4 research outputs found

    Immigration and migration policy propoal's impact beyond farm labor markets across the United States

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    Most agricultural workers in the United States are from Latin America. The National Agricultural Workers Survey suggests 69 [percent] of hired workers on U.S. farms are born in Mexico. More than half of these same farm workers indicated they do not have legal work authorization. Economists have long suggested immigrants who lack legal work authorization are over represented in agricultural employment because they are more willing to accept the pay and work conditions associated with farm work, than their legally authorized peers. Recent trends in the agricultural labor market, however, seem to suggest that the share of unauthorized hired farm workers may be decreasing. This trend is implicit in the rapid growth of the H-2A guest workers program, a federal program that allows agricultural employers to bring in foreign workers on a seasonal basis. Although in recent years the H-2A program has garnered considerable interest from policy makers, agricultural employers, and researchers, few quantitative studies examine how the program along with other immigration policies, impact farm labor markets across the U.S. This paper presents preliminary findings from a quantitative model estimating farm labor supply elasticities across the continental United States. The following immigration related policy proposals are controlled for within this model: raising of the AEWR (the adverse effect wage rate paid to H-2A workers); restructuration or discontinuation of the H-2A guest workers program; amnesty for currently unauthorized workers; and disruption of immigration and migration flows from increased immigration control and/or security along the U.S.-Mexico border). This model was developed to inform rural community leaders, agribusiness stakeholders, and public policy makers regarding the potential effects of the H-2A program and other immigration control policies on farm labor management.Includes bibliographical reference

    Narratives of Latinas in the Midwest higher education in the Midwest education

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    The Pew Research Center noted there are 30.1 million Hispanic adults in the United States and 14.4 million of them -- or 48 [percent] -- are women. According to recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates among immigrant Hispanic women, 57 [percent] have arrived since 1990, and from those, six-in-ten Hispanic women immigrants were born in Mexico. This paper presents narratives from four professors who currently hold adjunct and tenured positions in higher education institutions in the Midwest of the United States and who shared their experiences during the Cambio de Colores conference.Includes bibliographical reference

    Lessons from consumer boycotts led by farmworkers : a strategy to address harsh working conditions and low wage rates

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    The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is leading consumer boycott efforts against food corporations that buy specialty crops from growers allegedly hiring farmworkers under harsh working conditions and low wage rates. The CIW ends its boycott efforts when food corporations agree to establish a supplier code of conduct and pay a monetary supplement to farmworkers. Crop buyers pay an extra cent per pound to go directly to farmworkers as wage supplement. Food products from participating companies are branded as Fair Food. The program is an example of private efforts to improve welfare of farmworkers in specialty crops. Economic research on this program is limited, but enlightening. This article summarizes farmworker issues leading to the consumer boycott strategy used to make gains amongst farmworkers and research on the strategy