242 research outputs found

    International faculty search

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Computing and Information SciencesDaniel A. AndresenThis application enables users to search the database for International Faculty Members who are currently working at the veterinary department. It also helps the users to know more about the faculty members in detail that is about their specialization, area of expertise, their origin, languages they can speak and teaching experience. The main objective of this project is to develop an online application where the faculty members could be searched based on the three major criteria that is department to which the faculty member belong to or based upon the area of expertise of the faculty member or based upon the country. The application is designed in such a way that a combination of this three drop down list would also give us the results if any such kind exists. The major attraction for this application is that the faculty members are plotted on the world map using the Bing API. A red color dot is placed on the countries to which the faculty members belong, and a mouse over on the dot pops up when the mouse pointer is placed on the red colored dot then it would pop up the names of the faculty who hail from that country. These names are in form of hyper links when clicked on them would direct us to the respective faculties profile. This project is implemented using C#.NET on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 along with the xml parsing techniques and some XML files which stores the profile of the faculty members. My primary focus is to get familiar with .NET framework and to be able to code in C#.NET. Also learn to use MS Access as database for storing and retrieving the data

    Neural mechanism of rapid eye movement sleep generation with reference to REM-OFF neurons in locus coeruleus

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    The noradrenergic (NA-ergic) rapid eye movement (REM)-OFF neurons in locus coeruleus (LC) and cholinergic REM-ON neurons in laterodorsal/pedunculopontine tegmentum show a reciprocal firing pattern. The REM-ON neurons fire during REM sleep whereas REM-OFF neurons stop firing during REM sleep. The cessation of firing of REM-OFF neurons is a pre-requisite for the generation of REM sleep and non-cessation of those neurons result in REM sleep loss that is characterized by symptoms like loss of memory retention, irritation, hypersexuality, etc. There is an intricate interplay between the REM-OFF and REM-ON neurons for REM sleep regulation. Acetylcholine from REM-ON neurons excites the GABA-ergic interneurons in the LC that in turn inhibit the REM-OFF neurons. The cessation of firing of REM-OFF neurons withdraws the inhibition from the REM-ON neurons, and facilitates the excitation of these neurons resulting in the initiation of REM sleep. GABA modulates the generation of REM sleep in pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) by acting pre-synaptically on the NA-ergic terminals that synapse on the REM-ON neurons whereas in LC it modulates the maintenance of REM sleep by acting post-synaptically on REM-OFF neurons. The activity of REM sleep related neurons is modulated by wakefulness (midbrain reticular formation/ascending reticular activating system) and sleep inducing (caudal brainstem/medullary reticular formation) areas. Thus, during wakefulness the wake-active neurons keep on firing that excites the REM-OFF neurons, which in turn keeps the REMON neurons inhibited; therefore, during wakefulness REM sleep episodes are not expressed. Additionally, the wakefulness inducing area keeps the REM-ON neurons inhibited. In contrast, the sleep inducing area excites the REM-ON neurons. Thus, the wakefulness inducing area excites and inhibits the REM-OFF and REM-ON neurons, respectively, while the sleep inducing area excites the REM-ON neurons that facilitate the generation of REM sleep

    Abdominal hysterectomy: analysis of clinico-histopathological correlation in Western Rajasthan, India

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    Background: Hysterectomy is the most common gynecological surgery done in the females worldwide as it provides definitive cure to a wide range of gynecological diseases, both benign and malignant. The indications to perform this major surgery should always be justified and the pathology should be proved histopathologically. Histopathological analysis and review is mandatory to evaluate the appropriateness of the hysterectomy.Methods: A retrospective, longitudinal study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMAID Hospital, Dr. S.N. M.C. Jodhpur (Raj.) during October 2014 to March 2015.Total 105 cases were studied during this period. The study included all women undergoing planned abdominal hysterectomy. Data was recorded on proformas, including demographic characteristics and clinical features. Hysterectomy specimens were saved in 10% formalin and sent to the Department of Pathology. Histopathology reports were analyzed and compared with the indications of surgery to draw various informative conclusions.Results: Of 105 cases, 55(52.38%) were in the age group of 41 – 50, which comprised the commonest age group undergoing the surgery. Maximum women (95%) those underwent hysterectomy were multiparous. Most common preoperatively clinical diagnosis was leiomyoma uterus which was diagnosed clinically and sonographically in 51(48.57%) cases. On Histopathological examination, the commonest pathology, similar to clinical impression, was found to be Leiomyoma at 50.48% (n = 53). Adenomyosis (21.90%) was detected as Second most common pathology. Histopathological confirmation of pre-operative diagnosis was 89% for malignancy, 96% for fibroids, 100% for adenomyosis, 100% for pelvic inflammatory disease.Conclusions: There was a high correlation when the clinical diagnosis was a fibroid, adenomyosis and ovarian mass. Every hysterectomy specimen should be subjected to histopathological examination because it is mandatory for conforming diagnosis and ensuring optimal management, in particular of malignant disease

