28 research outputs found

    Elektroninė valdžia: poveikis viešajam valdymui

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    Pastaruoju metu didelį poveikį viešajam valdymui daro globalizacija. Žinių visuomenė reikalauja iš viešojo sektoriaus tokios pat paslaugų kokybės kaip ir versle, todėl naujos viešojo administravimo organizacijų vykdomos operacijos tampa paprastesnės, skaidresnės, dinamiškesnės, orientuotos į viešųjų paslaugų vartotoją ir lanksčiai reaguoja į nuolatinius pokyčius. Viešasis valdymas vis dažniau taiko sėkmingą bendradarbiavimo organizacijoje ir už jos ribų verslo patirtį sprendžiant valdymo problemas. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos viešojo valdymo tendencijos, akcentuojant e. valdžios kaip valdymo priemonės vaidmenį. Siekiant geriau atskleisti viešojo valdymo pokyčių turinį, išskirti pagrindiniai viešojo valdymo principai: valstybės funkcijų atlikimo, damos, valdžių pasidalijimo, įstatymo viršenybės, nepiktnaudžiavimo valdžia ir objektyvumo, efektyvumo, atskaitingumo, finansinių išteklių racionalaus naudojimo, skaidrumo ir viešumo, dalyvavimo, tarnybinio bendradarbiavimo, subsidiarumo ir vieno langelio. Remiantis išskirtais viešojo valdymo principais buvo atliktas valstybės tarnautojų nuomonių tyrimas, kuris rodo e. valdžios įtaką principų įgyvendinimui Lietuvos viešajame sektoriuje

    Miesto konkurencingumo sąvokos ir jį lemiančių veiksnių analizė

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    Straipsnyje pristatoma miesto koncepcijos miesto lygmeniu analizė, miesto konkurencingumo sąvokos analizė, miesto konkurencingumą įtakojančių veiksnių analizė. Išskiriami Lietuvos miestų konkurencingumą lemiantys veiksniai, pristatomi ekspertinio tyrimo rezultatai. Miesto konkurencingumo veiksnių mokslinėje literatūroje yra išskiriama labai daug. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, siekiant analizuoti miestų konkurencingumo veiksnius turi būti sudaroma veiksnių sistema, o ne analizuojamas kiekvienas veiksnys atskirai. Siekiant šio tikslo, atlikus literatūros analizę autorių buvo sudarytas veiksnių sistemos paketas, grindžiamas ekspertiniu tyrimu. Atlikus ekspertinį tyrimą, buvo lyginami veiksnių sistemos paketai sudaryti ekspertų ir autorių, atlikus literatūros analizę. Daromos išvados apie veiksnių įtaką Lietuvos miesto konkurencingumui, įvertinamos tendencijos ir pateikiami strateginiai siūlymai gerinant Lietuvos miestų konkurencingumą

    Feasibility study of public-private partnership / Viešojo ir privačiojo sektorių partnerystės galimybių analizė

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    Public-private partnership may cover various forms of partnership, viz. as the property of the private sector in the state of municipal activities or information and consultations between the public and private sectors, also as an unconventional method of public procurement when the public and private sectors enter into a long-term contract on the establishment of public infrastructure or the provision of public services. The most important thing in implementing PPP projects is to properly draw up the contract between the public and private partners, which should explicitly state all terms and conditions, undertakings and liabilities, evaluate risks, determine the payment mechanism and dispute settlement procedure, etc. In order to reduce any risk associated with such projects, a proper legal framework should be developed, which would provide liabilities and undertakings of both parties of the project (the private and public sectors), and more information should be disbursed as to how such projects are being implemented, what the structures of financing are, and what the benefit of such projects is. Santrauka Viešojo ir privačiojo sektorių partnerystė gali apimti įvairias partnerystės formas: kaip privačiojo sektoriaus nuosavybė valstybės ar savivaldybių veikloje ar informavimas ir konsultavimas tarp viešojo ir privačiojo sektorių, taip pat kaip netradicinis viešujų pirkimų būdas, kai sudaroma ilgalaikė sutartis tarp viešojo ir privačiojo sektorių dėl viešosios infrastruktūros sukūrimo ar viešųjų paslaugų teikimo. Vykdant VPP projektus būtina tinkamai parengti sutartį tarp viešojo ir privataus partnerio, kurioje turi būti vienareikšmiškai apibrėžtos visos sąlygos, įsipareigojimai, atsakomybė, įvertintos rizikos, atsiskaitymo mechanizmas, konfliktų sprendimo tvarka ir t. t. Siekiant sumažinti bet kokią su tokiais projektais susijusią riziką, reikia suformuoti tinkamą teisinę bazę, kuri numatytų abiejų projekto šalių - tiek privačiojo, tiek valstybinio sektoriaus - atsakomybes ir įsipareigojimus, bei teikti daugiau informacijos, kaip tokie projektai vykdomi, kokios finansavimo struktūros, kokia gaunama nauda

