51 research outputs found

    Candidate Vaccine Sequences to Represent Intra- and Inter-Clade HIV-1 Variation

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    A likely key factor in the failure of a HIV-1 vaccine based on cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is the natural immunodominance of epitopes that fall in variable regions of the proteome, which both increases the chance of epitope sequence mismatch with the incoming challenge strain and replicates the pathogenesis of early CTL failure due to epitope escape mutation during natural infection. To identify potential vaccine sequences to focus the CTL response on highly conserved epitopes, the whole proteomes of HIV-1 clades A1, B, C, and D were assessed for Shannon entropy at each amino acid position. Highly conserved regions in Gag (cGag-1, Gag 148–214, and cGag-2, Gag 253–331), Env (cEnv, Env 521–606), and Nef (cNef, Nef 106–148) were identified across clades. Inter- and intra-clade variability of amino acids within the regions tended to overlap, suggesting that polyvalent representation of consensus sequences for the four clades would allow broad HIV-1 strain representation. These four conserved regions were rich in both known and predicted CTL epitopes presented by a breadth of HLA types, and screening of 54 persons with chronic HIV-1 infection revealed that these regions are commonly immunogenic in the context of natural infection. These data suggest that vaccine delivery of a 16-valent mixture of these regions could focus the CTL response against conserved epitopes that are broadly representative of circulating HIV-1 strains

    Virus-Receptor Mediated Transduction of Dendritic Cells by Lentiviruses Enveloped with Glycoproteins Derived from Semliki Forest Virus

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    Lentiviruses have recently attracted considerable interest for their potential as a genetic modification tool for dendritic cells (DCs). In this study, we explore the ability of lentiviruses enveloped with alphaviral envelope glycoproteins derived from Semliki Forest virus (SFV) to mediate transduction of DCs. We found that SFV glycoprotein (SFV-G)-pseudotyped lentiviruses use C-type lectins (DC-SIGN and L-SIGN) as attachment factors for transduction of DCs. Importantly, SFV-G pseudotypes appear to have enhanced transduction towards C-type lectin-expressing cells when produced under conditions limiting glycosylation to simple high-mannose, N-linked glycans. These results, in addition to the natural DC tropism of SFV-G, offer evidence to support the use of SFV-G-bearing lentiviruses to genetically modify DCs for the study of DC biology and DC-based immunotherapy

    Protective Efficacy of Serially Up-Ranked Subdominant CD8+ T Cell Epitopes against Virus Challenges

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    Immunodominance in T cell responses to complex antigens like viruses is still incompletely understood. Some data indicate that the dominant responses to viruses are not necessarily the most protective, while other data imply that dominant responses are the most important. The issue is of considerable importance to the rational design of vaccines, particularly against variable escaping viruses like human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and hepatitis C virus. Here, we showed that sequential inactivation of dominant epitopes up-ranks the remaining subdominant determinants. Importantly, we demonstrated that subdominant epitopes can induce robust responses and protect against whole viruses if they are allowed at least once in the vaccination regimen to locally or temporally dominate T cell induction. Therefore, refocusing T cell immune responses away from highly variable determinants recognized during natural virus infection towards subdominant, but conserved regions is possible and merits evaluation in humans

    Viral Protein Fragmentation May Broaden T-Cell Responses to HIV Vaccines

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    High mutation rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) allows escape from T cell recognition preventing development of effective T cell vaccines. Vaccines that induce diverse T cell immune responses would help overcome this problem. Using SIV gag as a model vaccine, we investigated two approaches to increase the breadth of the CD8 T cell response. Namely, fusion of vaccine genes to ubiquitin to target the proteasome and increase levels of MHC class I peptide complexes and gene fragmentation to overcome competition between epitopes for presentation and recognition.three vaccines were compared: full-length unmodified SIV-mac239 gag, full-length gag fused at the N-terminus to ubiquitin and 7 gag fragments of equal size spanning the whole of gag with ubiquitin-fused to the N-terminus of each fragment. Genes were cloned into a replication defective adenovirus vector and immunogenicity assessed in an in vitro human priming system. The breadth of the CD8 T cell response, defined by the number of distinct epitopes, was assessed by IFN-γ-ELISPOT and memory phenotype and cytokine production evaluated by flow cytometry. We observed an increase of two- to six-fold in the number of epitopes recognised in the ubiquitin-fused fragments compared to the ubiquitin-fused full-length gag. In contrast, although proteasomal targeting was achieved, there was a marked reduction in the number of epitopes recognised in the ubiquitin-fused full-length gag compared to the full-length unmodified gene, but there were no differences in the number of epitope responses induced by non-ubiquitinated full-length gag and the ubiquitin-fused mini genes. Fragmentation and ubiquitination did not affect T cell memory differentiation and polyfunctionality, though most responses were directed against the Ad5 vector.Fragmentation but not fusion with ubiquitin increases the breadth of the CD8 T vaccine response against SIV-mac239 gag. Thus gene fragmentation of HIV vaccines may maximise responses

