428 research outputs found

    Variation of D-region nitric-oxide density with solar activity and season at the dip equator

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    To study the solar control on electron density (N sub e) in the equatorial D region, a program was initiated with Soviet collaboration in 1979. A total of 31 rockets were launched during the high solar activity period, and 47 rockets during the low solar activity period, from Thumba to measure the N sub e profiles. Analysis of the data shows that the average values of N sub e for the high solar activity period are higher by a factor of about 2 to 3 compared to the low solar activity values. It was found that a single nitric oxide density, (NO), profile cannot reproduce all the observed N sub e profiles. An attempt was made to reproduce theoretically the observed N sub e profiles by introducing variation in (NO) for the different solar activity periods and seasons

    Cool spots on the surface of the active giant PZ Mon

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    Based on the multiband (BVRIJHKL) photometric observations of the active red giant PZ Mon performed for the first time in the winter season of 2017-2018, we have determined the main characteristics of the spotted stellar surface in a parametric three-spot model. The unspotted surface temperature is Teff=4730 K, the temperature of the cool spots is Tspot=3500 K, their relative area is about 41%, and the temperature of the warm spots is Twarm=4500 K with a maximum relative area up to 20%. The distribution of spots over the stellar surface has been modeled. The warm spots have been found to be distributed at various longitudes in the hemisphere on the side of the secondary component and are most likely a result of its influence.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Soteriological capacity of the godhead and a problem of individuals’ dependence and release according to hindu tantrism

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    The issue of the spiritual liberation in Hindu Tantrism is closely linked with an idea of the primeval source of everything, or of that supreme, absolute Reality, God. Only such a free divine Being who has never known any bondages, can provide the release for the poor samsaric souls. The participation of the Godhead in life of suffering beings looks like a manifestation of a compassion. The divine grace is expressed in sending down of the blessed power (anugraha). Tantric deities paradoxically combine in themselves truly incompatible things, for example, knowledge and illusion. However, the duality of the tantric Deity is rather apparent than real. It is a consequence of the distorted focus of perception and of the unenlightened level of a person. The great soteriological gift bestowed by God, is rarely obtained by an adept without any effort or intent on his (adept’s) part. The spiritual path unfolds as from below, i.e. from a position of the subject, and from above, i.e. from the ultimate Reality

    Characterization of deep impurities in semiconductors by terahertz tunneling ionization

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    Tunneling ionization in high frequency fields as well as in static fields is suggested as a method for the characterization of deep impurities in semiconductors. It is shown that an analysis of the field and temperature dependences of the ionization probability allows to obtain defect parameters like the charge of the impurity, tunneling times, the Huang–Rhys parameter, the difference between optical and thermal binding energy, and the basic structure of the defect adiabatic potentials. Compared to static fields, high frequency electric fields in the terahertz-range offer various advantages, as they can be applied contactlessly and homogeneously even to bulk samples using the intense radiation of a high power pulsed far-infrared laser. Furthermore, impurity ionization with terahertz radiation can be detected as photoconductive signal with a very high sensitivity in a wide range of electric field strengths

    Fast processing of data from Sneg-2MP experiment

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    The following subjects are covered: Basic stages during computer processing of data from Sneg-2MP instrument, basic modes during separation and fast processing (separation of data during satellite flight, separation of burst data segments, sampling and analysis of initial burst data segment). Experimental results obtained on the basis of fast processed data are reported

    Training of Highly Qualified Scientific Personnel in Pedagogical Sciences: Retrospective Analysis (2011–2020)

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    Pedagogical sciences occupy a significant place in the system of training and certification of highly qualified scientific personnel. During the period from 2011 to 2020, about 10 thousand dissertations were defended in pedagogical sciences, which is 6.5% of the total number of defenses within the entire certification system. The subject of dissertations should correspond to the challenges of modern society and be aimed at the topical problems of youth education. The purpose of the study is a general assessment of the system of training and certification of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences, the development and testing of a method for identifying the mainstream in the subject of dissertation research and quantifying the implementation of priority pedagogical research directions in dissertation works for a ten-year retrospective period.The results of the analysis revealed a reduction in the number of dissertation defenses in pedagogical sciences, which is in line with the general trend of reducing defenses, aging of dissertation councils members, a small number of young doctors of sciences. Thematic analysis of dissertations has shown that research meets the challenges of modern society, while there is a slight thematic delay associated with the time duration of the procedure for preparing and defending a dissertation. The largest number of dissertations was devoted to various issues of higher education in comparison with the other levels of education. Among the academic disciplines, foreign language, mathematics, Russian language and computer science have gained the greatest popularity in the subject of dissertation research. The thematic mainstream includes the formation of professional and communication competencies

    Harmonization of Postgraduate Training System with the Certification of Candidates of Sciences

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    Harmonization of Postgraduate Training System with the Certification of Candidates of Sciences The activities of the postgraduate school and the network of dissertation councils represent the stages of the trajectory of the formation of a researcher with an academic degree. This means that their activities should be coordinated. The article discusses several approaches to the harmonization: at the level of each organization – by the presence or absence of one of the participants in the trajectory, and at the thematic level. For each approach, statistical estimates of consistency are calculated, and cartographic representations of indicators in the context of the subjects of the federation are given. The analysis showed that, in general, there is a territorial alignment of the organizations for postgraduate student training with the organizations in which a candidate’s thesis can be defended