    Electronic business development as a sustainable competitive advantage model

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    The paper examines the practical usefulness of information technologies in business reviewing electronic business concepts provided in science literature and also the newest tendencies of electronic business development. The paper offers a review of various authors works on e-strategies and IT influence on companies’ functionality. An analysis of disadvantages in various electronic business development models is provided. On the basis of analyses done on the theory of electronic business development and on disadvantages of e-business models, the main aspects of e-business development as sustainable competitive advantage are identified. A fully – formed model of electronic business development as sustainable competitive advantage is presented. Conclusions are provided

    E-Government in Lithuania – Local Self-Government Layer Elektroninė valdžia Lietuvoje: savivaldos pjūvis

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    &lt;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;"&gt;&lt;span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: &amp;quot;Verdana&amp;quot;,&amp;quot;sans-serif&amp;quot;; font-size: 8pt;"&gt;Lithuanian public e-services at the level of municipalities are lagging behind the level of the central authorities. This is due to many factors, which leads to a slight lack of good position. A large proportion of the municipal authorities do not have e-service development strategies, or governing documents by the activities of the virtual space. It should be noted that this situation is in the part of central authorities too. This leads to the situation that the strategy aims are not fully realized. Although individual government institutions have been successful and effectively developing e-services, e.g. the State Tax Inspectorate is at the fifth level of public service. In order to improve the needs of society and citizens, a public service list was formed, whose services should be transferred as soon as possible to the virtual space, and provided with the levels of public e-services. The implementation of established goals can expect significant improvement in this area. Important, but still weak-moved to the virtual space of the public service areas is the environmental area. There has been no public e-service concept of environmental area in Lithuania yet. The article describes models of public e-services in the field of waste management.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;"&gt;&lt;span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: &amp;quot;Verdana&amp;quot;,&amp;quot;sans-serif&amp;quot;; font-size: 8pt;"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Keywords:&lt;/strong&gt; E-government, self-government, e-services, environmental area.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;<br>&lt;p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none;"&gt;&lt;span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"&gt;&lt;span style="font-size: 10pt; mso-fareast-font-family: TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT; mso-fareast-language: EN-US;"&gt;Elektroninės valdžios (e. valdžios) plėtra Lietuvoje aktuali kaip ir visoje Europoje. Tačiau vis dar susiduria su techninėmis, teisinėmis ir metodologinėmis problemomis, kurios nesudaro prielaidų užtikrinti e. valdžios veiksmingumui. E. valdžios plėtros būtinybę bei aktualumą rodo ir tai, jog &amp;scaron;alys, neplėtojančios e. valdžios, investuotojų vertinamos vis nepalankiau, nes tokio pobūdžio paslaugos kitose &amp;scaron;alyse yra nuolat ir aktyviai plėtojamos. Esminis Lietuvos ekonominės politikos uždavinys &amp;scaron;iandien yra padidinti palies konkurencingumą. Kaip rodo įvairūs nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai tyrimai, žemas vie&amp;scaron;ojo administravimo veiksmingumo lygis (įskaitant korupciją) yra stiprus veiksnys, mažinantis įmonių konkurencingumą ir &amp;scaron;alies patrauklumą joje investuoti bei gyventi. Reikia pažymėti, kad iki &amp;scaron;io laikotarpio atlikta nemažai darbų ir įgyvendinta e. valdžios koncepcijos projektų. Tačiau pastebima dar gana daug e. valdžios plėtros planuose numatytų, bet neįgyvendintų uždavinių, nei&amp;scaron;spręstų problemų. &lt;span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic;"&gt;Tyrimo tikslas &amp;ndash; &lt;/span&gt;i&amp;scaron;tirti ir įvertinti savivaldos lygmeniu teikiamų elektroninių paslaugų kokybę. Siekiant įgyvendinti &amp;scaron;į tikslą buvo i&amp;scaron;kelti tokie &lt;span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic;"&gt;tyrimo uždaviniai&lt;/span&gt;: i&amp;scaron;analizuoti elektroninės valdžios plėtros problemas, atlikti Lietuvos savivaldybių internetinių svetainių vertinimus, i&amp;scaron;tirti savivaldybių darbuotojų kompiuterinio ra&amp;scaron;tingumo lygį ir remiantis tyrimų rezultatais i&amp;scaron;nagrinėti priežastis, ribojančias naudojimosi elektroninėmis paslaugomis galimybes.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"&gt;&lt;span style="font-size: 10pt;"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none;"&gt;&lt;span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"&gt;&lt;span class="hps"&gt;&lt;strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"&gt;&lt;span style="color: black; font-size: 10pt;"&gt;Raktiniai žodžiai: &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="hps"&gt;&lt;span style="color: black; font-size: 10pt;"&gt;e. valdžia, savivalda, e. paslaugos.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    Assessing competitiveness of Lithuanian cities

