411 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of Infrastructure on Economic Growth and Global Competitiveness

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    AbstractThe aim of this research is to examine the degree of the influence of infrastructure on national competitiveness. Through an effectiveness of infrastructure management can improve industrial policy and gain national competitiveness. According to research of the World Bank there are several factors influencing the economy growth effectiveness and national competitiveness, including institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, technological readiness, market size, etc and also, there are various frameworks, models, and analytical tools that can be used in studying the causal relationships between some key infrastructure factors and national competitiveness. Based on existing models, this study aims to identify and discuss the key infrastructure factors that determine national competitiveness, which in turn influence positively on the total results of industrial policy. The results of study showed that national competitiveness is influenced basically by the level of institutional development and other seven factors, including infrastructure, in turn infrastructure factor is determined mainly by the quality of roads, railroad infrastructure, air transport and electricity supply. The key institutional traps were singled out that prevent the development of the national economy. These findings contribute to an understanding of the key factors that determine economic growth, help to explain what infrastructure factors allows to be more successful in raising income levels and offer policymakers and business leaders an important tool in the formulation of improved economic policies and institutional reforms

    Light Matter Interaction in Epsilon Near Zero Metal/Insulator Layered Nanocavities Thesis

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    Light-matter interaction has been a widely investigated phenomena enlarging the area of nanophotonics beyond the limit. This stand out to be the back bone for future generation optical devices. Light confinement and propagation in a small volume gives rise to several rich optical properties. This can be realized in different type of nanostructured materials. Metal(M)/Insulator(I) multilayer nanocavities are highly versatile systems for light confinement and wave guiding at nanoscale. Their physical behavior is discussed successfully by electromagnetic theory. However, it is still obscured about the nature of cavity modes in layered metal/insulator nanocavities. The reason why such cavity mode can be excited without having any momentum matching technique are yet to be investigated. We start with a quantum treatment of the MIM as a double barrier quantum well where the resonant modes are assisted by tunneling of photons. The lossless characteristics of these modes with zero wavevector condition are inherent to the epsilon-nearzero (ENZ) band. We further investigated the coupling between epsilon near zero assisted volume plasmons in MIMIM nanocavities where one MIM cavity placed above the other. Strong coupling has been demonstrated in this system by an anticrossing of the ENZ modes in the individual cavities, where the splitting depends strongly on the thickness of the central metal layer. The properties of ENZ bulk plasmon modes for MIM and MIMIM systems are exploited to achieve both enhancement of spontaneous emission and decay rate of the perovskite nanocrystal film placed on the top of the nanocavity. However, the enhancement is within the limit of weak coupling regime. In order to achieve strong coupling between ENZ mode of cavity and emission mode of the fluorophore, one need to embed the fluorophore inside the cavity. But it has been realized that in such a case, long term stability of fluorophore by retaining its original optical properties are primary challenges. We studied the optical properties of nanocrystal layer that were overcoated with alumina by atomic layer deposition. This enabled us to effectively embed the NCs inside the dielectric layers of planar MIM and MIMIM nanocavities

    Стилістичні засоби реалізації категорії оцінки в англійських прислів’ях (на матеріалі репліки-реакції в діалогічному дискурсі) (Stylistic means of expressing the category of evalution in English proverbs (in reactions in dialogue discourse)

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу стилістичних засобів реалізації категорії оцінки в англійських прислів’ях, вживаних у функції репліки-реакції в діалогічній інтеракції. Багато вчених приділяли увагу аналізу діалога, але все ще залиша- ється багато аспектів, які потребують більш детального вивчення, особливо в світлі нових підходів. Однією із таких проблем є дослідження прагматичних особливостей та лінгвістичного оформлення репліки-реакції в діалогічній єдності. Мовець, оцінивши інформацію співрозмовника в репліці-стимулі, виражає своє власне ставлення до цієї інформації на основі свого власного досвіду, моральних та етичних принципів. власних переконань. Прислів’я в яких акумульовано досвід поколінь допомагань мовцю виразити його оцінку під час діалогічного спілкування. (The article deals with the stylistic means of expressing the category of evaluation in English proverbs, when they are used as reactions in dialogue communication. Though dialogue speech and its structural peculiarities have been studied a lot, there still remain a lot of aspects which need more detailed examination, especially now, taking into consideration new approaches. There arises a problem of pragmatic aspects of dialogue communication, pragmatic intentions and linguistic means, used in reactions in particular. The speaker, having evaluated the interlocutor’s information in stimulus, expresses his own attitude to what was said on the basis of his own experience his own moral principles, his own convictions. Proverbs, having accumulated the experience of generations of people, help reflect his evaluation, being used as reactions in dialogue intercourse.

