368 research outputs found

    Pedestrian index theorem a la Aharonov-Casher for bulk threshold modes in corrugated multilayer graphene

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    Zero-modes, their topological degeneracy and relation to index theorems have attracted attention in the study of single- and bilayer graphene. For negligible scalar potentials, index theorems explain why the degeneracy of the zero-energy Landau level of a Dirac hamiltonian is not lifted by gauge field disorder, for example due to ripples, whereas other Landau levels become broadened by the inhomogenous effective magnetic field. That also the bilayer hamiltonian supports such protected bulk zero-modes was proved formally by Katsnelson and Prokhorova to hold on a compact manifold by using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. Here we complement and generalize this result in a pedestrian way by pointing out that the simple argument by Aharonov and Casher for degenerate zero-modes of a Dirac hamiltonian in the infinite plane extends naturally to the multilayer case. The degeneracy remains, though at nonzero energy, also in the presence of a gap. These threshold modes make the spectrum asymmetric. The rest of the spectrum, however, remains symmetric even in arbitrary gauge fields, a fact related to supersymmetry. Possible benefits of this connection are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. The second version states now also in words that the conjugation symmetry that in the massive case gets replaced by supersymmetry is the chiral symmetry. Changes in figure

    Shortcuts to Spherically Symmetric Solutions: A Cautionary Note

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    Spherically symmetric solutions of generic gravitational models are optimally, and legitimately, obtained by expressing the action in terms of the two surviving metric components. This shortcut is not to be overdone, however: a one-function ansatz invalidates it, as illustrated by the incorrect solutions of [1].Comment: 2 pages. Amplified derivation, accepted for publication in Class Quant Gra

    Shortcuts to high symmetry solutions in gravitational theories

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    We apply the Weyl method, as sanctioned by Palais' symmetric criticality theorems, to obtain those -highly symmetric -geometries amenable to explicit solution, in generic gravitational models and dimension. The technique consists of judiciously violating the rules of variational principles by inserting highly symmetric, and seemingly gauge fixed, metrics into the action, then varying it directly to arrive at a small number of transparent, indexless, field equations. Illustrations include spherically and axially symmetric solutions in a wide range of models beyond D=4 Einstein theory; already at D=4, novel results emerge such as exclusion of Schwarzschild solutions in cubic curvature models and restrictions on ``independent'' integration parameters in quadratic ones. Another application of Weyl's method is an easy derivation of Birkhoff's theorem in systems with only tensor modes. Other uses are also suggested.Comment: 10 page

    Gauge theory of Faddeev-Skyrme functionals

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    We study geometric variational problems for a class of nonlinear sigma-models in quantum field theory. Mathematically, one needs to minimize an energy functional on homotopy classes of maps from closed 3-manifolds into compact homogeneous spaces G/H. The minimizers are known as Hopfions and exhibit localized knot-like structure. Our main results include proving existence of Hopfions as finite energy Sobolev maps in each (generalized) homotopy class when the target space is a symmetric space. For more general spaces we obtain a weaker result on existence of minimizers in each 2-homotopy class. Our approach is based on representing maps into G/H by equivalence classes of flat connections. The equivalence is given by gauge symmetry on pullbacks of G-->G/H bundles. We work out a gauge calculus for connections under this symmetry, and use it to eliminate non-compactness from the minimization problem by fixing the gauge.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    L^2 torsion without the determinant class condition and extended L^2 cohomology

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    We associate determinant lines to objects of the extended abelian category built out of a von Neumann category with a trace. Using this we suggest constructions of the combinatorial and the analytic L^2 torsions which, unlike the work of the previous authors, requires no additional assumptions; in particular we do not impose the determinant class condition. The resulting torsions are elements of the determinant line of the extended L^2 cohomology. Under the determinant class assumption the L^2 torsions of this paper specialize to the invariants studied in our previous work. Applying a recent theorem of D. Burghelea, L. Friedlander and T. Kappeler we obtain a Cheeger - Muller type theorem stating the equality between the combinatorial and the analytic L^2 torsions.Comment: 39 page

