3,724 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Nest Attendance and Time-activity Budgets of Peregrine Falcons in Interior Alaska

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    An essential prerequisite to examining the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on avian nesting activities is understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the birds' allocation of time to breeding behaviors. We examined factors influencing nest attendance and time-activity budgets of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus anatum) breeding along the Tanana River in Alaska in 1995, 1996, and 1997. First, as is typical of most bird species with nidicolous young and biparental care, females attended the nest more than males and, as the nesting cycle progressed, female attendance decreased to levels similar to those of males. Second, nest area attendance followed a circadian rhythm; parents attended the nest area less during early morning and late evening, which are prime hunting periods, than during late morning. Finally, although females typically performed most of the incubating, the division of labor between males and females during incubation differed among pairs. Higher attendance in the nest area by females during incubation appeared to be associated with more young fledged among successful pairs.Une condition indispensable pour examiner les retombĂ©es de la perturbation anthropique sur la nidification aviaire est reproducteurs. On a Ă©tudiĂ© les facteurs qui ont influencĂ© la prĂ©sence au nid et les budgets temps-activitĂ©s des faucons pĂšlerins (Falco peregrinus anatum) nichant le long de la riviĂšre Tanana en Alaska en 1995, 1996 et 1997. Tout d'abord, comme on doit s'y attendre de la plupart des espĂšces aviaires dont les petits sont nidicoles et oĂč les soins sont biparentaux, les femelles Ă©taient prĂ©sentes au nid plus que les mĂąles et, Ă  mesure que le cycle de nidification avançait, la prĂ©sence des femelles diminuait Ă  des niveaux semblables Ă  ceux de la prĂ©sence des mĂąles. DeuxiĂšmement, la prĂ©sence aux environs du nid suivait un rythme circadien, les parents passant moins de temps prĂšs du nid au dĂ©but de la matinĂ©e et en fin de soirĂ©e - temps forts de la chasse - qu'en fin de et femelles durant l'incubation diffĂ©rait selon les paires. Durant l'incubation, la prĂ©sence plus affirmĂ©e des femelles dans la zone du nid semblait ĂȘtre associĂ©e Ă  un nombre supĂ©rieur de petits qui prenaient leur envol chez les paires qui avaient rĂ©ussi Ă  se reproduire

    Lenient multi-agent deep reinforcement learning

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    Much of the success of single agent deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in recent years can be attributed to the use of experience replay memories (ERM), which allow Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) to be trained efficiently through sampling stored state transitions. However, care is required when using ERMs for multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MA-DRL), as stored transitions can become outdated because agents update their policies in parallel [11]. In this work we apply leniency [23] to MA-DRL. Lenient agents map state-action pairs to decaying temperature values that control the amount of leniency applied towards negative policy updates that are sampled from the ERM. This introduces optimism in the value-function update, and has been shown to facilitate cooperation in tabular fully-cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning problems. We evaluate our Lenient-DQN (LDQN) empirically against the related Hysteretic-DQN (HDQN) algorithm [22] as well as a modified version we call scheduled-HDQN, that uses average reward learning near terminal states. Evaluations take place in extended variations of the Coordinated Multi-Agent Object Transportation Problem (CMOTP) [8] which include fully-cooperative sub-tasks and stochastic rewards. We find that LDQN agents are more likely to converge to the optimal policy in a stochastic reward CMOTP compared to standard and scheduled-HDQN agents

    Cost-effectiveness of irbesartan in diabetic nephropathy: a systematic review of published studies

