54 research outputs found

    Interactions of the Gasotransmitters Contribute to Microvascular Tone (Dys)regulation in the Preterm Neonate

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    Background & Aims Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), nitric oxide (NO), and carbon monoxide (CO) are involved in transitional microvascular tone dysregulation in the preterm infant; however there is conflicting evidence on the interaction of these gasotransmitters, and their overall contribution to the microcirculation in newborns is not known. The aim of this study was to measure the levels of all 3 gasotransmitters, characterise their interrelationships and elucidate their combined effects on microvascular blood flow. Methods 90 preterm neonates were studied at 24h postnatal age. Microvascular studies were performed by laser Doppler. Arterial COHb levels (a measure of CO) were determined through co-oximetry. NO was measured as nitrate and nitrite in urine. H2S was measured as thiosulphate by liquid chromatography. Relationships between levels of the gasotransmitters and microvascular blood flow were assessed through partial correlation controlling for the influence of gestational age. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the combination of these effects on microvascular blood flow and derive a theoretical model of their interactions. Results No relationship was observed between NO and CO (p = 0.18, r = 0.18). A positive relationship between NO and H2S (p = 0.008, r = 0.28) and an inverse relationship between CO and H2S (p = 0.01, r = -0.33) exists. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the combination of these effects on microvascular blood flow. The model with the best fit is presented. Conclusions The relationships between NO and H2S, and CO and H2S may be of importance in the preterm newborn, particularly as NO levels in males are associated with higher H2S levels and higher microvascular blood flow and CO in females appears to convey protection against vascular dysregulation. Here we present a theoretical model of these interactions and their overall effects on microvascular flow in the preterm newborn, upon which future mechanistic studies may be based.The authors would like to acknowledge the parents of the neonates enrolled in the 2CANS study for their participation, the staff of the Kaleidoscope Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the John Hunter Childrenā€™s Hospital, and Kimberly-Clark Australia for providing the diapers used in this stud

    Birth and Neonatal Transition in the Guinea Pig: Experimental Approaches to Prevent Preterm Birth and Protect the Premature Fetus

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    The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) displays many features of gestational physiology that makes it the most translationally relevant rodent species. Progesterone production undergoes a luteal to placental shift as in human pregnancy with levels rising during gestation and with labor and delivery occurring without a precipitous decline in maternal progesterone levels. In contrast to other laboratory rodents, labor in guinea pigs is triggered by a functional progesterone withdrawal, which involves the loss of uterine sensitivity to progesterone like in women. In both species the amnion membrane is a major source of labor-inducing prostaglandins, which promote functional progesterone withdrawal by modifying myometrial progesterone receptor expression. These similar features appear to result from convergent evolution rather than closer evolutionally relationship to primates compared to other rodents. Nevertheless, the similarities in the production, metabolism and actions of progesterone and prostaglandins allow information gained in pregnant guinea pigs to be extended to pregnant women with confidence. This includes exploring the effects of pregnancy complications including growth restriction and the mechanisms by which stressful conditions increase the incidence of preterm labor. The relatively long gestation of the guinea pig and the maturity of the pups at birth particularly in brain development means that a greater proportion of brain development happens in utero. This allows adverse intrauterine conditions to make a sustained impact on the developing brain like in compromised human pregnancies. In addition, the brain is exposed to a protective neurosteroid environment in utero, which has been suggested to promote development in the guinea pig and the human. Moreover, in utero stresses that have been shown to adversely affect long term neurobehavioral outcomes in clinical studies, can be modeled successfully in guinea pigs. Overall, these parallels to the human have led to increasing interest in the guinea pig for translational studies of treatments and therapies that potentially improve outcomes following adverse events in pregnancy and after preterm birth

    Early microvascular changes in the preterm neonate: a comparative study of the human and guinea pig

