224 research outputs found

    Hydrologie du bassin amazonien : compréhension et prévision fondées sur la modélisation hydrologique-hydrodynamique et la télédétection

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    Le bassin Amazonien est connu comme le plus grand système hydrologique du monde et pour son rôle important sur le système terre, influençant le cycle du carbone et le climat global. Les pressions anthropiques récentes, telles que la déforestation, les changements climatiques, la construction de barrage hydro-électriques, ainsi que l'augmentation des crues et sècheresse extrêmes qui se produisent dans cette région, motivent l'étude de l'hydrologie du bassin Amazonien. Dans le même temps, des méthodes hydrologiques de modélisation et de surveillance par observation satellitaire ont été développées qui peuvent fournir les bases techniques à cette fin. Ce travail a eu pour objectif la compréhension et la prévision du régime hydrologique du bassin Amazonien. Nous avons développé et évaluer des techniques de modélisation hydrologique-hydrodynamique de grande échelle, d'assimilation de données in situ et spatiales et de prévision hydrologique. L'ensemble de ces techniques nous a permis d'explorer le fonctionnement du bassin Amazonien en terme de processus physiques et de prévisibilité hydrologique. Nous avons utilisé le modèle hydrologique-hydrodynamique de grande échelle MGB-IPH pour simuler le bassin, le forçage précipitation étant fourni par l'observation spatiale. Les résultats de la modélisation sont satisfaisants lorsque validés à partir de données in situ de débit et de hauteurs d'eau mais également de données dérivées de l'observation spatiale incluant les niveaux d'eau déduits de l'altimètrie radar, le contenu en eau total issu de la gravimétrie satellitaire, l'extension des zones inondées. Nous avons montré que les eaux superficielles sont responsables en grande partie de la variation du stock total d'eau, l'influence des grands plans d'eau sur la variabilité spatiale des précipitations et l'influence des plaines d'inondation et des effets de remous sur la propagation des ondes de crues. Nos analyses ont montré le rôle prépondérant des conditions initiales, en particulier des eaux superficielles, pour la prévisibilité des grands fleuves Amazoniens, la connaissance des précipitations futures n'ayant qu'une influence secondaire. Ainsi, pour améliorer l'estimation des variables d'état hydrologiques, nous avons développé, pour la première fois, un schéma d'assimilation de donnèes pour un modéle hydrologique-hydrodynamique de grande échelle, pour l'assimilation de donnèes de jaugeages in situ et dérivées de l'altimètrie radar (dèbit et hauteur d'eau), dont les résultats se sont montrés satisfaisants. Nous avons également développé un prototype de système de prévision des débits pour le bassin Amazonien, basé sur le modèle initialisé avec les conditions initiales optimales fournies par le schéma d'assimilation de données, et en utilisant la pluie estimée par satellite disponible en temps réel. Les résultats ont été prometteurs, le modèle étant capable de prévoir les débits dans les principaux fleuves Amazoniens avec une antécédence importante (entre 1 et 3 mois), permettant d'anticiper, par exemple, la sècheresse extrême de 2005. Ces résultats démontrent le potentiel de la modélisation hydrologique appuyé par l'observation spatiale pour la prévision des débits avec une grande antécédence dans les grands bassins versant mondiaux.The Amazon basin is known as the world's main hydrological system and by its important role in the earth system, carbon cycle and global climate. Recent anthropogenic pressure, such as deforestation, climate change and the construction of hydropower dams, together with increasing extreme floods and droughts, encourage the research on the hydrology of the Amazon basin. On the other hand, hydrological methods for modeling and remotely sensed observation are being developed, and can be used for this goal. This work aimed at understanding and forecasting the hydrology of the Amazon River basin. We developed and evaluated techniques for large scale hydrologic-hydrodynamic modeling, data assimilation of both in situ and remote sensing data and hydrological forecasting. By means of these techniques, we explored the functioning of the Amazon River basin, in terms of its physical processes and its hydrological predictability. We used the MGB-IPH large scale hydrologichydrodynamic model forced by satellite-based precipitation. The model had a good performance when extensively validated against in situ discharge and stage measurements and also remotely sensed data, including radar altimetry-based water levels, gravimetric-based terrestrial water storage and flood inundation extent. We showed that surface waters governs most of the terrestrial water storage changes, the influence of large water bodies on precipitation spatial variability and the importance of the floodplains and backwater effects on the routing of the Amazon floodwaves. Analyses showed the dominant role of hydrological initial conditions, mainly surface waters, on hydrological predictability on the main Amazon Rivers, while the knowledge of future precipitation may be secondary. Aiming at the optimal estimation of these hydrological states, we developed, for the first time, a data assimilation scheme for both gauged and satellite altimetry-based discharge and water levels into a large scale hydrologic-hydrodynamic model, and it showed a good performance. We also developed a forecast system prototype, where the model is based on initial conditions gathered by the data assimilation scheme and forced by satellite-based precipitation. Results are promising and the model was able to provide accurate discharge forecasts in the main Amazon rivers even for very large lead times (~1 to 3 months), predicting, for example, the historical 2005 drought. These results point to the potential of large scale hydrological models supported with remote sensing information for providing hydrological forecasts well in advance at world's large rivers and poorly monitored regions

