605 research outputs found

    Flavour symmetry restoration and kaon weak matrix elements in quenched twisted mass QCD

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    We simulate two variants of quenched twisted mass QCD (tmQCD), with degenerate Wilson quarks of masses equal to or heavier than half the strange quark mass. We use Ward identities in order to measure the twist angles of the theory and thus check the quality of the tuning of mass parameters to a physics condition which stays constant as the lattice spacing is varied. Flavour symmetry breaking in tmQCD is studied in a framework of two fully twisted and two standard Wilson quark flavours, tuned to be degenerate in the continuum. Comparing pseudoscalar masses, obtained from connected quark diagrams made of tmQCD and/or standard Wilson quark propagators, we confirm that flavour symmetry breaking effects, which are at most 5%, decrease as we approach the continuum limit. We also compute the pseudoscalar decay constant in the continuum limit, with reduced systematics. As a consequence of improved tuning of the mass parameters at β=6.1\beta = 6.1, we reanalyse our previous BKB_K results. Our main phenomenological findings are r0fK=0.421(7)r_0 f_K = 0.421(7) and B^K=0.735(71)\hat B_K = 0.735(71).Comment: 41 pages, figures included, one reference added. Final version as accepted for publication on Nucl.Phys.

    A precise determination of BKB_K in quenched QCD

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    The BKB_K parameter is computed in quenched lattice QCD with Wilson twisted mass fermions. Two variants of tmQCD are used; in both of them the relevant ΔS=2\Delta S = 2 four-fermion operator is renormalised multiplicatively. The renormalisation adopted is non-perturbative, with a Schroedinger functional renormalisation condition. Renormalisation group running is also non-perturbative, up to very high energy scales. In one of the two tmQCD frameworks the computations have been performed at the physical KK-meson mass, thus eliminating the need of mass extrapolations. Simulations have been performed at several lattice spacings and the continuum limit was reached by combining results from both tmQCD regularisations. Finite volume effects have been partially checked and turned out to be small. Exploratory studies have also been performed with non-degenerate valence flavours. The final result for the RGI bag parameter, with all sources of uncertainty (except quenching) under control, is B^K=0.789±0.046\hat B_K =0.789 \pm 0.046.Comment: 54 pages, 11 figure

    Non-perturbative scale evolution of four-fermion operators in two-flavour QCD

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    We apply finite-size recursion techniques based on the Schrodinger functional formalism to determine the renormalization group running of four-fermion operators which appear in the Delta S=2 effective weak Hamiltonian of the Standard Model. Our calculations are done using O(a) improved Wilson fermions with N_f=2 dynamical flavours. Preliminary results are presented for the four-fermion operator which determines the B_K parameter in tmQCD.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at Lattice2006 (Renormalization

    Protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II (PIVKA-II) specifically increased in Italian hepatocellular carcinoma patients

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    OBJECTIVE: As a marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence II (PIVKA-II) seems to be superior to alpha fetoprotein (AFP). To better characterize the role of PIVKA-II, both AFP and PIVKA-II have been measured in Italian patients with diagnosis of HCC compared with patients affected by non-oncological liver pathologies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty serum samples from patients with HCC, 60 samples from patients with benign liver disease and 60 samples obtained from healthy blood donors were included in the study. PIVKA-II and AFP were measured by LUMIPULSE(®) G1200 (Fujirebio-Europe, Belgium). We considered as PIVKA-II cutoff 70 mAU/ml (mean +3SD) of the values observed in healthy subjects. RESULTS: The evaluation of PIVKA-II showed a positivity of 70% in patients with HCC and 5% in patients with benign diseases (p < 0.0001) whereas high levels of AFP were observed in 55% of HCC patients and in 47% of patients with benign diseases. The combined Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis of the two analytes revealed a higher sensitivity (75%) compared to those observed for the individual biomarkers. In conclusion, we demonstrate that as a marker for HCC, PIVKA-II is more specific for HCC and less prone to elevation during chronic liver diseases. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of the two biomarkers, evaluated by the ROC analysis, improved the specificity compared to a single marker. These data suggest that the combined analysis of the two markers could be a useful tool in clinical practice

    A perturbative study of two four-quark operators in finite volume renormalization schemes

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    Starting from the QCD Schroedinger functional (SF), we define a family of renormalization schemes for two four-quark operators, which are, in the chiral limit, protected against mixing with other operators. With the appropriate flavour assignments these operators can be interpreted as part of either the ΔF=1\Delta F=1 or ΔF=2\Delta F=2 effective weak Hamiltonians. In view of lattice QCD with Wilson-type quarks, we focus on the parity odd components of the operators, since these are multiplicatively renormalized both on the lattice and in continuum schemes. We consider 9 different SF schemes and relate them to commonly used continuum schemes at one-loop order of perturbation theory. In this way the two-loop anomalous dimensions in the SF schemes can be inferred. As a by-product of our calculation we also obtain the one-loop cutoff effects in the step-scaling functions of the respective renormalization constants, for both O(a) improved and unimproved Wilson quarks. Our results will be needed in a separate study of the non-perturbative scale evolution of these operators.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    A strategy for implementing non-perturbative renormalisation of heavy-light four-quark operators in the static approximation

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    We discuss the renormalisation properties of the complete set of ΔB=2\Delta B = 2 four-quark operators with the heavy quark treated in the static approximation. We elucidate the role of heavy quark symmetry and other symmetry transformations in constraining their mixing under renormalisation. By employing the Schroedinger functional, a set of non-perturbative renormalisation conditions can be defined in terms of suitable correlation functions. As a first step in a fully non-perturbative determination of the scale-dependent renormalisation factors, we evaluate these conditions in lattice perturbation theory at one loop. Thereby we verify the expected mixing patterns and determine the anomalous dimensions of the operators at NLO in the Schroedinger functional scheme. Finally, by employing twisted-mass QCD it is shown how finite subtractions arising from explicit chiral symmetry breaking can be avoided completely.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figure

