1,607 research outputs found

    Adopting a Transformational Approach to Basic Course Leadership

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    Transformational leadership focuses on communication aspects of leadership and vision, two concepts fundamental to the study of leadership in organizations. Basic courses function as subsystems within institutional organizations, making them appropriate contexts for application of organizational leadership theory. This paper presents strategies for using organizational theory to improve basic course leadership

    Sharing Different Reference Frames: How Stimulus Setup and Task Setup Shape Egocentric and Allocentric Simon Effects

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    Different reference frames are used in daily life in order to structure the environment. The two-choice Simon task setting has been used to investigate how task-irrelevant spatial information influences human cognitive control. In recent studies, a Go/NoGo Simon task setting was used in order to divide the Simon task between a pair of participants. Yet, not only a human co-actor, but also even an attention-grabbing object can provide sufficient reference in order to reintroduce a Simon effect (SE) indicating cognitive conflict in Go/NoGo task settings. Interestingly, the SE could only occur when a reference point outside of the stimulus setup was available. The current studies exploited the dependency between different spatial reference frames (egocentric and allocentric) offered by the stimulus setup itself and the task setup (individual vs. joint Go/NoGot task setting). Two studies (Experiments 1 and 2) were carried out along with a human co-actor. Experiment 3 used an attention-grabbing object instead. The egocentric and allocentric SEs triggered by different features of the stimulus setup (global vs. local) were modulated by the task setup. When interacting with a human co-actor, an egocentric SE was found for global features of the stimulus setup (i.e., stimulus position on the screen). In contrast, an allocentric SE was yielded in the individual task setup illustrating the relevance of more local features of the stimulus setup (i.e., the manikin’s ball position). Results point toward salience shifts between different spatial reference frames depending on the nature of the task setup


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    The increase in the number of black students and professors in the universityenvironment, especially after the 1970, has given rise to a new form of producingknowledge about racial relations in the academy. This is evident, especially, from thecreation of study and research groups coordinated by black and black intellectuals andfocused on the theme of ethnic-racial relations. Founded in 1991, at the FederalUniversity of São Carlos, Núcleo de Estudos Afro-brasileiros (NEAB) is consideredhere as part of this displacement. With that in mind, this work seeks to analyze howthe production of knowledge of teachers who are or were part of NEAB contributes tothe struggle for social justice. To achieve this goal, we mapped the main topicsaddressed by these professors in their academic productions. To organize andinterpret the results, we used the content analysis method. In our results, we observedthat the most cited topics in these teachers' discussions were, in order of frequency:education and social justice. The engagement of these intellectuals in thesediscussions highlights the political and epistemological commitment (GOMES, 2019)of NEAB/UFSCar to continue articulating political militancy with intellectual production.We observe, therefore, that these professors put into practice an academic posturethat develops in dialogue with the themes dear to the black movement and thedemands for public policies aimed at racial equality.La inserción de estudiantes y profesores negros en el ámbito universitario,especialmente a partir de la década de 1970, dio alas a una nueva forma deproducción de conocimiento sobre las relaciones raciales en la academia. Esto se hizoevidente, sobre todo, a partir de la creación de grupos de estudio e investigacióncoordinados por intelectuales negros y centrados en el tema de las relaciones étnicoraciales. Fundado en 1991, el Núcleo de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros (NEAB) de laUniversidad Federal de São Carlos se considera aquí parte de este desplazamiento.Teniendo esto en cuenta, este trabajo pretende analizar cómo la producción deconocimiento de los profesores que integran o han integrado el NEAB contribuye a lalucha por la justicia social. Para lograr este objetivo, trazamos un mapa de cuáles eranlos principales temas tratados por estos profesores en sus producciones académicas.El análisis de los datos obtenidos se basó en el Análisis de Contenido. En nuestrosresultados, observamos que los temas más recurrentes en los debates de estosprofesores fueron, por orden de frecuencia: la educación y la justicia social. Laparticipación de estos intelectuales en estas discusiones pone de relieve elcompromiso político y epistemológico (GOMES, 2019) de NEAB/UFSCar paracontinuar articulando la militancia política con la producción intelectual. Observamos,por lo tanto, que estos profesores ponen en práctica una postura académica que sedesarrolla en diálogo con los temas queridos por el movimiento negro y las demandasde políticas públicas dirigidas a la igualdad racial.A inserção de discente e docentes negros/as no ambiente universitário, especialmenteapós a década de 1970, deu fôlego à uma nova forma de produção de conhecimentoacerca das relações raciais na academia. Isso se torna notório, sobretudo, a partir dacriação de grupos de estudos e de pesquisa coordenados por intelectuais negros enegras e voltados para o tema das relações étnico-raciais. Fundado em 1991, oNúcleo de Estudos Afro-brasileiros (NEAB) da Universidade Federal de São Carlos éaqui considerado enquanto parte deste deslocamento. Tendo isso em vista, estetrabalho busca analisar de que forma a produção de conhecimento de docentes queintegram ou integraram o NEAB contribui para a luta por justiça social. Para alcançareste objetivo, mapeamos quais foram as principais temáticas tratadas por estas/esdocentes em suas produções acadêmicas. A análise dos dados obtidos foi feita a partirda Análise de Conteúdo. Em nossos resultados, observamos que os temas maisrecorrentes nas discussões destes docentes foram, em ordem de frequência:educação e justiça social. O engajamento dessas/es intelectuais nestas discussõesevidencia o compromisso político e epistemológico (GOMES, 2019) do NEAB/UFSCarem seguir articulando a militância política com a produção intelectual. Observamos,portanto, que estes docentes colocam em prática uma postura acadêmica que sedesenvolve em diálogo com as temáticas caras ao movimento negro e às demandaspor políticas públicas voltadas para a igualdade racial