    Assimilação de dados por filtro de Kalman por conjunto em um modelo hidrológico distribuído na bacia do rio Tocantins, Brasil

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    Neste trabalho, o método de assimilação de dados por filtro de Kalman por conjunto (EnKF) é aplicado na bacia do rio Tocantins. Esse método atualiza as vazões do rio usando um modelo hidrológico distribuído. O desempenho de EnKF é também comparado com um método de assimilação empírico a intervalos de tempo horário, onde duas aplicações baseadas em transferência de informação de locais monitorados para não monitorados e previsão de vazão em tempo real são avaliadas. Na primeira aplicação, ambos os métodos de assimilação de dado conseguem transferir vazões a outros locais não monitorados, obtendo melhores resultados quando mais de uma estação localizada a montante ou a jusante da bacia são monitoradas. Na segunda aplicação, a integração de um modelo de previsão com EnKF consegue absorver os erros no início da previsão. Dessa forma, uma maior eficiência no índice de Nash-Sutcliffe para as primeiras 144 horas de antecedência é encontrada quando se compara com os resultados do modelo sem assimilação. Finalmente, a comparação entre os métodos de assimilação de dados no modelo de previsão mostra uma maior vantagem a favor de EnKF em maiores horizontes de previsão.In this work, the data assimilation method namely ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is applied to the Tocantins River basin. This method assimilates streamflow results by using a distributed hydrological model. The performance of the EnKF is also compared with an empirical assimilation method for hourly time intervals, in which two applications based on information transfer from gauged to ungauged sites and real time streamflow forecasting are assessed. In the first application, both assimilation methods are able to transfer streamflow to ungauged sites, obtaining better results when more than one station located upstream or downstream of the basin are gauged. In the second application, integration of a real time forecast model with EnKF is able to absorb errors at the beginning of the forecast. Therefore, a greater efficiency in the Nash-Sutcliffe index for the first 144 hours in advance in relation to its counterpart without assimilation is obtained. Finally, a comparison between both data assimilation methods shows a greater advantage for the EnKF in long lead times

    Estimando hidrogramas de projeto em escala de bacia : de simulações de eventos a simulações contínuas

