293 research outputs found

    Australian forensic psychologists' perspectives on the merits and limits of actuarial instruments in predicting recidivism among violent offenders and sex offenders

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    Actuarial approaches are regarded as more accurate than both unstructured and structured clinical approaches in assessing risk of recidivism among sex offenders. While there has been a plethora of research on evaluating the effectiveness of actuarial instruments, there has been a paucity of research investigating their actual level of use in forensic settings. In addition, little is known about the practical difficulties associated with administering actuarial instruments. This paper reports on a survey completed by forensic psychologists in Australia about the risk assessment tools they prefer and the benefits and difficulties associated with their use. In addition, the paper explores the extent to which forensic psychologists use clinical information to adjust the level of risk identified through the actuarial approach. The findings are discussed in light of the utility of particular approaches to assessing risk of recidivism among violent offenders and sex offenders

    The economics of trade on the Eastern Cape Frontier, 1820-1860: a study of the glass and metal artefact assemblages from Huntley Street, Farmerfield and Fort Double Drift

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    Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosaThe collections-based research reported upon in this dissertation focuses on three sites in the Eastern Cape: Huntley Street in Grahamstown, Farmerfield, a nearby Wesleyan mission station, and Fort Double Drift, a British fortification on the Great Fish River. The collection, which is housed in the Albany Museum, derives from Patrice Jeppson’s excavations, completed in the 1980s. Analyses of the excavated glass and metal, augmented by a close reading of tender and shopkeepers’ advertisements in The Graham’s Town Journal, chronicle how merchants, settlers, soldiers, missionaries and local African communities were involved in, and affected by, trade between 1820 and 1860. The study explores aspects of the mercantile economy, consumerism and military provisioning relating to a wide range of imported glass and metal merchandise. The burgeoning trade linked various enterprises, groups and individuals through monetary and social transactions, reflecting the steady incorporation of the Eastern Cape into the British colonial trading network.Die versamelingsgebaseerde navorsing waaroor in hierdie verhandeling verslag gedoen word, fokus op drie terreine in die Oos-Kaap: Huntley-straat in Grahamstad, Farmerfield, ’n nabygeleë Wesleyaanse sendingstasie, en Fort Dubbeldrif ’n Britse vesting aan die Groot-Visrivier. Die versameling, wat in die Albany-museum gehuisves word, is afkomstig van Patrice Jeppson se opgrawings, wat in die 1980's voltooi is. Ontledings van die opgegraafde glas en metaal, aangevul deur ’n grondige studie van tender- en winkelieradvertensies in The Graham’s Town Journal, boekstaaf hoe handelaars, setlaars, soldate, sendelinge en plaaslike Afrika-gemeenskappe by handel tussen 1820 en 1860 betrokke was, en daardeur beïnvloed is. Die studie verken aspekte van die handelsekonomie, verbruikerisme en militêre bevoorrading met betrekking tot ’n wye verskeidenheid ingevoerde glas- en metaalhandelsware. Die bloeiende handel het verskeie ondernemings, groepe en individue deur monetêre en sosiale transaksies met mekaar verbind, wat die geleidelike opname van die Oos-Kaap in die Britse koloniale handelsnetwerk weerspieël.Uphando lwezinto eziqokelelweyo ekunikwe ingxelo ngalo kule disetheyishini, lugxile kwiindawo ezintathu eziseMpuma Koloni ezizezi: eHuntley Street eRhini, eFarmerfield, esisitishi seMishini yamaWesile, naseFort Double Drift, eyinqaba yamaBhilitane ekwiGreat Fish River. Le ngqokelela, egcinwe eAlbany Museum, isuka kwizinto ezazigrunjwe nguPatrice Jeppson, grunjo olo olwagqitywa phaya koo1980. Uphononongo lweeglasi neentsimbi ezagronjwayo, oluxhaswa nakukufundwa kweentengiso ezakhutshwayo zeethenda nezoonovenkile kwi-The Graham’s Town Journal, lunika iinkcukacha zeendlela abarhwebi, abemi ababesuka kwamanye amazwe aphesheya kweelwandle, abefundisi ababesuka kwamanye amazwe, amajoni noluntu olumnyama lwaloo mimandla ababebandakanyeka ngayo nebabechatshazelwa ngayo lurhwebo olwaqhubeka phakathi ko-1820 no-1860. Olu phando luvelela imiba yoqoqosho lorhwebo, ukhuselo lwabathengi, nobonelelo lwezinto zomkhosi lwezinto eziliqela zeeglasi nezentsimbi. Olu rhwebo olwaluhlumile lwahlanganisa amashishini ahlukileyo, amaqela kunye nabantu nje abazimeleyo ngokuthi barhwebelane ngeemali nangezinto zentlalo, yaye oku kubonisa ukungeniswa kweMpuma Koloni kuthungelwano lorhwebo lobukoloniya lwamaBhilitane.Anthropology and ArchaeologyM.A. (Archaeology

