5,032 research outputs found

    Addendum to: Model-dependent and -independent implications of the first Sudbury Neutrino Observatory results

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    In the light of recent experimental and theoretical improvements, we review our previous model-independent comparison [hep-ph/0106247] of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) solar neutrino event rates, including updated values for the ``equalized'' SK datum and for the reference Standard Solar Model (SSM) B neutrino flux. We find that the joint SK+SNO evidence for active neutrino flavor transitions is confirmed at the level of 3.3 standard deviations, independently of possible transitions to sterile states. Barring sterile neutrinos, we estimate the 3-sigma range for the 8^8B neutrino flux (normalized to SSM) as f_B=0.96 +0.54-0.55. Accordingly, the 3-sigma range for the energy-averaged nu_e survival probability is found to be = 0.31 +0.55-0.16, independently of the functional form of P_ee. An increase of the reference nu_e + d --> p + p + e cross section by ~3%, as suggested by recent theoretical calculations, would slightly shift the central values of f_B and of to ~1.00 and ~0.29, respectively, and would strengthen the model-independent evidence for nu_e transitions into active states at the level of ~3.6 sigma.Comment: 6 pages + 2 figures. Addendum to hep-ph/010624

    Global analysis of three-flavor neutrino masses and mixings

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    We present a comprehensive phenomenological analysis of a vast amount of data from neutrino flavor oscillation and non-oscillation searches, performed within the standard scenario with three massive and mixed neutrinos, and with particular attention to subleading effects. The detailed results discussed in this review represent a state-of-the-art, accurate and up-to-date (as of August 2005) estimate of the three-neutrino mass-mixing parameters.Comment: Final version (including a new Appendix), to be published in "Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics". Higher-resolution pdf file and eps figures can be download from http://www.ba.infn.it/~now2004/PPNP_review

    Atmospheric, Solar, and CHOOZ neutrinos: a global three generation analysis

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    We perform a global three generation analysis of the current solar and atmospheric evidence in favor of neutrino oscillations. We also include the negative results coming from CHOOZ to constrain the nu_e mixing. We study the zones of mass-mixing oscillations parameters compatible with all the data. It is shown that almost pure nu_mu nu_tau oscillations are required to explain the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and almost pure nu_1 nu_2 oscillations to account for the solar neutrino deficit.Comment: 4 pages, talk given at 36th Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, Les Arcs, France, 10-17 Mar 200

    Sterile neutrinos as subdominant warm dark matter

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    In light of recent findings which seem to disfavor a scenario with (warm) dark matter entirely constituted of sterile neutrinos produced via the Dodelson-Widrow (DW) mechanism, we investigate the constraints attainable for this mechanism by relaxing the usual hypothesis that the relic neutrino abundance must necessarily account for all of the dark matter. We first study how to reinterpret the limits attainable from X-ray non-detection and Lyman-alpha forest measurements in the case that sterile neutrinos constitute only a fraction fs of the total amount of dark matter. Then, assuming that sterile neutrinos are generated in the early universe solely through the DW mechanism, we show how the X-ray and Lyman-alpha results jointly constrain the mass-mixing parameters governing their production. Furthermore, we show how the same data allow us to set a robust upper limit fs < 0.7 at the 2 sigma level, rejecting the case of dominant dark matter (fs = 1) at the ~ 3 sigma level.Comment: Minor changes; added references; version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Neutrino mass and mixing parameters: A short review

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    We present a brief review of the current status of neutrino mass and mixing parameters, based on a comprehensive phenomenological analysis of neutrino oscillation and non-oscillation searches, within the standard three-neutrino mixing framework.Comment: 11 pages, including 7 figures. Presented at the 40th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, 5-12 Mar 200

    Status of three-neutrino oscillation parameters, circa 2013

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    The standard three-neutrino (3nu) oscillation framework is being increasingly refined by results coming from different sets of experiments, using neutrinos from solar, atmospheric, accelerator and reactor sources. At present, each of the known oscillation parameters [the two squared mass gaps (delta m^2, Delta m^2) and the three mixing angles (theta_12}, theta_13, theta_23)] is dominantly determined by a single class of experiments. Conversely, the unknown parameters [the mass hierarchy, the theta_23 octant and the CP-violating phase delta] can be currently constrained only through a combined analysis of various (eventually all) classes of experiments. In the light of recent new results coming from reactor and accelerator experiments, and of their interplay with solar and atmospheric data, we update the estimated N-sigma ranges of the known 3nu parameters, and revisit the status of the unknown ones. Concerning the hierarchy, no significant difference emerges between normal and inverted mass ordering. A slight overall preference is found for theta_23 in the first octant and for nonzero CP violation with sin delta < 0; however, for both parameters, such preference exceeds 1 sigma only for normal hierarchy. We also discuss the correlations and stability of the oscillation parameters within different combinations of data sets.Comment: Updated and revised version, accepted for publication in PRD. The analysis includes the latest (March 2014) T2K disappearance data: all the figures and the numerical results have been updated, and parts of the text have been revised accordingl

    Diseño de un sistema de disipación de energía para un edifico en altura

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    Se considera en este trabajo un edificio sismorresistente aporticado de hormigón armado, de 21 niveles, diseñado para Guayaquil, Ecuador. El objetivo del estudio es desarrollar un procedimiento de diseño de un sistema de disipación pasiva de energía (barras de pandeo restringido) para mejorar los parámetros de respuesta de la estructura original. Se diseñan los disipadores según el procedimiento que se explicita, y luego se realiza un análisis dinámico de historia en el tiempo para la estructura con / sin disipadores, bajo la excitación de 5 acelerogramas. Los resultados del modelo numérico muestran la eficiencia del sistema de disipación propuesto.Postprint (published version

    Combined analysis of KamLAND and Borexino neutrino signals from Th and U decays in the Earth's interior

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    The KamLAND and Borexino experiments have detected electron antineutrinos produced in the decay chains of natural thorium and uranium (Th and U geoneutrinos). We analyze the energy spectra of current geoneutrino data in combination with solar and long-baseline reactor neutrino data, with marginalized three-neutrino oscillation parameters. We consider the case with unconstrained Th and U event rates in KamLAND and Borexino, as well as cases with fewer degrees of freedom, as obtained by successively assuming for both experiments a common Th/U ratio, a common scaling of Th+U event rates, and a chondritic Th/U value. In combination, KamLAND and Borexino can reject the null hypothesis (no geoneutrino signal) at 5 sigma. Interesting bounds or indications emerge on the Th+U geoneutrino rates and on the Th/U ratio, in broad agreement with typical Earth model expectations. Conversely, the results disfavor the hypothesis of a georeactor in the Earth's core, if its power exceeds a few TW. The interplay of KamLAND and Borexino geoneutrino data is highlighted.Comment: 12 pages, including 6 figure