233 research outputs found

    Avaliação da presença do vírus influenza em suínos no sul do Brasil.

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    Post-partum follicular dynamics in beef cows calving during spring and autumn in southern Brazil.

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    Ovarian activity early post-partum in beef cows with intermediate body condition scores that calved during spring and autumn and treated with either 48 h of temporary weaning or exogenous hormones was investigated. Calving cows were given body condition scores and their ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned daily starting on day ten postpartum. The number and size of the follicles were recorded. Upon detection of a dominant follicle (>9 mm), the animals were distributed to different treatments. Over 80% of the animals (41/49) in both seasons presented a dominant follicle during the second or third week post-partum. The percentage of cows ovulating within seven days after treatment varied from 30% (3/10) for control cows to 60% (6/10) for MAP+GnRH treated cows for both spring and autumn calving cows. A reduction of 16% and 19% in body condition score was observed during the post-partum period studied for both spring and autumn calving cows, respectively. The decrease in body condition score was accompanied by a reduction in the follicular population of 43% during the fifth week post-partum only in those calving during autumn. In the spring calving cows, no change was detected in the follicular population despite the decrease in body condition score. Irrespective of the differences in environmental conditions between the two breeding seasons, cows present large follicles in their ovaries that are capable of responding to hormonal treatments, during the early post-partum period.Doc 1. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2018

    Reação à brusone de genótipos de trigo do programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Trigo no estádio de planta adulta.

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    Este estudo é resultado de uma pesquisa bibliográfi cadescritiva sobre a temática confl ito e mediação, o qual buscouoportunizar refl exões acerca de como a mediação pode contribuirpara a resolução de confl itos, melhorando as relações interpessoais.A escolha do tema se justifi ca pela necessidade de abarcar maioresconhecimentos a respeito do tema diante dos dilemas enfrentados naprofi ssão de educar. Após a realização deste estudo conclui-se quea importância da mediação de Confl itos vai muito além da simplesatuação no sentido de apaziguar os ânimos mais exacerbados deestudantes, pois transpassa a condição de lenitivo das atuações sociaise se insere no âmago do entendimento que o indivíduo tem de si. OMediador pode, e deve, atuar como um propiciador de elementosde compreensão, através da Comunicação Não-Violenta (CNV), daempatia e de outras ferramentas que facilitem a quem está sofrendoo confl ito poder utilizar-se do mesmo como uma oportunidade decrescimento e de consciência a respeito de si e do seu entorno,provocando a refl exão para posturas que o levem a se constituir numverdadeiro cidadão deste mundo em permanente transformação.Assim, a inserção da mediação no ambiente escolar reforça em cadaeducador a certeza de que pode desempenhar o papel de educadorcomo mediador, não apenas do conhecimento, mas da paz como sentimento e como prática. NON-VIOLENCE COMUNICATION AND MEDIATION: PERSPECTIVE IN THEEDUCATIONALABSTRACT: This study was resulted of a descriptive bibliographicresearch on the thematic confl ict and mediation, which sought toassist in providing opportunities for refl ections about how mediationcan contribute to confl ict resolution, improving interpersonalrelationships. The choice of theme it is justifi ed by the need toencompass greater knowledge about the theme, in front educareprofession. After the completion of this study was realized thatthe importance of confl ict mediation goes far beyond simplyacting to appease the tempers exacerbated students, it traverses thecondition of calmer of social actions and fi ts into the hearth, of theunderstanding what the owner invidual. The mediator can and must,act as a epistyle of elements of understanding through the NonviolenceComunication, empathy and other tools that facilitate thosewho are suffering the confl ict in order to use these as an opportunityfor growth and awareness of itself and its surroundings, causing therefl ection to postures that lead to constitute a genuine citizen of this world in permanent transformation. Thus, the inclusion of mediationin the school environment, strengthens in each educator sure canplay the role of the educator as a mediator, not only knowledge, butof peace with feelings and pratice.Keywords: Mediation. School. Confl ict. Empathy. Ethics.