93 research outputs found

    L’iniziativa legislativa dei cittadini dell’unione europea alla sua prima prova: l’acqua come diritto umano universale, bene comune e di pubblica utilità

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    Right2Water: “Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!” is the first European citizens’ initiative that has ever been examinated by the European Commission in accordance with Regulation (EU) 211/2011. It has referred to the Commission an ambitious invitation to propose to Council and European Parliament legislation implementing the universal human right to water and sanitation and promoting the provision of water and sanitation as essential public services for all, moving from the new “dimension”, transcendent to mere “commodity”, gradually recognized to water in the international context, namely that of “human right”. This paper analyzes the contents of the initiative, as well as of the recent “legal and political conclusions” set out by the European Commission on 19 March 2014 ruling on a matter dealing with several issues, related to common goods, fundamental rights, management of services of general interest and the development of the “European social model”. Moreover, the Commission’s response is an opportunity to assess the level of influence of European citizens’ proposals on European decisionmaking process

    Dal caso Khalaifia agli hotspot: alcune riflessioni sulla compatibilita' della detenzione dei migranti rispetto alla Cedu

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    This essay starts from the analysis of the Court of Strasbourg judgment of 1 September 2015 in “Lampedusa case” (judgment Khlaifia), pending before the Grand Chamber. It focuses on the compatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights – specially article 5 ECHR containing the right to personal freedom – of activities of first assistance and identification of migrants, often associated to forms of “detention” not fully complying with the conventional parameter. Therefore, similar reflections concern present “hotspot” system, wanted by the European Union through the adoption, in 2015, of the European Agenda on Migration

    Rapporti tra ordinamenti e cooperazione tra Corti nella definizione di un “livello comune di tutela” dei diritti fondamentali. Riflessioni a seguito dell’ordinanza 182/2020 della Corte costituzionale

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    With the famous obiter dictum contained in its judgment no. 269/2017, the Italian Constitutional Court redefinedthe consolidated structures of the relations between the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Constitutional Court and common judges, as well as between the European and internal legal systems. In the context of subsequent jurisprudential developments, the recent order no. 182/2020 shows the willingness of the Constitutional Court to establish a dialogue with the Court of Justice to define a common level of protection of fundamental rights

    The “immediate protection” status under the New pact on migration and asylum: some remarks

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    La Proposta di Regolamento sulle situazioni di crisi e di forza maggiore - facente parte del pacchetto di proposte presentate dalla Commissione europea a seguito del “Nuovo Patto” sulla migrazione e l'asilo – prevede lo status di protezione internazionale, su cui si concentra il presente contributo. Nel quadro delle forme di protezione internazionale disciplinate dal diritto dell’Unione europea, tale nuovo status è analizzato, in primis, in raffronto alla “protezione temporanea” – destinata ad essere abrogata e, comunque, mai attivata – e, in secundis, in relazione alla logica del Nuovo Patto, caratterizzata dall’incremento dei meccanismi di solidarietà interstatale nonostante la compressione dei diritti fondamentali dei richiedenti asilo.Responses to the crisis of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), after a long period of impasse, currently lie in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (European Commission, 23 September 2020). This essay will focus on the Proposal for a Regulation addressing situations of crisis and force majeure as part of the Commission package of proposals following the New Pact, and especially on the “immediate protection” status envisaged therein. Whitin the forms of international protection granted by the European Union law, this essay explores in primis such a new status in comparison with the “temporary protection” – which is intended to be repealed and however never triggered – and, in secundis, in the framework of the New Pact rationale, as characterized by the increasing of interstate solidarity mechanisms despite restrictions on the fundamental rights of asylum-seekers.Las respuestas a la crisis del Sistema Europeo Común de Asilo (SECA), tras un largo periodo de estancamiento, se encuentran actualmente en el Nuevo Pacto sobre Migración y Asilo (Comisión Europea, 23 de septiembre de 2020). Este ensayo se centra en la Propuesta de Reglamento que trata las situaciones de crisis y de fuerza mayor como parte del paquete de propuestas de la Comisión tras el Nuevo Pacto, y especialmente en el estatuto de "protección inmediata" previsto en el mismo. En el marco de las formas de protección internacional concedidas por el derecho de la Unión Europea, este ensayo explora in primis ese nuevo estatuto en comparación con la “protección temporal” – que se pretende derogar y que, sin embargo, nunca se ha puesto en marcha – y, in secundis, en el marco de la lógica del Nuevo Pacto, caracterizada por el aumento de los mecanismos de solidaridad interestatal a pesar de las restricciones de los derechos fundamentales de los solicitantes de asilo
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