177 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui persepsi siswa mengenai dihapuskannya mata pelajaran TIK di SMA Negeri 1 Sewon; 2) Mengetahui motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri di SMA Negeri 1 Sewon; 3) Mengetahui pengaruh persepsi siswa mengenai dihapuskannya mata pelajaran TIK terhadap motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri di SMA Negeri 1 Sewon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 38 orang yang diambil dengan menggunakan proportional random sampling. Instrumen penelitian data menggunakan kuisioner dengan skala Likert yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya untuk mengambil data siswa mengenai persepsi siswa dengan dihapusnya mata pelajaran TIK serta motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri. Uji validitas dengan menggunakan expert judgement dan Pearson Correlated. Sedangkan uji reliabilitas dengan menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Person Correlated yang selanjutnya dilakukan regresi sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebagai berikut : 1) Analisis data persepsi siswa tentang dihapusnya mata pelajaran TIK menunjukan bahwa pada kategori sangat tinggi 92,10 %., kategori tinggi 7,89 % serta kategori rendah dan sangat rendah sebesar 0 %.; 2) motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri pada kategori sangat tinggi sebesar 89,47 %, kategori tinggi sebesar 10,53 % serta kategori rendah dan sangat rendah sebesar 0 %; 3) uji regresi menghasilkan kontribusi persepsi terhadap motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri sebesar 62,2 % dengan persamaan regresi sebagai berikut : Y = 13,192 + 1,108 X. Kata Kunci : Dihapuskannya TIK , Persepsi Siswa, Motivasi Belajar Mandir

    Exploring urban gardening experiences in Europe and Asia: Rome vs Tokyo

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    Nowadays the trend of urban gardening can be observed in many parts of the world. This phenomenon responds to the demand of rurality and the requalification of abandoned urban green areas expressed by city residents. Recently, many researchers have investigated about different types of urban gardening but mostly referring to English speaking developed countries (Guitart et al. 2012). To grasp the worldwide trend of urban gardening, this paper aims to compare urban gardening experiences in Rome and Tokyo. In Italy, the analysis is conducted through a direct investigation while the Japanese experience has been analysed through secondary data. The study of these two quite different metropolitan contexts helps to understand: (i) motivations on why urban residents need to grow food by themselves; (ii) types of ecosystem services (i.e. safeguard of agricultural land, food culture, production system, leisure model, environmental education, social cohesion) provided to stakeholders (Langemeyer et al. 2018; Speak et al. 2015). By comparing the two areas in Europe and Asia, we found urban residents’ interests in self-harvesting in common. Yet, there were differences in the form of urban gardening. Urban gardening in Rome is characterized by voluntary community activities, while Tokyo has commercial services to provide opportunities to not only those who have eagerness to grow vegetables, but also those who have less time and skills of growing plants

    Cause Related Marketing: Between Solidarity and Competition within the Italian Agri-Food System

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    Today’s consumers demand products and services not only with proven intrinsic quality features but also endowed with non-material attributes such as respect for the environmental and ethical values. These concerns are central to recent marketing developments. Cause related marketing (CRM) is a good example of the new entrepreneurial strategies able to achieve on the one hand utilitarian aims and on the other hand to contribute to a social cause through different forms of company donation. From the analysis it emerges that in Italian agri-food system three types of agents are applying CRM: companies producing widely consumed brands, with high sales volume; small companies producing high quality goods but with brands known within a limited market area; mass distribution companies. The use and aims of CRM strategies are different for each of the actors

    Italian viticulture between tradition and innovation: a survey on the business decisions of wineries of Basilicata

