286 research outputs found

    Trophic links of the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) in transformed forest ecosystems of North-Eastern Ukraine

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    The сhaffinch (Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus, 1758; Passeriformes, Fringillidae) is one of the most colourful forest species of birds living in Europe, West Asia and North Africa. The diet of this species was studied as a contribution to the conservation of the population of this species in transformed forests of the north-eastern part of Ukraine. Four forest ecosystems were studied: three model sites in oak forests, transformed under intensive recreation pressure, and one model site in a pine-oak forest. A total of 39 invertebrate taxa, dominated by Insecta (93.0%) were found. The orders Coleoptera (32.6%) and Lepidoptera (63.5%) prevailed in the diet of finch nestlings, the highest number of taxa (52.3–76.2%) was represented by phytophages. The phytophagous species also constituted the majority of the consumed prey items (44.0–55.6%). Environmental conditions provided an important effect on the diet structure. The most favourable foraging conditions for the species were found in protected natural areas. According to the analysis, the finch foraging efficiency was similar in all the studied sites. The highest biodiversity indices were found in a protected area of Homilshanski Forests National Nature Park. Results of the research have indicated the crucial role of Fringilla coelebs in the population management of potentially dangerous agricultural pests

    Rarity pool of basidium fungi of the east Ukraine

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    Досліджено видовий і созологічний склад грибів класу Basidiomycetes, характер поширення рідкісних видів у природних трансформованих екотопах Сходу України. Виявлено 711 видів базидіо­міцетів, які відносяться до 10 порядків, 56 родин, 176 родів. Раритетна складова включає 89 рідкісних видів, 12 зникаючих, 4 ендемічних і 7 видів, що охороняються на рівні держави та занесені до Червоної книги України. Запропоновано список із 35 базидіоміцетів до “Переліку видів, які перебувають у загрозливому стані та підлягають охороні” на дослідженій території.Исследованы видовой и созологичний состав грибов класса Basidiomycetes, характер распространения редких видов в естественных трансформированных экотопов Востока Украины. Выявлено 711 видов базидио¬мицетив, которые относятся к 10 порядкам, 56 семей, 176 родов. Раритетная составляющая включает 89 ридкис ных видов, 12 исчезающих, 4 эндемичных и 7 видов, охраняемых на уровне государства и занесены в Красную книгу Украины. Предложен список из 35 базидиомицетов в "Перечень видов, нахо-вают в угрожающем состоянии и подлежат охране" на исследованной территории.This work is devoted to the determination of species composition of Basidiomycetes in the East Ukraine and their sozological structure. 711 species of Basidiomycetes, which belong to 10 order, 56 families and 176 genera were found. The sozological structure is presented by 5 groups of fungi. Rarity Basidiomycetes pool includes 89 rare species, 12 vanishing, 4 precinctive and 7 species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. We offer an additional list of 35 basidiomycetes to “The list of species being under critical condition and are subjected to protection” on the studied territory

    Negative Magnetoresistance in the Nearest-neighbor Hopping Conduction

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    We propose a size effect which leads to the negative magnetoresistance in granular metal-insulator materials in which the hopping between two nearest neighbor clusters is the main transport mechanism. We show that the hopping probability increases with magnetic field. This is originated from the level crossing in a few-electron cluster. Thus, the overlap of electronic states of two neighboring clusters increases, and the negative magnetoresistance is resulted.Comment: Latex file, no figur

    Temporal dynamic of the phylogenetic diversity of the bird community of agricultural lands in Ukrainian steppe drylands

