152 research outputs found

    Catecholamines and stress

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    Insula, agyunk „rejtelmes” szigete – Minireview = Insula, a “mysterious” island in our brain – minireview

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    A közelmúltig az insula az agykéreg kevésbé ismert területei közé tartozott. A képalkotó eljárások (pozitronemissziós tomográfia, a funkcionális mágneses rezonancia vizsgálat) döntő változást hoztak az insula funkcionális aktivitásának megismerésében. Igazolást nyert, hogy az insulának a szaglás és ízérzés feldolgozásán kívül jelentős szerepe van az interoceptióban, belső miliőnk állandó érzékelésében, a viszceroszenzoros és szomatoszenzoros információk analízisében, az akut és krónikus fájdalom megélésében. Igazolták az insula szerepét a beszéd kialakításában, a szavak és kifejezések megválasztásában, a beszéd korrekt artikulálásában. Mindezen tevékenységhez szükséges a megfelelő figyelem, empátia és emocionális állapot, illetve emocionális válaszok. Az insula mindezen tevékenységét a szomszédos területekkel (operculumokkal) együtt végzi, és az anterior cingularis, valamint az entorhinalis kéreggel való kapcsolata révén szorosan együttműködik a prefrontális, premotoros és limbicus áreákkal. Az insula mai felfogásunk szerint primer, unimodális központja a szaglásnak, ízérzésnek és viszceroszenzoros információknak, ugyanakkor mint multimodális asszociációs kérgi área jelentős szerepe van az agy emocionális, kognitív, limbicus és autonóm rendszereinek működésében. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 47, 1924–1929. | Until the last decade of the past century, insula was one of the less frequently investigated cortical areas in the human brain. Due to the introduction and widely use of neuroimaging techniques in human brain, insula became in focus of attention. Recent studies confirmed former observations about the presence of the olfactory, taste and viscerosensory cortical centers in the insula, and provided very fine new information about the mechanism of actions and interactions of these activities. Furthermore, the functional significance of insula in social-emotional, cognitive and sensorymotor network, speech and language processes, as well as in interoceptive awareness have been determined. For performing of these activities, insula receives extensive neuronal input from the body and from various cortical areas. Through its opercular cortices and the anterior cingulate cortex, insula is connected to prefrontal, premotor, limbic and central autonomic areas. With our present knowledge, insula may serve as primary (unimodal) cortical area for olfactory, taste and viscerosensory information, and acts as a multimodal cortical association area in the emotional, cognitive, limbic and autonomic systems in the brain. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 47, 1924–1929

    Viszcero- és szomatoszenzoros agypályák neuroanatómiai és neurokémiai vizsgálata = Neuroanatomical and neurochemical studies on viscero- and somatosensory neuronal pathways

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    A program célkitűzése különböző agypályák neuroanatómiai és neurokémiai vizsgálata, valamint 10 fiatal agykutató (PhD, TDK) képzése volt. A kutatási terv célkitűzéseit megvalósítottuk: 3 hallgató készítette el PhD téziseit. Az alábbi eredményeket 18 dolgozatban közöltük (impakt faktor: 101.077) és 19 kongresszusi előadásban/poszteren ismertettük. 1) Elsőként lokalizáltuk a vestibularis stressz pályáját. 2) Új termoszenzitív agypálya leírása. 3) A hibernáció folyamata (6 fázis) alatt bekövetkező funkcionális morfológiai változások "system neuroscience" típusú értékelése (hely, idő, működés rendszerfüggő értékelése). 4) A trigeminális fájdalom okozta stressz pályájának finom topográfiája. 5) A prefrontális agykéregnek a gyomor működést befolyásoló poliszinaptikus (prelimbic-cingulate-amygdala-vagus) pálya topográfiai feldolgozása. 6) Elsőként igazoltuk, hogy a patkány és emberi hippocampus CA2 area idegsejtjei vasopressin 1b receptort szintetizálnak, aminek a szociális viselkedésben és agresszivitásban van szerepe. 7) Kimutattuk a táplálékfelvételben szerepet vivő nucleus arcuatus neuronok direkt kapcsolatát a nyúlt- és gerincvelői preganglionáris idegsejtekkel. 8) Retrograd transz-szinaptikus pályajelöléssel lokalizáltuk a gyomrot és a duodenumot szelektive beidegző spinalis, agytörzsi és hypothalamikus neuronokat. 9) Felderítettük a sacralis gerincvelőben levő és ide érkező idegrostok kémiai karakterét, végződésük térbeli rendjét és e terület speciális ependyma strukturáját. | Neuroanatomical and neurochemical studies on viscerosensory and visceromotor pathways constituted the major goals of this project, in addition to the training of 10 PhD fellows and medical students for basic neuroscience. The program of the project has been completed. The results have been published in 18 manuscripts (impact factor: 101.077) and presented in 19 lectures or posters. Three fellows compiled their PhD theses. Major new findings: 1) First description of the pathway of the vestibular stress. 2) Demonstration of the existence of a brainstem-preoptic thermosensitive pathway. 3) Functional anatomical evaluation of the activity of central regulatory mechanisms during the 6 phases of hibernation. 4) Localization of the pain-related trigemino-hypothalamic pathway. 5) Description of the medial prefrontal-amygdala-vagus neuronal circuit that may influence gastric activities. 6) First demonstration of the synthesis of vasopressin 1b receptors in rat and human CA2 hippocampal neurons. 7) Demonstration of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus projections to medullary and spinal preganglionic neurons. 8) Localization of spinal, brainstem and hypothalamic neurons, which participate in the selective innervations of the stomach and the duodenum. 9) The chemical character, the spatial arrangement of nerve fibers in the sacral spinal cord, as well as the special, labyrinth-like structure of the sacral ependyma has been determined

