5 research outputs found

    Maximal voluntary ventilation should not be estimated from the forced expiratory volume in the first second in healthy people and COPD patients

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    Purpose To evaluate the concordance between the value of the actual maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) and the estimated value by multiplying the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and a different value established in the literature. Methods A retrospective study was conducted with healthy subjects and patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Five prediction formulas MVV were used for the comparison with the MVV values. Agreement between MVV measured and MVV obtained from five prediction equations were studied. FEV(1)values were used to estimate MVV. Correlation and agreement analysis of the values was performed in two groups using the Pearson test and the Bland-Altman method; these groups were one group with 207 healthy subjects and the second group with 83 patients diagnosed with COPD, respectively. Results We recruited 207 healthy subjects (105 women, age 47 +/- 17 years) and 83 COPD patients (age 66 +/- 6 years; 29 GOLD II, 30 GOLD III, and 24 GOLD IV) for the study. All prediction equations presented a significant correlation with the MVV value (from 0.38 to 0.86,p< 0.05) except for the GOLD II subgroup, which had a poor agreement with measured MVV. In healthy subjects, the mean difference of the value of bias (and limits of agreement) varied between -3.9% (-32.8 to 24.9%), and 27% (-1.4 to 55.3%). In COPD patients, the mean difference of value of bias (and limits of agreement) varied between -4.4% (-49.4 to 40.6%), and 26.3% (-18.3 to 70.9%). The results were similar in the subgroup analysis. Conclusion The equations to estimate the value of MVV present a good degree of correlation with the real value of MVV, but they also show a poor concordance. For this reason, we should not use the estimated results as a replacement for the real value of MVV.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) 312876/2018-1 315580/2018-6 Coordinacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior - Brazil (CAPES) 00

    Valores de referência da pressão inspiratória nasal em indivíduos saudáveis no Brasil: estudo multicêntrico Reference values for sniff nasal inspiratory pressure in healthy subjects in Brazil: a multicenter study

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    OBJETIVO: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram determinar equações de referência para pressão inspiratória nasal (PIN) e propor equações de referência para a população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 243 indivíduos saudáveis (111 homens e 132 mulheres), entre 20 e 80 anos, com CVF > 80% e razão VEF1/CVF > 85% do predito. Todos os indivíduos realizaram testes de força muscular respiratória para a determinação de PIN, PImáx e PEmáx. RESULTADOS: Os valores da PIN foram maiores no sexo masculino que no feminino (p < 0,05), e a PIN apresentou correlação negativa com a idade para homens (r = -0,29; p < 0,001) e mulheres (r = -0,33; p < 0,0001). A análise de regressão linear múltipla também revelou que a idade permaneceu exercendo influência na predição da PIN em homens (R² = 0,09) e mulheres (R² = 0,10). Os valores preditos da PIN encontrados foram superiores àqueles obtidos em outras populações. CONCLUSÕES: Nesse contexto, sugerem-se equações preditivas para PIN em indivíduos brasileiros saudáveis na faixa etária entre 20 e 80 anos, com o intuito de minimizar discrepâncias diagnósticas ao comparar indivíduos.<br>OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to determine reference values for sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP) and to propose reference equations for the population of Brazil. METHODS: We evaluated 243 healthy individuals (111 males and 132 females), between 20 and 80 years of age, with an FVC and FEV1/FVC ratio > 80% and > 85% of the predicted value, respectively. All of the subjects underwent respiratory muscle strength tests to determine MIP, MEP, and SNIP. RESULTS: We found that SNIP values were higher in males than in females (p < 0.05) and that SNIP correlated negatively with age, for males (r = -0.29; p < 0.001) and for females (r = -0.33; p < 0.0001). Linear regression also revealed that age influenced the predicted SNIP, for males (R² = 0.09) and females (R² = 0.10). We obtained predicted SNIP values that were higher than those obtained for other populations. CONCLUSIONS: We have devised predictive equations for SNIP to be used in adults (20-80 years of age) in Brazil. These equations could help minimize diagnostic discrepancies among individuals