72 research outputs found

    Zu besseren Lehr - und Bildungsergebnissen durch Coaching-Fertigkeiten

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    The purpose of the article is to show how knowledge of coaching skills can help achieve the desired results in pedagogical practice faster and more efficiently. When coaching skills are known by a team of teachers, these teachers can offer each other support in personal and professional growth (collegial coaching). They do not necessarily have to be professional coaches. It is essential that the teacher acting as a coach uses specifically selected questions. These need to encourage their interlocutor to think and find their own solutions to achieve the goal. They must be open and nonsuggestive. In this way, the interlocutor will come up with solutions that they would have come to with a lot more difficulty or even not at all. Conversation, guided by coaching questions, can also help learners in the difficulties they encounter. It is important that the interlocutor wants to solve the problem, the challenge. The case study shows how to use coaching skills, especially coaching questions, in pedagogical practice.Svrha članka je pokazati kako poznavanje vještine coachinga može brže i učinkovitije doprinijeti željenim ishodima u obrazovnoj praksi. Ako tim učitelja posjeduje vještine coachinga onda oni mogu jedni drugima pružiti podršku u osobnom i profesionalnom razvoju (kolegijalni coaching). Ne moraju biti profesionalni coacheri, ali je ključno da učitelji koji djeluju kao coacheri koriste specifična pitanja. Oni trebaju potaknuti sugovornika na razmišljanje i pronalaženje vlastitih rješenja te put do cilja. U tu svrhu moraju biti otvoreni i bez sugestija. Na taj način sugovornici dolaze do rješenja koja bi inače smatrali teškim ili nemogućim. Razgovor vođen pitanjima učitelja također može pomoći učenicima u poteškoćama s kojima se susreću. Važno je da sugovornik pokaže volju da riješi problem, tj. izazov. Studija slučaja pokazuje kako koristiti vještine coachinga i to posebno pitanja coachinga u obrazovnoj praksi.Zweck dieser Arbeit ist zu zeigen wie Kenntnisse von Coaching-Fertigkeiten schneller und effektiver zu erwünschten Ergebnissen in der pädagogischen Praxis beitragen können. Wenn ein Team von Lehrern über Coaching-Kenntnisse verfügt, können diese Lehrer bei der persönlichen und professionellen Entwicklung einander Unterstützung bieten (kollegiales Coaching). Dazu müssen sie nicht professionelle Coaches sein, es ist jedoch entscheidend, dass der als Coach handelnde Lehrer spezifisch ausgewählte Fragen verwendet. Diese dienen dazu, ihren Gesprächspartner zum Nachdenken und Finden eigener Lösungen und Wege zum Ziel zu ermuntern. Zu diesem Zweck müssen die Fragen offen sein und keine Hinweise enthalten. Auf diese Weise gelangen die Gesprächspartner zu Lösungsmöglichkeiten, zu denen sie andernfalls nur schwer oder gar nicht gelangt wären. Mithilfe von Coaching-Fragen geführte Gespräche können Lernern ebenfalls bei möglichen Schwierigkeiten helfen. Wichtig ist, dass der Gesprächspartner den Willen zur Lösung des Problems, der Herausforderung zeigt. Die Fallstudie zeigt wie man Coaching-Fertigkeiten und insbesondere Coaching-Fragen in der pädagogischen Praxis einsetzt

    Needs and possibilities for introducing public-private partnership in municipal activities field

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    The graduation thesis focuses on the issue of introducing public-private partnerships in\ud municipal activities field, especially in water supply sector, wastewater sector and waste\ud disposal sector.\ud The thesis begins describing the basic characteristics of public-private partnerships and the\ud reasons for their introduction. The description of municipal activities and their characteristics\ud is included in the second chapter, followed by the analysis of the actual investing needs in the\ud mentioned sectors. The fifth chapter describes public-private partnerships as a way of\ud privatization and separates the particular forms according to the Law of public-private\ud partnership, described in the sixth chapter, which also includes the comparative analysis\ud between the mentioned law and the Law of economic public services and the analysis of the\ud demanded ownership redesign of public enterprises. The seventh chapter mentions the\ud problem of municipal economy financing, tried to be solved with privatization. Finally the\ud thesis describes some European and Slovene examples of public-private partnership,\ud including the weak Slovenian project – the Maribor Waste Water Treatment Plant

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    Vloga mentorja pri umetniškem ustvarjanju v skupini odraslih z motnjo v duševnem razvoju

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    The article presents the findings of research on the mentor’s role in creative arts activities in a group of adults with intellectual disabilities. Over the period between 2014–2016, data has been collected employing the participant observation method and semi-structured interviews with mentors. The research proceeds from the assumption that creative arts play an important part in the life and education of a person with intellectual disabilities. The role of a mentor, who leads a group of people with intellectual disabilities, differs from the role of a mentor in a group of people without intellectual disabilities. The results of the study are presented in subsets which encompass the findings related to the following fields of mentor activities: group motivation, guidance, promoting participant independence, individualization and adaptation of the process to the needs of the participants, adjusting the activities to the actual age of the person with intellectual disabilities, involvement of participants in the formation of the process, and combination of different activities.Prispevek predstavlja ugotovitve raziskave, ki se je osredotočala na vlogo mentorja pri umetniškem ustvarjanju v skupini odraslih z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Podatki so bili zbrani v obdobju 2014–2016 z metodo opazovanja z udeležbo ter s pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev z mentorji. Raziskava izhaja iz predpostavke, da je umetniško ustvarjanje pomemben del življenja in izobraževanja oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Vloga mentorja, ki vodi skupino oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, se razlikuje od vloge mentorja v skupinah oseb brez motnje v duševnem razvoju. Rezultati raziskave so predstavljeni po sklopih, ki zajemajo ugotovitve o izbranih področjih delovanja mentorja: motiviranje skupine, vodenje, spodbujanje samostojnosti udeležencev, individualizacija in prilagajanje procesa udeležencem, prilagajanje aktivnosti dejanski starosti oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, vključevanje udeležencev v nastajanje procesa, kombiniranje različnih aktivnosti

    Nekaj misli o projektu ZORA

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