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    Design hydrographs are widely used in practical hydrologic engineering problems. Typical applications adopt event-based (EBM) methods, using rainfall-runoff models to convert design hyetographs into design hydrographs. Uncertainties include the definition of antecedent conditions and the assumption of equivalence between hyetograph and hydrograph return periods. An alternative is to use continuous simulation (CSM) methods, by forcing a rainfall-runoff model with long precipitation series, and directly analyzing the output discharges. To better understand uncertainties in the EBM method and differences between CSM and EBM ones, we applied a hydrological model in the Itajaí-Açu river basin to compare a CSM method with 730 different simulations of an EBM one, considering different basin antecedent conditions and design hyetographs (10- and 50-years). Results indicated that the EBM method leads to a large range of design discharges depending on the antecedent condition. CS-based 10- and 50-years maximum discharges corresponded to percentiles between 30% and 50% of the EBM estimates. Higher discharge variation occurred in sub-basins with larger maximum soil water storage. Our conclusions agree with the literature, which points towards CSM-based methods to estimate design discharges.Hidrogramas de projeto são amplamente utilizados em engenharia hidrológica. Típicas aplicações adotam métodos baseados em eventos (EB), utilizando modelos chuva-vazão para converter hietogramas de projeto em hidrogramas. Incertezas incluem a definição de condições antecedentes e a premissa de equivalência entre tempos de retorno da chuva e hidrograma de projeto. Uma alternativa é utilizar métodos de simulação contínua (CS), forçando um modelo chuva-vazão com longas séries de precipitação e analisando diretamente as vazões estimadas. Para melhor compreender as incertezas e diferenças entre os métodos EB e CS, neste estudo aplicou-se um modelo hidrológico na bacia do rio Itajaí-Açu, sendo comparados um método tipo CS com 730 diferentes simulações do tipo EB, variando condições antecedentes e hietogramas de projeto (10 e 50 anos de tempo de retorno). Os resultados indicaram que vazões de projeto muito variadas podem ser obtidas com o método EB, sugerindo uma grande incerteza deste. Vazões máximas de 10 e 50 anos baseadas no método CS corresponderam a percentis entre 30% e 50% das estimativas via EB. Por fim, uma maior variação de vazões máximas ocorreu em sub-bacias com maior máximo armazenamento de água no solo

    Estimando hidrogramas de projeto em escala de bacia : de simulações de eventos a simulações contínuas

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    Design hydrographs are widely used in practical hydrologic engineering problems. Typical applications adopt event-based (EBM) methods, using rainfall-runoff models to convert design hyetographs into design hydrographs. Uncertainties include the definition of antecedent conditions and the assumption of equivalence between hyetograph and hydrograph return periods. An alternative is to use continuous simulation (CSM) methods, by forcing a rainfall-runoff model with long precipitation series, and directly analyzing the output discharges. To better understand uncertainties in the EBM method and differences between CSM and EBM ones, we applied a hydrological model in the Itajaí-Açu river basin to compare a CSM method with 730 different simulations of an EBM one, considering different basin antecedent conditions and design hyetographs (10- and 50-years). Results indicated that the EBM method leads to a large range of design discharges depending on the antecedent condition. CS-based 10- and 50-years maximum discharges corresponded to percentiles between 30% and 50% of the EBM estimates. Higher discharge variation occurred in sub-basins with larger maximum soil water storage. Our conclusions agree with the literature, which points towards CSM-based methods to estimate design discharges.Hidrogramas de projeto são amplamente utilizados em engenharia hidrológica. Típicas aplicações adotam métodos baseados em eventos (EB), utilizando modelos chuva-vazão para converter hietogramas de projeto em hidrogramas. Incertezas incluem a definição de condições antecedentes e a premissa de equivalência entre tempos de retorno da chuva e hidrograma de projeto. Uma alternativa é utilizar métodos de simulação contínua (CS), forçando um modelo chuva-vazão com longas séries de precipitação e analisando diretamente as vazões estimadas. Para melhor compreender as incertezas e diferenças entre os métodos EB e CS, neste estudo aplicou-se um modelo hidrológico na bacia do rio Itajaí-Açu, sendo comparados um método tipo CS com 730 diferentes simulações do tipo EB, variando condições antecedentes e hietogramas de projeto (10 e 50 anos de tempo de retorno). Os resultados indicaram que vazões de projeto muito variadas podem ser obtidas com o método EB, sugerindo uma grande incerteza deste. Vazões máximas de 10 e 50 anos baseadas no método CS corresponderam a percentis entre 30% e 50% das estimativas via EB. Por fim, uma maior variação de vazões máximas ocorreu em sub-bacias com maior máximo armazenamento de água no solo
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