3,718 research outputs found

    Path integrals and degrees of freedom in many-body systems and relativistic field theories

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    The identification of physical degrees of freedom is sometimes obscured in the path integral formalism, and this makes it difficult to impose some constraints or to do some approximations. I review a number of cases where the difficulty is overcame by deriving the path integral from the operator form of the partition function after such identification has been made.Comment: 15 pages, volume in honor of prof.Yu.A.Simono

    Numerical tripping of high-speed turbulent boundary layers

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    The influence of turbulence inflow generation on direct numerical simulations (DNS) of high-speed turbulent boundary layers at Mach numbers of 2 and 5.84 is investigated. Two main classes of inflow conditions are considered, based on the recycling/rescaling (RR) and the digital filtering (DF) approach, along with suitably modified versions. A series of DNS using very long streamwise domains is first carried out to provide reliable data for the subsequent investigation. A set of diagnostic parameters is then selected to verify achievement of an equilibrium state, and correlation laws for those quantities are obtained based on benchmark cases. Simulations using shorter domains, with extent comparable with that used in the current literature, are then carried out and compared with the benchmark data. Significant deviations from equilibrium conditions are found, to a different extent for the various flow properties, and depending on the inflow turbulence seeding. We find that the RR method yields superior performance in the evaluation of the inner-scaled wall pressure fluctuations and the turbulent shear stress. DF methods instead yield quicker adjustment and better accuracy in the prediction of wall friction and of the streamwise Reynolds stress in supersonic cases. Unrealistically high values of the wall pressure variance are obtained by the baseline DF method, while the proposed DF alternatives recover a closer agreement with respect to the benchmark. The hypersonic test case highlights that similar distribution of wall friction and heat transfer are obtained by both RR and DF baseline methods

    Accretion in Protoplanetary Disks by Collisional Fusion

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    The formation of a solar system is believed to have followed a multi-stage process around a protostar. Whipple first noted that planetesimal growth by particle agglomeration is strongly influenced by gas drag; there is a "bottleneck" at the meter scale with such bodies rapidly spiraling into the central star, whereas much smaller or larger particles do not. Thus, successful planetary accretion requires rapid planetesimal growth to km scale. A commonly accepted picture is that for collisional velocities VcV_c above a certain threshold collisional velocity, Vth{V_{th}} \sim 0.1-10 cm s1^{-1}, particle agglomeration is not possible; elastic rebound overcomes attractive surface and intermolecular forces. However, if perfect sticking is assumed for all collisions the bottleneck can be overcome by rapid planetesimal growth. While previous work has dealt explicitly with the influences of collisional pressures and the possibility of particle fracture or penetration, the basic role of the phase behavior of matter--phase diagrams, amorphs and polymorphs--has been neglected. Here it is demonstrated that novel aspects of surface phase transitions provide a physical basis for efficient sticking through collisional melting or amphorph-/polymorphization and fusion to extend the collisional velocity range of primary accretion to ΔVc\Delta V_c \sim 1-100 m s1^{-1}, which bound both turbulent RMS speeds and the velocity differences between boulder sized and small grains \sim 1-50 m s1^{-1}. Thus, as inspiraling meter sized bodies collide with smaller particles in this high velocity collisional fusion regime they grow rapidly to km scales and hence settle into stable Keplerian orbits in \sim 105^5 years before photoevaporative wind clears the disk of source material.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Loop Variables for compact two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics

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    Variables parametrized by closed and open curves are defined to reformulate compact U(1) Quantum Electrodynamics in the circle with a massless fermion field. It is found that the gauge invariant nature of these variables accommodates into a regularization scheme for the Hamiltonian and current operators that is specially well suited for the study of the compact case. The zero mode energy spectrum, the value of the axial anomaly and the anomalous commutators this model presents are hence determined in a manifestly gauge invariant manner. Contrary to the non compact case, the zero mode spectrum is not equally spaced and consequently the theory does not lead to the spectrum of a free scalar boson. All the states are invariant under large gauge transformations. In particular, that is the case for the vacuum, and consequently the θ\theta-dependence does not appear.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Post Quantum Cryptography from Mutant Prime Knots

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    By resorting to basic features of topological knot theory we propose a (classical) cryptographic protocol based on the `difficulty' of decomposing complex knots generated as connected sums of prime knots and their mutants. The scheme combines an asymmetric public key protocol with symmetric private ones and is intrinsecally secure against quantum eavesdropper attacks.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Progress on the hybrid gun project at UCLA

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    UCLA/INFN-LNF/Univ. Rome has been developing the hybrid gun which has an RF gun and a short linac for velocity bunching in one structure. After the cavity was manufactured at INFN-LNF in 2012, tests of the gun was carried out at UCLA. The field in the standing wave part was 20 % smaller than the simulation but the phase advance was fine. The cavity was commissioned successfully up to 13 MW. The beam test was performed at 11.5 MW and demonstrated the bunch compression

    Understanding the Roles of the Hedgehog Signaling Pathway during T-Cell Lymphopoiesis and in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL)

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    : The Hedgehog (HH) signaling network is one of the main regulators of invertebrate and vertebrate embryonic development. Along with other networks, such as NOTCH and WNT, HH signaling specifies both the early patterning and the polarity events as well as the subsequent organ formation via the temporal and spatial regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation. However, aberrant activation of HH signaling has been identified in a broad range of malignant disorders, where it positively influences proliferation, survival, and therapeutic resistance of neoplastic cells. Inhibitors targeting the HH pathway have been tested in preclinical cancer models. The HH pathway is also overactive in other blood malignancies, including T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). This review is intended to summarize our knowledge of the biological roles and pathophysiology of the HH pathway during normal T-cell lymphopoiesis and in T-ALL. In addition, we will discuss potential therapeutic strategies that might expand the clinical usefulness of drugs targeting the HH pathway in T-ALL

    Drosophila Morgana is an Hsp90-interacting protein with a direct role in microtubule polymerisation

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    Morgana/CHORDC1/CHP1 is a highly conserved CHORD (Cysteine and Histidine Rich Domain) containing protein that has been proposed to function as an Hsp90 cochaperone. Morgana deregulation promotes carcinogenesis in both mice and humans while, in Drosophila, loss of morgana (mora) causes lethality and a complex mitotic phenotype that is rescued by a human morgana transgene. Here, we show that Drosophila Morgana localizes to mitotic spindles and co-purifies with the Hsp90- R2TP-TTT super-complex, and with additional well-known Hsp90 co-chaperones. Acute inhibition of Morgana function in the early embryo results in a dramatic reduction in centrosomal microtubule stability, leading to small spindles nucleated from mitotic chromatin. Purified Mora binds microtubules directly and promotes microtubule polymerization in vitro, suggesting that Mora directly regulates spindle dynamics independently of its Hsp90 co-chaperone role