222 research outputs found

    Predicting Your Next Stop-over from Location-based Social Network Data with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In the past years, Location-based Social Network (LBSN) data have strongly fostered a data-driven approach to the recommendation of Points of Interest (POIs) in the tourism domain. However, an important aspect that is often not taken into account by current approaches is the temporal correlations among POI categories in tourist paths. In this work, we collect data from Foursquare, we extract timed paths of POI categories from sequences of temporally neighboring check-ins and we use a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to learn to generate new paths by training it to predict observed paths. As a further step, we cluster the data considering users’ demographics and learn separate models for each category of users. The evaluation shows the eectiveness of the proposed approach in predicting paths in terms of model perplexity on the test se

    Knowledge Graph Embeddings with node2vec for Item Recommendation

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    In the past years, knowledge graphs have proven to be beneficial for recommender systems, efficiently addressing paramount issues such as new items and data sparsity. Graph embeddings algorithms have shown to be able to automatically learn high quality feature vectors from graph structures, enabling vector-based measures of node relatedness. In this paper, we show how node2vec can be used to generate item recommendations by learning knowledge graph embeddings. We apply node2vec on a knowledge graph built from the MovieLens 1M dataset and DBpedia and use the node relatedness to generate item recommendations. The results show that node2vec consistently outperforms a set of collaborative filtering baselines on an array of relevant metric

    An empirical comparison of knowledge graph embeddings for item recommendation

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    In the past years, knowledge graphs have proven to be beneficial for recommender systems, efficiently addressing paramount issues such as new items and data sparsity. At the same time, several works have recently tackled the problem of knowledge graph completion through machine learning algorithms able to learn knowledge graph embeddings. In this paper, we show that the item recommendation problem can be seen as a specific case of knowledge graph completion problem, where the “feedback” property, which connects users to items that they like, has to be predicted. We empirically compare a set of state-of-the-art knowledge graph embeddings algorithms on the task of item recommendation on the Movielens 1M dataset. The results show that knowledge graph embeddings models outperform traditional collaborative filtering baselines and that TransH obtains the best performance

    Burnout in cardiac anesthesiologists. results from a national survey in italy

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    Objective: There is increasing burnout incidence among medical disciplines, and physicians working in emergency settings seem at higher risk. Cardiac anesthesiology is a stressful anesthesiology subspecialty dealing with high-risk patients. The authors hypothesized a high risk of burnout in cardiac anesthesiologists. Design: National survey conducted on burnout Setting: Italian cardiac centers. Participants: Cardiac anesthesiologists. Interventions: The authors administered via email an anonymous questionnaire divided into 3 parts. The first 2 parts evaluated workload and private life. The third part consisted of the Maslach Burnout Inventory test with its 3 constituents: high emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment. Measurements and Main Results: The authors measured the prevalence and risk of burnout through the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire and analyzed factors influencing burnout. Among 670 contacts from 71 centers, 382 cardiac anesthesiologists completed the survey (57%). The authors found the following mean Maslach Burnout Inventory values: 14.5 ± 9.7 (emotional exhaustion), 9.1 ± 7.1 (depersonalization), and 33.7 ± 8.9 (personal accomplishment). A rate of 34%, 54%, and 66% of respondents scored in “high” or “moderate-high” risk of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment, respectively). The authors found that, if offered to change subspecialty, 76% of respondents would prefer to remain in cardiac anesthesiology. This preference and parenthood were the only 2 investigated factors with a protective effect against all components of burnout. Significantly lower burnout scores were found in more experienced anesthesiologists. Conclusion: A relatively high incidence of burnout was found in cardiac anesthesiologists, especially regarding high depersonalization and low personal accomplishment. Nonetheless, most of the respondents would choose to remain in cardiac anesthesiology

    Pyridine Ruthenium(III) complexes entrapped in liposomes with enhanced cytotoxic properties in PC-3 prostate cancer cells

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    The first aim of the present study is the development of a new ruthenium(III) complex, belonging to NAMI-A class, with a potentially high cytotoxic ability. The presence of a fully protected sugar moiety as ruthenium ligand should increase the complex ability to cross cellular membranes. Furthermore, it sets this molecule in the area of biocompatible agents as tumor drug. The second, more relevant, purpose is to verify the ruthenium complexes activity after loading into liposomes. We reported the characterization and in vitro biological assays of pyridine derivatives of ruthenium complexes loaded into Egg L-α-phosphatidylcholine cholesterol/DSPE-PEG liposomes. Dynamic light scattering estimates that the sizes of all obtained liposomes are in the 100 nm range. This value is suitable for in vivo use. The loading ability and release kinetic allowed selecting the best ratio between the lipid fraction and metal to be tested in cellular experiments. The growth inhibitory effects of both liposomal and free complex in PC-3 prostate cancer cell lines demonstrate a high cytotoxic ability of the liposome entrapped ruthenium (III) complex suggesting additional role further the antimetastatic function

    Old wild wolves: ancient DNA survey unveils population dynamics in Late Pleistocene and Holocene Italian remains

