299 research outputs found

    Tradisi Ngkade Pada Perempuan Suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Bagaimana proses pelaksanaan tradisi ngkade pada perempuan suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan dan 2) Nilai-nilai apa yang terkandung dalam pelaksanaan tradisi ngkade pada perempuan suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Jumlah informan sebanyak 12 orang yang terdiri dari Camat Siompu, 7 orang tokoh adat, dan 3 orang masyarakat serta 1 orang tokoh agama. Pemilihan informan penelitian ini menggunakan cara purposive sampling dengan kriteria masyarakat yang berdomisili di Kecamatan Siompu selama 10 tahun keatas. Teknik pengumulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan redukasi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pengabsahan data menggunakan member chek. Hasil penelitian yakni: 1) Prosesi upacara adat Ngkade di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan yaitu: a). Persiapan awal upacara adat Ngkade, b). ) Pembukaan upacara adat Ngkade, c). Hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh para gadis dalam ruang pingitan pada hari pertama dan kedua, d). Persiapan di hari ke 3 menuju puncak upacara adat Ngkade. e). Hari keempat puncak upacara adat Ngkade. 2) Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam pelaksanaan tradisi ngkade pada perempuan suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan yaitu: a). nilai solidaritas b). nilai motifasi c). nilai religious d). nilai kebersamaan e). nilai pendidikan. IRMAWATI PALY, 2017. Tradisi Ngkade Pada Perempuan Suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan. Skripsi ini dibimbing oleh Firdaus W. Suhaeb dan Muhammad Syukur. Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Bagaimana proses pelaksanaan tradisi ngkade pada perempuan suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan dan 2) Nilai-nilai apa yang terkandung dalam pelaksanaan tradisi ngkade pada perempuan suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Jumlah informan sebanyak 12 orang yang terdiri dari Camat Siompu, 7 orang tokoh adat, dan 3 orang masyarakat serta 1 orang tokoh agama. Pemilihan informan penelitian ini menggunakan cara purposive sampling dengan kriteria masyarakat yang berdomisili di Kecamatan Siompu selama 10 tahun keatas. Teknik pengumulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan redukasi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pengabsahan data menggunakan member chek. Hasil penelitian yakni: 1) Prosesi upacara adat Ngkade di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan yaitu: a). Persiapan awal upacara adat Ngkade, b). ) Pembukaan upacara adat Ngkade, c). Hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh para gadis dalam ruang pingitan pada hari pertama dan kedua, d). Persiapan di hari ke 3 menuju puncak upacara adat Ngkade. e). Hari keempat puncak upacara adat Ngkade. 2) Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam pelaksanaan tradisi ngkade pada perempuan suku Buton di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan yaitu: a). nilai solidaritas b). nilai motifasi c). nilai religious d). nilai kebersamaan e). nilai pendidikan

    The development of the repertory theatre

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    This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Willingness to Pay dan Karakteristik Konsumen Daging Ayam Halal Berdasarkan Pendekatan Pasar Hipotetik

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    This study aims to (1) determine the amount of Willingness to Pay (WTP) for halal chicken meat (DA), and (2) the characteristics of halal chicken consumers who are willing to pay the WTP price. A total of 50 halal chicken consumers taken from 2 traditional markets were interviewed as respondents. To determine WTP, a hypothetical market approach is used with the Continget Valuation Method (CVM). WTP prices are divided into two categories; WTP0 corresponds to the market price, and WTP1 increases 5% above the market price. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and variable logistic regression. The results showed that 85.35% of consumers were willing to pay a 5% price increase, while 14.65% were not. With this 5% price increase, halal chicken suppliers get an additional sales turnover of IDR 16.8 million per month or 201.6 million per year. Characteristics of respondents who determine WTP are education level, household income, and consumer awareness of halal products. The study concluded that the halal WTP  allows suppliers to build small-scale halal slaughterhouses (200-300 heads) per dayWillingness to Pay (WTP) or the price level at which consumers are willing or willing to pay per unit (kg) of halal chicken meat. This study aims to (1) determine the amount of Willingness to Pay (WTP) for halal chicken meat (CM), and (2) the characteristics of halal chicken consumers who are willing to pay the WTP price. A total of 50 halal chicken consumers taken from 2 traditional markets were interviewed as respondents. To determine WTP, a hypothetical market approach is used with the Continget Valuation Method (CVM). WTP prices are divided into two categories; WTP0 corresponds to the market price, and WTP1 increases 5% above the market price. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and variable logistic regression. The results showed that 85.35% of consumers were willing to pay a 5% price increase, while 14.65% were not. With this 5% price increase, halal chicken suppliers get an additional sales turnover of IDR 16.8 million per month or 201.6 million per year. Characteristics of respondents who determine WTP are education level, household income, and consumer awareness of halal products. The study concluded that the halal WTP allows suppliers to build small-scale halal slaughterhouses (200-300 heads) per da

