1,174 research outputs found

    Librarianship in Spain

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    Efecto del tratamiento periodontal sobre los niveles sistémicos de los biomarcadores de la inflamación en pacientes con alteraciones cardiovasculares : revisión bibliográfica

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    Periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) share common risk factors, given that these two diseases are produced by a host response to a bacterial infection and inflammation. Periodontitis is characterized by the destruction of tooth support tissue initiated by Gram negative bacteria presented in the biofilm.La periodontitis y las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) comparten factores de riesgo en común, dado, que dichas enfermedades son producidas por una respuesta del huésped a una infección bacteriana e inflamación. La periodontitis se caracteriza por la destrucción del tejido de soporte del diente iniciada por las bacterias Gram negativas presentes en el biofilm..

    Epilepsia del lóbulo frontal como imitadora de trastornos psiquiátricos. Reporte de un caso, Bogotá, 2016

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    ResumenLa epilepsia del lóbulo frontal se confundió durante años con enfermedades del orden psiquiátrico y, de hecho, en la actualidad sigue constituyéndose un reto clínico dado el amplio espectro de manifestaciones clínicas que limitan la conducta esquizoide. Los desórdenes ictales del lóbulo frontal podrían ser confundidos con una gran variedad de enfermedades, desde trastornos del sueño de predominio nocturno hasta afecciones del movimiento, tales como distonía paroxística nocturna o el síndrome autosómico recesivo de epilepsia nocturna, que se caracteriza por paroxismos hipermotores de corta duración de predominio nocturno. Los artefactos hacen que el electroencefalograma no sea una herramienta suficiente y es por esto que planteamos el reporte de este caso como un verdadero reto diagnóstico.AbstractThe frontal lobe epilepsy was confused with psychiatric disorders for years, and in fact it is still a clinical challenge considering the broad spectrum of clinical manifestations that define schizoid conduct. Ictal disorders of the frontal lobe could be confused with a variety of diseases, from predominantly nocturnal sleep disorders to movement disorders, such as nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia or autosomal recessive nocturnal epilepsy syndrome, characterised by hypermotor paroxysms of short duration and nocturnal predominance. These artefacts mean that the electroencephalogram may not be a sufficient tool, and it is for this reason that this case report is presented as a true diagnostic challenge

    Impact of mission requirements on the design of low observable UCAV configurations

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    Design/methodology/approach Conceptual design methodologies appropriate to low observable, tailless UCAVs have been integrated into a multidisciplinary aircraft design environment, GENUS, developed at Cranfield University’s aircraft design group. A basic Hi-Lo-Hi mission is designed and a baseline configuration is established through the GENUS framework. Subsequently, an evolutionary optimiser and a robust gradient-based optimiser are used to obtain convergent design solutions for various leading edge sweep angles, mission ranges, cruise Mach numbers and other operational constraints. Findings The results indicate that performance constraints, specifically in the form of specific excess power (SEP), have a large influence on the overall sizing of subsonic tailless UCAVs. This requirement drives the engine sizing, which represents a considerable proportion of the empty and gross mass of the vehicle. Cruise Mach number studies show that no significant advantages exist for operating at low speeds while maintaining performance requirements consistent with combat missions. There is a drastic increase in the vehicle’s mass and thrust requirements for flight speeds above Mach 0.8, with low sweep configurations showing a more pronounced effect. Increases in the range are not overly dependent on the leading edge sweep angle. Top-level radar cross section (RCS) results also favour configurations with higher leading edge sweep angles, especially from the nose-on aspect. Finally, research and development costs are shown to be directly linked to engine size. Originality/value This research shows the use of an integrated aircraft design environment that incorporates aerodynamics, performance, packaging and low observability aspects into the optimisation loop. Through this methodology, this study supports the efforts towards characterising and establishing alternate visions of the future of aerial warfare through the use of low cost, survivable unmanned platforms in network-centric cooperative task

    Technology challenges of stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicles

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    The ever-changing battlefield environment, as well as the emergence of global command and control architectures currently used by armed forces around the globe, requires the use of robust and adaptive technologies integrated into a reliable platform. Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) aim to integrate such advanced technologies while also increasing the tactical capabilities of combat aircraft. This paper provides a summary of the technical and operational design challenges specific to UCAVs, focusing on high-performance, and stealth designs. After a brief historical overview, the main technology demonstrator programmes currently under development are presented. The key technologies affecting UCAV design are identified and discussed. Finally, this paper briefly presents the main issues related to airworthiness, navigation, and ethical concerns behind UAV/UCAV operations

    A multi-step multi-objective generation expansion planning model-A case study in Mexico

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    Abstract Planning in the energy sector implies multiple and conflicting objectives. Multi-objective models allow the analysis of the inter-relationships and trade-off solutions to be obtained. This paper presents a mixed integer linear model for multi-step multi-objective generation expansion planning (MMGEP). The MMGEP problem is defined as the problem of determining the answers to the following questions: What types of generation technologies are to be added to the grid? What is the capacity of each new generation plant? Where will the plant be located? When will the plant be located? The MMGEP objectives are to minimize the global cost of the system, minimize the environmental impact and maximize the social profits. The proposed model is based on a real power system in Mexico for the planning period between 2017 and 2037. The problem was solved using the NSGA-II algorithm. Keywords: Energy planning, generation expansion planning, capacity expansion planning, Generation expansion plannin