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    Dysfunction of the transition from fetal to neonatal circulatory systems may be a major contributor to poor outcome following preterm birth. Evidence exists in the human for both a period of low flow between 5 and 11 h and a later period of increased flow, suggesting a hypoperfusion-reperfusion cycle over the first 24 h following birth. Little is known about the regulation of peripheral blood flow during this time. The aim of this study was to conduct a comparative study between the human and guinea pig to characterize peripheral microvascular behavior during circulatory transition. Very preterm (ā‰¤28 weeks GA), preterm (29-36 weeks GA), and term (ā‰„37 weeks GA) human neonates underwent laser Doppler analysis of skin microvascular blood flow at 6 and 24 h from birth. Guinea pig neonates were delivered prematurely (62 day GA) or at term (68-71 day GA) and laser Doppler analysis of skin microvascular blood flow was assessed every 2 h from birth. In human preterm neonates, there is a period of high microvascular flow at 24 h after birth. No period of low flow was observed at 6 h. In preterm animals, microvascular flow increased after birth, reaching a peak at 10 h postnatal age. Blood flow then steadily decreased, returning to delivery levels by 24 h. Preterm birth was associated with higher baseline microvascular flow throughout the study period in both human and guinea pig neonates. The findings do not support a hypoperfusion-reperfusion cycle in the microcirculation during circulatory transition. The guinea pig model of preterm birth will allow further investigation of the mechanisms underlying microvascular function and dysfunction during the initial extrauterine period

    Reduced Neurosteroid Exposure Following Preterm Birth and Itsā€™ Contribution to Neurological Impairment: A Novel Avenue for Preventative Therapies

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    Children born preterm are at an increased risk of developing cognitive problems and neuro-behavioral disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety. Whilst neonates born at all gestational ages, even at term, can experience poor cognitive outcomes due to birth-complications such as birth asphyxia, it is becoming widely known that children born preterm in particular are at significant risk for learning difficulties with an increased utilization of special education resources, when compared to their healthy term-born peers. Additionally, those born preterm have evidence of altered cerebral myelination with reductions in white matter volumes of the frontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum evident on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This disruption to myelination may underlie some of the pathophysiology of preterm-associated brain injury. Compared to a fetus of the same post-conceptional age, the preterm newborn loses access to in utero factors that support and promote healthy brain development. Furthermore, the preterm ex utero environment is hostile to the developing brain with a myriad of environmental, biochemical and excitotoxic stressors. Allopregnanolone is a key neuroprotective fetal neurosteroid which has promyelinating effects in the developing brain. Preterm birth leads to an abrupt loss of the protective effects of allopregnanolone, with a dramatic drop in allopregnanolone concentrations in the preterm neonatal brain compared to the fetal brain. This occurs in conjunction with reduced myelination of the hippocampus, subcortical white matter and cerebellum; thus, damage to neurons, astrocytes and especially oligodendrocytes of the developing nervous system can occur in the vulnerable developmental window prior to term as a consequence reduced allopregnanolone. In an effort to prevent preterm-associated brain injury a number of therapies have been considered, but to date, other than antenatal magnesium sulfate and corticosteroid therapy, none have become part of standard clinical care for vulnerable infants. Therefore, there remains an urgent need for improved therapeutic options to prevent brain injury in preterm neonates. The actions of the placentally derived neurosteroid allopregnanolone on GABAA receptor signaling has a major role in late gestation neurodevelopment. The early loss of this intrauterine neurotrophic support following preterm birth may be pivotal to development of neurodevelopmental morbidity. Thus, restoring the in utero neurosteroid environment for preterm neonates may represent a new and clinically feasible treatment option for promoting better trajectories of myelination and brain development, and therefore reducing neurodevelopmental disorders in children born preterm

    Guinea pig models for translation of the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis into the clinic