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    Background. To review published studies on the cost-effectiveness of the use of irbesartan for treatment of advance overt nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Methods. Articles were identified based on a search of the PubMed databases using the keywords ‘irbesartan', ‘ESRD', ‘cost-effectiveness', ‘nephropathy' and ‘costs', and by personal communication with the authors. Only studies published in the last 10 years were included. All costs data from the cost-effectiveness studies were inflated to 2003 Euros using published governmental conversion tables. Results. Seven published studies were identified, spanning the following country settings: the US, Belgium and France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and the UK. In each, the same pharmacoeconomic model was adapted using country-specific data to project and evaluate the clinical and cost outcomes of the treatment arms of the Irbesartan in Diabetic Nephropathy Trial (IDNT) (irbesartan, amlodipine or standard blood pressure control). Mean time to onset of ESRD was 8.23 years for irbesartan, 6.82 years for amlodipine and 6.88 years for the control (values were the same for Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain as transition probabilities for progression to ESRD were all derived from the IDNT). Mean cumulative incidence of ESRD was 36% with irbesartan, 49% with amlodipine and 45% with control treatment. Treatment with irbesartan was projected to improve life expectancy compared to both amlodipine and control in all seven published studies. Analysis of total lifetime costs showed that irbesartan treatment was cost saving compared to the other two treatment regimens, due to the associated reduction in ESRD cases. Cost savings with irbesartan became evident very early; after 2-3 years of treatment in most settings. Conclusions. Modelling studies based on the IDNT published to date suggest that irbesartan treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes, hypertension and advanced nephropathy is both life- and cost-saving compared to amlodipine or contro

    Decision Making in Mice During an Optimized Touchscreen Spatial Working Memory Task Sensitive to Medial Prefrontal Cortex Inactivation and NMDA Receptor Hypofunction

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    Working memory is a fundamental cognitive process for decision-making and is a hallmark impairment in a variety of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Spatial working memory paradigms are a valuable tool to assess these processes in rodents and dissect the neurobiology underlying working memory. The trial unique non-match to location (TUNL) task is an automated touchscreen paradigm used to study spatial working memory and pattern separation processes in rodents. Here, animals must remember the spatial location of a stimulus presented on the screen over a delay period; and use this representation to respond to the novel location when the two are presented together. Because stimuli can be presented in a variety of spatial configurations, TUNL offers a trial-unique paradigm, which can aid in combating the development of unwanted mediating strategies. Here, we have optimized the TUNL protocol for mice to reduce training time and further reduce the potential development of mediating strategies. As a result, mice are able to accurately perform an enhanced trial-unique paradigm, where the locations of the sample and choice stimuli can be presented in any configuration on the screen during a single session. We also aimed to pharmacologically characterize this updated protocol, by assessing the roles of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (NMDAr) functioning during TUNL. Temporary inactivation of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) was accomplished by directly infusing a mixture of GABA agonists muscimol and baclofen into the mPFC. We found that mPFC inactivation significantly impaired TUNL performance in a delay-dependent manner. In addition, mPFC inactivation significantly increased the susceptibility of mice to proactive interference. Mice were then challenged with acute systemic injections of the NMDAr antagonist ketamine, which resulted in a dose-dependent, delay-dependent working memory impairment. Together, we describe an optimized automated touchscreen task of working memory, which is dependent on the intact functioning of the mPFC and sensitive to acute NMDAr hypofunction. With the vast genetic toolbox available for modeling disease and probing neural circuit functioning in mice, the TUNL task offers a valuable paradigm to pair with these technologies to further investigate the processes underlying spatial working memory

    Extensive loss of translational genes in the structurally dynamic mitochondrial genome of the angiosperm Silene latifolia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mitochondrial gene loss and functional transfer to the nucleus is an ongoing process in many lineages of plants, resulting in substantial variation across species in mitochondrial gene content. The Caryophyllaceae represents one lineage that has experienced a particularly high rate of mitochondrial gene loss relative to other angiosperms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we report the first complete mitochondrial genome sequence from a member of this family, <it>Silene latifolia</it>. The genome can be mapped as a 253,413 bp circle, but its structure is complicated by a large repeated region that is present in 6 copies. Active recombination among these copies produces a suite of alternative genome configurations that appear to be at or near "recombinational equilibrium". The genome contains the fewest genes of any angiosperm mitochondrial genome sequenced to date, with intact copies of only 25 of the 41 protein genes inferred to be present in the common ancestor of angiosperms. As observed more broadly in angiosperms, ribosomal proteins have been especially prone to gene loss in the <it>S. latifolia </it>lineage. The genome has also experienced a major reduction in tRNA gene content, including loss of functional tRNAs of both native and chloroplast origin. Even assuming expanded wobble-pairing rules, the mitochondrial genome can support translation of only 17 of the 61 sense codons, which code for only 9 of the 20 amino acids. In addition, genes encoding 18S and, especially, 5S rRNA exhibit exceptional sequence divergence relative to other plants. Divergence in one region of 18S rRNA appears to be the result of a gene conversion event, in which recombination with a homologous gene of chloroplast origin led to the complete replacement of a helix in this ribosomal RNA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings suggest a markedly expanded role for nuclear gene products in the translation of mitochondrial genes in <it>S. latifolia </it>and raise the possibility of altered selective constraints operating on the mitochondrial translational apparatus in this lineage.</p