    Characteristics of nursing homes and early preventive measures associated with risk of infection from COVID-19 in Lazio region, Italy: a retrospective case-control study

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    Objectives To understand which organisational-structural characteristics of nursing homes - also referred to as long-term care facilities (LTCFs) - and the preventative measures adopted in response to the pandemic are associated with the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak. Setting LTCFs in Lazio region in Italy. Design The study adopts a case-control design. Participants We included 141 facilities and 100 provided information for the study. Cases were defined as facilities reporting a COVID-19 outbreak (two or more cases) in March-December 2020; controls were defined as LTCFs reporting one case or zero. The exposures include the structural-organisational characteristics of the LTCFs as reported by the facilities, preventative measures employed and relevant external factors. Results Twenty facilities reported an outbreak of COVID-19. In binary logistic regression models, facilities with more than 15 beds were five times more likely to experience an outbreak than facilities with less than 15 beds OR=5.60 (CI 1.61 to 25.12; p value 0.002); admitting new residents to facilities was associated with a substantially higher risk of an outbreak: 6.46 (CI 1.58 to 27.58, p value 0.004). In a multivariable analysis, facility size was the only variable that was significantly associated with a COVID-19 outbreak OR= 5.37 (CI 1.58 to 22.8; p value 0.012) for larger facilities (&gt;15 beds) versus smaller (&lt;15 beds). Other characteristics and measures were not associated with an outbreak. Conclusion There was evidence of a higher risk of COVID-19 in larger facilities and when new patients were admitted during the pandemic. All other structural-organisational characteristics and preventative measures were not associated with an outbreak. This finding calls into question existing policies, especially where there is a risk of harm to residents. One such example is the restriction of visitor access to facilities, resulting in the social isolation of residents

    Cost-Effectiveness of Using HAART in Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission in the DREAM-Project Malawi

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    Introduction: Cost-effectiveness analysis are crucial in the management of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, particularly in resource-limited settings. Such analyses have not been performed in the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). Objective: Cost-effectiveness analysis of HAART approach in Malawi for PMTCT. Methods: In 2 health centres in Malawi 6500 pregnant women were tested; 1118 pregnant women completed the entire Drug Resource Enhancement against Aids and Malnutrition-Project Malawi (DREAM - PM) PMTCT protocol. The costs of the intervention were calculated using the ingredients method. Outcomes estimated were cost for infection averted and cost for DALY saved compared with no intervention. Results: From a private perspective cost for HIV infection averted was US 998andcostperDALYsavedwasUS998 and cost per DALY saved was US 35.36. From a public perspective, the result became negative as follows: −261 and −16.55, respectively (lower cost than the cost of the therapy for an HIV+ child). The univariate sensitivity analysis showed that the cost for DALY saved always remained under the threshold of US 50,largelyunderthethresholdgivenbythepercapitayearlyincomeinMalawi(US50, largely under the threshold given by the per capita yearly income in Malawi (US 667 PPD). Conclusions: Administration of HAART in a PMTCT programme in resource-limited settings is cost-effective. Drugs and laboratory tests are the most significant costs, but further reduction of these expenses is possible

    COVID-19 and Iraqi Kurdistan: A regional case in the middle east

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    The unfolding Covid-19 is posing worldwide health and socio-economic threats. As most of the world attention is concentrated upon a few countries, in many fragile areas, the impact of the pandemic on the health systems might be even higher, but risks staying hidden from public consideration. This is the case of Iraq where Covid-19 is a further burden on an already weakened public health system. This study draws attention to the Autonomous Region of the Iraqi Kurdistan, that before the emergency was investing in the rebuilding of its public health system after decades of tensions and conflicts. Information on governmental measures for COVID-19 containment and response, management approaches, prevention interventions, and public opinion reactions have been collected from official sources, websites and from interviews with the local staff working in the field. The experience of the Iraqi Kurdistan opens new opportunities for reflection on how a war-torn region is dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. Acquiring knowledge on the health needs of such a fragile area holds a paramount importance for providing preparedness planning and enhancing resilience of the public health system in case of future disasters. The lesson learnt might be useful for other regions living in similar contexts

    Measurement of viral load by the automated Abbott real-time HIV-1 assay using dried blood spots collected and processed in Malawi and Mozambique

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    Background. The use of dried blood spots (DBS) for HIV-1 viral load quantification can greatly improve access to viral monitoring for HIV-infected patients receiving treatment in resource-limited settings.Objectives. To evaluate and validate HIV viral load measurement from DBS in sub-Saharan Africa, with a reliable, all-automated, standard commercial assay such as the Abbott m2000.Methods. A total of 277 DBS were collected in different health centres in Malawi and Mozambique and analysed for viral load determination using the Abbott m2000 assay with the corresponding plasma samples as gold standard. Samples were extracted using the m2000SP automatic extractor and then processed as the plasma samples using the specific 1.0 mL HIV-RNA DBS protocol.Results. Among samples with detectable HIV-RNA the correlation between viral load obtained from the paired 131 plasma and DBS samples was high (r=0.946). Overall, viral load values between DBS and plasma differed by less than 0.5 log unit in 90.1% of cases and by less than 1 log unit in 100% of cases. Using a threshold of 1 000 copies/mL (defining virological failure in resource-limited settings), sensitivity was 94.2% and specificity 98.6%, and both positive and negative predictive values were high (98.5% and 94.5%, respectively).Conclusion. DBS extracted and processed using the Abbott automated system can be reliably used in resource-limited setting to diagnose virological failure