9 research outputs found

    Prevalence, risk factors, and optimal way to determine overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity in the first Dutch cohort of 2338 long-term survivors of childhood cancer:a DCCSS-LATER study

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    Background: Overweight and obesity are common challenges among childhood cancer survivors. Overweight may be disguised, as survivors can have normal weight but high fat percentage (fat%) on dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). We aimed to assess prevalence, identify determinants and biomarkers, and assess which method captures overweight best, in a nationwide cohort. Methods: The prevalence of overweight and obesity, primarily defined by body mass index (BMI), was assessed in the DCCSS-LATER cohort of adult survivors treated from 1963-2002, with the LifeLines cohort as reference. The associations between risk factors and overweight metrics were investigated using logistic regression. Additional overweight metrics included DXA fat%, waist circumference (WC), waist/hip ratio (WHR), waist/height ratio (WHtR), and high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin. Results: A total of 2338 (mean age 35.5 years, follow-up 28.3 years) survivors participated. The overweight prevalence was 46.3% in men and 44.3% in women (obesity 11.2% and 15.9%, morbid obesity 2.4% and 5.4%), with highest rates among brain tumor survivors. Compared to controls, there was no overall increased overweight rate, but this was higher in women &gt; 50 years, morbid obesity in men &gt; 50 years. Overweight at cancer diagnosis (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.83, 95% CI 2.19-6.69), cranial radiotherapy (aOR = 3.21, 95% CI 1.99-5.18), and growth hormone deficiency (separate model, aOR = 1.61, 95% CI 1.00-2.59) were associated with overweight. Using BMI, WC, WHR, and WHtR, overweight prevalence was similar. Low HMW adiponectin, present in only 4.5% of survivors, was an insensitive overweight marker. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry–based classification identified overweight in an additional 30%, particularly after abdominal radiotherapy, total body irradiation, anthracyclines, and platinum. Conclusions: Overweight occurs in almost half of long-term survivors. There was no overall increased incidence of overweight compared to controls. We identified factors associated with overweight, as well as subgroups of survivors in whom DXA can more reliably assess overweight.</p

    Comportamento fisiológico de goiabeira serrana quando multiplicada por mergulhia de cepa Physiological behavior of feijoa multiplied by stool layring

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    Com o objetivo de estudar alguns fatores fisiológicos envolvidos na formação e desenvolvimento de raízes em mudas de goiabeira serrana (Feijoa sellowiana Berg), multiplicadas por mergulhia de cepa, foi realizado um experimento em Pelotas-RS, com mudas decepadas em julho de 91 e sobre as quais foi realizada amontoa em outubro de 91. A avaliação foi feita em agosto de 92, sendo observadas as variáveis: teor de clorofila total, área foliar, numero e diâmetro de brotações, número e percentagem de brotações enraizadas e peso da matéria seca das raízes. As variáveis teor de clorofila, área foliar e diâmetro médio das brotações não apresentaram influência sobre a matéria seca das raízes. O incremento no número de brotações causou um aumento no número de brotações enraizadas, entretanto, não apresentou influência na percentagem de brotações enraizadas. O aumento no número de brotações por cepa ocasionou um decréscimo em seu diâmetro médio. É demonstrado que é possível multiplicar plantas de goiabeira serrana através de mergulhia de cepa.<br>The aim of this research was to study some physiological factors involved in root growth and development in sprouts of feijoa Feijoa settowiana Berg., multiplied by stool layring. The experiment was conducted in Pelotas,RS, Brazil, using sprouts cut in July 91, which were covered with soil in October 91. In August 92 the following variables were evaluated: total chlorophyll content, leaf area, stool number and diameter, number and percentage of rooted stools and root dry-matter weight. The variables chlorophyll content, leaf area and stool average diameter, did not show influence on root dry matter. The increase in number of stools caused an increase in the number but not in the percentage of rooted stools. The increase in stool number per plant caused a decrease in stool average diameter. It is demonstrated that it is possible to multiply feijoa plants through stool layring

    Surface-Modified Magnetic Nanoscale Materials: Preparation and Study of Their Structure, Composition, and Properties

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