    Ectopic pregnancy: a comprehensive analysis of risk factors and management

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    Background: Ectopic pregnancy is the most life threatening emergency in pregnancy leading to maternal death. Ectopic pregnancy jeopardizes the wish of attainment of motherhood also. Increase in incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), previous history of D and C and abortion, previous abdominal surgeries and use of assisted reproductive techniques are the various risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. The objective of this study was to assess the demographic profile, risk factors, clinical presentation and surgical management of ectopic pregnancy at a tertiary care centre.Methods: A prospective, longitudinal and observational study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Umaid Hospital, Dr. SN Medical College, Jodhpur during a period of one year from October 2014 to September 2015. 80 cases of ectopic pregnancy admitted in the hospital were analyzed in terms of demographic profile, risk factors, clinical presentation, management, morbidity, mortality. Finally all collected material and data were analyzed statistically to draw various informative conclusions.Results: Most common age and parity affected by ectopic pregnancy were 21-30 years (63.75%) and para 1-3 (72.50%) respectively. No age and parity were immune to ectopic pregnancy. More than one clinical feature was present in most of the patients. Most common site of ectopic pregnancy was ampullary region (51.25%) of the tube. Salpingectomy was the most common surgical procedure performed (75%). Few patients had more than one complication. 29 cases had no complication. No maternal mortality occurred during this period. Around 50% women received blood transfusion.Conclusions: Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening condition occurring in women all over the world. As the incidence of ectopic pregnancy increases, ways and means have to be found to reduce the associated morbidity and mortality and to preserve future fertility

    Determination of equation of state of quark matter from J/ψJ/\psi and Υ\Upsilon suppression at RHIC and LHC

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    The long life-time of the quark-gluon plasma likely to be created in the relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies renders it sensitive to the details of the equation of state of the quark-matter. We show that the pTp_T dependence of the survival probability of the directly produced J/ψJ/\psi at RHIC energies and that of the directly produced Υ\Upsilon at LHC energies is quite sensitive to the speed of sound in the quark matter, which relates the pressure and the energy density of the plasma. The transverse expansion of the plasma is shown to strongly affect the J/ψJ/\psi suppression at LHC energies.Comment: 26 pages including 11 figures. (Submitted to Eur. Phys. Jour. C

    Beeswax–EVA/Activated-Charcoal-Based Fuels for Hybrid Rockets: Thermal and Ballistic Evaluation

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    Beeswax (C46H92O) is a naturally derived substance that has the potential to be used as a solid fuel for hybrid rocket applications and as a substitute for paraffin wax fuel in hybrid rockets. BW burns more efficiently than paraffin wax because of the oxygen molecule it contains. The low thermal stability and poor mechanical properties of BW limit its practical use for upper-stage propulsion applications, and these issues are rarely addressed in the literature on hybrid rockets. This study investigates the thermal stability and ballistic properties of BW using ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and activated charcoal (AC) as an additive. The thermal stability of BW–EVA/AC fuel compositions was analyzed using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The thermal stability of the blended BW compositions improved significantly. A laboratory-scale hybrid rocket motor was used to evaluate such aspects of ballistic performance as regression rate, characteristic velocity, and combustion efficiency. The results revealed that the pure BW exhibited a higher regression rate of 26.5% at an oxidizer mass flux of 96.4 kg/m2-s compared to BW–EVA/AC blends. The addition of EVA and AC to BW was found to increase the experimental characteristic velocity and combustion efficiency. The combustion efficiency of BW-based fuel was improved from 62% to 94% when 20 wt.% EVA and 2 wt.% AC were added into the fuel matrix

    The extent of strangeness in equilibration in quark-gluon plasma

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    The evolution and production of strangeness from chemically equilibrating and transversely expanding quark gluon plasma which may be formed in the wake of relativistic heavy ion collisions is studied with initial conditions obtained from the Self Screened Parton Cascade (SSPC) model. The extent of partonic equilibration increases almost linearly with the square of the initial energy density, which can then be scaled with number of participants.Comment: 4 pages including three figures, talk given at ICPAQGP'01, Jaipur, India, to appear in Pramana - Journal of Physics, Indian Academy of Scienc

    Floristic diversity of Theog Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya

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    We provide a check list of the vascular plants of Theog Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya. Himachal Pradesh has been extensively surveyed in terms of flora by a large number of workers, albeit highly confined to prioritized areas. The floristic inventorization resulted in a total of 442 vascular plant species belonging to 311 genera and 117 families from an area of 512 km2. Out of these, 408 species belonged to Angiosperms, 7 to Gymnosperms and 27 to Pteridophytes. The predominant families among Dicotyledons were Asteraceae, Rosaceae and Lamiaceae. Among the Monocotyledons, the most represented family was Poaceae, followed by Liliaceae and Cyperaceae. Pinaceae and Pteridaceae were found to be the most represented families among the Gymnosperms and Pteridophytes, respectively. Species richness was highest in shrubberies, which formed an ideal habitat for many herbaceous species within different habitat types. Strategic eradication of weed species, especially obnoxious species such as Lantana camara and Parthenium hysterophorus is required for effective management in the area

    Role of norepinephrine in the regulation of rapid eye movement sleep

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    Sleep and wakefulness are instinctive behaviours that are present across the animal species. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a unique biological phenomenon expressed during sleep. It evolved about 300 million years ago and is noticed in the more evolved animal species. Although it has been objectively identified in its present characteristic form about half a century ago, the mechanics of how REM is generated, and what happens upon its loss are not known. Nevertheless, extensive research has shown that norepinephrine plays a crucial role in its regulation. The present knowledge that has been reviewed in this manuscript suggests that neurons in the brain stem are responsible for controlling this state and presence of excess norepinephrine in the brain does not allow its generation. Furthermore, REM sleep loss increases levels of norepinephrine in the brain that affects several factors including an increase in Na-K ATPase activity. It has been argued that such increased norepinephrine is ultimately responsible for REM sleep deprivation, associated disturbances in at least some of the physiological conditions leading to alteration in behavioural expression and settling into pathological conditions

    Radiative Energy-Loss of Heavy Quarks in a Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    We estimate the radiative energy-loss of heavy quarks, produced from the initial fusion of partons, while propagating in a quark-gluon plasma which may be formed in the wake of relativistic heavy ion collisions. We find that the radiative energy-loss for heavy quarks is larger than the collisional energy-loss for all energies. We point out the consequences on possible signals of the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 5 papes, REVTE