50 research outputs found

    Investigate of dynamic errors of precision system antenna control with asynchronous driver

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    Досліджено динамічні похибки, що виникають при наведенні та супроводі траєкторій супутників у системі керування великогабаритною антеною з частотно регульованим асинхронним електроприводом при використанні різних законів керування. Наведено результати моделювання та зроблено порівняння з експериментальними даними, отриманими при випробуваннях розробленої системи керування антеною під час відпрацювання тестових траєкторій.This paper considers the investigation of dynamic errors occurring in the control system of precision antenna complex using frequency regulated asynchronous electric drive as the actuator. Simulation model of the system induction motor - frequency regulator is synthesized. The detailed parameters calculation of asynchronous motors (AM) and frequency regulator is carried out. Simulation model of frequency speed AM adjusting for precision control of AS mechanical modules in the system Matlab/Simulink is synthesized. PID controller coefficients is synthesized for the model of frequency regulation as a part of the overall as management system to control the trajectory support. Computing power UFR appreciates the current angular position of the rotor flux linkage vector-based interpretation in real-time systems of differential equations, according to the mathematical model of the asynchronous engine. The comparative results of the survey errors obtained using simulation modeling in different modes for different law of the torque support at low revs are presented. The experimental data of operation of the large-sized antenna control system with vector control in frequency regulated device during working of test trajectories are presented. The results of simulation and comparison are made on experimental data obtained while testing AS «EgyptSat-1» during working out the test trajectories. The developed technique makes possible to choose reasonably the method of control and parameters of the system asynchronous motor – the device of frequency regulation in the problems of control systems synthesis by complex objects. The use of techniques for creation precision control systems for antenna complexes to ensure communication with LEO satellites of remote sensing and the radio systems is of practical value, which will improve reliability and reduce the cost of such systems

    Improvement of the measurement accuracy of the support-rotary platform of the antenna system using mems accelerometers

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    Досліджено похибки, що виникають внаслідок поперечного нахилу площини корпусу сенсора кута на основі MEMS інклінометра. Наведено результати дослідження, отримані при вимірюваннях кутів опорно-поворотної платформи антени, запропоновано метод підвищення точності на основі використання трьохосьового MEMS акселерометра та процедури калібрування сенсора перед початком роботи.Summary The article is devoted to the research of errors arising from the influence of non-linear characteristics of MEMS gyroscopes, which appear at high angles deviation plane of the crystal sensor from horizontal surface, and also from the influence of cross slope plane casing MEMS inclinometer which is based on gyroscopic sensor. The research for the purpose of estimation possibility of using such sensors for precision control tasks in controlling antenna system based on support-rotary platform with paralel kinematic links and octahedral composition Hexapod type and other targeting systems have been performed. The automated laboratory stand for research of MEMS gyroscope parameters which allows to compare results of measurements and data of pecision optoelectronic angle sensor in range ±90° with presence of transverse slope influence has been developed. The results of experimental research, which shows main sources of MEMS inclinometer errors with their numerical estimation, are presented. The method of increasing the accuracy of the angular position determination by means of using three-axis MEMS accelerometer is proposed and sensor calibration procedure before commencement of operation is considered. The importance of the method based on considering information received from two other mutually-perpendicular coordinate axes to compensate the negative influence of cross slope on the main axis by creating cross interactions correcting matrix has been analysed. Due to angle calculation using 12 calibrated parameters the errors were decreased owing to crystal cross slope influence and MEMS sensor non-linearity conversation with slope angles above 45 degrees. The using of the method has practical value in the tasks of designing precision antenna complex control systems with new the Hexapod type support-rotary platforms, in robotics and many other technical targeting systems. The method allows to increase the accuracy, reliability and to reduce the cost of such systems

    Modeling antenna system with support-rotating device based of stewart platform

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    Проаналізовано конструкцію, імітаційну модель опорно-поворотного пристрою антенної системи на основі кінематичної платформи Стюарта як альтернативного варіанта класичним азимутально-кутомісним підвіскам. Проаналізовано особливості керування таким механізмом, наведено результати моделювання руху лінійних приводів для наведення антени та супроводу космічних апаратів.The paper considers the design, simulation model support-rotation device antenna system based on kinematic Stewart platform as an alternative classic azimuth – elevation platform. The features of this control mechanism, given the results of modeling the movement of linear actuators for antenna pointing and tracking of satellite

    Study of neuroticism and extraversion as predictors of the syndrome of emotional burnout (EBS) in students

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    The aim: To investigate internal factors – neuroticism and extroversion, which can be predictors of emotional burnout syndrome and their prevalence among student youth. Materials and methods: Used a complex of methods: theoretical – theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization; sociological method of questioning; empirical: observation, testing-Eysenck’s methods for assessing the impact of neuroticism and externality; statistical. The object of the research is the process of influence of personal characteristics (individual factors) on the development and spread of EBS among students. Subject – personal characteristics (individual factors) of students – extraversion and neuroticism. The number of respondents was 610 students. Results: A study of the personal characteristics of neuroticism and extraversion, which can be predictors in the genesis of EBS, was conducted. It has been established that several negative internal factors influence students. The significant prevalence of internal risk factors of EBS indicates the need for a comprehensive approach to its prevention and the need for the development and application of modern adequate methods, forms, and methods of prevention. Conclusions: The presence and influence of internal factors on the development of EBS have been theoretically proven. It has been established that there is a significant propagation of personal characteristics that may have signs of negative internal factors. The need for preventive measures for the development of EBS among students has been revealed