5 research outputs found

    A guide for supply chain integration in SMEs

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    Supply chain integration (SCI) is a competitive business approach for enterprises that has not been implemented as widely as expected in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). One of the factors explaining this low level of application is the lack of methodologies to develop SCI that fit the characteristics of this type of enterprise. In this article, we present a methodology that enables SMEs to achieve correct SCI in a manner that is simple, straightforward and oriented towards their particular characteristics. Thus, SMEs will be able to align and coordinate the aims, resources, decisions, methods, business processes and employees involved in the supply chain. The methodology addresses the problem of SMEs SCI and it was produced by applying the case study research method to 30 industrial SMEs. The methodology is organised in phases and the activities to be performed, the techniques and supporting tools to be used, as well as the expected outcomes are all described for each phase. With this methodology, it becomes possible to overcome the main barriers that prevent SMEs from achieving a correct integration of their supply chains. In addition to the methodology, this article also outlines the significant benefits observed in the 30 enterprises as a result of its application

    Adquisici贸n de conocimiento externo y resultados de innovaci贸n: an谩lisis del efecto moderador de la transferencia interna de conocimiento

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    [ESP] El dinamismo del mercado, el incremento de la movilidad de los trabajadores y los r谩pidos cambios en las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n han contribuido a que el conocimiento que una empresa precisa para innovar pueda estar disponible y repartido en distintos pa铆ses, organizaciones y personas. Algunos autores se帽alan que la ventaja en innovaci贸n en la actualidad, no se basa tanto en los recursos internos que posee la organizaci贸n, como en su capacidad para detectar el conocimiento externo valioso e integrarlo en su propio proceso de innovaci贸n. Este escenario de competitividad ha hecho que las actividades de adquisici贸n y de integraci贸n del conocimiento externo en la empresa se conviertan en actividades b谩sicas de gesti贸n del conocimiento tecnol贸gico

    Research network on interoperability of applications and software for networked enterprises in the Valencian Region (INTERVAL)

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    Enterprise interoperability is a tool for enhancing the competitiveness of firms, and its importance is brought out by the fact one of the EC鈥檚 strategic aims is to accomplish interoperability among European firms by the year 2010. Nevertheless, in the particular case of the Valencian Region (Spain), research into enterprise interoperability is still badly structured, fragmented, overlapping and, in many cases, practically non-existent. The INTERVAL project has been set up in an attempt to solve this problem. The scheme plans to carry out a series of initiatives aimed at integrating research activities and applying them to the complicated Valencian business sector. By so doing these companies would benefit from the application of knowledge created specifically for them and adapted to fit their characteristics. In this paper we present the details of the project, including its goals, aims, activities, results achieved, the methodology used to accomplish them, the economic and/or technological advantages, as well as possible applications and future lines of research

    Methodological proposal for business sustainability management by means of the Balanced Scorecard

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    Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the need to include the concepts of economic, social and environmental sustainability within their different management models. To help them achieve this, they have a number of different CSR management tools available to them. However, despite offering recommendations on how and where to contemplate the concepts of sustainability within organisations, such instruments do not define a set of guidelines or a structured framework for implementing those concepts. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to enhance one of the tools that is most widely known and used in strategic management, the Balanced Scorecard, so that the concepts of sustainability can be implemented within the strategy and the day-to-day management of the enterprise. To do so, the case methodology was applied to 16 organisations in order to obtain what could be called a Sustainable Balanced ScorecardLas organizaciones son cada vez m谩s conscientes de la necesidad de incluir los conceptos de sostenibilidad econ贸mica, social y ambiental dentro de sus diferentes modelos de gesti贸n. Para ayudarles a conseguirlo, tienen un n煤mero de diferentes herramientas de gesti贸n de la RSE a su disposici贸n. Sin embargo, a pesar de ofrecer recomendaciones sobre c贸mo y d贸nde contemplar los conceptos de sostenibilidad en las organizaciones, tales instrumentos no se define un conjunto de directrices o un marco estructurado para la aplicaci贸n de esos conceptos. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este trabajo es mejorar una de las herramientas que es el m谩s ampliamente conocido y utilizado en la gesti贸n estrat茅gica, Balanced Scorecard, por lo que los conceptos de sostenibilidad se pueden implementar dentro de la estrategia y el d铆a a d铆a la gesti贸n de la empresa. Para ello, la metodolog铆a de los casos se aplic贸 a 16 organizaciones con el fin de obtener lo que podr铆a llamarse un Cuadro de Mando Integral Sostenibl

    A Software Engineering-Based Methodology for Selecting and Implementing Web 2.0 Technologies for Teaching

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    Nowadays, university students have grown up surrounded by Web 2.0 technologies, which they are able to use with ease. These technologies provide an opportunity to improve the learning/teaching process through collaboration, the exchange of knowledge and above all, the motivation created by the use of these technologies that are generally utilised by students in their day-to-day social life. The integration of Web 2.0 technologies into the learning/teaching process must be addressed in a critical way, taking into account the objectives to be achieved and the type of teaching to be undertaken. Teachers can find a wide range of available Web 2.0 technologies and it is often difficult for them to decide which type is the best one for their needs. This paper proposes a methodology based on software engineering methods and designed for software selection that provides recommendations to evaluate the function and options of Web 2.0 technologies according to the specific needs and characteristics of the subject to be taught and the types of students involved in higher education. The methodology consists of a formal guide to aid teachers when they need to select and put Web 2.0 technologies into practice in a learning/teaching process. In order to offer a practical demonstration of the application of this methodology, the experiences of various teachers in engineering degrees are described