    Prediction of engineering development based on institutional approach

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    © 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The expedience of forecasting the engineering industry development, based on the institutional approach is substantiated, trends, challenges and risks of engineering industry in Russia, including "institutional trap" identified in the article. Engineering industry development scenarios in Russia based on the author's model are considered for the period until 2018. As a tool for building the predictive model the method of correlated-regression analysis is used, as it allows to determine the kind of mathematical functions causation, synthesize diversity of variables in the model and simulate their behavior. The model allows determining the optimal structure and the volume of labor and capital in the future to ensure the growth of sales of engineering products of each species in the national and global market, as well as mechanisms of fiscal and trade policies that maximize the value of sales volumes of engineering industry in Russia

    Economic Growth and Stimulating Private Business Investment in Infrastructure by Assessing Its Need

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    Global statistics indicate increasing in private investors’ activity. Instead of the debate about the growing infrastructure needs and adequacy of funding to meet, the more urgent is the search for more effective mechanisms to attract investment in infrastructure assets. The chief objective of the study is to analyze the demand for infrastructure services to ensure the activities of organizations forming the priority clusters in the region, made for orientation on the existing industry need in the infrastructure support plans formation, concerning the construction financing of transport and other Infrastructure on a parity basis for economic growth. It is determined that the quality of transport connections play a vital role. It was established, that in all studied clusters, there is a tendency to increase transport services demand. Given the results, the petrochemical cluster enterprisestrochemical cluster is ready to finance transport infrastructure from the profits (perhaps on a matching base state) to remove the constraints of its industrial growth. For marginal assessment of investments into the development of a transport complex efficiency, the regression model "investments - profit" is received. It is suggested that with the growth of the industry, its profit is increasing at a rapid pace, each additional ruble of investment brings higher returns

    Salt effect on liquid liquid equilibrium of the system water + 1-butanol + acetone at 298k: experimental determination

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    The influence of a solid salt on VLE and LLE cannot be ignored because it significantly changes the equilibrium composition. Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium is the result of intermolecular forces which can significantly change due to salt addition which introduces ionic forces , affecting the thermodynamic equilibrium . Aqueous electrolyte liquid-liquid equilibrium is often related to extraction processes. In the present work the salt effect on the system namely ‘1-Butanol+Water+Acetone’ has been studied with various salts under varied concentration at 298K. The salt used in the above system are NaCl,KCl with 5%,10% and 15% concentration. The solubility data and tie-line data are taken experimentally at different salt concentration. The experimentally determined tie-line data of this work have been correlated by Hand’s correlation

    Psychopharmacological activities of acorus calamus roots in rat and mice models

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    Acorus calamus (Araceae) is commonly known in India as sweet flag and has been used in traditional medicine as a remedy for pain, convulsion, inflammation, and ulcer. In the present work, the methanolic extract of Acorus calamus roots (MEAC) was assessed for different psychopharmacological activities in rats and mice by evaluation of general, exploratory behaviour, phenobarbitone sodium-induced sleeping time and muscle relaxant activity. The extract at doses 100 mg/kg and above exhibited a reduction in spontaneous activity and a decrease in exploratory behavioural pattern was observed. Also a significant reduction in muscle relaxant activity and potentiated phenobarbitone sodium-induced sleeping time in mice was noted in MEAC treated groups. From our study, the results indicates that MEAC appears to have effects on alteration in general behavior pattern, evident from the spontaneous activity, sound, touch and pain responses of the MEAC treated groups.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    First report outside Eastern Europe of West Nile virus lineage 2 related to the Volgograd 2007 strain, northeastern Italy, 2014

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    open11noWest Nile virus (WNV) is a Flavivirus transmitted to vertebrate hosts by mosquitoes, maintained in nature through an enzootic bird-mosquito cycle. In Europe the virus became of major public health and veterinary concern in the 1990s. In Italy, WNV re-emerged in 2008, ten years after the previous outbreak and is currently endemic in many areas of the country. In particular, the northeastern part of Italy experience continuous viral circulation, with human outbreaks caused by different genovariants of WNV lineage 1, Western-European and Mediterranean subcluster, and WNV lineage 2, Hungarian clade. Alongside the WNV National Surveillance Program that has been in place since 2002, regional surveillance plans were implemented after 2008 targeting mosquitoes, animals and humans.openRavagnan, Silvia; Montarsi, Fabrizio; Cazzin, Stefania; Porcellato, Elena; Russo, Francesca; Palei, Manlio; Monne, Isabella; Savini, Giovanni; Marangon, Stefano; Barzon, Luisa; Capelli, GioiaRavagnan, Silvia; Montarsi, Fabrizio; Cazzin, Stefania; Porcellato, Elena; Russo, Francesca; Palei, Manlio; Monne, Isabella; Savini, Giovanni; Marangon, Stefano; Barzon, Luisa; Capelli, Gioi