3,042 research outputs found

    Effect of the Gribov horizon on the Polyakov loop and vice versa

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    We consider finite temperature SU(2) gauge theory in the continuum formulation, which necessitates the choice of a gauge fixing. Choosing the Landau gauge, the existing gauge copies are taken into account by means of the Gribov-Zwanziger (GZ) quantization scheme, which entails the introduction of a dynamical mass scale (Gribov mass) directly influencing the Green functions of the theory. Here, we determine simultaneously the Polyakov loop (vacuum expectation value) and Gribov mass in terms of temperature, by minimizing the vacuum energy w.r.t. the Polyakov loop parameter and solving the Gribov gap equation. Inspired by the Casimir energy-style of computation, we illustrate the usage of Zeta function regularization in finite temperature calculations. Our main result is that the Gribov mass directly feels the deconfinement transition, visible from a cusp occurring at the same temperature where the Polyakov loop becomes nonzero. In this exploratory work we mainly restrict ourselves to the original Gribov-Zwanziger quantization procedure in order to illustrate the approach and the potential direct link between the vacuum structure of the theory (dynamical mass scales) and (de)confinement. We also present a first look at the critical temperature obtained from the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger approach. Finally, a particular problem for the pressure at low temperatures is reported.Comment: 19 pages, 8 .pdf figures. v2: extended section 3 + extra references; version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Double non-perturbative gluon exchange: an update on the soft Pomeron contribution to pp scattering

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    We employ a set of recent, theoretically motivated, fits to non-perturbative unquenched gluon propagators to check in how far double gluon exchange can be used to describe the soft sector of pp scattering data (total and differential cross section). In particular, we use the refined Gribov--Zwanziger gluon propagator (as arising from dealing with the Gribov gauge fixing ambiguity) and the massive Cornwall-type gluon propagator (as motivated from Dyson-Schwinger equations) in conjunction with a perturbative quark-gluon vertex, next to a model based on the non-perturbative quark-gluon Maris-Tandy vertex, popular from Bethe-Salpeter descriptions of hadronic bound states. We compare the cross sections arising from these models with "older" ISR and more recent TOTEM and ATLAS data. The lower the value of total energy \sqrt{s}, the better the results appear to be.Comment: 14 pages, 8 .pdf figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Quark-hadron phase transition in a neutron star under strong magnetic fields

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    We study the effect of a strong magnetic field on the properties of neutron stars with a quark-hadron phase transition. It is shown that the magnetic field prevents the appearance of a quark phase, enhances the leptonic fraction, decreases the baryonic density extension of the mixed phase and stiffens the total equation of state, including both the stellar matter and the magnetic field contributions. Two parametrisations of a density dependent static magnetic field, increasing, respectively, fast and slowly with the density and reaching 24×10182-4\times 10^{18}G in the center of the star, are considered. The compact stars with strong magnetic fields have maximum mass configurations with larger masses and radius and smaller quark fractions. The parametrisation of the magnetic field with density has a strong influence on the star properties.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Distribution and Intracellular Localization of Titanium in Plants After Titanium Treatment

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    The physiological role of titanium in plants has not been elucidated yet, but a higher rate of growth , greater chlorophyll content and higher productivity, among others , may be attributed to this element. We have investigated the distribution of titanium in wheat seedlings after Titavit (a Ti ·ascorbate containing plant conditioner) treatment applied either through the leaf or through the root. In field experiments, we also sprayed spinach plants with Titavit. We have found a practically unidirectional tran slocation of Ti from the shoot into the root, and a preferential local ization of Ti in the nuclear cell fraction as seen by JCP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry). Electron microscopic X·ray microanalysis after chemical fixation showed little or no accumulation of Ti in the cells of the treated organs . However, if there was in appreciable Xray emission at 4.5 keV (Ti), it was recorded from the nucleoplasm and nucleolus. The comparison of ICPAES and X-ray analyses leads us to the conclusion that the majority of Ti may be in a diffusible form in the treated cells, except the nuclei, where Ti may be bound firmly

    A search for evidence of irradiation in Centaurus X-4 during quiescence

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    We present a study of the neutron star X-Ray Transient Cen X-4. Our aim is to look for any evidence of irradiation of the companion with a detailed analysis of its radial velocity curve, relative contribution of the donor star and Doppler tomography of the main emission lines. To improve our study all our data are compared with a set of simulations that consider different physical parameters of the system, like the disc aperture angle and the mass ratio. We conclude that neither the radial velocity curve nor the orbital variation of the relative donor's contribution to the total flux are affected by irradiation. On the other hand, we do see emission from the donor star at Hα{\alpha} and HeI 5876 which we tentatively attribute to irradiation effects. In particular, the Hα{\alpha} emission from the companion is clearly asymmetric and we suggest is produced by irradiation from the hot-spot. Finally, from the velocity of the HeI 5876 spot we constrain the disc opening angle to alpha=7-14 deg.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A as a R

    Le gisement de Asseiceira, Portugal (Miocène supérieur) Données complémentaires sur Freiria de Rio Maior

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    A new upper Miocene locality at Asseiceira (Rio Maior), near the top of the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" unit (Almoster and Santarém limestones) is studied. Animal and plant fossils are described. Comparisons are drawn to other localities related to the same unit: Freiria and Azambujeira (middle and upper levels, both with large mammals). Small mammals from Asseiceira and Freiria point out to a rather old age amidst the upper Vallesian, MN 10 mammal-unit. This gives a fairly accurate datation for the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" and for the short time span of the corresponding sedimentation. Climate was warm and quite dry, with contrasting seasons and arid events. During upper Vallesian times, climate in Iberian Peninsula was varied but drier than in France, and specially so in the inner basins. However in Portugal and in Catalonia climate would he less different in comparison with that of the Rhône basin. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário". Humid areas were closely surrounded by dense forests and these by broader and drier savanna or steppe areas. Still later, carbonate sedimentation ended. For some time there was still a river system with oxbows; humid areas probably were decreasing in favour of surrounding, rather dry environments. This study stressed the nced for revision of the geology of the region of Rio Maior and for a new geological mapping of that area. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário"

    Localization of the SFT inspired Nonlocal Linear Models and Exact Solutions

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    A general class of gravitational models driven by a nonlocal scalar field with a linear or quadratic potential is considered. We study the action with an arbitrary analytic function F()F(\Box), which has both simple and double roots. The way of localization of nonlocal Einstein equations is generalized on models with linear potentials. Exact solutions in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker and Bianchi I metrics are presented.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, published in the proceedings of the VIII International Workshop "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS'09), Dubna, Russia, July 29 - August 3, 2009, http://theor.jinr.ru/~sqs09