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    Most of the Italian economy has been experiencing, since late last year, an economic recession. The only exception to this scenario is that represented by those industries for which the characteristic feature of made in Italy is recognized by the market as a value. In addition to some manufacturing sectors, the agrofood industry is showing a dynamic against the negative trend. In 2011, respect to the previous year, the turnover of the Italian wine sector has increased by 9,2% (Mediobanca, 2012); while the export value increased of 11,5% compared to 2010. About volumes of wine selled, in 2011, Italy continues to maintain the leading position worldwide with 23.8 million hectoliters (+10%). The forecast about the vintage 2012 indicates a decline in volumes of about 9%, partly caused by the bad year, while exports grew by about 7% compared to 2011. The data show a sector with a positive balance but the italian wineries have to take in account the changes in progress to define future strategies: the rising costs of non-renewable resources; the relationship between exchange rates; the new emerging countries (such example, Eastern European countries); new consumers (the Y generation, Asian consumers etc.); substitutive products (beers, wines with a lower alcohol content, dealcholized beverages etc.), the basic equilibrium between demand and supply of wine in the worldwide scenario (Oiv, 2012). In the last years, the Italian wine has been able to maintain and to strengthen its position on the international markets, that’s depends not only by the successful performance of the northern and central regions, historically suited, but also by an increase in both quality and quantity produced in the South and therefore also with the contribution of Basilicata. The wine sector in Basilicata, although quantitatively limited compared to the national production, at the regional level represents a driving force towards other agricultural productions, also thanks to the growing acknowledgment received at national and international level, in particular by the wine Aglianico. In fact, the vintage 2011 was the first one for the denomination “Aglianico Docg Superior”, that’s has allowed the flagship wine of Basilicata to enter in the circuit of prestigious Italian wines as Barolo and Chianti. The aim of this paper is to analyze, through an empirical survey carried out through a questionnaire to a sample of wineries in Basilicata, the business strategies of the past five years and their evolutionary dynamics in the context of this difficult economic environment. Innovate and differentiate are the strategies that more than others allow wineries to compete in a context of tremendous global economic crisis, uncertainty and markets instability. The combination of tradition and innovation is the winning strategy to address the change in the Italian wine industry. The tradition is tied to the value and image of made in Italy, from which the consumer expects a high level of quality and a high service content. Even if some data show that for small firms, the cost containment is still the only viable opportunity, tying the company strategies to a time horizon is often the short term, underestimating unconventional marketing initiatives (such as web marketing) and working, mostly, through conventional channels

    Non-conventional viticulture as a viable system: a case study in Italy

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    The food crisis of 2008 and the current financial crisis, coupled with concerns of climate change, have fueled a renewed interest in alternative food production systems, namely, local, organic and sustainable food systems. In many countries, research shows that in the medium to long run, organic and local food systems will be the most resistant and will provide an effective means to attain food security. Moreover, such systems also support social and cultural variables and can therefore be important in coping strategies in times of crisis. Reliable, and sustainable systems will help bear the burden of crises as well as be economically profitable as more people prefer to eat local due to environmental or economic concerns. Organic or biodynamic production systems in a local setting offer both economic and ecological advantages, from the producer and consumer perspectives. While wine is not food, it supports a wide range of people, industries, and activities, and therefore plays an important role in local economies, especially in countries like Italy. It is also deeply rooted in tradition, and is rich in local knowledge and techniques. Wine is also different in that its quality aspect is an important factor especially in terms of customer acceptance. Wine is often highly differentiated, even within the same region. The paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of the viability of the non-conventional (organic/biodynamic) viticulture and proposes a model for analysis of its economic, social and cultural context to measure impacts in an effort to evaluate the validity of the argument that these types of systems are viable and even superior options. Interviews with producers and local experts, and actual sales data will be used to identify the social, environmental and economic advantages of such systems, as well as problems, such as diseconomies of scale. Using selected indicators, the paper will also suggest policies to overcome these problems and propose some marketing strategies to render such systems more viable. In particular, the paper will evaluate for a given locality in Italy: (i) The profitability for the producer in the actual global and regional context, with competition from larger and conventional producers (ii) The probability of such methods to generate positive externalities from field to glass (iii) The feasibility of providing a higher quality product at a reasonable price for the consumer (iv) The direct and indirect impacts of this type of system for the local economy. (v) Social aspects in terms of trust and a closer connection between consumers and producers (vi) Environmental/ecological implications The above analysis will then be used to describe the particular viticulture system and select indicators for social, economic and environmental viability. These will be used in defining selected policy measures to minimize the costs and negative impacts and help define targeted marketing strategies


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    PENGARUH PERSEPSI SISWA DENGAN DIHAPUSNYA MATA PELAJARAN TIK TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR TIK SISWA SECARA MANDIRI DI SMA NEGERI 1 SEWON Oleh : Rizky Palmina Maharani NIM. 10520244013 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui persepsi siswa mengenai dihapuskannya mata pelajaran TIK di SMA Negeri 1 Sewon; 2) Mengetahui motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri di SMA Negeri 1 Sewon; 3) Mengetahui pengaruh persepsi siswa mengenai dihapuskannya mata pelajaran TIK terhadap motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri di SMA Negeri 1 Sewon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 38 orang yang diambil dengan menggunakan proportional random sampling. Instrumen penelitian data menggunakan kuisioner dengan skala Likert yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya untuk mengambil data siswa mengenai persepsi siswa dengan dihapusnya mata pelajaran TIK serta motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri. Uji validitas dengan menggunakan expert judgement dan Pearson Correlated. Sedangkan uji reliabilitas dengan menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Person Correlated yang selanjutnya dilakukan regresi sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebagai berikut : 1) Analisis data persepsi siswa tentang dihapusnya mata pelajaran TIK menunjukan bahwa pada kategori sangat tinggi 92,10 %., kategori tinggi 7,89 % serta kategori rendah dan sangat rendah sebesar 0 %.; 2) motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri pada kategori sangat tinggi sebesar 89,47 %, kategori tinggi sebesar 10,53 % serta kategori rendah dan sangat rendah sebesar 0 %; 3) uji regresi menghasilkan kontribusi persepsi terhadap motivasi siswa belajar TIK secara mandiri sebesar 62,2 % dengan persamaan regresi sebagai berikut : Y = 13,192 + 1,108 X. Kata Kunci : Dihapuskannya TIK , Persepsi Siswa, Motivasi Belajar Mandir