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    Competitiveness issues are comprehensively analysed by different researchers from various perspectives. Most frequently the concept of competitiveness is analysed from the production or service, company’s, economic, urban, regional and national perspectives. However, the analysis and assessment of urban competitiveness is rather scarce (particularly among Lithuanian scientists). Many questions arise while analysing and assessing cities. One of the key questions is why manufacturing and services as well as other sectors flourish in certain urban areas and the population feels comfortable, whereas totally opposite tendencies are observed in other cities. What does the concept ‘a competitive city’ mean? What are the decisive factors, which determine urban competitiveness? In Lithuania strategic plans are developed, aiming to increase competitiveness of a city. Sub-national authorities manage and control different factors and use levers determining competitiveness of individual factors. Nevertheless, the concept of urban competitiveness is not uniformly defined, and the factors that determine the competitiveness of a city are not unanimously identified. There has not been established a uniform urban competitiveness evaluation model. The article introduces methodological guidelines of the urban competitiveness assessment model, developed by the authors, based on the results of theoretical and empirical assessment

    Evaluation of E-Government Development

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    The gap between e-government projects’ demand and supply shows that the crucial factors influencing the success of the e-government development are being eliminated in a decision-making process. The situation is complicated by the vast diversity of notions defining the e-government and presupposing different results of its development. The aim of the paper is to deal with the problem of evaluating the e-government development alternatives, allowing us to compare different development alternatives on the institution level and contribute to the success of the state infrastructure’s development. The authors analyse the e-government conception and e-government models, propose a multi-criteria model for the evaluation of e-government development alternatives

    Viešojo ir privačiojo sektorių partnerystės galimybių analizė

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    Public-private partnership may cover various forms of partnership, viz. as the property of the private sector in the state of municipal activities or information and consultations between the public and private sectors, also as an unconventional method of public procurement when the public and private sectors enter into a long-term contract on the establishment of public infrastructure or the provision of public services. The most important thing in implementing PPP projects is to properly draw up the contract between the public and private partners, which should explicitly state all terms and conditions, undertakings and liabilities, evaluate risks, determine the payment mechanism and dispute settlement procedure, etc. In order to reduce any risk associated with such projects, a proper legal framework should be developed, which would provide liabilities and undertakings of both parties of the project (the private and public sectors), and more information should be disbursed as to how such projects are being implemented, what the structures of financing are, and what the benefit of such projects i

    Application of new technologies in the sector of banking services

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    Market economy in Lithuania has virtually changed relationships between banks and customers. If the banks want to survive under competitive conditions they have to adjust themselves to the needs of customers. At present successful operation of the banks depends upon their ability to provide relevant products and services. In analyzing the Lithuanian banking market, banking operation and provided services constantly growing competition is observed, which is even more encouraged by rapidly developing modern technologies. New sale channels of modern financial products provide the banks with plenty of possibilities in providing services to customers and reducing costs of the banks. These possibilities are possible upon implementation of remote banking services. They include electronic, telebanking and Internet banking forms, cash machines, ATM's and POS terminals, payment cards and the like. More extensive analysis of Internet and electronic banking forms is presented further. In case of Internet banking an account holder executes banking operations in the software environment of Internet browser straight in Internet website of the bank. In such a case a customer docs not need to download or purchase any additional software from the bank. So a customer is not "tied" to the computer, which needs installation of the program provided by the bank. Customers can execute operations in their own accounts from any computer as well as any part of the world and at any time 24 hours per day. In case of electronic banking by applying remote customer service system, the customer can use its account with the bank and receive certain information by E-mail.The customer has to obtain special software by Internet or otherwise from the bank for execution of electronic banking operations. All operations are executed in the environment of this program, and the required ultimate information is submitted to the bank and received from the bank by Internet. Such software allows for providing such additional services as "electronic wallet" in the hard disc of the customer's computer. "Electronic wallet" makes it possible to see executed operations without logging onto the bank's data (about customers and their accounts). Special software ensures maintenance of additional security functions. However, the customer becomes "lied" lo the computer in the working place with special software installed. Internet and electronic banking for the customers of (he bank is a convenient, fast and cheap way to execute usual daily banking operations. Service provided by the bank to its customers through channels of Internet and electronic banking is really a good alternative. First, Internet and electronic banking transactions are the cheapest ones, and the increasing number of such transactions would allow the bank to increase its profitability ratio. The other important point is that without timely implementation of modem sale channels in the bank certain pan of competitiveness would be lost. Therefore, each bank should carefully consider the need for Internet and electronic banking systems and in case of necessity to integrate the same into information technologies of the bank