30 research outputs found

    The histone methyltransferase SUV420H2 and Heterochromatin Proteins HP1 interact but show different dynamic behaviours

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Histone lysine methylation plays a fundamental role in chromatin organization and marks distinct chromatin regions. In particular, trimethylation at lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3K9) and at lysine 20 of histone H4 (H4K20) governed by the histone methyltransferases SUV39H1/2 and SUV420H1/2 respectively, have emerged as a hallmark of pericentric heterochromatin. Controlled chromatin organization is crucial for gene expression regulation and genome stability. Therefore, it is essential to analyze mechanisms responsible for high order chromatin packing and in particular the interplay between enzymes involved in histone modifications, such as histone methyltransferases and proteins that recognize these epigenetic marks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To gain insights into the mechanisms of SUV420H2 recruitment at heterochromatin, we applied a tandem affinity purification approach coupled to mass spectrometry. We identified heterochromatin proteins HP1 as main interacting partners. The regions responsible for the binding were mapped to the heterochromatic targeting module of SUV420H2 and HP1 chromoshadow domain. We studied the dynamic properties of SUV420H2 and the HP1 in living cells using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Our results showed that HP1 proteins are highly mobile with different dynamics during the cell cycle, whereas SUV420H2 remains strongly bound to pericentric heterochromatin. An 88 amino-acids region of SUV420H2, the heterochromatic targeting module, recapitulates both, HP1 binding and strong association to heterochromatin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>FRAP experiments reveal that in contrast to HP1, SUV420H2 is strongly associated to pericentric heterochromatin. Then, the fraction of SUV420H2 captured and characterized by TAP/MS is a soluble fraction which may be in a stable association with HP1. Consequently, SUV420H2 may be recruited to heterochromatin in association with HP1, and stably maintained at its heterochromatin sites in an HP1-independent fashion.</p

    Direct interaction of TrkA/CD44v3 is essential for NGF-promoted aggressiveness of breast cancer cells

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    Background CD44 is a multifunctional membrane glycoprotein. Through its heparan sulfate chain, CD44 presents growth factors to their receptors. We have shown that CD44 and Tropomyosin kinase A (TrkA) form a complex following nerve growth factor (NGF) induction. Our study aimed to understand how CD44 and TrkA interact and the consequences of inhibiting this interaction regarding the pro-tumoral effect of NGF in breast cancer. Methods After determining which CD44 isoforms (variants) are involved in forming the TrkA/CD44 complex using proximity ligation assays, we investigated the molecular determinants of this interaction. By molecular modeling, we isolated the amino acids involved and confirmed their involvement using mutations. A CD44v3 mimetic peptide was then synthesized to block the TrkA/CD44v3 interaction. The effects of this peptide on the growth, migration and invasion of xenografted triple-negative breast cancer cells were assessed. Finally, we investigated the correlations between the expression of the TrkA/CD44v3 complex in tumors and histo-pronostic parameters. Results We demonstrated that isoform v3 (CD44v3), but not v6, binds to TrkA in response to NGF stimulation. The final 10 amino acids of exon v3 and the TrkA H112 residue are necessary for the association of CD44v3 with TrkA. Functionally, the CD44v3 mimetic peptide impairs not only NGF-induced RhoA activation, clonogenicity, and migration/invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro but also tumor growth and metastasis in a xenograft mouse model. We also detected TrkA/CD44v3 only in cancerous cells, not in normal adjacent tissues. Conclusion Collectively, our results suggest that blocking the CD44v3/TrkA interaction can be a new therapeutic option for triple-negative breast cancers

    Genetic Engineering of Zebrafish in Cancer Research

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    Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an excellent model to study a wide diversity of human cancers. In this review, we provide an overview of the genetic and reverse genetic toolbox allowing the generation of zebrafish lines that develop tumors. The large spectrum of genetic tools enables the engineering of zebrafish lines harboring precise genetic alterations found in human patients, the generation of zebrafish carrying somatic or germline inheritable mutations or zebrafish showing conditional expression of the oncogenic mutations. Comparative transcriptomics demonstrate that many of the zebrafish tumors share molecular signatures similar to those found in human cancers. Thus, zebrafish cancer models provide a unique in vivo platform to investigate cancer initiation and progression at the molecular and cellular levels, to identify novel genes involved in tumorigenesis as well as to contemplate new therapeutic strategies