    Reguláló RNS és génexpressziós profil központi idegrendszeri demyelinisatióban: sclerosis multiplex vonatkozások = Regulatory RNA and gene expression profiling in demyelination and remyelination of the central nervous system: implications to multiple sclerosis

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    A projekt folyamán de- és remyelinisatio gén expresszióját és ennek poszt-traszkripciós szabályozását vizsgáltuk állatmodellben. Array és kvantitatív RT-PCR alkalmazásával 3 miRNS differenciált expresszióját észleltük a de- és remyelinisatio során: egy miRNS funkciója eddig nem volt ismert. Ez a miRNS a fejlődő idegrendszer corpus callosumában is differenciáltan expresszálódott, ami a myelinisatio szabályozásában játszott szerepére utalhat. A prediktív target géneket 5 adatbázis elemzésével vizsgáltuk, majd útvonalelemzést végeztünk. Microarray alkalmazásával vizsgáltuk a génexpressziót a de- és remyelinisalt corpus callosumban. Beállítottuk az in situ hybridisatiot a miRNS detektálására; jelenleg zajlik a csendesítés oligodendrocyta sejtvonalon. Az eredmények a de- és remyelinisatio géenexpressziós szabályozásának molekuláris mechanizmusát, génexpressziós és miRNS által szabályozott útvonalakat tárhatnak fel. Szintén zajlik génexpressziós array-ek eredményeinek összehasonlítása a demyelinisalt és a gyulladásos állatmodellekben, illetve sclerosis multiplex agyi plakkokból: ez degeneratív és gyulladásos biomarkerek azonosítását célozza, melyet az SM hosszú távú prognózis predikciójára alkalmaznánk. | We have examined de- and remyelination-related gene expression and its post-transcriptional regulation in an animal model of MS. By using array and quantitative RT-PCR, we have identified differential expression of 3 miRNAs during de- and remyelination: function of one miRNA has not been known. This particular miRNA was also differentially expressed during developmental myelination. We also screened for predictive target genes using 5 different databases, and performed pathway analysis. Furthermore gene expression in the de- and remyelinated corpus callosum has been also examined by microarray. In situ hybridisation has been established for detection of miRNAs, and we have started silencing experiments by establishing oligodendrocyte cell lines. Our results may reveal molecular pathways of gene expression and gene expression regulation related to de- and remyelination. We have also started comparing gene expression in degenerative and inflammatory models of MS, as well a sin MS plaques. These experiments may result in identification of novel degenerative and inflammatory biomarkers, which we can translate back to human MS and use in prediction of long-term prognosis

    A táplálékfelvétel központi idegrendszeri szabályozásában részt vevő neuropeptidek, kannabinoidok, valamint receptoraik szerepének immunhisztokémiai vizsgálata = Immunohistochemical studies on the functional role of neuropeptides and their receptors in the central regulation of food intake