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    Over 30 years ago Professor David Barker first proposed the theory that events in early life could explain an individual\u27s risk of non-communicable disease in later life: the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) hypothesis. During the 1990s the validity of the DOHaD hypothesis was extensively tested in a number of human populations and the mechanisms underpinning it characterised in a range of experimental animal models. Over the past decade, researchers have sought to use this mechanistic understanding of DOHaD to develop therapeutic interventions during pregnancy and early life to improve adult health. A variety of animal models have been used to develop and evaluate interventions, each with strengths and limitations. It is becoming apparent that effective translational research requires that the animal paradigm selected mirrors the tempo of human fetal growth and development as closely as possible so that the effect of a perinatal insult and/or therapeutic intervention can be fully assessed. The guinea pig is one such animal model that over the past two decades has demonstrated itself to be a very useful platform for these important reproductive studies. This review highlights similarities in the in utero development between humans and guinea pigs, the strengths and limitations of the guinea pig as an experimental model of DOHaD and the guinea pig\u27s potential to enhance clinical therapeutic innovation to improve human health. (Figure presented.)

    Changes in neuroactive steroid concentrations after preterm delivery in the guinea pig

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    Background: Preterm birth is a major cause of neurodevelopmental disorders. Allopregnanolone, a key metabolite of progesterone, has neuroprotective and developmental effects in the brain. The objectives of this study were to measure the neuroactive steroid concentrations following preterm delivery in a neonatal guinea pig model and assess the potential for postnatal progesterone replacement therapy to affect neuroactive steroid brain and plasma concentrations in preterm neonates. Methods: Preterm (62-63 days) and term (69 days) guinea pig pups were delivered by cesarean section and tissue was collected at 24 hours. Plasma progesterone, cortisol, allopregnanolone, and brain allopregnanolone concentrations were measured by immunoassay. Brain 5a-reductase (5aR) expression was determined by Western blot. Neurodevelopmental maturity of preterm neonates was assessed by immunohistochemistry staining for myelination, glial cells, and neurons. Results: Brain allopregnanolone concentrations were significantly reduced after birth in both preterm and term neonates. Postnatal progesterone treatment in preterm neonates increased brain and plasma allopregnanolone concentrations. Preterm neonates had reduced myelination, low birth weight, and high mortality compared to term neonates. Brain 5aR expression was also significantly reduced in neonates compared to fetal expression. Conclusions: Delivery results in a loss of neuroactive steroid concentrations resulting in a premature reduction in brain allopregnanolone in preterm neonates. Postnatal progesterone therapy reestablished neuroactive steroid levels in preterm brains, a finding that has implications for postnatal growth following preterm birth that occurs at a time of neurodevelopmental immaturity

    Stress in pregnancy: a role for neuroactive steroids in protecting the fetal and neonatal brain

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    Stressors during pregnancy can lead to perinatal brain injury resulting in serious neurological impairment. Neuroactive steroid concentrations are elevated during pregnancy and are remarkably high in the fetal brain. In long-gestation species, including humans, these steroids enhance GABAergic inhibition and reduce the possibility of cerebral excitotoxicity during the last third of gestation. The fetal brain responds to acute hypoxia/ischemia by increasing steroid concentrations further as protection against excitotoxic cell death. The placenta has a key role in maintaining neuroactive steroid concentrations in the brain by acting as a source of precursors for neuroactive steroid synthesis. Gestational neuroactive steroid concentrations are needed for normal cell proliferation and cell death in the late gestation brain and a loss of these steroids at preterm birth may adversely affect development and vulnerability to injury

    Identification of eight different isoforms of the glucocorticoid receptor in Guinea pig placenta: Relationship to preterm delivery, sex and betamethasone exposure