    Prioritization of Features for Mobile Apps for Families in a Federal Nutrition Program for Low-Income Women, Infants, and Children: User-Centered Design Approach

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    Background: The Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federal nutrition program that provides nutritious food, education, and health care referrals to low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of 5 years. Although WIC is associated with positive health outcomes for each participant category, modernization and efficiency are needed at the clinic and shopping levels to increase program satisfaction and participation rates. New technologies, such as electronic benefits transfer (EBT), online nutrition education, and mobile apps, can provide opportunities to improve the WIC experience for participants. Objective: This formative study applies user-centered design principles to inform the layout and prioritization of features in mobile apps for low-income families participating in the WIC program. Methods: To identify and prioritize desirable app features, caregivers (N=22) of the children enrolled in WIC participated in individual semistructured interviews with a card sorting activity. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using constant comparative analysis for themes. App features were ranked and placed into natural groupings by each participant. The sum and average of the rankings were calculated to understand which features were prioritized by the users. Natural groupings of features were labeled according to participant descriptions. Results: Natural groupings focused on the following categories: clinics/appointments, shopping/stores, education/assessments, location, and recipes/food. Themes from the interviews triangulated the results from the ranking activity. The priority app features were balance checking, an item scanner, and appointment scheduling. Other app features discussed and ranked included appointment reminders, nutrition training and quizzes, shopping lists, clinic and store locators, recipe gallery, produce calculator, and dietary preferences/allergies. Conclusions: This study demonstrates how a user-centered design process can aid the development of an app for low-income families participating in WIC to inform the effective design of the app features and user interface

    A role for PKC-ɛ in FcγR-mediated phagocytosis by RAW 264.7 cells

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    Protein kinase C (PKC) plays a prominent role in immune signaling, and the paradigms for isoform selective signaling are beginning to be elucidated. Real-time microscopy was combined with molecular and biochemical approaches to demonstrate a role for PKC-ɛ in Fcγ receptor (FcγR)–dependent phagocytosis. RAW 264.7 macrophages were transfected with GFP-conjugated PKC isoforms, and GFP movement was followed during phagocytosis of fluorescent IgG–opsonized beads. PKC-ɛ, but not PKC-δ, concentrated around the beads. PKC-ɛ accumulation was transient; apparent as a “flash” on target ingestion. Similarly, endogenous PKC-ɛ was specifically recruited to the nascent phagosomes in a time-dependent manner. Overexpression of PKC-ɛ, but not PKC-α, PKC-δ, or PKC-γ enhanced bead uptake 1.8-fold. Additionally, the rate of phagocytosis in GFP PKC-ɛ expressors was twice that of cells expressing GFP PKC-δ. Expression of the regulatory domain (ɛRD) and the first variable region (ɛV1) of PKC-ɛ inhibited uptake, whereas the corresponding PKC-δ region had no effect. Actin polymerization was enhanced on expression of GFP PKC-ɛ and ɛRD, but decreased in cells expressing ɛV1, suggesting that the ɛRD and ɛV1 inhibition of phagocytosis is not due to effects on actin polymerization. These results demonstrate a role for PKC-ɛ in FcγR-mediated phagocytosis that is independent of its effects on actin assembly

    Regulatory T Cells and IL-10 Independently Counterregulate Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Responses Induced by Transcutaneous Immunization

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    The imidazoquinoline derivate imiquimod induces inflammatory responses and protection against transplanted tumors when applied to the skin in combination with a cognate peptide epitope (transcutaneous immunization, TCI). Here we investigated the role of regulatory T cells (T(reg)) and the suppressive cytokine IL-10 in restricting TCI-induced cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses.TCI was performed with an ointment containing the TLR7 agonist imiquimod and a CTL epitope was applied to the depilated back skin of C57BL/6 mice. Using specific antibodies and FoxP3-diphteria toxin receptor transgenic (DEREG) mice, we interrogated inhibiting factors after TCI: by depleting FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells we found that specific CTL-responses were greatly enhanced. Beyond this, in IL-10 deficient (IL-10(-/-)) mice or after blocking of IL-10 signalling with an IL-10 receptor specific antibody, the TCI induced CTL response is greatly enhanced indicating an important role for this cytokine in TCI. However, by transfer of T(reg) in IL-10(-/-) mice and the use of B cell deficient JHT(-/-) mice, we can exclude T(reg) and B cells as source of IL-10 in the setting of TCI.We identify T(reg) and IL-10 as two important and independently acting suppressors of CTL-responses induced by transcutaneous immunization. Advanced vaccination strategies inhibiting T(reg) function and IL-10 release may lead the development of effective vaccination protocols aiming at the induction of T cell responses suitable for the prophylaxis or treatment of persistent infections or tumors

    Frontiers in Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research

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    We identify emerging frontiers in clinical and basic research of melanocyte biology and its associated biomedical disciplines. We describe challenges and opportunities in clinical and basic research of normal and diseased melanocytes that impact current approaches to research in melanoma and the dermatological sciences. We focus on four themes: (1) clinical melanoma research, (2) basic melanoma research, (3) clinical dermatology, and (4) basic pigment cell research, with the goal of outlining current highlights, challenges, and frontiers associated with pigmentation and melanocyte biology. Significantly, this document encapsulates important advances in melanocyte and melanoma research including emerging frontiers in melanoma immunotherapy, medical and surgical oncology, dermatology, vitiligo, albinism, genomics and systems biology, epidemiology, pigment biophysics and chemistry, and evolution

    Sexual Function 6 Months After First Delivery

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    To explore the association of anal sphincter laceration and sexual function 6 months postpartum in the Childbirth and Pelvic Symptoms (CAPS) cohort