548 research outputs found

    On the orientation and magnitude of the black hole spin in galactic nuclei

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    Massive black holes in galactic nuclei vary their mass M and spin vector J due to accretion. In this study we relax, for the first time, the assumption that accretion can be either chaotic, i.e. when the accretion episodes are randomly and isotropically oriented, or coherent, i.e. when they occur all in a preferred plane. Instead, we consider different degrees of anisotropy in the fueling, never confining to accretion events on a fixed direction. We follow the black hole growth evolving contemporarily mass, spin modulus a and spin direction. We discover the occurrence of two regimes. An early phase (M <~ 10 million solar masses) in which rapid alignment of the black hole spin direction to the disk angular momentum in each single episode leads to erratic changes in the black hole spin orientation and at the same time to large spins (a ~ 0.8). A second phase starts when the black hole mass increases above >~ 10 million solar masses and the accretion disks carry less mass and angular momentum relatively to the hole. In the absence of a preferential direction the black holes tend to spin-down in this phase. However, when a modest degree of anisotropy in the fueling process (still far from being coherent) is present, the black hole spin can increase up to a ~ 1 for very massive black holes (M >~ 100 million solar masses), and its direction is stable over the many accretion cycles. We discuss the implications that our results have in the realm of the observations of black hole spin and jet orientations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Classification of professional values based on motivational content: An exploratory study on Italian Adolescents

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    This study applies a multidimensional scaling (MSD) technique to investigate the structural validity of the Work Values Inventory for Adolescents with a sample of Italian students. The MSD results indicated the presence of two underlying orthogonal dimensions: individuality versus sociality and conservation versus exploration. Implications for future research are also discussed. © 2011 The Author(s)

    Herbivoria de Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: tetranychidae) induz defesa direta em morangueiro?

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    Plantas de morangueiro Fragaria x ananassa podem apresentar mecanismos de defesa direta e indireta contra herbívoros. Tais defesas podem alterar o comportamento e o desenvolvimento dos ácaros fitófagos e seus inimigos naturais, reduzindo a taxa de herbivoria. Testou-se o efeito da préinfestação de plantas de morangueiro por Tetranychus urticae Koch sobre o seu desenvolvimento e reprodução. Plantas de morangueiro cultivar IAC Campinas foram divididas em dois grupos: plantas limpas e plantas pré-infestadas por T. urticae. A infestação prévia de plantas de morangueiro por T. urticae não alterou a duração das fases imaturas, a fecundidade e a sobrevivência das fêmeas do ácaro. Tais resultados podem estar associados à inexistência ou baixo nível de resistência induzida da cultivar IAC Campinas, ou ainda, ao fato de a pré-infestação ter sido insuficiente para induzir defesa. Assim, a resistência relatada na cultivar IAC Campinas a T. urticae pode estar relacionada às defesas indiretas

    Removal of bunches or spikelets is not effective for the control of Aceria guerreronis.

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    Worldwide, there remains a reliance on repeated chemical applications as a control strategy for the coconut mite, but these are impractical, not economical, and environmentally hazardous. In this study, the damage severity of Aceria guerreronis on coconut fruits was studied under different conditions to investigate the effects of bunch management on the amount of damage to newly produced bunches. The damage was evaluated using a diagrammatic scale under four different conditions: 1) plants with bunches removed; 2) bunches with the distal portion of the spikelet removed; 3) bunches sprayed monthly with abamectin (9 g a.i./ha); and 4) control plants. For each treatment, two fruits from bunches 1 to 6 (counted from the last open inflorescence) from 10 plants were randomly collected every month for 4months. The removal of the distal portion of the spikelets had no effect on the damage level of new bunches but delayed the damage severity by 1 month. After the removal of all of the bunches, the damage severity was restored within 2 months to the newly produced bunches, whereas the chemical control with abamectin kept the A. guerreronis damage intensity at a low level. Thus, the removal of bunches or the distal portion of spikelets is not an effective practice for the control of A. guerreronis in areas with high levels of infestation

    Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on the Performance of Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard, 1960 (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, 1968 (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Tomato Plants

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    Inducible anti-herbivore defenses in plants are predominantly regulated by jasmonic acid (JA). The red spider mite Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard, 1960 (Acari: Tetranychidae) is an invasive pest known for its detrimental impact on tomato plants and other Solanaceae crops. Here, we investigated the extent to which T. evansi and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes Evans, 1968 (Acari: Phytoseiidae) are affected by induced JA-defenses. Initially, we artificially induced the JA-response in tomato plants using exogenous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and subsequently assessed the effect of JA defenses on spider mite by evaluating mortality and oviposition rates. Our findings revealed a higher mortality and lower oviposition rates on plants treated with MeJA compared to non-treated control plants. Furthermore, we examined the predatory mite's predation rates on spider mite eggs produced on MeJA-treated and non-treated tomato plants. The results showed a reduced predation on T. evansi eggs derived from MeJA-treated plants, indicating a potential negative impact of JA-induced defenses on the predator's performance. Finally, we released five predatory females on T. evansi-infested tomato plants treated and non-treated with MeJA, monitoring the predator population density for three generations. Predator population was not affected, as the abundance of larvae and adults was not significantly different between treatments. These findings underscore the negative impact of JA defenses on herbivores and highlight the trade-off it may pose on natural enemies