3,009 research outputs found

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    Thought and Body. An activity of Logic in primary school

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    AbstractIn the recent decades, the pedagogical debate has been formerly traversed by the emergence an then by the assertion of a matured awareness on the importance of the psychomotor skills in the educational-didactic path. The interpretive bio-psycho-social matrix has today become one of the pivotal points on which the educational-didactic activity rests and develops for the training of child's personality in its full motor, mental, perceptual, emotional, sensory development. Pedagogues, educators, and training professionals are increasingly confident that, since the birth, children are sensitive to the stimuli and to the environmental intervention, therefore it's essential to know their growth allowing them to express their potential at the maximum possible level. Essential was the contribution given by Jean Le Boulch, who considering the individual in his entirety, stresses the importance of affectivity in the path of a motor, logical-communicative, psycho-physical maturity of the child (Le Boulch 2010).This guarantees the full functional development and the acquisition of a corporeal awareness, which is basic and indispensable, both in the path of space-time orientation and in the path of logical-conceptual acquisition. Within this theoretical framework, it has been thought of a teaching proposal which would combine all the highlighted points for a project that will promote the development of language and logical thinking. The project is addressed to pupils in the first classes of the primary school. The proposed subjects, directly recall the functions above mentioned. If we consider language and motion as instruments of thought, we suggest activities meant to supply children with a rich endowment which define certain aspects and elements of the surrounding and everyday actions.These activities will also translate emotion and perceptions in words. A child should be educated to communicate his experiences following the space and time landmarks, to describe objects, people and events. One should promote activities that help to organize logically events and circumstances. The path is articulated in different points:1.(First step of corporeal involvement) pupils altogether start to walk following a prearranged course; teacher, illustrating what they can see around, underlines certain points and objects.2.The second step occurs in the classroom: during a collective discussion, pupils will decide the benchmarks which will help them to recreate the path. Teacher's role will be to stimulate the discussion through questions on the features of the references chosen by pupils and on the features that don’t belong to them.3.The third step consists in the representation of references as drawings which will be reproduced in their description with affirmative and negative sentences; other questions will stimulate their perception of the body in a three-dimensional context. The questions could be: was the object at your right or at your left? In that point, have we turned to the right or to the left? Was that object before or after the other

    Parameterization of a bucket model for soil-vegetation-atmosphere modeling under seasonal climatic regimes

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    We investigate the potential impact of accounting for seasonal variations in the climatic forcing and using different methods to parameterize the soil water content at field capacity on the water balance components computed by a bucket model (BM). The single-layer BM of Guswa et al. (2002) is employed, whereas the Richards equation (RE) based Soil Water Atmosphere Plant (SWAP) model is used as a benchmark model. The results are analyzed for two differently-textured soils and for some synthetic runs under real-like seasonal weather conditions, using stochastically-generated daily rainfall data for a period of 100 years. Since transient soil-moisture dynamics and climatic seasonality play a key role in certain zones of the World, such as in Mediterranean land areas, a specific feature of this study is to test the prediction capability of the bucket model under a condition where seasonal variations in rainfall are not in phase with the variations in plant transpiration. Reference is made to a hydrologic year in which we have a rainy period (starting 1 November and lasting 151 days) where vegetation is basically assumed in a dormant stage, followed by a drier and rainless period with a vegetation regrowth phase. Better agreement between BM and RE-SWAP intercomparison results are obtained when BM is parameterized by a field capacity value determined through the drainage method proposed by Romano and Santini (2002). Depending on the vegetation regrowth or dormant seasons, rainfall variability within a season results in transpiration regimes and soil moisture fluctuations with distinctive features. During the vegetation regrowth season, transpiration exerts a key control on soil water budget with respect to rainfall. During the dormant season of vegetation, the precipitation regime becomes an important climate forcing. Simulations also highlight the occurrence of bimodality in the probability distribution of soil moisture during the season when plants are dormant, reflecting that soil, it being of coarser or finer texture, can be preferentially in either wetter or drier states over this period

