284 research outputs found

    Decision Tree Psychological Risk Assessment in Currency Trading

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    This research paper focuses on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the currency trading landscape, positing the development of personalized AI models, essentially functioning as intelligent personal assistants tailored to the idiosyncrasies of individual traders. The paper posits that AI models are capable of identifying nuanced patterns within the trader's historical data, facilitating a more accurate and insightful assessment of psychological risk dynamics in currency trading. The PRI is a dynamic metric that experiences fluctuations in response to market conditions that foster psychological fragility among traders. By employing sophisticated techniques, a classifying decision tree is crafted, enabling clearer decision-making boundaries within the tree structure. By incorporating the user's chronological trade entries, the model becomes adept at identifying critical junctures when psychological risks are heightened. The real-time nature of the calculations enhances the model's utility as a proactive tool, offering timely alerts to traders about impending moments of psychological risks. The implications of this research extend beyond the confines of currency trading, reaching into the realms of other industries where the judicious application of personalized modeling emerges as an efficient and strategic approach. This paper positions itself at the intersection of cutting-edge technology and the intricate nuances of human psychology, offering a transformative paradigm for decision making support in dynamic and high-pressure environments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 7 listing

    Improving Viral Diagnostic Methods: A Plasmonic Nanoparticle Virion Counting and Interpretation System Utilizing MATLAB

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    One of the biggest issues currently plaguing the field of medicine is the lack of an accurate and efficient form of disease diagnosis. For example, the two most commonly utilized test diagnosis systems, the PCR and rapid test, sacrifice either accuracy or speed to achieve the other. Another issue currently present is the issue of viral quantification or the counting of virions within a nasal sample. These can provide doctors with crucial information in treating infections; however, the current mediums are underdeveloped and unstandardized. This project's goals were to 1) create an accurate and rapid RSV diagnostic test and 2) design a viral quantification mechanism that counts the number of virions. This diagnostic test involved a system that pumped RSV-aggregated gold nanoparticles and unaggregated gold nanoparticles through a microcapillary, whose cross-section was intersected by two laser beams generating and detecting the nanobubbles. The signals between the unaggregated and aggregated nanobubbles were calibrated, and the number of RSV virions was recorded. The results yielded an accuracy of 99.99 percent and an average time of 5.2 minutes, validating that this design is both faster and more accurate compared to current tests. When cross-validated with Poisson statistics, the virion counting system counted the number of virions with 98.52 percent accuracy. In order to determine the accuracy of our samples, the results were compared to clinical trials of nasal samples, and our diagnostic system predicted accurate diagnostics after statistical analysis. With further testing, this diagnostic method could replace current standards of testing, saving millions of lives every year.Comment: 20 Pages, 15. Figures Presented at DRESEF, PSEF, TJSHS, TJAS, UTD Nanoparticle Conferenc

    The Stability of Dissipative Couette Flow in Hydromagnetics

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    The stability of dissipative Couette flow in the presence of an axial volume current superposed by an axial uniform magnetic field parallel to the axis of the rotating column has been studied. The critical Taylor number for certain wave numbers have been obtained. It is found that the critical Taylor numbers at which the instability sets-in are increased

    Awareness and practices of correct and consistent use of condoms among sexually active males in India - a cross sectional study

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    Background: About 2.5 million Indian are estimated to be HIV positive apart from the other STIs and around 1/4th of the births are unwanted. Condom has become a popular method being promoted for meeting these challenges. The objectives of the study were to understand the awareness and practices regarding correct and consistent use of condoms among sexually active males in India.Methods: Three randomly selected primary health centers in southern India. All male members reported to be using condoms by the PHCs, were visited at their homes. A pre-tested check list (Yes/No) type questionnaire was used to collect the data. Commonly available guide line regarding correct and consistent were used as the baseline knowledge. Responses thus received were evaluated and graded using five point scales. Income, education and years of use wise differentials were also analyzed.Results: Out of 7326 eligible couples 7.2% were reported to be using condoms. Response rate was 88 percent. 27 (12%), 82 (36%), 89 (39%), 18 (8%) and 11 (5%), were having poor, fair, good, very good and excellent level of awareness respectively and fewer were putting their knowledge into practice. Respondent having schooling for more than ten years or per capita income of more than Rupee 1000 or using condoms since more than five years were having better level of awareness as well as practices.Conclusions: Awareness and practices regarding correct and consistent condom use lags substantially behind the desired levels

    Study of Ni and Zn doped CeOFeAs: Effect on the structural transition and specific heat capacity

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    We have systematically studied the substitution of nonmagnetic Zn and magnetic Ni at iron sites in Ce based oxypnictide. The parent compound (CeOFeAs) shows an anomaly in resistivity around 150 K due to structural transition from tetragonal (space group: P4/nmm) to orthorhombic structure (space group: Cmma). Substitution of Zn suppresses this anomaly to lower temperature (~130 K) but Ni substitution does not show any anomaly around this temperature and the compound behaves like a metal. Further, we find that non magnetic (Zn) doping leads to higher impurity scattering as compared to magnetic Ni doping. Similar to the resistivity measurement, the specific heat shows another jump near 4 K for CeOFeAs. This is attributed to the ordering of Ce3+ moments. This peak shifts to 3.8 K for Zn substituted compound and there is no change in the ordering temperature in the Ni substituted CeOFeAs. These peaks are broadened in applied magnetic field (5 T) and the calculated magnetic entropy tends to saturate at the same value for 0 T and 5 T external magnetic field.Comment: 16 pages Text+Fig