    Far-from-constant mean curvature solutions of Einstein's constraint equations with positive Yamabe metrics

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    In this article we develop some new existence results for the Einstein constraint equations using the Lichnerowicz-York conformal rescaling method. The mean extrinsic curvature is taken to be an arbitrary smooth function without restrictions on the size of its spatial derivatives, so that it can be arbitrarily far from constant. The rescaled background metric belongs to the positive Yamabe class, and the freely specifiable part of the data given by the traceless-transverse part of the rescaled extrinsic curvature and the matter fields are taken to be sufficiently small, with the matter energy density not identically zero. Using topological fixed-point arguments and global barrier constructions, we then establish existence of solutions to the constraints. Two recent advances in the analysis of the Einstein constraint equations make this result possible: A new type of topological fixed-point argument without smallness conditions on spatial derivatives of the mean extrinsic curvature, and a new construction of global super-solutions for the Hamiltonian constraint that is similarly free of such conditions on the mean extrinsic curvature. For clarity, we present our results only for strong solutions on closed manifolds. However, our results also hold for weak solutions and for other cases such as compact manifolds with boundary; these generalizations will appear elsewhere. The existence results presented here for the Einstein constraints are apparently the first such results that do not require smallness conditions on spatial derivatives of the mean extrinsic curvature.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. (Abstract shortenned and other minor changes reflecting v4 version of arXiv:0712.0798

    Gravity a la Born-Infeld

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    A simple technique for the construction of gravity theories in Born-Infeld style is presented, and the properties of some of these novel theories are investigated. They regularize the positive energy Schwarzschild singularity, and a large class of models allows for the cancellation of ghosts. The possible correspondence to low energy string theory is discussed. By including curvature corrections to all orders in alpha', the new theories nicely illustrate a mechanism that string theory might use to regularize gravitational singularities.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, new appendix B with corrigendum: Class. Quantum Grav. 21 (2004) 529

    Approximation of holomorphic mappings on strongly pseudoconvex domains

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    Let D be a relatively compact strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold, and let Y be a complex manifold. We prove that the set A(D,Y), consisting of all continuous maps from the closure of D to Y which are holomorphic in D, is a complex Banach manifold. When D is the unit disc in C (or any other topologically trivial strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold), A(D,Y) is locally modeled on the Banach space A(D,C^n)=A(D)^n with n=dim Y. Analogous results hold for maps which are holomorphic in D and of class C^r up to the boundary for any positive integer r. We also establish the Oka property for sections of continuous or smooth fiber bundles over the closure of D which are holomorphic over D and whose fiber enjoys the Convex approximation property. The main analytic technique used in the paper is a method of gluing holomorphic sprays over Cartan pairs in Stein manifolds, with control up to the boundary, which was developed in our paper "Holomorphic curves in complex manifolds" (Duke Math. J. 139 (2007), no. 2, 203--253)

    Stability of relative equilibria with singular momentum values in simple mechanical systems

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    A method for testing GÎĽG_\mu-stability of relative equilibria in Hamiltonian systems of the form "kinetic + potential energy" is presented. This method extends the Reduced Energy-Momentum Method of Simo et al. to the case of non-free group actions and singular momentum values. A normal form for the symplectic matrix at a relative equilibrium is also obtained.Comment: Partially rewritten. Some mistakes fixed. Exposition improve

    Topological origin of the phase transition in a mean-field model

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    We argue that the phase transition in the mean-field XY model is related to a particular change in the topology of its configuration space. The nature of this topological transition can be discussed on the basis of elementary Morse theory using the potential energy per particle V as a Morse function. The value of V where such a topological transition occurs equals the thermodynamic value of V at the phase transition and the number of (Morse) critical points grows very fast with the number of particles N. Furthermore, as in statistical mechanics, also in topology the way the thermodynamic limit is taken is crucial.Comment: REVTeX, 5 pages, with 1 eps figure included. Some changes in the text. To appear in Physical Review Letter
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