    Antimicrobial Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a ubiquitous human commensal pathogen. It is commonly isolated in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and is considered one of the main causes of the recurrent acute pulmonary infections and progressive decline in lung function that characterize this inherited life-threatening multisystem disorder. However, the true role of S. aureus in CF patients is not completely understood. The main aim of this narrative review is to discuss the present knowledge of the role of S. aureus in CF patients. Literature review showed that despite the fact that the availability and use of drugs effective against S. aureus have coincided with a significant improvement in the prognosis of lung disease in CF patients, clearly evidencing the importance of S. aureus therapy, how to use old and new drugs to obtain the maximal effectiveness has not been precisely defined. The most important problem remains that the high frequency with which S. aureus is carried in healthy subjects prevents the differentiation of simple colonization from infection. Moreover, although experts recommend antibiotic administration in CF patients with symptoms and in those with persistent detection of S. aureus, the best antibiotic approach has not been defined. All these problems are complicated by the evidence that the most effective antibiotic against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) cannot be used in patients with CF with the same schedules used in patients without CF. Further studies are needed to solve these problems and to assure CF patients the highest level of care

    The T2K experiment

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    The T2K experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. Its main goal is to measure the last unknown lepton sector mixing angle theta(13) by observing nu(e) appearance in a nu(mu) beam. It also aims to make a precision measurement of the known oscillation parameters, Delta m(23)(2) and sin(2)2 theta(23), via nu(mu) disappearance studies. Other goals of the experiment include various neutrino cross-section measurements and sterile neutrino searches. The experiment uses an intense proton beam generated by the J-PARC accelerator in Tokai, Japan, and is composed of a neutrino beamline, a near detector complex (ND280), and a far detector (Super-Kamiokande) located 295 km away from J-PARC. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the instrumentation aspect of the T2K experiment and a summary of the vital information for each subsystem. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of an in-house molecular HIV-1 test to assess mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission in Angola (the APEHC cohort)

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    Poster presented at the 17th Annual International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology. Baltimore, 27-30 September 2015"Mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) rate has decreased sharply in recent years in most of the sub-Saharan Africa, however 220,000 children acquired HIV-1 in 2014. PCR detection of proviral DNA is the most sensitive method for early infant diagnosis (EID) of HIV-1 infection. Commercial kits are available but they have poor sensitivity with divergent non-B subtypes and high costs (≈30€ per test) which limit their use in resource-limited settings. The HIV-1 epidemic in Angola is driven by highly divergent strains of all group M subtypes, except B, as well as multiple recombinant forms (CRFs and URFs) making EID a challenge in this setting. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a qualitative, inexpensive and sensitive “inhouse” HIV-1 EID assay on heel prick dried blood spots (DBS) from infants of the Hospital da Divina Providência (HDP) in Luanda, Angola and determine the current HIV-1 MTCT rate in the Angolan PErinatal HIV Cohort (APEHC)."Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Portugal ; European Unio

    Study on the Effect of Preheating Temperatures on Melt Pool Stability in Inconel 718 Components Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) is one of the most widespread, versatile, and promising metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. L-PBF allows for the manufacturing of geometrically complex parts with good surface characteristics. In this process, in order to minimize the heat loss in the first layers of printing, the building platform is preheated to a temperature ranging between 80 and 250 °C. This aspect turns out to be very critical, and further investigation is needed for situations where the part to be printed is only a few layers high, as is the case in sensor printing. This work aims to investigate the melt pool stability under a variation in the preheating temperatures. We investigate the distance from the building platform, considering the number of layers printed. This is where the melt pool reaches its stability in terms of depth and width. This aspect turns out to be of remarkable importance for ensuring the structural integrity of parts with a few layers of height that are processed through L-PBF, such as sensors, which are proliferating in different industries. Thus, two case studies were carried out on IN718 superalloys at 40 and 60 microns of layer thickness and a preheating temperature of 170 °C on the machine. The results obtained show that after 1.2 mm of distance from the building platform, the melt pool reached its stability in terms of width and depth dimensions and consequently for the melting regime