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    Background The contemporary Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus) represents a case of morphological and genetic uniqueness. Today, Italian wolves are also the only documented population to fall exclusively within the mitochondrial haplogroup 2, which was the most diffused across Eurasian and North American wolves during the Late Pleistocene. However, the dynamics leading to such distinctiveness are still debated. Methods In order to shed light on the ancient genetic variability of this wolf population and on the origin of its current diversity, we collected 19 Late Pleistocene-Holocene samples from northern Italy, which we analyzed at a short portion of the hypervariable region 1 of the mitochondrial DNA, highly informative for wolf and dog phylogenetic analyses. Results Four out of the six detected haplotypes matched the ones found in ancient wolves from northern Europe and Beringia, or in modern European and Chinese wolves, and appeared closely related to the two haplotypes currently found in Italian wolves. The haplotype of two Late Pleistocene samples matched with primitive and contemporary dog sequences from the canine mitochondrial clade A. All these haplotypes belonged to haplogroup 2. The only exception was a Holocene sample dated 3,250 years ago, affiliated to haplogroup 1. Discussion In this study we describe the genetic variability of the most ancient wolf specimens from Italy analyzed so far, providing a preliminary overview of the genetic make-up of the population that inhabited this area from the last glacial maximum to the Middle Age period. Our results endorsed that the genetic diversity carried by the Pleistocene wolves here analyzed showed a strong continuity with other northern Eurasian wolf specimens from the same chronological period. Contrarily, the Holocene samples showed a greater similarity only with modern sequences from Europe and Asia, and the occurrence of an haplogroup 1 haplotype allowed to date back previous finding about its presence in this area. Moreover, the unexpected discovery of a 24,700-year-old sample carrying a haplotype that, from the fragment here obtained, falls within the canine clade A, could represent the oldest evidence in Europe of such dog-rich clade. All these findings suggest complex population dynamics that deserve to be further investigated based on mitochondrial or whole genome sequencing

    Screening of candidate G-quadruplex ligands for the human c-KIT promotorial region and their effects in multiple in-vitro models

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    Stabilization of G-quadruplex (G4) structures in promoters is a novel promising strategy to regulate gene expression at transcriptional and translational levels. c-KIT proto-oncogene encodes for a tyrosine kinase receptor. It is involved in several physiological processes, but it is also dysregulated in many diseases, including cancer. Two G-rich sequences able to fold into G4, have been identified in c-KIT proximal promoter, thus representing suitable targets for anticancer intervention. Herein, we screened an \u201cin house\u201d library of compounds for the recognition of these G4 elements and we identified three promising ligands. Their G4-binding properties were analyzed and related to their antiproliferative, transcriptional and post-transcriptional effects in MCF7 and HGC27 cell lines. Besides c-KIT, the transcriptional analysis covered a panel of oncogenes known to possess G4 in their promoters. From these studies, an anthraquinone derivative (AQ1) was found to efficiently downregulate c-KIT mRNA and protein in both cell lines. The targeted activity of AQ1 was confirmed using c-KIT\u2013dependent cell lines that present either c-KIT mutations or promoter engineered (i.e., \u3b1155, HMC1.2 and ROSA cells). Present results indicate AQ1 as a promising compound for the target therapy of c-KIT-dependent tumors, worth of further and in depth molecular investigations

    Quantitative determination by screening ELISA and HPLC-MS/MS of microcystins LR, LY, LA, YR, RR, LF, LW, and nodularin in the water of Occhito lake and crops

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    The occurrence of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in surface waters is often accompanied by the production of a variety of cyanotoxins, and these toxins are designed to target in humans specific organs on which they act. When introduced into the soil ecosystem by spray irrigation of crops, they may affect the same molecular pathways in plants having identical or similar target organs, tissues, cells, or biomolecules. There are also several indications that terrestrial plants, including crops, can bioaccumulate cyanotoxins and present, therefore, potential health hazards for humans. During this project, for monitoring purposes, water samples were collected from lake Occhito, in which there was an algal bloom (Planktothrix rubescens) in 2009, and from three tanks which acted as hydraulic junctions. In addition, crop samples irrigated with water from the three tanks mentioned above were also picked. Finally, the characterization of principal cyanobacteria was performed, to determine the presence of cyanotoxins such as microcystins and validate a method of screening ELISA for the determination of microcystins in vegetable samples and a confirmatory method by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS

    Fulvestrant and trastuzumab in patients with luminal HER2-positive advanced breast cancer (ABC): an Italian real-world experience (HERMIONE 9)

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    Purpose The most appropriate therapy for HR+/HER2-positive (HER2+) advanced breast cancer (ABC) is a matter of debate. Co-targeting of both receptors represents an attractive strategy to overcome the cross-talk between them. Methods The HERMIONE 9 is an observational retrospective multicentric study which aimed to describe the clinical outcome of patients with HR+/HER2+ABC who received the combination of Fulvestrant (F) and Trastuzumab (T) as part of their routine treatment at 10 Italian Institutions. Results Eighty-seven patients were included. Median age was 63 (range, 35–87) years. The median number of previous treatments was 3 (range, 0–10) and F and T were administered as≥3rd line in 67 patients. Among the 86 evaluable patients, 6 (6.9%) achieved CR, 18 (20.7%) PR, and 44 (50.6%) had SD ≥24 weeks with an overall CBR of 78.2%. At a median follow-up of 33.6 months, mPFS of the entire cohort was 12.9 months (range, 2.47–128.67). No diference was observed in mPFS between patients treated after progression or as maintenance therapy (mPFS 12.9 and 13.9 months in 64 and 23 patients, respectively), neither considering the number of previous treatment lines (≤3 or<3). Conclusion The combination of F and T was active in this cohort at poor prognosis and deserves further investigations possibly in combination with pertuzumab in patients with high ER expression
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