    Pre-treatment of Malaysian agricultural wastes toward biofuel production

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    Various renewable energy technologies are under considerable interest due to the projected depletion of our primary sources of energy and global warming associated with their utilizations. One of the alternatives under focus is renewable fuels produced from agricultural wastes. Malaysia, being one of the largest producers of palm oil, generates abundant agricultural wastes such as fibers, shells, fronds, and trunks with the potential to be converted to biofuels. However, prior to conversion of these materials to useful products, pre-treatment of biomass is essential as it influences the energy utilization in the conversion process and feedstock quality. This chapter focuses on pre-treatment technology of palm-based agriculture waste prior to conversion to solid, liquid, and gas fuel. Pre-treatment methods can be classified into physical, thermal, biological, and chemicals or any combination of these methods. Selecting the most suitable pre-treatment method could be very challenging due to complexities of biomass properties. Physical treatment involves grinding and sieving of biomass into various particle sizes whereas thermal treatment consists of pyrolysis and torrefaction processes. Additionally biological and chemical treatment using enzymes and chemicals to derive lignin from biomass are also discussed

    Synergistic effect of metronomic dosing of cyclophosphamide combined with specific antitumor immunotherapy in a murine melanoma model.

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    Immunotherapy could be combined with conventional chemotherapeutic modalities aimed at reducing tumor burden. Such combination therapy may be most useful when "metronomic" doses of antineoplastic drugs are used, thereby potentially avoiding some of the immunosuppressive effects of these drugs. Recent studies have shown that some conventional antineoplastic drugs can be exploited for antiangiogenic capacities, a strategy that requires drugs to be administered at regular intervals. We therefore investigated whether such metronomic therapy with the alkylating agent cyclophosphamide (CTX) could be effectively combined with immunotherapy eliciting tumor-reactive CTLs. An immunization protocol using injection of recombinant DNA followed by injection of recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara strain was used to initiate a specific CTL response in mice capable of providing resistance to challenge with the murine melanoma B16.F10. Combining this immunotherapeutic regime with metronomic delivery of CTX resulted in antitumor activity that was dramatically enhanced over either treatment administered alone and was also significantly greater than combining immunotherapy with CTX administered by a maximum tolerated dose regime. Whereas both metronomic and maximum tolerated dose delivery of CTX did cause deletion of proliferating tumor-specific CTLs in the blood, this deletion occurred with slower kinetics with the metronomic schedule. Further analysis showed that metronomic CTX treatment did not delete cells with low expression of CD43, a "memory" phenotype, and that these cells maintained potent restimulatory capacity. The combination of immunotherapy and metronomic CTX therapy may be well suited to clinical management of cancer

    Intravenous injection of a lentiviral vector encoding NY-ESO-1 induces an effective CTL response.

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    Lentiviral vectors can efficiently transduce a variety of nondividing cells, including APCs. We assessed the immunogenicity of a lentiviral vector encoding the melanoma Ag NY-ESO-1 in HLA-A2 transgenic mice. Direct i.v. injection of NY-ESO-1 lentivirus induced NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific CD8(+) cells, detected ex vivo with an A2/H-2K(b) chimeric class I tetramer. These NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific CD8(+) cells could be expanded by boosting with an NY-ESO-1 vaccinia virus and could kill NY-ESO-1(157-165) peptide-pulsed targets in vivo. Such direct lentiviral vector injection was similar in potency to the injection of in vitro-transduced dendritic cells (DC). In addition, human monocyte-derived DC transduced by the NY-ESO-1 lentivirus stimulated an NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific specific CTL clone. These data suggest that direct lentiviral transduction of DC in vivo might provide a powerful immunotherapeutic strategy

    Increasing the survival of dendritic cells in vivo does not replace the requirement for CD4+ T cell help during primary CD8+ T cell responses.

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    The survival of dendritic cells (DC) in vivo determines the duration of Ag presentation and is critical in determining the strength and magnitude of the resulting T cell response. We used a mouse model to show that Ag-loaded C57BL/6 DC (MHC class II(+/+) (MHC II(+/+))) that reach the lymph node survived longer than Ag-loaded MHC II(-/-) DC, with the numbers of C57BL/6 DC being approximately 2.5-fold the number of the MHC II(-/-) DC by day 4 and approximately 5-fold by day 7. The differential survival of DC in vivo was not affected by low doses of LPS, but in vitro pretreatment with CD40L or with high doses of LPS increased the numbers of MHC II(-/-) DC to levels approaching those of C57BL/6 DC. Regardless of their numbers and relative survival in lymph nodes, MHC II(-/-) DC were profoundly defective in their ability to induce CTL responses against the gp33 peptide epitope, and were unable to induce expansion and optimal cytotoxic activity of CD8(+) T cells specific for the male Ag UTY. We conclude that CD4(+) T cell help for CD8(+) responses involves mechanisms other than the increased survival of Ag-presenting DC in the lymph node