    Is obedience still a virtue? An Italian research during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The authors examine some criminological theories that explain adherence to the rules, and in particular those that have been used to account for whether or not the rules imposed or proposed to contain the contagion from COVID-19 are considered. Then, they show the results of their own research, carried out by interviewing a sample of 1,004 Italians using an online questionnaire. The aim of this research: understand who complied with the anti COVID-19 measures and, if so, for what reasons. If the given answer was no, the authors asked the respondents the reasons why them didn’t. After showing the results, the authors discussed them comparing theme with other similarresearches made abroad, underlying also the emerged limits. In conclusion, the authors propose their own thoughts on the subject

    L’onere dell’onore

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    Is the homicide motivated by honour still present in Italy nowadays? The authors try to give an answer to this question analising some murders commited in Italy during the last years. The answer is that it is still present but is changing in his more important aspects. The reason is because of the migration phenomenons that are redifing the cultural and social parameters, introducing new values system. For example, betrayal moved from a couple dimension to a moral and religious ones. The authors focus on two crimes linked together by the same motif; Hina Salem, a young Pakistani girl, who was killed by her father because she used to work, smoke and hangout with friends; Brunetta Morabito, an Italian girl, gunshot wounded by her brother since she was pregnant but not married yet.Scopo del presente contributo è svolgere alcune riflessioni criminologiche in relazione al concetto di delitto d’onore alla luce dei cambiamenti culturali e dei fenomeni immigratori che hanno caratterizzato il nostro paese negli ultimi decenni. La nostra analisi trae spunto da alcuni delitti efferati che, a parere dei loro stessi autori, avevano quale movente motivazioni di natura etico morale nonché religiosa. Si tratta dell’omicidio di Hina Saleem, giovane ragazza pachistana, uccisa dal padre in quanto “colpevole” di aver abbandonato i criteri comportamentali imposti dalla loro religione; Brunetta Morabito, gravemente ferita per mano del fratello, rea di essere in attesa di un bambino da un uomo senza esserne la moglie; infine V.T., uxoricida, per mera gelosia. Quale è la genesi di tali delitti? La letteratura criminologica può essere un valido contributo nella comprensione di tali crimini? Risposte che diventano necessarie non solo e non tanto per una mera ricerca accademica, ma soprattutto in un’ottica trattamentale che è tipica della criminologia applicat

    Dilemmi etici ed empatia ai tempi del Covid-19

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    Con la recente diffusione del virus Covid-19 molte domande sono disponibili, sia da un punto di vista sanitario ed economico, sia da un punto di vista umano. La rapida diffusione del virus e il tasso di contagio hanno costretto gli operatori sanitari a compiere scelte etiche e morali. Abbiamo cercato di vedere quali scelte farebbe un campione rappresentativo della popolazione italiana, inclusi gli operatori sanitari , se confrontato con un dilemma etico riguardo a questa crisi e quali conseguenze emotive potrebbero derivarne. Dai risultati oltre l'80% del campione ha scelto per scelte utilitaristiche e impersonali, mosso quindi dalla razionalità per risolvere il problema. Nonostante l'apparente distacco nella scelta, queste decisioni hanno comunque avuto un impatto emotivo, indicando che anche le scelte più razionali non sono esenti dall'empatia.Con la recente diffusione del virus Covid-19 molte domande sono sorte, sia di carattere sanitario ed economico, sia da unpunto di vista più umano. La rapida diffusione del virus e l’alto tasso di contagio ha costretto gli operatori sanitari a dovercompiere delle scelte etiche e morali. Ci si è dunque domandati quali scelte un campione rappresentativo della popolazioneitaliana, tra cui anche operatori sanitari, avrebbe compiuto se messo di fronte a dilemmi etici riguardanti questa crisi e qualiconseguenze emotive ne sarebbero scaturite. Dai risultati emerge come più dell’80% del campione abbia optato per scelteutilitaristiche e impersonali, quindi mossi da razionalità per la risoluzione del problema. Nonostante l’apparente distacconella scelta, tali decisioni hanno comunque avuto un impatto emotivo, indice del fatto che anche le scelte più razionali nonsono esenti da empatia