681 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Palanza, Concetta (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    The Primary Care shortage in Vermont and Medical Student Interest in Primary Care

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    The state of Vermont is currently faced with a primary care workforce shortage. There are currently not enough primary care physicians to meet the states needs and the problem is expected to get worse. The primary care physician workforce is aging, there is an inability to recruit primary care providers to Vermont, and there is stagnant interest of medical students in fundamental primary care fields such as family medicine. The aim of this project is to examine the barriers medical students identify that decreases their interest in pursuing a career in primary care, specifically family medicine, and how systematic changes can be implemented to lead to increased interest in the field and future practice in Vermont.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1619/thumbnail.jp

    Alien Registration- Palanza, Diana V. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Il ruolo della religione nelle scelte in ambito biomedico

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    La salute delle persone può essere influenzata dalla cultura di appartenenza. In particolare le credenze religiose sono coinvolte nella comprensione ed elaborazione delle pratiche biomediche e delle relative scelte pubbliche e private perché determinano la formazione di un personale punto di vista. Un reale consenso tra punti di vista diversi può nascere solo nel caso in cui si mettano a fuoco i propositi, i fondamenti ed i metodi di una bioetica incentrata sul principio di tolleranza.People’s health can be influenced by the culture of belonging. In particular, beliefs are involved in the care and elaboration of biomedical practices and related public and private choices because they determine the formation of a personal point of view. So, a real consensus between different points of view can only arise if the intentions, the foundations and the methods of a bioethics focused on the principle of tolerance are brought into focus

    Effects of Housing Social Context on Emotional Behaviour and Physiological Responses in Female Mice

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    In laboratory breeding procedures, mice are usually housed in single-sex unfamiliar groups since weaning,  while individual housing is widely employed in many experimental settings. While there is a considerable  amount of evidence on the behavioural and physiological effects of various social contexts in male mice  and rats, few data are available on female mice. We examined short-term modulation of social context in the  housing environment on exploratory and emotional behaviours in response to novelty (i.e., free-exploratory  open field) and on physiology (i.e. organs and body weight, and basal corticosterone level) of female CD1  mice, taking into account the estrous phase as an additional variable. Living alone or grouped with siblings  or with unfamiliar females for a short period (7 days) did not affect any physiological indexes of stress in  female house mice and had marginal effects on emotional behaviour. When challenged with a free choice  between a novel environment and their home cage, female mice housed with siblings did not differ on any  behavioural parameter from females housed with same-aged unfamiliar mice, while individually housed  females showed higher propensity to enter the novel arena but no differences in activity or in anxiety as  compared to grouped mice. Information about sex specifics under standard housing conditions as well as in  response to common laboratory procedures could be important for the understanding of sex differences in  vulnerability to psychiatric disorders and response to drug treatment.

    Exposure to a low dose of bisphenol A during fetal life or in adulthood alters maternal behavior in mice.

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    Maternal behavior in mammals is the result of a complex interaction between the lactating dam and her developing offspring. Slight perturbations of any of the components of the mother-infant interaction may result in alterations of the behavior of the mother and/or of the offspring. We studied the effects of exposure of female CD-1 mice to the estrogenic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) during fetal life and/or in adulthood during the last part of pregnancy on subsequent maternal behavior. Pregnant females were fed daily doses of corn oil (controls) or 10 microg/kg body weight BPA during gestation days 14-18. As adults, the prenatally treated female offspring were time-mated and again fed either corn oil (controls) or the same doses of BPA on gestation days 14-18, resulting in four treatment groups: controls, prenatal BPA exposure, adult BPA exposure, and both prenatal and adult BPA exposure. Maternal behavior was then observed on postnatal days 2-15 and reflex responses were examined in the offspring. Dams exposed to BPA either as fetuses or in adulthood spent less time nursing their pups and more time out of the nest compared with the control group. Females exposed to BPA both as fetuses and in adulthood did not significantly differ from controls. No alterations in postnatal reflex development were observed in the offspring of the females exposed to BPA. The changes seen in maternal behavior may be the result of a direct effect of BPA on the neuroendocrine substrates underlying the initiation of maternal behavior

    Exposure to a Low Dose of Bisphenol A during Fetal Life or in Adulthood Alters Maternal Behavior in Mice

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    Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives.Maternal behavior in mammals is the result of a complex interaction between the lactating dam and her developing offspring. Slight perturbations of any of the components of the mother-infant interaction may result in alterations of the behavior of the mother and/or of the offspring. We studied the effects of exposure of female CD-1 mice to the estrogenic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) during fetal life and/or in adulthood during the last part of pregnancy on subsequent maternal behavior. Pregnant females were fed daily doses of corn oil (controls) or 10 ÎĽg/kg body weight BPA during gestation days 14-18. As adults, the prenatally treated female offspring were timemated and again fed either corn oil (controls) or the same doses of BPA on gestation days 14-18, resulting in four treatment groups: controls, prenatal BPA exposure, adult BPA exposure, and both prenatal and adult BPA exposure. Maternal behavior was then observed on postnatal days 2-15 and reflex responses were examined in the offspring. Dams exposed to BPA either as fetuses or in adulthood spent less time nursing their pups and more time out of the nest compared with the control group. Females exposed to BPA both as fetuses and in adulthood did not significantly differ from controls. No alterations in postnatal reflex development were observed in the offspring of the females exposed to BPA. The changes seen in maternal behavior may be the result of a direct effect of BPA on the neuroendocrine substrates underlying the initiation of maternal behavior.This research was supported by grants from NIEHS, NIH (ES08293), to F.V.S. and from the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MURST-COFIN2000), the University of Parma, and CNR (National Council for Research) to P.P

    Cortisol, Temperament and Serotonin in Karate Combats: An Evolutionary Psychobiological Perspective

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    Objectives: There is evidence suggesting that in martial arts competitions athletes characterized by higher anxiety and harm avoidance may be more likely to lose a fight. This psychological profile has been hypothesized to explain in part the observation that cortisol is higher in losers before and in response to a competition. An important research target that needs further exploration is the identification of phenotypic traits that can be helpful in predicting athletes’ performance. Here we present a brief description of the theoretical bases that drives our research in the evolutionary psychobiology of sports and illustrate preliminary data on the relationship between the 5HTTLPR genotype, salivary cortisol, temperament and competition. Methods: Sixty-five healthy male non-professional athletes provided saliva samples 10 min before and after a kumite session and filled out the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire. Results: Salivary cortisol levels 10 min before the competition were higher in losers and in athletes with the S allele. Temperament was associated with competition outcome and cortisol: losers were characterized by higher scores of harm avoidance and harm avoidance was positively correlated with cortisol levels. Conclusions: The results confirm previous findings linking temperamental traits, pre-and post- competition physiological stress response with competition outcome in kumite fight. Moreover, they indicate an association between the 5HTTLPR polymorphism and pre-competition salivary cortisol, thus providing a preliminary but non-conclusive evidence on the role played by the 5HTTLPR genotype as a vulnerability factor in sport competition
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