4 research outputs found

    Medical Treatment for Pyometra in Cat

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    The Pyometra case is a case that is often found in Female Cat. This case report will discuss the handling of a case of pyometra in a 7-year-old mixed breed cat who is being treated at Harmoni Pet Care, Menanggal, Gayungan, Surabaya, Indonesia. Reports from the owner that these cats are still in good appetite but sanguino-purulent discharge from the vagina was found. In clinically diagnosed with a pyometra, the treatment used to treat pyometra case was ovariohysterectomy. Postoperative care was carried out by administering antibiotics (Clanexi; Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid, 1 cc/kg, IM) given twice a day for 14 days, with the first 3 days being treated in the Harmoni Pet Care inpatient room and the 4th day to the 14th day of care is done at the owner's house, local antiseptic dressing at the incision site is continued for up to 14 days until the sutures in the skin sutures were absorbed by the cat's body

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Desa Kalikurmo Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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    This community service activity is aimed at empowering the people of Kalkurmo Village, Beringin District, Semarang Regency through the processing of local natural resources. The appropriate technology being trained is the processing of corn into modified flour which can then be processed into various processed food products. Activities carried out in the form of training and community assistance to master post-harvest corn processing technology. Corn has been successfully processed into flour by fermentation and acetylation and then made into cookies. Cookies products can be used as processed food products to be marketed.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ditujukan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat Desa Kalkurmo, Kecamatan Beringin, Kabupaten Semarang melalui pengolahan sumber daya alam lokal. Teknologi tepat guna yang dilatihkan adalah pengolahan jagung menjadi tepung termodifikasi yang selanjutnya dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk olahan pangan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pendampingan masyarakat untuk menguasai teknologi pasca panen pengolahan jagung. Jagung berhasil diolah menjadi tepung dengan fermentasi dan asetilasi dan selanjutnya dibuat menjadi produk cookies. Produk cookies dapat dijadikan produk olahan pangan untuk dipasarkan