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    This study discussed the importance of the phylogenetic components in the structure of bird communities of anthropogenically transformed ecosystems. The investigation was conducted in the landscapes of the south and south-east of Ukraine in the nesting seasons 1988–2018. The bird community in the agricultural landscape was found to be presented by 10 species. The number of species was closely correlated with its phylogenetic analogue – Faith’s index. Both indices were stationary over time, as they do not show a statistically significant time trend. The two axes were extracted as a result of the DPCOA procedure and the permutation test showed their statistical significance. The axis 1 was the most sensitive to the opposite dynamics of the abundance of Coturnix coturnix and Burhinus oedicnemus on the one hand and Alauda arvensis and Melanocorypha calandra on the other. The axis 2 is the most sensitive to the opposite dynamics of Corvus monedula and Melanocorypha calandra on the one hand and Coturnix coturnix and Motacilla flava on the other. Based on phylogenetic diversity, the years can be clustered with the extraction of four relatively homogeneous phylogenetic structures of bird communities. The indicator of the initial period of dynamics (1988–1992) was Burhinus oedicnemus. Sowing or mechanical weeding may be considered as a major factor of nest destruction of Burhinus oedicnemus. The decreasing of the abundance of the trophic recourses because of agricultural activity may have caused the monotonous negative trend over time of the Burhinus oedicnemus populations. The period 1993–2003 was a transitional one, for which there were no clear indicators, as a characteristic feature of this period was the processes of bird community restructuring. The period 2004–2013 was characterized by the loss of Burhinus oedicnemus from the community and a sharp increase in the abundance of Corvus monedula. These species are distinguished by their phylogenetic specificity and are located on the periphery relative to the phylogenetic core of the community. There was growing importance in the community of such species as Alauda arvensis, Anthus campestris, and Melanocorypha calandra between 2014 and 2018. Our results also confirm the assumption that phylogenetic overdispersion is an important requirement for the stability of the bird community in anthropogenically transformed landscapes

    Soil algae and mesofauna communities in biotopes of forest rehabilitation in zhovti vody (Dnipropetrovsk region)

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    Вивченорізноманіття ґрунтових водоростей на рекультивованих ділянках і на ділянках за межами рекультивації у м. Жовті Води. Визначено систематичну та екологічну структуру альго­флори, домінантні види альгоугруповань. Складено конспект флори ґрунтових водоростей ділянки рекультивації (28 видів): Chlorophyta – 11 (39,5 %), Cyanophyta– 11видів (39,5 %), Xanthophyta – 2 (7,0 %), Bacillariophyta – 2 (7,0 %), Eustigmatohyta – 2 (7,0 %). Визначено таксономічний склад представників ґрунтової мезофауни.Изучено многообразие почвенных водорослей на рекультивированных участках и на участках за пределами рекультивации в г.. Желтые Воды. Определены систематическую и экологическую структуру альго¬флоры, доминантные виды альгоугруповань. Составлен конспект флоры почвенных водорослей участки рекультивации (28 видов): Chlorophyta - 11 (39,5%), Cyanophyta - 11 видов (39,5%), Xanthophyta - 2 (7,0%), Bacillariophyta - 2 (7,0 %), Eustigmatohyta - 2 (7,0%). Определены таксономический состав представителей почвенной мезофауны.The variety of soil algae was studied on areas of revegetation and without it in the Zhovti Vody. The systematic and ecological structure of algal flora and algae dominant species were indicated. We counted 28 species of soil algae on the dumps of uranium mining: Chlorophyta – 11 species (39.5 %), Cyanophyta – 11 (39.5 %), Xanthophyta – 2 (7 %), Bacillariophyta – 2 (7 %), Eustigmatohyta – 2 (7 %)

    The formation of sclerophilic ornythocomplexes in the quarries in the South of Ukraine and their conservation prospects