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    1) Megfigyelések a nyúltvelő dorsomedialis területén lévő idegsejtek szerepére a táplálékfelvétel során. Igazolást nyert, hogy a) az éhezés priméren nem befolyásolja az ittlevő sejtek aktivitását (c-fos expresszióját), b) az éhezést követő táplálékfelvétel során a jóllakottság erős inger a nucleus tractus solitarii és az area postrema idegsejtjei számára, c) a jóllakottság-indukált sejtaktivitást a nervus vagus átvágása nem befolyásolta, a régió humorális inputjának gátlása viszont jelentősen csökkentette. 2) Megfigyelések a hypothalamus területén. Igazolást nyert, hogy a hypothalamus egy jól körülírt sejtcsoportja, a nucleus dorsomedialis ventralis szubdivíziójának idegsejtjei nagyon érzékenyen reagálnak az éhezést követő jóllakottságra. Műtéttel és pályajelölési módszerrel igazoltuk, hogy e magcsoport a nucleus tractus solitarii-ból eredő pályán szállított szignálra reagál: a pálya féloldali átvágása után az azonos oldali dorsomediális sejtekben a jóllakottság nem indukál sejtaktivitást. 3) Kettős fény- és eletronmikroszkópos immunhisztológiai festéssel igazoltuk, hogy az alsó agytörzs noradrenalin és adrenalin neuronjai a hypothalamus táplálékfelvételt serkentő orexint termelő neuronjait közvetlenül beidegzik. Egy neurális visszajelzés (adrenalin feedback orexin sejteken) igazolható volt. 4) Lokalizáltuk a limbikus agykéreg neuronjait, melyek érzékenyen reagálnak a jóllakottságra. Kapcsolatuk kimutatható volt a nucleus accumbens-szel, az agy "reward" központjával. | 1) New observations about the role of dorsomedial medullary neurons in the regulation of food intake. It has been proved that a) fasting may have little or no direct effect on the activity of these neurons based on negative c-fos data, b) 2 h refeeding after fasting constitutes a very strong signal for neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and the area postrema, c) refeeding-induced signal did not influence by vagotomy, but it reduced significantly by a blockage of humoral (vascular) signals to these neurons. 2) New observations in the hypothalamus. We could localized a very distinct cell group in the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus (DN) that responded selectively to refeeding. By using tract-tracing techniques and specific neurosurgery, we demonstrated that satiety signals from the NTS ascend in special pathway to the DN: unilateral transection of this pathway resulted in an ipsilateral disappearance of solitary fibers and terminals in the DN where cells in the ipsilateral side did not respond to refeeding. 3) Innervations of medullary noradrenaline and adrenaline neurons by hypothalamic orexin-expressing neurons have been demonstrated by double light- and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry. An adrenergic feedback to orexin-expressing cells has also been demonstrated. 4) Cells responded to refeeding have been localized in the infralimbic and prelimbic cortex that project to the accumbens nucleus that represents the brain "reward" center

    Neuronal Activation in the Central Nervous System of Rats in the Initial Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease-Modulatory Effects of Losartan and Moxonidine.

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    The effect of mild chronic renal failure (CRF) induced by 4/6-nephrectomy (4/6NX) on central neuronal activations was investigated by c-Fos immunohistochemistry staining and compared to sham-operated rats. In the 4/6 NX rats also the effect of the angiotensin receptor blocker, losartan, and the central sympatholyticum moxonidine was studied for two months. In serial brain sections Fos-immunoreactive neurons were localized and classified semiquantitatively. In 37 brain areas/nuclei several neurons with different functional properties were strongly affected in 4/6NX. It elicited a moderate to high Fos-activity in areas responsible for the monoaminergic innervation of the cerebral cortex, the limbic system, the thalamus and hypothalamus (e.g. noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus, serotonergic neurons in dorsal raphe, histaminergic neurons in the tuberomamillary nucleus). Other monoaminergic cell groups (A5 noradrenaline, C1 adrenaline, medullary raphe serotonin neurons) and neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (innervating the sympathetic preganglionic neurons and affecting the peripheral sympathetic outflow) did not show Fos-activity. Stress- and pain-sensitive cortical/subcortical areas, neurons in the limbic system, the hypothalamus and the circumventricular organs were also affected by 4/6NX. Administration of losartan and more strongly moxonidine modulated most effects and particularly inhibited Fos-activity in locus coeruleus neurons. In conclusion, 4/6NX elicits high activity in central sympathetic, stress- and pain-related brain areas as well as in the limbic system, which can be ameliorated by losartan and particularly by moxonidine. These changes indicate a high sensitivity of CNS in initial stages of CKD which could be causative in clinical disturbances

    Calcium signals in the nucleus accumbens: activation of astrocytes by ATP and succinate