    Hoon Driving Behaviour: Prevalence, Associated Characteristics and Crashes

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    The use of vehicles in an antisocial, 'loutish' and dangerous manner constitutes the phenomenon of hooning, a risky behaviour with heightened concern for Australian roads (Folkman, 2005; Jarred, 2002). The concern has been highlighted by extensive media attention particularly from local newspapers within Australian states and territories (see 'Hoons need for speed and danger', 2006; Ferguson, 2006; 'Hoons go for a joyride', 2006). There has also been general observations made by police and traffic groups as to the related components of hooning (e.g. Folkman, 2005; Jarred, 2002) although the amount of accessible published documents is minimal. Thus, hooning may lead to on road accidents and warrants research to identify its related factors

    Born Free: Toward an Expansive Definition of Sex

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    The State of New York recently issued its first physician-certified “intersex” birth certificate, correcting a 55-year-old’s original birth certificate. This is a positive step towards eliminating the traditional binary approach to a person’s birth sex, but it creates potential uncertainties in the employment discrimination context. Over the past several years, the definition of what constitutes “discrimination on the basis of sex” has both expanded (with the legalization of same-sex marriage) and narrowed (restricting the use of gender specific bathrooms). Until recently it appeared that a broader definition of the term “sex” would become the judicial—and possibly legislative—norm in a variety of contexts. However, several obstacles have emerged to jeopardize true equality for the LGBTQIA community, including (1) inconsistent judicial opinions regarding the meaning of “sex,” (2) the increased ability of employers to utilize religion or “any other factor” as a defense to discrimination claims, (3) regressive executive policies regarding the definition of “sex,” and (4) uncertainty about the extent to which transgender individuals may remain in the military. Although each of these issues warrants thorough analysis and has sparked scholarly debate, in this Article we focus on another critical inequality: wage disparity. Specifically, we are concerned with the problem posed for DSD and transgender individuals, given the Equal Pay Act’s requirement that plaintiffs demonstrate they are paid differently from the “opposite sex” for a wage disparity claim. The Equal Pay Act (EPA) is outdated and discriminatory in its application, and it unnecessarily subjects an entire segment of the workforce—LGBTQIA individuals—to continued discrimination. The EPA requires that plaintiffs prove their cases through reference to an opposite sex comparator, but then defers to the employer’s subjective definition of who “the opposite sex” is. This makes LGBTQIA plaintiffs’ cases essentially unwinnable. Uncertainty for the LGBTQIA community is further compounded by the expansion of the employer’s right, under both the Equal Pay Act and Title VII, to invoke religion, conscience, or “any other factor” as an affirmative defense to discrimination claims. In this Article, we discuss the interplay between a plaintiff’s sex-specific protections (against sex-based employment discrimination under Title VII and against wage disparity under the Equal Pay Act) and an employer’s affirmative defenses (under Title VII, the EPA, and current interpretations of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act). Our discussion concludes with recommendations for an expansive definition of the word “sex” and the adoption of the recently proposed Equality Act to help alleviate all forms of sex-based discrimination in the employment context

    Genetic Variation in Captive Populations of Barrens Topminnow

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    The Barrens topminnow (Fundulus julisia), a freshwater killifish native to the Barrens Plateau in Tennessee, has suffered continual population declines since the 1980’s. These declines can be attributed to multiple factors including droughts, habitat loss, and harassment by the invasive Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) which have been widely introduced across the Southeastern United States. As of 2019, this species was federally listed under the Endangered Species Act. In an effort to mitigate further population declines, a number of captive refuge populations were established in the early 2000s as a source for future introductions. These captive populations were initiated from brood stocks from three natural populations (Pond Spring in the Elk River drainage, and Hickory and McMahan Creek in the Caney Fork Drainage) and have been used as a source for establishing new population in the wild. There is concern about the adaptive potential and genetic health of these newly established populations as loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding can accumulate rapidly in captivity. Here we used genotype data from 14 microsatellite loci to investigate genetic variation in captive stock populations of the Barrens Topminnow and compare measures of genetic variation to estimates from native source populations. Results from these genetic surveys will be used to inform captive breeding strategies that will best preserve the long-term persistence and adaptive potential of this species

    Autoloogsete vereloome tüvirakkude siirdamine süsteemse skleroosi ravis: kirjanduse ülevaade ja Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla haigusjuhtude analüüs

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    Süsteemne skleroos (SS) on harva esinev autoimmuunhaigus, mida põeb Eestis umbes 100–150 inimest. Haiguse konventsionaalne ravi põhineb immuunsupressiooni ning sümptomaatilise ravi kombinatsioonil, kuid ka ravi foonil progresseerub haigus sageli edasi, põhjustades olulist elukvaliteedi halvenemist ning raskematel juhtudel ka surma. Uus suund SSi ravis on autoloogsete vereloome tüvirakkude siirdamine (AVTS), mis toimus Eestis esimest korda 2019. aastal. Artiklis on analüüsitud kuue ehk kõigi kuni 2023. aasta märtsini Põhja Eesti Regionaalhaiglas AVTSi läbinud SSi-patsientide haigusjuhtusid. Erinevalt konventsionaalsest ravist on siirdamisega võimalik peatada progresseerumist ja muuta seeläbi haiguse kulgu

    Valguskujunduse loomine noorteooperile "Korduma kippuvad küsimused"

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    Põhikooli õpetajate tagasiside küsimine õpilastelt ja suhtumine saadud tagasisidesse

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