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    The placental glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is central to glucocorticoid signalling and for mediating steroid effects on pathways associated with fetal growth and lung maturation but the GR has not been examined in the guinea pig placenta even though this animal is regularly used as a model of preterm birth and excess glucocorticoid exposure. Guinea pig dams received subcutaneous injections of either vehicle or betamethasone at 24 and 12 hours prior to preterm or term caesarean-section delivery. At delivery pup and organ weights were recorded. Placentae were dissected, weighed and analysed using Western blot to examine GR isoform expression in nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts. A comparative examination of the guinea pig GR gene identified it is capable of producing seven of the eight translational GR isoforms which include GRĪ±-A, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, and D3. GRĪ±-B is not produced in the Guinea Pig. Total GR antibody identified 10 specific bands from term (n = 29) and preterm pregnancies (n = 27). Known isoforms included GRĪ³, GRĪ± A, GRĪ², GRP, GRA and GRĪ± D1-3. There were sex and gestational age differences in placental GR isoform expression. Placental GRĪ± A was detected in the cytoplasm of all groups but was significantly increased in the cytoplasm and nucleus of preterm males and females exposed to betamethasone and untreated term males (KW-ANOVA, P = 0.0001, P = 0.001). Cytoplasmic expression of GRĪ² was increased in female preterm placentae and preterm and term male placentae exposed to betamethasone (P = 0.01). Nuclear expression of GRĪ² was increased in all placentae exposed to betamethasone (P = 0.0001). GRĪ± D2 and GRĪ± D3 were increased in male preterm placentae when exposed to betamethasone (P = 0.01, P = 0.02). The current data suggests the sex-specific placental response to maternal betamethasone may be dependent on the expression of a combination of GR isoforms

    Neuroactive steroids in pregnancy: key regulatory and protective roles in the foetal brain

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    Neuroactive steroid concentrations are remarkably high in the foetal brain during late gestation. These concentrations are maintained by placental progesterone synthesis and the interaction of enzymes in the placenta and foetal brain. 5a-Pregnane-3a-ol-20-one (allopregnanolone) is a key neuroactive steroid during foetal life, although other 3a-hydroxy- pregnanes may make an additional contribution to neuroactive steroid action. Allopregnanolone modulates GABAergic inhibition to maintain a suppressive action on the foetal brain during late gestation. This action suppresses foetal behaviour and maintains the appropriate balance of foetal sleep-like behaviours, which in turn are important to normal neurodevelopment. Neuroactive steroid-induced suppression of excitability has a key role in protecting the foetal brain from acute hypoxia/ischaemia insults. Hypoxia-induced brain injury is markedly increased if neuroactive steroid levels are suppressed and there is increased seizure activity. There is also a rapid increase in allopregnanolone synthesis and hence levels in response to acute stress that acts as an endogenous protective mechanism. Allopregnanolone has a trophic role in regulating development, maintaining normal levels of apoptosis and increasing myelination during late gestation in the brain. In contrast, chronic foetal stressors, including intrauterine growth restriction, do not increase neuroactive steroid levels in the brain and exposure to repeated synthetic corticosteroids reduce neuroactive steroid levels. The reduced availability of neuroactive steroids may contribute to the adverse effects of chronic stressors on the foetal and newborn brain. Preterm birth also deprives the foetus of neuroactive steroid mediated protection and may increase vulnerability to brain injury and suboptimal development. These finding suggest replacement therapies should be explored

    Progesterone receptor isoform expression in the guinea pig myometrium from normal and growth restricted pregnancies

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    Despite the increased incidence of preterm labor with intrauterine growth restriction, the mechanisms of the relationship are unclear. In women, functional progesterone withdrawal mediated by changing myometrial progesterone receptor (PR) expression is linked to labor. The objectives of this study were to assess myometrial PR isoform abundance in guinea pig pregnancies associated with growth restriction, induced by disruption of placental blood supply, and in nongravid uterine horns during late gestation and with labor. Myometrial progesterone receptor isoform A (PRA) and B (PRB) abundance were downregulated as labor approached and the expression of both isoforms were markedly higher in the nongravid compared to the gravid uterine horns. The fall in myometrial PRA and B protein levels was delayed in intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) pregnancies despite these pregnancies delivering significantly earlier. The results suggest a PR-mediated functional progesterone withdrawal mechanism in guinea pigs that may initiate uterine activation but does not directly stimulate labor and an unexpected role of PR regulation in IUGR-associated pregnancies
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