59 research outputs found

    'To do or not to do'? The neurobiology of decision-making in daily life: I. Getting the basics

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    Abstract The constant conflict between decisions leading to immediate pleasurable consequences versus behaviors aiming at long-term social advantages is reviewed here in the framework of the evolutionary systems regulating behavior. The inescapable temporal perspective in decision-making in everyday life is highlighted and integrated with the role of the executive functions in the modulation of subcortical systems. In particular, the representations of the 'non-existent' future in the prefrontal cortical regions and how these representations can bridge theory and practice in everyday life are addressed. Relevant discussions regarding the battle between emotions and reasons in the determination of more complex decisions in the realm of neuroeconomics and in moral issues have been reserved for a second essay

    Distúrbio de Percepção Temporal e sua Influência na Memória: Estudo de Caso de Paciente com Lesão Frontal

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    Os mecanismos da memória episódica possibilitam uma pessoa "viajar" pelo tempo, e quando relacionados ao tempo futuro, compõem a memória prospectiva. O objetivo desse trabalho é verificar, através de um estudo de caso de uma paciente com lesão cerebral no lobo frontal, apresentando distúrbio de percepção temporal e falhas de memória, se é possível diferenciar os mecanismos neurocognitivos de memória operacional dos da memória prospectiva. Tomando por base o modelo de Ellis, a paciente foi submetida a uma bateria de lobo frontal e à prova experimental proposta por Einstein e Daniel. Os resultados mostraram que suas falhas não afetam recursos atencionais necessários na execução de ações complexas, mas o controle de mecanismos internos (self-driven), como a noção do tempo, ativação de intenções e tomada de decisões. De acordo com o modelo adotado, a paciente apresenta falha específica na ativação de intenções e no processo de supervisão. Esses achados indicam que memória operacional e memória prospectiva podem ter correlatos neuropsicológicos diversos.<br>The cognitive mechanisms of the episodic memory allow a person to travel through time. These mechanisms that are related to the future compose the so-called prospective memory. The main objective of this work was to verify whether it is possible to dissociate neurocognitive mechanisms of the working memory from those of the prospective memory by using a case study with frontal lesion, presenting failures in time perception and memory disorders. Based on the Ellis model, the patient was tested using both a frontal lobe battery and an Einstein and Daniel's task. The results showed that the failures did not affect attentional resources required for the execution of complex actions, but decreased the self-driven mechanisms such as the notion of time, intentionality and decision making. Following the model, the patient had specific failures in the activation of intentions and in the supervision process. These failures suggest that both the working memory and the prospective memory may have different neuropsychological attributes