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    The ornithocomplexes of the quarries include both domain-specific breeding burrowing birds, or sclerophylls, as well as species from the surrounding biotopes. In the quarries 4 species from the group of primary minnows (Merops apiaster, Coracias garrulus, Alcedo atthis, Riparia riparia) were registered, and and 15 species of secondary burrowing birds (Tadorna tadorna, T. erruginea, Upupa epops, Falco tinnunculus, F. naumanni, Athene noctua, Sturnus vulgaris, Pastor roseus, Passer montanus, P. domesticus, Corvus monedula, Motacilla alba, Oenanthe oenanthe, O. pleschanka), as well as 25 related species of dendrophils, camphophiles. Riparia riparia colonies in quarries count up to 500-1500 pairs, Merops apiaster – up to 100-250 pairs, Coracias garrulus – up to 7-15 pairs. The core of the ornithocomplexes is the Riparia riparia and Merops apiaster. The process of formation of ornithocomplexes of quarries runs as follows: the new quarries in the initial years of their formation are first settled down by Riparia riparia, in 2-4 years there arrive Merops apiaster, then Coracias garrulus. In 5-10 years, with the coming of grassy and shrub-tree vegetation in large quarries appear 20-25 species of the related ornithocomplexes, represented by the steppe birds (Alauda arvensis, Anthus campestris), ruderal (Calerida cristata), shrub-tree (Phasianus colchicus, Perdix perdix, Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Otus scops, Cuculus canorus, Corvus cornix, Pica pica, Turdus merula, T. philomelos, Lanius collurio, L. minor, Sylvia communis, S. nisoria, Luscinia luscinia) meadow complex (Motacilla flava, M. feldegg, Saxicolla rubetra, S. torquata, Coturnix coturnix). Mixed or multi-species colonies of Riparia riparia and Merops apiaster comprise about 60%. Mixed colonies with associated species (secondary burrowers) comprise up to 10-15 species. Large species of birds occupy for breeding the habitats of crevices and cavities in natural cliffs and quarries. Annual changes in the species composition of bird nesting in quarries increases 2-3 times, the quantitative composition gains 10-30 times, which is related to the climatic, weather, and forage conditions of seasons and human activity. The decrease in the number of species-determinants (primary burrowers) leads to the breach of consortia, accompanied by a sharp decrease in quantity or disappearance of consortment species (secondary burrowers). Key words: Birds, Conservation, Ecological groups, Management, Ornithocomplexes, Quarries, Species diversity

    The formation of sclerophilic ornythocomplexes in the quarries in the South of Ukraine and their conservation prospects

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    The ornithocomplexes of the quarries include both domain-specific breeding burrowing birds, or sclerophylls, as well as species from the surrounding biotopes. In the quarries 4 species from the group of primary minnows (Merops apiaster, Coracias garrulus, Alcedo atthis, Riparia riparia) were registered, and and 15 species of secondary burrowing birds (Tadorna tadorna, T. erruginea, Upupa epops, Falco tinnunculus, F. naumanni, Athene noctua, Sturnus vulgaris, Pastor roseus, Passer montanus, P. domesticus, Corvus monedula, Motacilla alba, Oenanthe oenanthe, O. pleschanka), as well as 25 related species of dendrophils, camphophiles. Riparia riparia colonies in quarries count up to 500-1500 pairs, Merops apiaster – up to 100-250 pairs, Coracias garrulus – up to 7-15 pairs. The core of the ornithocomplexes is the Riparia riparia and Merops apiaster. The process of formation of ornithocomplexes of quarries runs as follows: the new quarries in the initial years of their formation are first settled down by Riparia riparia, in 2-4 years there arrive Merops apiaster, then Coracias garrulus. In 5-10 years, with the coming of grassy and shrub-tree vegetation in large quarries appear 20-25 species of the related ornithocomplexes, represented by the steppe birds (Alauda arvensis, Anthus campestris), ruderal (Calerida cristata), shrub-tree (Phasianus colchicus, Perdix perdix, Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Otus scops, Cuculus canorus, Corvus cornix, Pica pica, Turdus merula, T. philomelos, Lanius collurio, L. minor, Sylvia communis, S. nisoria, Luscinia luscinia) meadow complex (Motacilla flava, M. feldegg, Saxicolla rubetra, S. torquata, Coturnix coturnix). Mixed or multi-species colonies of Riparia riparia and Merops apiaster comprise about 60%. Mixed colonies with associated species (secondary burrowers) comprise up to 10-15 species. Large species of birds occupy for breeding the habitats of crevices and cavities in natural cliffs and quarries. Annual changes in the species composition of bird nesting in quarries increases 2-3 times, the quantitative composition gains 10-30 times, which is related to the climatic, weather, and forage conditions of seasons and human activity. The decrease in the number of species-determinants (primary burrowers) leads to the breach of consortia, accompanied by a sharp decrease in quantity or disappearance of consortment species (secondary burrowers). Key words: Birds, Conservation, Ecological groups, Management, Ornithocomplexes, Quarries, Species diversity

    Repolarization of ferroelectric superlattices BaZrO3/BaTiO3

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    The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation, project No. № 17-72-20105