    Pertumbuhan Gross dan Net Populasi Ternak Sapi di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This research aims to know the Gross and the Net population growth of beef cattle the last 5 years (2009-2013) in South Sulawesi. Implemented in four regency, namely, Gowa, Bone, Barru and Enrekang. Site selection was based on the consideration that the four regency are the areas of the development of cattle with a total population of about 45.26% of the total population who are of South Sulawesi. Type of this research is quantitative survey method. The population of the research was the whole group/cattle farmers in four areas. Then each regency selected four groups as the sample, so that the number of samples that are observed as many as 16 groups. Data collection was done through observation and interviews by using the questionnaire. The observed variables are; (1) the number and type of livestock owned, (2) the number of males and females, (3) the addition of the parent, males and famales from outside the province, (4) sales, cut withholding, and cases of death, and (5) the number of births. The results showed that over the last five years (2009-2013) Gross population growth of beef cattle in South Sulawesi 11.46% per year, growth above the national average of 10.26% per year. While the growth of the Net population average at 11.18% per year, whereas the Net population smaller (11: 18 < 11.46) from the Gross population. Its main cause is the amount of sales, cut withholding, and cases of death which is not compare with birth rate.Keywords: gross, growth, net, populatio

    Pola Hubungan Antara Jumlah Kelahiran Dengan Jumlah Betina dan Pejantan Produktif Pada Ternak Sapi

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    This research aims to know the pattern of the relationship between the number of births and the number of males and females productive. Implemented in the Gowa in June-October 2014. Using method of survey through observation and interview. The population of the research was a wholegroup of cattle there. As many as 5 group of cattle has been observed and interviewed. Variables are observed and analyzed are: (1) the number of cattle owned by males and females, (2) the number of births, (3) the number of males and females productive, (4) sales, cut withholding, and cases of death,and (5) number of females productive female rescue. Data analysis was carried out in two categories, descriptive and inferensial. Descriptive analysis using a matrix, tabulate and a chart, while inferential analysis using SPSS and Amos 16 software, then validated with data and information from othersources. The results showed that there are four variables that are directly related to the number of births. Namely: (1) the number of female productive, (2) number of females sold, cut withholding, and death, (3) number of productive female rescue, and (4) the number of male productive. To four variables are also interrelated with one another, but not directly related to the number of births. This powerful relationship patterns indicate that the number of births is very closely related to the number of productive female rescue, and the number of males. While the weak relationship patterns indicate that the number of females sold, cut withholding, and the dead, is not related to the number of births.Keywords: birth, females, males, relationship


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    The study was aimed to analyse production efficiency and intensity of input use according to production phase in commercial smallholders laying hens (CSLH) in South Sulawesi, Indonesia in three consecutive months. Production phase was determined by the hens’ age, i.e. 5-12 months in Phase I and 13-18 months in Phase II. Data were collected from a survey to 35 and 32 CSLH samples from Phase I and II, respectively. Daily egg production was calculated in percent (%), the main ration and feed additive was expressed in Indonesian currency unit (IDR) and the labor and experience were stated in hour/day and year, respectively. Data were subject to Cobb-Douglass production function (CD) analysis using SPSS 16 software. Results showed that production efficiency of Phase I and II hit Increasing Return to Scale (IRT) and a 1% proportional increase of total input would improve egg production in Phase I and II by 3.07% and 2.06%, respectively(>1%). Intercept of production function in Phase I (61.60) was higher than that of Phase II (52.60). The intensity of main ration in Phase I and II was still underutilized; therefore, increasing the input potentially improved egg production. The intensity of feed additive in Phase I was optimum but overutilized in Phase II. Labor and experience inputs were overutilized in both Phases. In conclusion, CSLH efficiency in Phase I and II in South Sulawesi was subject to optimization by increasing the main ration input and decreasing labor and working experience input


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    ABSTRACT. This study aims to determine the efficiency of a scale and intensit y of input use in laying chicken farming production phase II at Gowa. Results of this study are expected to provide additional information for further research, and for the improvement of poultry farm business management at the sites. Using survey method with data collection observation and interview. Some 30 farmers samples have been analyzed. The data collected is last 3 months include; (1) the number of population, (2) the amount of egg production per day or Henday, (3) the number of inputs used include DOC, feed, spacious cages, labor, and living cost. To determine the efficiency of a scale and intensity of  input use analysts used the Cobb-Douglas production function. Results of this study concluded that the scale of production and the intensity of input use production phase II is a set of conditions that are not efficient or deccreasing return to scale (DRS). This is because the production phase II, aged 19-25 months biological production and reproductive capacity has decreased. The implications of this research is laying chicken breeders production phase II need to input a maximum of 39.80% reduction of the number of previous use.


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    Agriculture yield by farmer at conventional farmer generally own characteristic and nature of permanent upon which  row material. Big volume and easy to destroy the ( bulkya and perishable), quality and vary Seasonally ( Long Seasonal). Periode time  between gultivation phase with the cropping. Some farmer also difficulties to  respon price change which became by the seasonal period explained previously. Farmer difficulty to respon price change through and  passing Cobweb-Theorema. So agribisnis give the advantage to solves through Sinergisitas systems,  Market Oriented usualt called maximum profite oriented. Keyword:Agribisnis, characteristic, produce, earning