desarrollar un TCA. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 2.142 adolescentes (1.130 chicas y 1.012 chicos), con una media de edad de 13,96 años (dt= 1,34), que completaron las Escalas de Afrontamiento para Adolescentes (ACS) y el Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40). Los resultados mostraron un mayor uso de estrategias de afrontamiento de huida intropunitiva en adolescentes, chicos y chicas, con mayores puntuaciones en el EAT-40. Los análisis de regresión indicaron que el estilo de afrontamiento que explicó el mayor porcentaje de varianza del riesgo de desarrollar un TCA fue la huida intropunitiva y la estrategia de afrontamiento de reducción de la tensión. Los resultados de este estudio tienen implicaciones para la prevención de estas conductas en adolescentes, ya que las personas en riesgo presentan un estilo de afrontamiento desadaptativo previo a la instauración del trastorno alimentario.AsturiasColegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Calle Ildefonso Sánchez del Río, 4-1 B; 33001 Oviedo; Tel. +34985285778; Fax +34985281374;Universidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s. n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126;ES

    Acomodación a la enfermedad, percepción de carga y malestar emocional en familiares de pacientes con un trastorno alimentario

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    Eating disorders (ED) not only affect the person who suffers but also their family members. The literature indicates that the relatives of these patients frequently have a high perception of burden, emotional distress and accommodation to the symptom. These variables have been related to the prognosis and evolution of these patients. The objective of the present work was to evaluate and describe the accommodation to the disease, the perception of burden and emotional distress in 93 relatives of ED patients, as well as to analyze the relationships between these variables. The results showed significant differences between men and women in burden perception, accommodation and emotional distress, female relatives showed higher scores on these variables. These variables showed positive and significant relationships among them. Social isolation predicted 46.5% of the variance of the emotional distress of the caregivers. These results suggest the importance of supporting family members and designing specific interventions for them.Los trastornos alimentarios no solo afectan a la persona que los sufre sino también a sus familiares. La literatura señala que es frecuente que los familiares de estas pacientes presenten una elevada percepción de carga, malestar emocional y acomodación al síntoma. Estas variables se han relacionado con el pronóstico y evolución de estas pacientes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar y describir la acomodación a la enfermedad, la percepción de carga y el malestar emocional en 93 familiares de pacientes diagnosticados con un trastorno alimentario, así como analizar las relaciones entre estas variables. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en la percepción de carga, la acomodación y el malestar emocional, presentando las familiares mujeres mayores puntuaciones en estas variables. Estas variables presentaron relaciones positivas y significativas entre ellas. El aislamiento social predijo un 46.5% de la varianza del malestar emocional de los cuidadores. Estos resultados sugieren la importancia de apoyar a los familiares y diseñar intervenciones específicas para ellos

    Malestar psicológico y emoción expresada en cuidadores de pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria

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    El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue evaluar el nivel de emoción expresada y de malestar psicológico en cuidadores de pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria, considerando las diferencias en función de las características sociodemográficas y clínicas. Participaron 53 cuidadores de pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria que estaban siendo atendidas en la unidad de trastornos alimentarios del hospital de San Juan, Alicante. El 39.6% de los cuidadores fueron hombres y el 60.4% mujeres con edades comprendidas entre los 23 y los 69 años. El cuestionario utilizado para evaluar la emoción expresada fue el de Nivel de Emoción Expresada, (LEE) y para evaluar el malestar psicológico utilizamos la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión Hospitalaria (HADS) y un cuestionario de salud general, (GHQ-12). Los resultados mostraron que no había diferencias estadísticamente significativas atendiendo al diagnóstico de la paciente, edad de los cuidadores y cuidadores primarios y secundarios, sin embargo se encontraron diferencias significativas en relación al género del cuidador, parentesco y al tiempo de evolución del problema. Además, los cuidadores con mayor emoción expresada presentaban más ansiedad y depresión que los cuidadores con menor emoción expresada

    Representación de la enfermedad, ajuste psicosocial y malestar psicológico en pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria

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    The present work had as objective describing the illness representation in patients with eating disorders (ED) and evaluating its relationship with psychosocial adjustment and psychological distress following Leventhal’s Self-Regulation Model. Fifty-six patients diagnosed with an ED participated, who were being treated at a specialized unit and at a primary care center, and who had completed the BIPQ, PAIS-SR, HADS, and the GHQ-12. The patients perceived that their disorder posed serious consequences to their life, and that treatment would help improve their condition. They considered that the disorder had negative emotions associated with it, in addition to them perceiving scarce control over the problem. The perception of consequences and the emotional representation were associated with worse psychosocial adjustment and psychological distress. However, the perception of personal control was related with better psychosocial and emotional adjustment. The findings in this work point out the importance of considering individual cognitions in these patients regarding their disorder, with the aim of intervening via treatment of these beliefs in order to improve the adjustment and diminish negative emotional repercussionsEl presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir la representación de la enfermedad en pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) y evaluar su relación con el ajuste psicosocial y el malestar psicológico, siguiendo el Modelo de Auto-Regulación de Leventhal. Método: Participaron 56 pacientes diagnosticados de un TCA, que estaban siendo atendidos en una unidad especializada y en un centro de Atención Primaria, y cumplimentaron el BIPQ, el PAIS-SR, el HADS y el GHQ-12. Resultados: Los pacientes percibieron que su enfermedad tenía consecuencias serias para su vida y que el tratamiento ayudaría a mejorar su condición. Consideraron que el trastorno tenía emociones negativas asociadas, además de poseer una percepción de escaso control personal sobre el problema. La percepción de consecuencias y la representación emocional se asociaron con un peor ajuste psicosocial y con el malestar psicológico. Sin embargo, la percepción de control personal se relacionó con un mejor ajuste psicosocial y emocional. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este trabajo señalan la importancia de considerar las cogniciones individuales de estos pacientes sobre su enfermedad, con el fin de intervenir desde el tratamiento sobre estas creencias para mejorar el ajuste y disminuir las repercusiones emocionales negativas