3,180 research outputs found

    Consumer Credit in America: Past, Present, and Future

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    In September 2016, in conjunction with Law & Contemporary Problems at Duke University School of Law, we organized a symposium on Consumer Credit in America. We sought to assess the state of consumer credit in America — to review and examine its recent history, to consider arguments for and against regulation, and to discuss the potential for future innovation. This is the introduction to the volume of articles coming out of that symposium

    The Role Of Advanced Nurse Practitioner In Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Of Obesity In Children

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    Obesity is one of the most serious health problems facing the youth of the United States. Evidence suggests that the problem is getting worse rapidly. Obesity is now the most prevalent physiological and psychological disease of children and adolescents. Many people; i.e., governmental authorities and national leaders in the health care system perceived that obesity will impact health care in the United States, as well as in the world, now and in the future; specifically, increased cost, increased individual and community health infractions, problems, and quality of life. Many people think it is a cosmetic problem only, but in reality, it is linked to multiple health problems; such as, but not limited to, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and psychosocial dilemmas. Advanced nurse practitioners are in the greatest position to help individuals and families, due to their extensive theoretical and practice background. For the advanced nurse practitioner, the process of dealing with the problem of obesity can be overwhelming to address thoroughly. Primary prevention has emerged as the best intervention, rather than dealing with secondary and tertiary repercussions. The purpose of this Evidence Based Practice (EBP) study was to impute in the Advanced Nurse Practitioner, the importance of primary prevention, and management, should this become necessary, regarding the monumental issue of childhood obesity

    Contextualizing Teacher Professionalism: Findings from a Cross-Case Analysis of Union Active Teachers

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    This paper draws on data collected as part of a study of the discourses of teacher professionalism amongst union active teachers in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Ontario. Interviews revealed a triad of influences on the professionalism discourses of participants: engagement in teacher associations, the larger policy environment, and teacher agency. The manner in which this triad played out in each case, however, was unique to the particular political and organizational contexts framing the spaces in which such discourses were created. Using cross-case analysis, this paper specifically highlights the complex and contextualized nature of teachers’ conceptions of professionalism, paying particular attention to the nuanced enabling and limiting conditions identified between the cases. Cet article s’appuie sur des données recueillies dans le contexte d’une étude portant sur le discours concernant le professionnalisme des enseignants actifs dans leur syndicat et vivant dans les provinces canadiennes de l’Alberta et de l’Ontario. Les entrevues ont révélé une triade d’influences sur ce discours chez les participants : l’implication dans des associations d’enseignants, le contexte politique général et l’agentivité des enseignants. L’interaction de ces composantes s’est déroulée d’une façon distincte selon le contexte politique et organisationnel du milieu dans lequel le discours a été créé. S’appuyant sur une analyse transversale, cet article souligne la nature complexe et contextualisée des conceptions qu’ont les enseignants du professionnalisme, et se penche particulièrement sur les conditions nuancées, favorables ou restrictives, qui ont été identifiées dans chaque cas

    Discourses of Teacher Professionalism: “From Within” and “From Without” or Two Sides of the Same Coin?

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    Drawing on data from a larger doctoral study, this paper specifically explores influences on the discourses of professionalism amongst a sample of highly engaged members of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO). Based on the assumption that discourse takes shape within a highly politicized system of socialization where language plays a significant role in the maintenance of particular power structures and the cultures that support them (Hilferty, 2004), the case suggests that the professionalism discourses of teachers and their unions and those of government are not necessarily as mutually exclusive as they are often presented in the literature.

    Native voices on Native science: Mohawk perspectives on the concept, practice, and meaning of a knowledge production system rooted in traditional Native thought

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    Community psychology is strongly committed to the value of cultural relativity and diversity. Acquiring knowledge regarding cultural differences is essential if community psychology is to realize this value. This paper provides a culture specific perspective on the form and meaning of a knowledge system rooted in traditional Mohawk thought. The academic literature regarding research on Native people reveals an ethnocentric description of native reality. My premise is that research in Native communities has been ideologically biased by virtue of the interpretation of native reality from the perspective of mainstream western scientific assumptions. The ability to obtain culturally relevant knowledge hinges on our ability to understand and come to knowledge in a culturally relevant way. Thus, there is a need for a knowledge production system that is rooted in traditional Native thought. Utilizing a qualitative and collaborative approach I obtain the perspectives of five people, who are members of the Mohawk Nation who reside in the Six Nation of the Grand River Community, on the concept of a Native science and a knowledge system rooted in traditional Mohawk thought. The results of the study indicated that there is a high degree of congruity between the generalized Native scientific concepts and practices with Mohawk specific traditional beliefs and practices. The study illuminates Mohawk specific teachings and how these teachings shape the meaning and practice of a knowledge system rooted in traditional Mohawk thought


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    This paper explores understandings related to teacher professionalism amongst a sample of highly engaged members of the Alberta Teacher’s Association (ATA). Highlighting the many ways in which the Association supported members in their bid to embody roles as leaders, learners, advocates, and policy actors, I argue that the ATA serves as a platform for the development of teacher leaders and advocates who aim to improve the quality of education on a broader scale through their work both inside and outside the classroom.

    A qualitative exploration of grieving counsellors' monitoring of fitness to practice

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    This small-scale qualitative study explores grieving counsellors’ monitoring of their fitness to practise. The data was collected from seven co-researchers using semi-structured interviews and analysed using the constant comparative method. Analysis of the data suggests that grief experiences before counsellor training were formative in the development of the participants’ philosophical approach to life and loss. Following their loss all participants made a personal exploration of their fitness to practise prior to meeting with their supervisors. When the deaths were in old age and/or expected counsellors resumed practising within a month. Counselling during anticipatory grief was helpful as was practising following their losses and this is consistent with the Dual Process of Coping with Bereavement (Stroebe & Schut, 2001). Experiencing grief in practice appeared to have a positive impact on personal and professional development
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