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    BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence suggests that glial signalling is activated by different brain functions. However, knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms of activation or their relation to neuronal activity is limited. The purpose of the present study is to identify the characteristics of ATP-evoked glial signalling in the brain reward area, the nucleus accumbens (NAc), and thereby to explore the action of citric acid cycle intermediate succinate (SUC). RESULTS: We described the burst-like propagation of Ca2+ transients evoked by ATP in acute NAc slices from rat brain. Co-localization of the ATP-evoked Ca2+ signalling with immunoreactivities of the astroglia-specific gap junction forming channel protein connexin43 (Cx43) and the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) indicated that the responsive cells were a subpopulation of Cx43 and GFAP immunoreactive astrocytes. The ATP-evoked Ca2+ transients were present under the blockade of neuronal activity, but were inhibited by Ca2+ store depletion and antagonism of the G protein coupled purinergic P2Y1 receptor subtype-specific antagonist MRS2179. Similarly, Ca2+ transients evoked by the P2Y1 receptor subtype-specific agonist 2-(Methylthio)adenosine 5'-diphosphate were also blocked by MRS2179. These characteristics implied that intercellular Ca2+ signalling originated from the release of Ca2+ from internal stores, triggered by the activation of P2Y1 receptors. Inhibition by the gap junction blockers carbenoxolone and flufenamic acid and by an antibody raised against the gating-associated segment of Cx43 suggested that intercellular Ca2+ signalling proceeded through gap junctions. We demonstrated for the first time that extracellular SUC also evoked Ca2+ transients (EC50 = 50-60 μM) in about 15% of the ATP-responsive NAc astrocytes. By contrast to glial cells, electrophysiologically identified NAc neurons surrounded by ATP-responsive astrocytes were not activated simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded, therefore, that ATP- and SUC-sensitive Ca2+ transients appear to represent a signalling layer independent of NAc neurons. This previously unrecognised glial action of SUC, a major cellular energy metabolite, may play a role in linking metabolism to Ca2+ signalling in astrocytic networks under physiological and pathological conditions such as exercise and metabolic diseases

    Разработка технологии утилизации отходов птицеводства в кормовую добавку

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы утилизации перо-пухового сырья птицефабрик в высокобелковые корма и кормовые продукты для сельскохозяйственных животных и птиц. Представлена актуальность и приоритет разработки данного направления в развития нашей страны. Показана рациональность применения перо-пуховых отходов в качестве источника белковых веществ в рационах сельскохозяйственных животных и птиц. Рассмотрена модель структуры главного белка пера - кератина. Предложена технологическая схема производства биопрепарата на основе культур промышленных непатогенных микроорганизмов: Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, Microbacterium terregens AC1180, Bacillus fastidiosus B11090, Arthrobacter globiformis AC1529, Streptomyces olivocinereus AC1169, Acinetobacter sp. B3905 для утилизации кератинсодержащих отходов, а также технологические этапы производства кормовой добавки из перо-пуховых отходов с применением разработанного биопрепарата.In the annotation the problems of perception of disposing feather-down raw poultry farms in high-protein forage and fodder products for agricultural animals and birds are considered in the article. The urgency and priority of developing this direction in the development of our country is presented. It shows a rational application of down-feather waste as a source of proteins in the diet of farm animals and birds. A model of the structure of the main protein of the pen - keratin is considered. Bioproduct proposed technological production scheme based on industrial crops nonpathogenic microorganisms: Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, Microbacterium terregens AC1180, Bacillus fastidiosus B11090, Arthrobacter globiformis AC1529, Streptomyces olivocinereus AC1169, Acinetobacter sp. B3905 keratin-waste for recycling, as well as the technological stages of production of the feed additive of the pen-feather waste developed using a biological product

    Critical role of somatostatin receptor 2 in the vulnerability of the central noradrenergic system: new aspects on Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease and other age-related neurodegenerative disorders are associated with deterioration of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC), a probable trigger for mood and memory dysfunction. LC noradrenergic neurons exhibit particularly high levels of somatostatin binding sites. This is noteworthy since cortical and hypothalamic somatostatin content is reduced in neurodegenerative pathologies. Yet a possible role of a somatostatin signal deficit in the maintenance of noradrenergic projections remains unknown. Here, we deployed tissue microarrays, immunohistochemistry, quantitative morphometry and mRNA profiling in a cohort of Alzheimer's and age-matched control brains in combination with genetic models of somatostatin receptor deficiency to establish causality between defunct somatostatin signalling and noradrenergic neurodegeneration. In Alzheimer's disease, we found significantly reduced somatostatin protein expression in the temporal cortex, with aberrant clustering and bulging of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive afferents. As such, somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) mRNA was highly expressed in the human LC, with its levels significantly decreasing from Braak stages III/IV and onwards, i.e., a process preceding advanced Alzheimer's pathology. The loss of SSTR2 transcripts in the LC neurons appeared selective, since tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine beta-hydroxylase, galanin or galanin receptor 3 mRNAs remained unchanged. We modeled these pathogenic changes in Sstr2 -/- mice and, unlike in Sstr1 -/- or Sstr4 -/- genotypes, they showed selective, global and progressive degeneration of their central noradrenergic projections. However, neuronal perikarya in the LC were found intact until late adulthood (<8 months) in Sstr2 -/- mice. In contrast, the noradrenergic neurons in the superior cervical ganglion lacked SSTR2 and, as expected, the sympathetic innervation of the head region did not show any signs of degeneration. Our results indicate that SSTR2-mediated signaling is integral to the maintenance of central noradrenergic projections at the system level, and that early loss of somatostatin receptor 2 function may be associated with the selective vulnerability of the noradrenergic system in Alzheimer's disease