8 research outputs found

    Diários da pandemia: a saúde mental de estudantes universitários em 2021

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    Throughout Covid-19 pandemic, besides physical health, our mental health was at risk as well. The main purpose of this research was to achieve an investigation about the mental health status of Pedagogy students in a Public Institute of Higher Education, in Fortaleza-Ceará, in 2021. Specifically, it aimed: describing the students’ mental health status; investigating the impact of a pandemic reality on their learning capacity and collecting suggestions to improve mental health. A qualitative investigation was carried out, with 51 subjects, based on diaries and mixed questionnaires. The collected data, after content analysis, revealed a status of mental suffering mainly composed by fear; grief; anxiety and learning capacity difficulties.Throughout Covid-19 pandemic, besides physical health, our mental health was at risk as well. The main purpose of this research was to achieve an investigation about the mental health status of Pedagogy students in a Public Institute of Higher Education, in Fortaleza-Ceará, in 2021. Specifically, it aimed: describing the students’ mental health status; investigating the impact of a pandemic reality on their learning capacity and collecting suggestions to improve mental health. A qualitative investigation was carried out, with 51 subjects, based on diaries and mixed questionnaires. The collected data, after content analysis, revealed a status of mental suffering mainly composed by: fear; grief; anxiety and learning capacity difficulties.Na pandemia da Covid-19, além da saúde física, nossa saúde mental também ficou em risco. Essa pesquisa objetivou, em geral, verificar o quadro de saúde mental dos alunos do curso de Pedagogia de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior da Rede Pública, em Fortaleza-Ceará, em 2021. Especificamente, visou descrever o quadro de saúde mental discente; averiguar o impacto da realidade de uma pandemia na aprendizagem e coletar sugestões para promover saúde mental. Procedeu-se a uma investigação qualitativa, com 51 sujeitos, através de diários e questionários mistos. Os dados obtidos, após análise de conteúdo, revelaram um quadro de sofrimento mental composto principalmente por: medo; luto; ansiedade e prejuízo da capacidade de aprendizagem

    ASD and Inclusion: Teacher Training and the Use of Alternative and Extended Communication in Inclusive Educational Contexts

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    In recent decades, there has been a search for a model of education that allows the participation of all students in the same school space, that is, an inclusive school. Inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been a recurring topic and has posed challenges for teachers, families and school management aiming at the participation of these students in the school environment and its pedagogical practices. ASD is currently classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder marked, mainly, by the difficulty of interaction and social communication (APA, 2014). As a result, it is common for students with ASD to present verbal and/or nonverbal communicative deficits. Given the pivotal role communication has in ensuring the socialization and educational inclusion of students with autism, this research seeks to answer the following questions: How does teacher training prepare teachers to help students with ASD? What resources of alternative and/or extended communication (AEC) can enable students with ASD to better communicate with their teachers? In order to answer these questions, the present paper investigates the theoretical and political foundations that regulate the inclusion of students with ASD in regular school, and analyzes teacher training in its relation to promoting their inclusion. Thus, the present paper discusses teacher training for the use of AEC tools in the regular classroom. It is believed that the great challenge teachers face is continuing education of the pedagogical strategies and practices for assisiting students with ASD in their learning processes in the regular classroom. This paper also addresses relevant public policies and the responsibility of the public power to effectively promote education for all, an education that respects the Other as a true Other

    World Café Method: the Possibility of Understanding Active Methodologies in Remote Learning

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    The great challenge in these last decades in education is the growing search for innovative teaching methodologies that enable a pedagogical praxis able to form subjects with ethical, historical, critical, reflective, transformative and humanized profile. The present study stems from the following problematization: what is the contribution of the active teaching methodology called “World Café” in teaching and learning processes, so that it favors teaching innovation in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic? In facing this problem, the following objectives were listed: a) understanding the contributions of the World Café Method in teaching and learning process innovation; b) analyze the viability of the World Café Method in remote learning. A quali-quantitative, descriptive and applied methodological strategy is employed, drawing on Barbosa (2013), Berbel (2011), Brown and Isaacs (2007), Minayo (2010), Moran (2014) and Triviños (1987). The data were analyzed using discourse analysis techniques (Bardin, 2016). We conclude that it is possible to use the World Café Method in virtual, remote learning, as it enables the promotion of ideas, discussions, reflections, questions, and engages participants, that is, a collective learning process