    Performance Characteristics Evaluation for Cooperative Communication

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    Wireless channels suffer severely from the effect of multi-path and fading. To mitigate these effects of fading and, cooperative diversity protocols are used. In cooperative diversity, two or more users share their antennas to create a virtual MIMO system. Hence in cooperative communication several single antenna relays assist the transmission between a source and a destination. In this work, cooperative communication protocols such as amplify and forward and decode and forward are simulated for relaying. The received signals at the destination are combined using various diversity combination protocols such as Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) and Fixed Ratio Combining (FRC). For the performance study of cooperative communication protocol in wireless network, the symbol error rate (SER), outage probability and channel capacity are simulated for single relay and multiple relay in a flat fading Rayleigh channel.. In addition to this, for a 3 node cooperative communication containing a source , a relay and a destination the impact of relay location is studied for 3 different location of relay i.e. relay placed closer to the source, closer to the destination and at the midway between the source and the destination. When the relay is located in the middle of source and destination, it gives the best system performance. When the relay is located closer to the source, the quality of source-relay link is good, and the relay can decode the received information. On the other hand, when the relay node is located close to the destination, the system performance degrades. Through simulation results, it is shown the positive role that the relay plays, as it improves significantly the performance of the system and leads to lower SER and lower outage probability

    Solvatochromism, aggregation and photochemical properties of Fullerenes, C<SUB>60</SUB> and C<SUB>70</SUB>, in solution

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    Fullerenes, C60 and C70, display interesting physicochemical properties in solutions, especially due to their unique chemical structures and their good electron accepting abilities. Solubility of fullerenes in different organic solvents and their unusual solvatochromic behavior, the ability of the fullerenes to form aggregates in solutions, and their electron transfer and charge transfer interactions with variety of electron donors, are the subjects of extensive research activities for more than one decade. Many research groups including ours have contributed substantially in the understanding of the solvatochromism, aggregation behavior, and the photoinduced electron transfer and charge transfer chemistry of fullerenes, in condensed phase. Present article is aimed to summarize the important results reported on the above aspects of fullerenes, subsequent to the earlier report from our group. (D.K. Palit and J.P. Mittal, Full. Sci. &amp; Tech. 3, 1995, 643-659)

    Metanephric adenoma: A rare benign renal tumour

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    Metanephric adenoma is a rare benign renal tumour. We are reporting one histologically proven such case in a 23 year old male from Afghanistan. He presented with severe right flank pain since 3 weeks. Nephrectomy was done and histopathology was consistent with the diagnosis of metanephric adenoma. This novel renal mass has been reported to have benign clinical course despite its symptomatic presentation and large tumour size. There is no distinguishing radiological feature with can differentiate it from malignant tumours. So far, a uniformly benign clinical course has been associated with Metanephric adenoma, but given its relatively recent identification and rarity and the lack of clinical, radiographic, or cytologic means to establish a definite diagnosis, Metanephric adenoma remains primarily a pathologic diagnosis

    Gender-Based Differences Among Pharmacy Students Involved in Academically Dishonest Behavior

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    Objective. To determine whether differences based on gender exist among pharmacy students involved in cases of admitted cheating or other academic dishonesty and to assess perceptions of academic dishonesty. Methods. Two cohorts of second-year male and female pharmacy students from four Northern California pharmacy programs were invited to complete a 45-item cross-sectional survey. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s chi-squared test were used for statistical analysis. Results. There were 330 surveys completed with a 59% response rate. No significant gender-based differences were found regarding admitted cheating in pharmacy school and in regards to participating in various forms of academically dishonest behavior. Female students were more likely than male students to report witnessing a classmate copying another student’s assignment. Male students were less likely than female students to perceive a student who distributed a stolen exam as a cheater. Conclusion. No gender-based differences were noted in cases of admitted cheating or with regards to taking part in various forms of academically dishonest behavior. However, female students report witnessing cheating more than male students, and male students may have a more lenient perception toward academically dishonest behavior than female students. The information gathered from this study may provide further insight to pharmacy programs and educators regarding academic dishonesty at their institution

    The future of smallholder farming in India: Some sustainability considerations

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    The biodiverse, predominantly crop-livestock mixed-farming in India is key to ensuring resilience to climate change and sustainability of smallholder farming agroecologies. Farmers traditionally grow diverse crops as polyculture, and agriculture is mainly organic/biodynamic with spirituality in food systems deeply ingrained. Job-driven out-migration of rural youths, the family labor force, and globalization of contemporary food choices under corporate industrial agriculture both adversely affect sustainability of traditional farming landscapes and compromise the nutrition and health of rural farming communities. Besides documenting information on general agri-food system policy inputs, our paper presents the results of an exploratory study of four crucial community-level initiatives conducted in four distinct agroecological landscapes of India, aimed at bringing sustainability to traditional farming and food systems. The driving force for fundamental change in agri-food system, and in society, is the question of sustainability. The organic and local food movements are but specific phases of the larger, more fundamental sustainable agri-food movement. While it is very critical to increase farmer livelihood, it is even more important to increase overall rural economy. It was found that four important interventions viz. linking organic agriculture to community-supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives; linking small-holder farming to school meal (MDM) programmes; enhanced market access and value chain development for local agricultural produce; and creation of employment opportunities at community level for rural youths and reducing over-dependence of rural population on agriculture as source of income can make traditional farming more profitable and sustainable. The transition to more sustainable methods of farming by selling the farm produce “locally” helps both consumers and farmers alike and is considered a future strength of smallholder Indian agriculture