    Le modèle poisson zèbre dans la lutte contre le cancer

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    En raison de sa simplicité d’utilisation, la culture cellulaire reste le matériel de choix pour l’étude des mécanismes impliqués dans le cancer. Toutefois, la mise en culture des cellules est souvent responsable de la perte de certaines de leurs caractéristiques et de l’acquisition de nouvelles propriétés. Aussi, les modèles animaux sont essentiels à l’étude des phénomènes physiologiques et pathologiques comme la tumorigenèse. Parmi les modèles animaux utilisés en cancérologie, le poisson zèbre apparaît comme un modèle particulièrement pertinent. En effet, la facilité et les faibles coûts d’élevage du poisson zèbre, tout comme le large éventail de possibilités en termes de manipulation génétique et d’imagerie in vivo classent ce modèle vertébré parmi les outils les plus remarquables pour l’étude du cancer. Cette revue a pour objectif de faire le point sur les apports et le potentiel du poisson zèbre dans la lutte contre le cancer

    The Polycomb Orthologues in Teleost Fishes and Their Expression in the Zebrafish Model

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    The Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1) is a chromatin-associated protein complex involved in transcriptional repression of hundreds of genes controlling development and differentiation processes, but also involved in cancer and stem cell biology. Within the canonical PRC1, members of Pc/CBX protein family are responsible for the targeting of the complex to specific gene loci. In mammals, the Pc/CBX protein family is composed of five members generating, through mutual exclusion, different PRC1 complexes with potentially distinct cellular functions. Here, we performed a global analysis of the cbx gene family in 68 teleost species and traced the distribution of the cbx genes through teleost evolution in six fish super-orders. We showed that after the teleost-specific whole genome duplication, cbx4, cbx7 and cbx8 are retained as pairs of ohnologues. In contrast, cbx2 and cbx6 are present as pairs of ohnologues in the genome of several teleost clades but as singletons in others. Furthermore, since zebrafish is a widely used vertebrate model for studying development, we report on the expression of the cbx family members during zebrafish development and in adult tissues. We showed that all cbx genes are ubiquitously expressed with some variations during early development

    Combining genotypic and phenotypic analyses on single mutant zebrafish larvae

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    Zebrafish is a powerful animal model used to study vertebrate embryogenesis, organ development and diseases (Gut et al., 2017) [1]. The usefulness of the model was established as a result of various large forward genetic screens identifying mutants in almost every organ or cell type (Driever et al., 1996; Haffter et al., 1996) [2,3]. More recently, the advent of genome editing methodologies, including TALENs (Sander et al., 2011) [4] and the CRISPR/Cas9 technology (Hwang et al., 2013) [5], led to an increase in the production of zebrafish mutants. A number of these mutations are homozygous lethal at the embryonic or larval stages preventing the generation of homozygous mutant zebrafish lines. Here, we present a method allowing both genotyping and phenotype analyses of mutant zebrafish larvae from heterozygous zebrafish incrosses. The procedure is based on the genotyping of the larval tail after transection, whereas phenotypic studies are performed on the anterior part of the zebrafish larvae. • The method includes (i) a protocol for genotyping, (ii) protocols for paraffin embedding and histological analyses, (iii) protocols for protein and histone extraction and characterization by Western blot, (iv) protocols for RNA extraction and characterization by RT-PCR, and (v) protocols to study caudal spinal cord regeneration. • The technique is optimized in order to be applied on single zebrafish embryos and larvae. Keywords: Zebrafish, Genotyping, Protein extraction, Histone extraction, RNA extraction, Histology, Spinal cord regeneratio

    The Contribution of the Zebrafish Model to the Understanding of Polycomb Repression in Vertebrates

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    Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are highly conserved proteins assembled into two major types of complexes, PRC1 and PRC2, involved in the epigenetic silencing of a wide range of gene expression programs regulating cell fate and tissue development. The crucial role of PRC1 and PRC2 in the fundamental cellular processes and their involvement in human pathologies such as cancer attracted intense attention over the last few decades. Here, we review recent advancements regarding PRC1 and PRC2 function using the zebrafish model. We point out that the unique characteristics of the zebrafish model provide an exceptional opportunity to increase our knowledge of the role of the PRC1 and PRC2 complexes in tissue development, in the maintenance of organ integrity and in pathology