    Dynamically Updated Location-Based User Groups for Context-Specific Communication

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    Groups on social networking and messaging platforms enable users to communicate with others in a compartmentalized and targeted manner. However, curating such groups requires manual effort and does not support scenarios in which users wish to communicate with context-specific groups that are dynamic and transient. This disclosure describes techniques that enable dynamically creation and update of user groups based on user location. A messaging backend can enable users to communicate with others in the dynamic location-based groups connected to specific locations. The techniques enable seamless formation and update of context-specific groups without manual effort

    Mouse Performance on a Novel Touchscreen Continuous Performance Task is Dependent on Signaling in the Prelimbic Cortex

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    Attention is the cognitive processing that facilitates the ability to target and attend to relevant environmental stimuli, while filtering out irrelevant or distracting stimuli. Control over selective attention is theorized to be dependent on organized neural communication that stems from the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). To evaluate selective and sustained attention, mice were trained on the novel touchscreen rodent continuous performance task (rCPT), a task designed to emulate the human CPT. In the rodent version, images are continuously presented on a touchscreen, where mice have been trained to selectively respond to one image type while suppressing responses to all others. Following training on the rCPT, bilateral cannulas were implanted into the prelimbic region of the mPFC. Immediately prior to cognitive testing, a mixture of GABA A and B agonists were infused into the prelimbic to temporarily inactivate the structure. Inactivating the prelimbic cortex significantly impaired performance on this task, resulting in a reduced ability to discriminate the target from non-target images, as well as a reduction in speed and overall responding. Currently, mice expressing optogenetic receptors are being used to evaluate how parvalbumin interneuron activity within the prelimbic cortex influences attentional performance on the rCPT. As the parvalbumin interneuron population is heavily implicated in generating coordinated neuronal activity and supporting cognition, it is predicted that inhibiting these interneurons and altering synchronous prelimbic activity will impair rCPT performance

    Recent Star Formation in Sextans A

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    We investigate the relationship between the spatial distributions of stellar populations and of neutral and ionized gas in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy Sextans A. This galaxy is currently experiencing a burst of localized star formation, the trigger of which is unknown. We have resolved various populations of stars via deep UBV(RI)_C imaging over an area with diameter \sim 5.'3. We have compared our photometry with theoretical isochrones appropriate for Sextans A, in order to determine the ages of these populations. We have mapped out the history of star formation, most accurately for times \lesssim 100 Myr. We find that star formation in Sextans A is correlated both in time and space, especially for the most recent (\lesssim 12 Myr) times. The youngest stars in the galaxy are forming primarily along the inner edge of the large H I shell. Somewhat older populations, \lesssim 50 Myr, are found inward of the youngest stars. Progressively older star formation, from \sim 50--100 Myr, appears to have some spatially coherent structure and is more centrally concentrated. The oldest stars we can accurately sample appear to have approximately a uniform spatial distribution, which extends beyond a surface brightness of \mu_B \simeq 25.9 mag arcsec^{-2} (or, a radius r \simeq 2.'3$). Although other processes are also possible, our data provides support for a mechanism of supernova-driven expansion of the neutral gas, resulting in cold gas pileup and compression along the H I shell and sequential star formation in recent times.Comment: 64 pages, 22 figures, to appear in A