    Políticas públicas para o atendimento educacional especializado em Fortaleza durante a pandemia

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    Currently, the world population is experiencing a unique moment in human history, due to the impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the objective of this article is to analyze, in a reflexive way, the guidelines developed by SME for the offer of ESA in time of social distance, due to the pandemic. It is a bibliographic study, of a descriptive nature, which included research, articles of the current literature about the public policies that guide the ESA and a documentary analysis, being part of this theoretical overview some laws, ordinances, guidelines and regulations. The results showed that the recent guidelines provided by SME / Fortaleza and the CNE, elaborated due to the pandemic, do not fully address the needs of Special Education students, that is, they are not sufficient to improve the conditions of the ESA students' learning process regarding the offering of inclusive education.Atualmente, a população mundial vivencia um momento ímpar na história da humanidade, em virtude dos impactos causados pela pandemia da COVID-19. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar, de forma reflexiva, as orientações elaboradas pela SME para a oferta do AEE em tempo de distanciamento social, em virtude da pandemia. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico, de natureza descritiva, que contemplou pesquisas, artigos da literatura vigente acerca das políticas públicas que norteiam o AEE e uma análise documental, fazendo parte desse apanhado teórico algumas leis, portarias, orientações e regulamentos. Os resultados evidenciaram que as recentes orientações disponibilizadas pela SME/Fortaleza e pelo CNE, elaboradas em virtude da pandemia, não contemplam na totalidade as necessidades dos alunos da Educação Especial, ou seja, não são suficientes para melhorar as condições do processo de aprendizagem dos alunos do AEE no que se refere à oferta de uma educação inclusiva

    World Café: metodologia ativa para a compreensão da Política Nacional de Educação Especial na perspectiva da educação inclusiva / World Café: active methodology for the comprehension of the National Policy of Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education

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    Este artigo versa sobre a análise e aplicação da metodologia ativa denominada “World Café”. A realização dessa ação aconteceu em uma oficina com 15 participantes, dentre os quais pesquisadores, professores, estudantes de cursos da graduação e técnicos da educação, durante uma edição do Congresso Internacional de Ensino e Formação Docente, em uma universidade pública do Ceará. Teve como objetivos: a) desenvolver ideias para a discussão e compreensão da importância do reconhecimento da Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva (PNEEPEI/2008) e dos outros serviços relacionados à Educação Inclusiva, a fim de instrumentalizar os professores no ensino a todos os alunos público-alvo da Educação Especial; b) e compreender as contribuições da técnica World Café na inovação docente no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, utilizamos como metodologia a abordagem qualitativa, enquanto a sua natureza decidiu-se pela pesquisa. Para a coleta de dados, optou-se pela observação participante. Os resultados demonstraram que a metodologia ativa denominada de World Café, enquanto ferramenta de trabalho criativa e colaborativa, proporciona a participação dos alunos de forma significativa e possibilita que todos sejam beneficiados no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, pois deslocam-se de um papel apenas receptivo para o de construtores ativos de todo o processo reflexivo sobre a temática selecionada.

    Project Model Canvas’ Contributions to the Project-Based Learning Method

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    The present study has as its main objective to contribute to the Project-Based Learning (PBL) Method, in face-to-face and/or remote education, with the help of Project Model Canvas (PMC), a project management tool; as secondary objective, it intends to become acquainted with PMC, as one of the existing Project Management methods, and understand PBL’s relevance for face-to-face or remote education. It is a qualitative review of literature; two digital platforms, Scientific Electronic Library Online (sciELO) and Google Scholar, were searched for papers in the field of Education that address PMC and PBL between 2013 to 2019. Results show that the integrating PMC into PBL would make project planning and management more collaborative and fluid, facilitating the delivery of the end product, thus promoting significant and integral learning of the subjects involved. At the end of the study, it is concluded that PBL may be better more efficiently implemented when combined with the PMC, a practical model for the creation and management of short, medium and long-term projects. The combined use of the two methodologies fosters the construction of meaningful, self-directed student knowledge, favoring the development of their cognitive and socio-emotional skills