7 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of Christine klapertaart in terms of non financial aspect and financial aspects.The result showed that non financial feasibility analysis shows Christine klapertaart feasible to proceed with supported aspects. Financial feasibilty analysis with 100 own capital is feasible with NPV value at df 18%., IRR is more than prescribed interest rate 18%, the value Profitability Index more than 1. Payback period shows that this business have returned investment within 2 years and 6 months 27 days

    Analisis Sub Sektor Perkebunan Pala di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the nutmeg plantation sub sector in North Sulawesi Province. These research ongoing 3 month begun from August 2015 until October 2015, starting from the pre-preparation until the preparation of research results. The examination took place in the Province of North Sulawesi. The data using in this research i.e. secondary data. Secondary data gained from the land of North Sulawesi province, to observe the production of Nutmeg in North Sulawesi province and sampling in two locations as largest nutmeg producing in North Sulawesi province knowing as Sitaro Islands Regency and North Minahasa Regency. Data examination in research using analysis of LQ (Location Quotion) and analysis of Shift Share.The results of research showing that LQ nutmeg commodity in the North Minahasa Regency in 2010-2014 > LQ value is 1, the value of Proportional Shift and Differential Shift Nutmeg commodity in North Minahasa Regency is located in Group II (Proportional Shift negative and Differential Shift positive) group that is growing (developing). nutmeg LQ of Sitaro Islands Regency in 2010-2014 LQ value nutmeg Commodity has a value > 1. Based on the value of Proportional Shift and Differential Shift Nutmeg commodity in the North Minahasa Regency is a group II (Proportional Shift negative and Differential Shift positive) group that is growing (developing)


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    This study aims to find out how the conversion of agricultural land in 2013 to 2016 in North Minahasa District. The study was conducted from February to June 2017. The data used were secondary data obtained from North Minahasa National Land Agency (BPN) and Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of North Sulawesi. Data analysis used is descriptive data analysis method by using tables and graphs to describe conversion of agricultural land in Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Analysis of the data taken is expert report of agricultural land function in North Minahasa District from 2013 to 2016. The results show that land conversion in North Minahasa District from 2013 to 2016 tends to increase. With increasing of farming land conversion means increasingly narrow agricultural land, while land conversion increases

    Analisis perbandingan tingkat inflasi di Kota Manado dan daerah perdesaan di Sulawesi Utara

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    This study aims to: (1) Describe the inflation rate in the city of Manado and rural areas in the province of North Sulawesi; (2) to analyze the comparative rate of inflation that occurred in the city of Manado and rural areas in the province of North Sulawesi; (3) To analyze the effect of the inflation rate of each group of public spending to the inflation rate in the city of Manado and rural areas in the province of North Sulawesi. The research was conducted in the city of Manado North Sulawesi for 3 (three) months. The data used is inflation data from January 2009 to December 2014, which analyzed qualitative, and quantitative descriptive in the statistical analysis using different test average analysis and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the average inflation rate for rural areas is relatively high compared with urban areas. seven groups of grouping expenditure in the inflation calculation period 2009-2014 showed that there are four groups that the inflation average rate is higher in cities than in rural, which includes foodstuffs, housing, electricity, gas and fuel; education, recreation and sports; and group transport, communications and financial services. The rest, three other groups show the average inflation rate in the city is lower than in rural areas, which include: food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco; clothing; and health groups. The inflation rate in the city of Manado produces the same patterns with the rate of inflation in the rural areas. The rate of general inflation both in the city of Manado and rural areas is strongly influenced by the inflation rate of seven groups of expenditure for goods and services which consist of foodstuffs, food, clothing, housing, health, education and transport


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    This study aims to determine the income of coconut farmers with horizontal diversification and cropping pattern which provide coconut production and greater revenue. The result showed that amount of the income of coconut farmers with horizontal diversification more than the income of coconut farmers in cultivated monoculture. Horizontal diversification of cropping patterns provides the biggest income is coconut-rice field

    Pemodelan Harga Lahan di Kecamatan Malalayang

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan Kecamatan Malalayang merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kota Manado dengan tingkat penggunaan lahan semakin padat setiap tahunnya. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus bertambah juga berpengaruh dalam peningkatan penggunaan lahan. Maka tidakl heran apabila harga lahan semakin tinggi di kecamatan Malalayang. Peningkatan jumlah perumahan dan permukiman di Kecamatan Malalayang salah satunya dipengaruhi karena adanya faktor-faktor penentu harga lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari jarak lahan ke Jl. Wolter Monginsidi, jarak lahan ke RSUP. Prof Kandou, status kepemilikan lahan, ketersediaan jaringan air bersih dan kemiringan lereng terhadap harga lahan dan mengetahui model harga lahan di Kecamatan Malalayang, dengan populasi seluruh pemilik lahan di Kecamatan Malalayang dan sampel sebanyak 40 pemilik lahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan regresi linier berganda menggunakan software SPSS versi 25 dan ArcGis untuk pemetaan. Berdasarkan  hasil  analisis model harga lahan di Kecamatan Malalayang Y  = 1681033 + 504.888 (jarak lahan ke Jl. Wolter Monginsidi) - 332.672 (jarak lajan ker RSUP Prof andou)  + 305218 (Status Kepemilikan Lahan)  + 1821319 (ketersedian jaringan air berih)  - 42229 (kemiringan lereng) serta menunjukan keterwakilan sebesar 53,9% variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap Harga Lahan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan variable jarak lahan ke Jl. Wolter Monginsidi, jarak lahan ke RSUP. Prof Kandou, Status kepemilikan Lahan, ketersediaan jaringan air bersih da kemiringan lereng berpengaruh terhadap harga lahan